HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-08-01, Page 208A, ,cLittros TAWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1974
one of his farms where he has Walter Humphreys' of Barrie
about 000 breeding ewes. w ho is Maple Field Man o f on.
The tour was organized by tario.
7.7?,E1/0A -r7IE e7 PP.
71174 Fr /c. c/G-
Sitly5 :
Garage Doors
9' x 7' pc. $ 1 05 95
Metal Storage Sheds
Model C65 $7775
Model G107
q 7950
IS 5111,11C'
$7 30
n oes
3 50
On Display
Gregg kitchen
Cabinets ,e:
3/sit 4 x 8 $630
Firplywood Sheathing
3/8" — 4 x 8
Select 1/2" — 4 x 8
T & C 5 /0" — 4 x 8
Spruce Construction Lumber
beautiful pieces
of kitchen furniture
they'll fit your budget
Reg. $7,30 Now $595
Many sizes & styles
'in stock
Maple syrup producers
meet in Huron
Anglican Church Notes
Rev. .G,A, Anderson .condue,
ted the service in St, Paul's
Anglican Church. The theme of
the sermon was "The wages of
'sin," The orchestra played
"Tell me the story of Jesus".
and also accompanied in the
:singing of the hymns. The
.Rowere were placed in memory
of the late Mrs, Mary Taylor.
United Church. Notes
Rev. Don Beck preached on a
parable "By Invitation of
Jesus" for the combined ser-
vices in Hensel' United Church
on Sunday morning, Mr. Earls
Shapter sang a solo entitled
"How lovely are Thy
Dwellings" accompanied on
the organ by Mrs, TurIthelm.
During the month of August,
services will be held in the Car-
mel Presbyterian Church at 11
a.m. with Rev, W.D. Jarvis as
• Mr. and Mrs. Arie Roobal of
Vuurbaken, Oud.Beyerland,
Holland, are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs, Sim Roobal for four
Miss Margaret Fuss R.N. of
Honolula, Hawaii for 14 years,
is vacationing with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fuss until
September. Mrs. Fuss under-
went eye surgery and is con-
valescing at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb of
Lucan, who motored to
Saskatoon and Regina and
other points of interest for
three week holiday, visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Schwalm and Mrs. Ivey.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Mason
and Andrew- of London, and
Mr. and Mrs. John Skea Jr. of
Huron Park visited over the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
John Skea Sr. Andrew Mason
is spending a week's holidays
with his grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McAr-
thur and their four children
from Snowflake, Manitoba,
visited Wednesday and Thur-
sday of last week with her
cousin Mrs. Laird Mickle.
Mr, end Mrs. Terrance Ivey,
Montreal, and granddaughters
Gayle and Dawn visited with
Mrs. Daisy Ivey on Tuesday af-
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Orr of
Exeter visited with Mrs. Rachel
Schwalm on Tuesday.
Mary and Gregory Merritt
have returned to Oceanside,
California, after spending their
summer vacation with Mr. and
Mrs. Carl' Payne,
Mr. and Mrs. John Rea Sr.
and David have returned from
a pleasant three week vacation
to Jedburgh, Scotland.
, Obituary •
Mr. Derk Jan Toonk passed
"away at his home at R.R. 2,
Kippen on Wednesday, July 24,
1974 in his 70th year,
He was the beloved husband
of the former Johanna Hurr-
The sixth production of the
Huron County Playhouse 1974
Eight-play Festival of Summer
Theatre is the smash Broadway
hit comedy, The Last of the
Red Hot Lovers by Neil Simon.
This is the first play by the
prolific American comedy
writer to be staged at the
Playhouse whose contributions
to the stage and screen have in- .
chided such bonanzas as Plaza
Suite, Barefoot in the Park and
Come Blow Your Horn.
The Last of the Red Hot
Lovers plays at the Playhouse
in Grand Bend, on the Stephen
B Line off Highway 81, Wed-
nesday to Saturday (July 31 to
Aug. 3) at 9 p.m. and at the
Kincardine Town Hall for the
regular Sunday-only perfor-
mance, Aug. 4, at 8;30 p.m.
The hilarious comedy deals
with Barney Cashman, 47-year-
old restauranteur, who sud-
denly .decides to be a swinger
before it's too late. He sets out
on a path of seduction which
ends in total failure. There's
the kinky, hippie-like actress he
meets in the park; a customer
nick; dear father of Gerald, at
home, and Mrs. Eugene fGer-
trtAdet Jacques, Condon;
brother of Gerald, Palmerston,
and Mrs. John (Marie)
Wassink, Drayton, Also sur-
viving are two brothers and
five sisters in Holland, He was
the grandfather of Brian
The late Mr. Toonk rested at
the Bonthron Funeral Chapel
in Hensall until Friday, thence
to Bethel Reformed Church,
Huron Street east in Exeter
where service took place with
Rev, Henry Van Essen of-
ficiating. Interment was in
Exeter Cemetery,
Pallbearers were Ba re nd
VanSteeg, Gerben Wynja, John
Neevel, Clarence Smillie, Orval
Cooper and. Herb Duizer.
Flower bearers were Albert
Toonk, Gerald Toonk and Gary
in his retaurant whose fingers
in shrimp sauce attracts Bar-
ney's attention, and there's his
wife's best friend. All are in-
vited by the cautious Casanova
to spend a few hours on dif-
ferent afternoons in his
mother's apartment. .while
she's out doing volunteer work.
. .providing some of the fun-
niest scenes ever created for the
Heading the Playhouse cast
is Bob Windsor as Barney, seen
last season in Like Father, Like
Fun. Mr. Windsor turned
playwrite recently when his
play "The Only Way to Live"
was produced in Toronto last
week. He has appeared on TV
and in Canadian-made movies,
including Neon Palace in which
he was seen as the Senator.
Barney's trio of would-be-
conquests are played by
Marilynn Harris, 'debuting at
the Playhouse in the role of
Elaine the customer, and
whose face is familiar to
television viewers through
numerous commercials;
Kathleen Forget who has the
Consumer champions Joan Watson and George Finstad will
again host Marketplace, CBC-TV's Sundays at 10 p.m. series
returning this fall. The popular electronic journal for concerned
consumers will be emphasizing product-testing in the new season.
opportunity to display her
comedic talents as Bobbi, the
wayout actress; and, Joan
Hanna, a Playhouse veteran,
who plays Jeanette the wife's
best friend.
Dining at the Playhouse
Friday and Saturday evenings
The fourth annual sumtner
tour of the Ontario Maple
Syrup Procincers Association
was held in the Huron County
ar=ea on Friday and Saturday,
July 26 and 27,
Producers from across On-
tario gathered at Albert
Schilbe's Maple Bush ,in
Goderich Township north of
Bayfield at noon on Friday for
registration, after which Albert
explained his modern set up
and answered questions on his
methods of tapping.
Next on the tour was Gordon
Westlake's syrup camp south of
Bayfield in Stanley Township,
where the Department of Lands
and Forest are working with
Gordon on woodlot
management. Methods of
marking and thinning were
shown by Cor Blenken of
Natural Resources of
The tour then moved south
to Charles Corbett's camp at
Brinsley where 2000 taps are
on dry vacuum and the sap is
processed in an oil-fired
The producers then gathered
at Centralia College for a bar-
becue chicken banquet and
square dancing with caller Mac
Marcellus of Barrie. Many
producers and their wives were
billeted at the College over-
The tour resumed on Sat.
morning after breakfast at the
College and stopped at Dave
McCallum's camp northeast of
Wingham. Dave is leader of
Belmore 4-H Maple Syrup
Club, the only one of its kind in
The final stop of the tour was
at Belmore Maple Products at
Belmore, operated by Walter
Renwick. This was the first
central plant in Ontario and
the Renwicks buy sap from far-
mers in the surrounding area.
They have three large oil-fired
evaporators and a steam
finishing pan. They produced
approximately 1,200 gallons of
syrup as well as other maple
After a pancake and sausage
dinner served in the Corn- .
munity arena, Mr. Renwick
'demonstrated his sheep dogs at
The month of August has
suddenly arrived and heralds
the main endeavours of.sthe St.
James Church Middleton.
First of all, this Saturday
August 3rd at 1:30 p,m. on the
church lawn, the A,C.W, is
holding "the garage sale with
the mostest" "Country Fare"
or Serendipity. There will be
bargains galore, homemade
baking, jams, jellies, produce
and good used clothing, the odd
antiques etc. See Coming
A flout:ishing and enter-
prising Youth. Club has been
formed in the St. James Church
and they have painted the
basement floor as their first
Sunday, August 18th at 11
a.m. the annual outdoor church
service and smorgasbord pot-
luck dinner will be held at
Stewart Middleton's Park. The
Rector, the Rev. George
Youmatoff is in charge and will
preach from a boat on the lake.
Last year, 350 persons atten-
ded and this year the church
fathers hope for 500! Do plan to
attend, make it a family
gathering, bring weekend
guests etc. We repeat, everyone
is welcome, who cares to at-
The popular musical group
"The Bradley Bunch" and
their uncle, soloist Seamus ,
(Jim) Doherty will supply
special music at the outdoor
• Personals
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wammes
and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Downey of London returned
Friday from a delightful motor
trip to the Maritimes, Ampng
the highlights were Prince Ed-
ward Island, Halifax, the Cobot
Trail and the great Tidal Bore.
Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Middleton
and family of Stratford spent
Sunday with. Mrs. Fred Mid-, (Retort.
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Mid-
dleton spent the weekend in
Toronto and were overnight
guests with Mr, and Mrs, Hugh
Middleton. They all attended
the wedding of Miss Barbara
Romans and Mr. Richard Staz
in Armour Heights, United
Church, Toronto last Saturday,
The Rev. Rowan Binnings was
the minister in charge. Barbara
is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
11,G, Romans of Toronto and
granddaughter of the late
Elizabeth Middleton Hampson.
Among those present were
the Lieut.-Gov. of Ontario, Dr,
Pauline McGibbon and her
husband Mr. Donald W,
McGibbon. The latter proposed
the toast to the bride. The
reception was held at The Inn
on the Park. Other area
relatives were Mr. and Mrs. J,
Boyd Taylor of Londesboro
and Toronto.
Mrs. Fred Middleton and her
brother Mr. J.M. Johnston of
Goderich attended the funeral
of the late Percy Graham of
Lucknow on Monday of this
Ontario statistics '73
At a recent luncheon meeting
with the Ontario Safety League
Directors, the Honorable John
R. Rhodes, •Minister of Tran-
sportation and C om -
mu nice tions, reported that
1,959 people died in traffic ac-
cidents in Ontario in 1973, and
more than 97,000 suffered per-
sonal injury. Both figures were
up over the preceding year.
However, the Minister stated,
figures for the first quarter of
1974 showed a downward trend
over the corresponding period
for last year.
Huron County Playhouse stages comedy hit
before the play continues in-the
Barn's rustic dining room, with
bar facilities remaining open to
all playgoers before, during,
and after the performance of .
the play, Reservations for din-
ner and theatre may be made
at the box office: 238-8387.
In Coniuction with The Retail Merchant's Sidewalk Sale
Mid-Summer Sale
Sherwin-Williams Paints
Spruce Plywood Sheathing
2" Cedar
4" x 4" Cedar
The many other items
we list in this ad
are as competitively as
our other merchandise
24' Roof Trusses
R's almost a year now
since we opened our new
store at 94 Albert 'Street.
Our new business
developed by this move
has been gratifying and by
way of celebrating while
good building weather ' is'
still with us we offer many
Sale Priced bargains which
we know will stand up to
comparison anywhere.
We are tying our sale in
with the Clinton Retail
Mil,rchanti Annual
' Sidewalk Sale" — Hope
you'll take advantage of
the many good buys in
Clinton this weekend.
Carriage House
towel bar, cabinet pulls,
hinges, twitch plates Mb.
Exterior Latex
White House Taint
$735 gat.
Ceiling Tile
Fissured Quartic
Reg. $19.00 ctn. Now $1440
Waferboard Sheathing
*Patio Stones
*Portland & Masonry Cement
•Sakrete Cement Mixes
*Sidewalk Slabs
*Stone Chips
A little over a year ago
we instituted a "Cash and
Carry" policy In our terms
of sale. We deduct 10%
from our regular price for
the obvious pay us cash
for your purchase and
carry it away. The policy
has proved mutually
satisfactory to our older
customers, our many new
customers and ourselves.
Black It Decker
Power Tools
Hand Tools
Always In Stock
Other sizes
readily available
These Specials
Are Cash and Curry. As Long As
The Stock Lasts
Reg. $5.35
Now $e
J W Counter Builders Supplies
Clinton 4824-9612 94 Albert St.