HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-08-01, Page 17Action Priced! COCA-COLA 100 4 26-fl-ox returnable $ bottles PLUS DEPOSIT Action priced! VANILLA, BUTTERSCOTCH OR CHOCOLATE RIPPLE ICE CREAM 'VviaRon carton 9 9 ste Brand Action priced! WHITE, PINK; AQUA,' 'YELLOW MARLBORO TISSUE Pkq. of 4 rolls 1-16 Vac Wieners VAC PAC lb 89? 1 lb Vac Pac "GREAT ON A GRILL!" 78? 6-oz Vac Pac 42 ? Cooked Meats H A Butt Portion SHANK PORTION lb lb $1.09 Cooked; Ready-to-Serve Smoked Centre Cuts or Ham Steaks lb 75c Super Right Canada Grade 'A" Reef L Freshr-15 Pieces TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE. ROLLS PRIDE OF CANADA Wieners (2-LB VAC PAC 91.49) TOWN CLUB, BY THE PIECE Bologna SHOPSY — ALL BEEF — "GREAT ON A GRILL!" lb 3951 Italian Sausage HIGHLANDER, FROZEN Cod Fillets $1•Beef Roasts tat lb • 3 aLeg Quarters 3 Breast Quarters 3 Wings lb 3 Necks 3 Giblet Packages r BONELESS BLADE or BOX-O-CHICKEN SHORT RIB ROASTS TOWN CLUB, FROZEN Pac 98? Beef Patties SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, 7 VARIETIES 11c LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! BURNS BRAND, BEEF & PORK (STORE PACK) 10c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! Sausages lb 78? SX BRAND 31c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! lb 78,1 1-lb pkg 99% "GREAT ON A GRILL!" 2-lb pkg $1•89 Action priced! DISPOSABLE . ..TODDLER' PAMPERS - DIAPERS r Pkg of 12 $1 19 co.•••\rA,15...1,‘,4,\A0 " 7 V.Y L.L Action priced! WIENER ROLLS 3 pkgs of 8 JANE PARKER (CHOCOLATE 690) (SAVE 6c) ' Chiffon Cake Orange 13-oz cake 63,1 JANE PARKER English Fruit Cake 1-110 9-oz cake 6911 JANE PARKER, PLAIN OR SUGARED (SAVE 8c) Family Donuts Pkg of 1259? JANE PARKER (BUY 3 PKGS — SAVE 35c) Twin Rolls- 3 pkgs of 12 $1.00 JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) Lemon Pie Full 8-inch P ie 69? Action Priced! MARVEL BRAND — ASSORTED FLAVOURS FRUIT DRINKS 3 48 fl oz bds $1 00 'A&P, FANCY, FROZEN 15-oz pkg 5 9% ACTION PRICED! 1-lb tub 59,1 ACTION PRICED! 19-11-oz tin 39% YUKON CLUB CASE OF 24 ASSORTED Canned Pop FLAVOURS $2.89 BORDEN'S, ASSORTED FLAVOURS POPSICLE$ Elsie-Stix Pkg of 1289,1 Strawberries ORIOLE Soft Margarine STOKELY NEW ORLEANS RED Kidney Beans Action priced! JANE PARKER, HAMBURG BUNS OR (BUY 3 PKGS — SAVE 17c) PALEN TPICIAN"sAYS WERE THE BOYS WHO DID INHERIT, If "EL /il •• EWLEDOE CTRICAL Of 6 AT movr On June 4, 1974, Mrs. Margaret Birch, Provincial Secretary for Social Develop- ment, introduced a new Provin- cial policy regarding day care for Ontario's children. Im- mediately a controversy erup- ted about the adequacy of the new program and considerable concern was expressed by Parents and those involved in the care of young children about staff training requirements and the proposed ratios of adult workers to children. The new ratios call for 1 adult worker to 4 children un. der 18 months of age, .1 adult worker to 6 children aged bet- ween 18 months and 2 years, 1 adult to 12 children for 2 to 4 years of age, and 1 adult for 16 children of 5 years of age. The Federal Government recom- mends a lower ratio of 1 adult for 9 children aged 2 1/2 years to 4 years and 1 adult to 12 ehildren aged 5 years. Two Other Provinces for which statistics are available enforce lower ratios than those proposed for Ontario. Mrs. Birch's .objective ap- pears to be to allow more children to benefit from the day care program without undue in- creases to program .cost - an.ob- jective with which we would all agree, However, if, as it is feared, the result of the' proposed changes 'is over- crowding and inadequate supervision the economy will be false indeed, Child care ' professionals remind us that the first five years of a child's life' largely sets in place his attitudes and expectations for the future. Good care at this stage is critical for the child's physical and mental welt being. There is no way to make up in later life for, what a child misses in his formative years. For the child who must spend the greater part of his waking hours in a day care .Centre, it is essential that he or she receives the kind of care that will develop his Cognitive skills, language and social skills. It is probably even more important for this little person to 'develop attitudes • of trust and affection in those who Care for him -- iinpoSSible to achieve ,Tin 'er/iiiifiorf 'over'-- crowding with high tension . !elicits, noise, confusion and in-. sufficient adult attention. • In addition, of course, a properly supervised day care program offers an excellent op- portunity 'to identify the poten- tially troubled child, the child with a perception handicap, or children with minimal physical impairments. It is at this stage that remedial prograins'should begin before real damage becomes, a burden to the child, and ultimately. society. Mrs. Birch has consistently refused to make public a Task Forte report completed at the end of June. last year. An earlier report on the Care and Education of Young Children has similiarly not seen the light •of day. The Minister insists that these' reports are confiden- tial, in-house documents. A. great sense of relief would be experienced by parents and day care workers if, through the release of these reports and the studies 'On which they are based, it could be shown that the proposed changes would provide sound child care. • Referring to the training of day care workers the Minister made the following statement in her June• 4th policy statement to the Legislature. "To encourage more parent and volunteer involvement in all Day dare programs, the Ministry has increasingly .been approving staff on the basis of individual competence and ex- . perience rather than by relying on any, particular set of professional qualifications. We will extend this practice by removing from the' regulations IIIUDD KUEHL • - it ' HURON PINES ELECTRIC iany 0!. Primo , **too 024901 • JACK'S JOTTINGS FIRIN infN $ PAH CLINTON ..NEWS-BECORD, THURSDAY, AUGUST• Day care centres need wide discussions 1974.6 A under the Day Nurseries. Act the requirement that all staff have specialized knowledge of what the regulations now refer to as 'Methods of Child Guidance', We will require no formal qualifications for staff in the supplementary after- school programs for 6-9 years olds, We will, of course, continue to require that supervisors of Day Care Centres have specialized knowledge, but once again we will recognize relevant experience rather than relying sorely on any particular professional background." Because of this statement very considerable unease is being experienced by child care worker§ who consider there is little real understanding of the particular skills that are required to care for young children and provide the enrichment programs that are necessar On Thursday June 21st, Robert Nixon, the Leader of the Opposition, presented petition on behalf of groups calling themselves the Commit.. tee in. Opposition to Revisions in the Day Nurseries Act, 5,304 Persons signed the petition, the. Majority of_whom were parents. To Mrs. Birch's plaim that the Ministry will not sup- port the vested interest of the daycare profession the pamts retorted that they have a vested interest they intend to support - the interests of their children. It is not clear whether the new regulations state a minimum requirement and day care centres are 'free to impose higher standards for their programs and still receive any provincial support to which they would be entitled. It ap- pears that municipalities can develop higher standards for their programs and still be eligible for assistance, The Ministry has recently set up a special committee to ad- vise it on Day Care Matters, In the face of continuing concern it is to be hoped that the Com- mittee will allow the widest possible public discussion of Mrs. Birch's proposals before the regulations to the Act are amended. vast OPEN MONDAY - 6 Only Top Quality Meats ! WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES ‹diavi West Street oderich IN SLICED (Buy 3 loaves—Save 17c) BREAD JANE PARKER • 60% OR 100% WHOLE WHEAT,OR CRACKED WHEAT . , si aft uu loaves CANADA No..1 GRADE, ONTARIO GROWN POTATOES 10-1b bag 79% ONTARIO GROWN, LARGE BUNCHES CARROTS 2 bu 39? MEXICAN GROWN, JUICY, FLAVOURFUL ,MANGOS each 39ii JANE PARKER ACTION PRICEDI POTATO CHIPS 94oz pkg 59? Heinz Spaghetti SUNRISE — CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES 7 FLAVOURS Hi-C Fruit Drinks 2 ASSORTED VARIETIES Bick's Relishes ALL .PRICES SHOW IN Tli: N Tin 1:0 Bag 69f THESE am. Pox ACTION PRICED! ACTION PR 5 ICED, VALUABLE BEAN COFFEE 48-fl-ox tie 9% CUP I n IIIIII MN MIN MN NMI MI MI NI WITH THIS COUPON SAVE 30? t 1 LB BAG 4 0 06 I I 8 O'CLOCK 100% BRAZILIAN -------- BEAN COFFEE COUPON Valid through Satirrday,.Aug, 3rd," 1974 I 1 Valid through Saturday, Aug. 3rd, 1974 S a cos lowilum min pm am la am mo um—am am ma maw Nom ACTION PRICEDI 48-fl-oz tins 85i 1241...liar 39? 'illARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, AUGUST 3rd) 1974. 3 09 1PREPAREb ACTION PRICED! COFFEE II • $ Heinz Mustard . 3 1. $1.00 - 3-LB BAG 6-fi-oz O'CLOCK— 100% BRAZILIAN IN TOMATO SAUCE WITH THIS COUPON