HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-08-01, Page 16Salad adds color, coolness, and nutrition to meals SUN LIFE a progressive company in a progressive industry GORDON T. WESTLAKE Phone 565-5333 BaYfield SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA AND STATIONERY ALBERT STREET CLINTON 482.9766 Try us for Service WE STILL HAVE BALER TWINE OPNOTCH LEDS LIMITED Phone 5274910 Seaforth 4*14INTQN NEWS-RgCORP, -THIASPAY, AUGUST 1, 1974. Pork producers•.'start county promotion program Ripley to hold Craft .Show The Huron County Pork Producers Associations has em- barked on an ambitious promotion program in the county. This year will see a repeat of the Pork Hostess Contest, All girls in the age group from 16 to 20 are eligible to compete regardless if they come from farm or town. The first three finalists will receive prizes of respectively $75, $50 and $25, with the winner to go to the CNE for the All Ontario Con- test where the first prize is $300. Len McGregor of OMAF and the county secretary Lloyd Stewart of Clinton as well as the township directors may be contacted to enter or to give more particulars. On August 29 the Annual Pork Barbecue will be held at The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food is again sponsoring 4-H Homemaking Clubs in Huron County. The project for the fall is "The Club Girl Entertains". This club is designed to help club members gain confidence in the practice of simple, gracious enter- taining. Miss Jane Pengilley, Home 'Economist for Huron County, will be conducting Leaders' Training Schools for Central by David Woods Vacation. A time to relax, forget your cares, recharge the batteries ,-- and all that. But no matter how good the sea- son of tans and tents, barbecues and bicycles may be for your health and well-being, it also brings its own health hazards, One of these, of course, is trav- elling itself. Have your car thor- oughly checked before—setting' off; wear seatbelts; try to keep children occupied; share the driving, if pos- sible; let passengers change seats occasionally; stop at regular inter- vals to stretch your legs; don't drive when you're tired. Always carry your OHIP card with you when you travel, and note the location of medical services wherever you stay. If you're vaca- tioning out of the country, make sure you've fulfilled all vaccination requirements for the place you're going to. If you're driving — at home or abroad carry a basic first aid kit. If you're boating, always wear a lifejacket and listen to the weather forecast before you set sail; if you're swimming, always do it in company. Make sure the mushrooms you pick really are mushrooms and try to recognize potentially danger- ous plants and berries. Perhaps the most common of these is poison ivy, a low-growing plant with three leaflets on each stalk and often with greenish-white berries. The skin area that has been in contact with poison ivy should be washed with strong household soap, and treated with calamine lotion. Bees, wasps, hornets, mosquitoes and blackflies may also decide to Seaforth where the Hostess contest winners will be selec- ted. This year's barbecue is ex- pected to draw over 2,000 visitors. A pork cooking demon- stration will be featured at the Zurich Bean Festival while some event at the Blyth The Goderich Pro-Life Group recently held an informal gar-, den party at the home of the chairman, Mrs, Pat Osborn to wind up the close of the "One Million Name Petition" to protect the unborn child. Special guests who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Huron on Thursday and Friday, August 15 and 16 at Blyth United Church, Blyth, and for the Clinton area on Thursday and Friday, August 22 and 23 at Wesley-Willis United Church, Clinton. If you have a daughter who will be 12 by September 1, 1974, and you are not familiar with a 4-H Homemaking Club in your area, please contact the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food at 482-3428. spend time with you on vacation — and there's not too much you can do about these uninvited guests. As a preventive measure, stay away from insects' nests, and warn children not to aggravate bees, wasps and hornets in particular. Insect stings can produce serious effects, particularly with persons sensitive to their venom. Most animals, some insects, and certain reptiles will attack if they feel threatened. This is true of the only poisonous snake in Ontario the small massasauga rattler, which inhabits a 20-mile area along the shorelines of Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, and possibly Lake Erie. If you are in the area, be aware of the location of the nearest antivenin depot. Since rabies continues to exist in the wildlife of Ontario, don't approach; observe from a distance. Foxes, skunks, bats and racoons are affected with rabies more fre- quently than other animals, but any animal exhibiting peculiar behavior should be given wide berth. 'Pet dogs and cats taken on vaca- tion should be vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days before the vacation period. In the event of attack by a sus- pected rabid animal, see a physician immediately, By law, all rabies cases or suspected cases must be reported to the local Medical Officer of Health. Hazards from fish hooks and other possibly tetanus-inducing ob- jects, such as nails or strong thorns, are of cgurse greater in the vacation season. And finally, there's the sun itself, Don't try to get that tan all on the first day — do it gradually. Tresher Reunion is being developed, Free pork recipes are distributed throughout the county in most stores. Any store not contacted and who wishes recipes for 'their customers part obtain them from the County Perk Association. McKinley; Mr, and Mrs. Jack Riddell; Mr. John Lyndon, Lib, Candidate; Mrs. Eileen Palmer, Councillor; and Dr. L.L. deVerber, London, Ont., newly elected president of "Alliance for life, The national head of all the Pro-Life Groups across Canada, with a member- ship of 600,000, Dr. deVeber succeeded Dr. Heather Morris of Toronto, who is now, past president. Dr. deYeber is' ,a paediatrician, his present position is Associate Professor, Dept of Paediatrics, U.W.O.; Director of Haematology Lab., Children's, Hospital; Director of Immunohaematological Div.' of the Blood Bank and the'Rh Service at Victoria Hospital; and Director of the Rh Research Laboratory. Dr. deVeber is medical ad- visor, and speaker for' the Lon- don Right to Life, and a direc- tor on the Board of Alliance for Life. He has recently made a set of slides on Life before Birth for the London School Board. He formed die organization, The London Society for the Protection of the Unborn; at which time he, along with Dr. 'Jack Walters, and Dr.. W. Tillman presented a Brief to the Standing Committee 'of Health and Welfare in 1967 while Parliament was debating the change in the law. Dr. • deVeber is married with a family of six children. Out of town visitors came from the Stratford and London Right to Life. About 75 people attended. Mr. McKinley, Mr. Riddell, and Mr. Lyndon were presen-- - ted wits ea eopY?'of Morafify and', the Law in Canadian Politics, The Abortion Controversy, by Alphonse deValk. The major part of the book is devoted to the abortion controversy in recent Canadian history. It traces the.development in favor of a change ,in the Criminal Code in the light of related at- titudes towards birth control, divorce, authority and pluralism of moralities. It examines the attitude of the Canadian press, the Canadian Bar Association, the Canadian 'Medical. Association, the four political parties, the churches, and many others who con- tributed to the debate. A Tribute to the Media was given in the form of a huge college. Press coverage and T.V. coverage were shown. It was hat's off to the Goderich Signal-Star, London and Wingham T.V. Red Cross reminds you to wear a Government-approved PFD (Personal .Flotation Device), when you water ski. "Ontario Salad", is sure to be a hit with tomato-lovers everywhere. It's a mouth- watering blend of marinated tomatoes, green pepper and onion that can be prepared in mere minutes, say Food Specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Food. This salad adds color, coolness and nutrition to summer picnics, buffets and barbecues. Good nutrition doesn't take a holiday so, even on warm sum- mer days, meals should still be (continued from page 1A) there a time limit to speeches, ("There should be," Jack said, "some of the members have the gift of the gab.") or if any mem- bers have fallen asleep in the Legislature ("It's not uncom- fritin 'Of" "fide *""tomeone snoozing.") With every weekday taken up by legislature sittings, commit- tee meetings and such, an MPF might look forward to a quiet weekend at home. But no such luck. ' "Your time is not your own in this business," Jack said. "Weekends are the only times your constituents have a chance to see you." When he arrives home Friday evening, he has a list of phone messages that have come in during the week. Every one must be answered. And while planned around the basic food families. "Ontario Salad", made with the vegetable family, contributes necessary vitamins and minerals. Tomatoes and green pepper are particularly distinguished family members, as they both are excellent sources of vitamin C, a vitamin often lacking in the diet of many Canadians. "Ontario Salad" is great for warm summer days. Because it can be made up quickly, the cook has more time to enjoy the summer sunshine without he remains home, there is a steady stream of visitors or the constant jangle of the telephone until his return on Sunday, Then there are all the social functions that an MPP is expec- ted to attend, the fairs and of- ,ficial openings, ';,,,ther presen- tations, the speeches and Meeting people, always meeting people. "They come from all walks of life and you have to remember everybody's name. That's very difficult," he said. "The biggest drawback to this business is sacrificing your family life. It's an added responsibility for your wife too. She has to make the decisions at home because a• member has his constituents to look after." . • But despite the \hours and the work involved, Jack can still say, "1- enjoy it all." Aoramomemmourimilin,ip Ripley Ontario will be a busy spot on the weekend of August 2, 4, 5. Friday And..Sattirday will be the biggest Arts and Crafts show of the area, with over one hundred crafters and. antique dealers displaying and selling their wares. Food will he plentiful at the continuous buffet and the out- side booths, Home baking, preserves and garden produce will be in good supply. Sunday afternoon is the Lions Club Beef Barbeque,' To name a few of the crafts that will be available are knit- Hoe, crocheting, quilting, rugs, Woe painting Oil painting, leather craft, .driftwood, novelties, weaving, pottery, jewellery, plaques, chair caning, Bruce County tartan dells,.candles, resin gifts, plants, toys and a whole room • of .books, There will be continuous cake decorating. If you have special occasion in mind, have a cake done specially for you, while you wait, . • Another new feature - an auction sale -of antiques and. this and that will take place in the ball :field. Homemaking club starts fall project TODAY'S HEALTH You can guard against vacation health hazards Pro-Life group meets 4•ImosIVINVIONI•elowyskgdarIemovaliMmiallI IIIIIONISMMIMMI.ININ NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Westeei-Bosco GRAIN BINS 1350 to 1500 Bushel Capacity (Jacks Available) GET YOUR ORDER IN RIGHT AWAYI HENSALL DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Phone 262.3002 4-, Nasal; MPP seven days a week HEAT HARVEST IS HERE Have you your producer number If not, we have forms for you We are ready to handle .your wheat crop neglecting the family's daily need for vegetables, Take advantage of the plentiful sup- ply of Ontario tomatoes and feature this salad soon. Smoothly-finished blue enamelware canner with lift-out 7-jar rack, en- amelled lid. Side handles for easy lifting. 8-Jar Cold-Pack Canner Orily7.97 First-Quality Maori Jars at special savings! Complete with vacuum-seal lids and rings. 16 oz. small Mason jar . 2.71/doz. 32 oz. medium Mason jar 3,46/doz. 60 oz. large Mason jar 3,97/doz. 8 oz, crystal jelly jar 2.47/doz Pack for deep freezing the easy way. Steam and water flow evenly into perforated inner basket for best results. 7 Quart Blancher Smooth, durable enamel finish helps protect your costly preserves from sticking or scorching. Swing-over and side handles, 16 qt. capacity. Fits over 4 to 10 qt, kettles for quick, easy ricing of fruits and vegetables. Bright aluminum finish. Rotary Ricer Your Chargex Card is welcome at most Pro Hardware Stores Special! Special!