HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-08-01, Page 142.A,CW1TQN NEWS,RECORD, THURSDAY,. AUGUST' 1, 1974
Maplefair Romeo Juliette, a purebred Holstein owned by Stein Bros., Belgrave, Ontario and
bred by Kenneth Snetsinger & Sons, Newington, Ontario has recently been classified Ex-
cellent for type. This is the highest rating that a Holstein can achieve. Less than 1 percent of
all Holsteins classified attain this rating. Not only is Juliette an outstanding type cow she has
yielded 19,949 lbs. milk containing 724 lbs. butterfat testing 3.63 percent in 305 days.
Project Sweep is here again
Perhaps the
birds• in the trees
don't realize it
but everybody else does
We at the P.U.C. have a great responsibility. As your custodians we must be at your service 24 hours a
day seven days a week. When you flick a switch It's our job to see that the lights come on. This, of
course, means that we must keep your equipment in Al condition and thoroughly up to date to make
sure we can meet the demands you may make on us.
That's why we face the ever present problem of updating equipment and building new lines.
That Is the problem we face. We find each year that added amounts we pay for labor, for transpor-
tation, for equipment and supplies are a little bigger. So far by the strictest economy and careful
management we have found it possible to operate within our existing revenue despite Increasing costs.
Now Ontario Hydro has raised the cost of the power we buy from them by 12 per cent. There no longer
is any alternative. We must go to you, the' consumer, to offset this increase in hydro cost. The P.U.C. has
¤ absorbed the cost of power increase January 1974 to date.
Rates, In terms of the service electricity provides you, will still be low. However, commencing Septem-
ber 1, next billings wilt show an average increase of 10.8 per cent to reflect theIncrease in the cost of
the power we buy. New Retail Rates are effective with ail billiisiFed•on:Mid:aller,SepfeMber 1;1974,‘
if't 'I
Present rates in effect
EffeCtive September 1974
First 100 K.W.H.
next 400
at 4.6 per K.W.H.
at 2.3 per K.W.H.
at 1.3 per K.W.H.
5.0 per K.W.H.
2.5 per K.W.H.
1.4 per K.W.H.
Consumers with metered water heater's having elements 1000-3000 watts or over the following rates will
apply on and after September 1, 1974 billing.
Present rates in effect Effective September 1974
First 100 K.W.H.
next 400 K.W.H.
next 1000 K.W.H.
at 4.6 per K,W.H.
at 2.3 per K.W.H.
at 1.1 per K.W.H.
at 1.3 per K.W.H.
5.0 per K.W.A.
2.5 per K.W.H.
1.25 per K.W.H.
1.4 per K.W.H.
House Heating Energy supplied through regular service meter at applicable rates.
Minimum monthly bill $3.50 Rate subject to 5 per cent late payment charge.
General Service rate schedule for one month
Present rates in effect
Effective September
5.4 per K.W.H.
2.7 per K.W.H.
1.9 per K.W.H.
0.8 per K.W.H.
First 50 K.W.H.
next 200 K.W.H.
next 9,750 K.W.H.
'at 5,0 per K.W.H.
at 2.5 per K.W.H.
at 1.8 per K.W.H.
at 0/5 per K.W.H.
Demand charge
First 50 Kilowatts of billing demand per month-nil
Balance at $2.40 per Kilowatt of billing demand per month
Minimum monthly bill $3.50 rate* subject to 5 percent late payment charge.
Delayed payment
A late payment charge of 5 per cent shall Apply to all bills not paid on Or before the due date.
Chairman, N.E.HARTLEY
Commissioners, C. BROWN, S4 A. GABON
Mayor, D.E. SYMONS
Manager, R.J. ROUSSEY
Secretary, .1, WISE
independent Shipper
United Co-operalive
of Ontario
Livestock Dept
Ship Your Livei;tock
Whole Beef '1.05
Half Beef :$1.06
Price subject to change
Roy Scotchmer
Monday is Shipping
Day From Varna Stockyard
„ By 7:30 a.m. Monday
For Prompt Service
No Charges on. Pick-up
Free Delivery
— Within 10 Mile
Ph. 262-5839
Special Buses
Bartliff's 'Bakery at 8:20 a.m.
Sat., Aug. 17 - Wed., Aug. 21
Sat., Aug. 24 Wed., Aug. 28
Par ticket!, and information contact
Bartliff's Bakery 482 ,-9727
The Ausable-Bayfield Con-
servation Authority has plan-
ned a. very ambitious SWEEP
Program for this summer, with
a greater emphasis on technical
work,. such as surveying, inven-
tories, and planning. SWEEP
stands for Students Working in
an Environmental Enhan-
cement Program, and the
Authority's SWEEP technical
students are well into their
summer's work, . under the
supervision of Jim Rowat, of
Seaforth.' In addition to his
work on master development
plans for Rock Glen, Parkhill,
and, Clinton Conservation
Areas, .Jim oversees and co-
ordinates the work of seven
other SWEEP technical
Dan Wilson of Exeter, and a
University of Western Ontario
ecology student,, is the Wildlife
Management technician, who
will be working on wildlife in-
ventories and management
Plans for a number of
Authority :properties, but in,
particular the Bannockburn
Wildlife Management Area
near Varna.
An important —part of the
SWEEP program is education,
and there are two Conservation
Education Research
technicians who are responsible
for determining how the
Authority's properties can hest
he used to help students and
the general public gain an un-
derstanding of our natural en-
vironment. The end product of
their work will he a manual on
the use of Authority Properties
for Outdoor Education.. These
two technicians are Wendy
Martindale, from the Univer-
sity of Waterloo and Gord
Schlegel, a graduate of London
Teachers College, from the
Grand Bend area. Gord's ad-
ditional job is that of Camp Co-
ordinator at the Authority's
Camp Sylvan Conservation
Mary Ellen Gingerich, of
ZUrich, also a University of
Western Ontario student, is the
Parkhill Recreation Co-
ordinator and she will be
working to make the Parkhill
Conservation Area more ap-
pealing to the public with
carefully planned events
designed to entertain as well as
educate those using the area.
Warren Knight of Brussels,
and a Sir Sandford Fleming
College graduate, is the plan-
ning technician for the
Authority this summer. His
main lob is to work on the
master development plan for
the Parkhill Conservation
Area. This will involve the
planning of more trails, picnic
areas, and camping facilities, as
well as co-ordinating the many
activities and facilities that
take place in the park, and
those that will he developed in
the years to come.
Ed I3ozik, a graduate of Fan-
shawe College, is the architec-
tural planner. Plans are in the
making for the construction -of
walking bridges for the Ban-
nockburn. Wildlife
Management Area near Varna,
a gatehouse and a Recreation
Centre for Parkhill Conser-
vation Area.
This year the Ausable-
Bayfield SWEEP Program also
has employed a public relations
girl, Carolanne Doig of
The Federal Minister of
Finance or, if necessary, the
Cabinet should, overrule the
governor of,. the „Bank of
Canada on recent increases of •
interest rates, and roll-back in-
terest rates as a counter in-
flationary move.
These are the views of Blake
Sanford, Region 3 (Ontario)
Coordinator of the National
Farmers' Union, who said
today in Guelph that "surely it
has become apparent to the
governor of the Bank of
Canada, and the federal gover-
nment, the practise of con-
tinuing to raise interest rates is
creating, not curbing in-
"It's a vicious policy. It's like
trying to put a fire out with
gasoline, at today's gasoline
prices, and has been totally
ineffective in reducing the rate
of inflation," said Mr. Sanford.
Mr. Sanford said farmers are
particularly hard hit by
escalating interest rates
because most depend upon
borrowed money for operating
costs of machinery, fertilizer,
repairs and buildings, but are
not in a position to include the
added cost to their finished
product. They, like the vast
majority of the working public
are stripped of their earning
"Other industries," he said,
"are able to include increased
costs to the end product price,
and do so regardless of whether
they use borrower capital."
"Increased interest rates
create a snowballing effect and
have instrumentally imposed
inflation on great numbers of
Canadian people who have no
Seaforth, who is responsible for
increasing the public's
awareness of not only the
Authority, its aims and objec-
tives, but also the summer
SWEEP Program itself. She
will endeavour to• keep the
public well informed of what is
being accomplished, and the
importance Of conservation in
the member municipalities of
the Ausable-Bayfield Conser-
vation Authority.
Other members of the
program. hired to date are Joan
McGugan of London, a student
at the' University of Western
Ontario, the SWEEP secretary
and administrative assistant,
Blaine Stephenson of Varna,
foreman of one of the work
crews, and .Jim Cousins, , a
counter action, while at, the
same time setting the stage for
exorbitant profits for • banks,
financial institutions and large•
corporations who are finan-
cially buoyant," Mr. Sanford
pointed out.
The revisions to the Bank
Act, proposed in 1965, and 'lif-
ting the ceilings on interest
rates,, supposedly so the
banking institutions could
become "more competitive"
could well be labelled as one of
the initial culprits to inflation
in Canada.
Mr. Sanford said that
following a substantial roll
back of interest rates then a
University of waterloo
graduate who is senior super-
visor for the 19 students who
make up the three work crews,
which will begin work on June
10th and June 24th.
Over the past three years, the
Authority and the
municipalities have benefited
greatly from SWEEP and they
are looking forward to another
successful program this sum-
Project SWEEP is one of the.
Ontario Youth Secretariat's
Summer Experience programs
and is undertaken and directed
by the Conservation
Authorities of Ontario, with,
funding from the Conservation
Authorities Branch of the
Ministry of Natural Resources.
ceiling should again be im-
Top Quality
Fourth Annual
Craft Festival
sponiored by
The Lucknow Agricultural Society
in the
Lucknow Arena
Fri. Aug. 2nd 12 noon-10 p.m.,
Sat. Aug. 3rd 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
For further particulars contact
Mr. and Mrs, Roes Errtnoton 504693
Bank must curb interest