HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-07-25, Page 19According to Clinton Raceway secretary,,Frank Cook, the backbone of his operation is these two ladies, Mrs. Dorothy Dupee, left, a former race secretary knows many of the entered hor- ses and here types up the entry card, while Mrs, Ena Cook, looks up the pertinent elegibility cards, (News-Record photos) CaNTQN Npw$,RE.cpRp, •THURSDAY, JULY go, 4974,4A Is your house insurance high enough? You'll find a friend where you- see this sign. Plus A Full Line of "Amerock" Products - *Door Knobs *Pulls r. Plus A Full Line of Vinyl and. Vinyl-covered Wood Mouldings % OFF All Panelling 2 Q °43 OFF All Paint Products 1 0 % OFF "NU-TOP" Counter Tops 1 0 % OFF All WALLPAPER STOCK ITEMS 20% Come While It Lasts! Good Construction Ply "D" Grade Plywood le at $5.20 & 5/8 at $1 1.70 Weekend Feature 2"x 4" Utility Lumber 1 2c LINEAR FT, L. Doors "Seconds" & up For The Best Values It's: 217 ISAAC ST. (South End) - CLINTON 48 2-66 5 5 . . „., . • . „., .. . . . .. In these days of time and ef- fort saving appliances, escalators replacing stairs, and automobiles replacing walking, it's little wonder that Canadians are among the most unfit people in the world. We have all heard that the average 60 year old Swede is probably fitter than the average 30 year old Canadian. Another little talked about comparison is that American on the whole are more fit than Canadians. Canadians were tested on American Heart Association standards of cardio-respiratory fitness and it was found that 40 percent of men and 47 percent of the women tested had fitness levels which could be classified as fair or low. Women generally are less fit than men, with women in the age group 15-29 rating lowest in that study. As Federal Health Minister Marc Lalonde stated, "The end result of all this shows an over- weight and inactive population, Our labour-saving devices, our automobiles, our eleyators and the use of television as (e, sub- stitute for physical recreation are contributing factors." • It is horrifying to think that 80 percent of Canadians are completely inactive while 50 percent of Canadians are over- weight in addition to being inactive. A study carried out by Nutrition Canada showed that overweight people ate the same Independent Shipper to • United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy Scotchmer Monday Is Shipping Day From 'Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up ti number of calories daily as people who maintained their normal weight. The reason some people gain weight is that they lead inactive lives and cannot utilize all the calories they consume which eventually become stored in the body as fat, Too often in the past we have tended to view health as the absence of disease, but in reality health is much more than that. A contributing factor to a person's health is his or her level of fitness. Physical fit- ness reduces anxiety, improves the functioning of the cardio- vascular system, and increases productivity in a work situation. Our Government is recognizing these facts and is beginning to investigate what its role should be in promoting the health of Canadian citizens. In' Ontario, the Provincial Government has set up a Task Force on Fitness to find out what the Ministries should be doing to promote individual fit- ness. The Task Force was set up under the auspices of the Ministry of Health, but there is representation from other Ministries including Education and Community and Social Services, The Task Force star- ted its work two weeks ago and is expected to make .recommen dations to the Minister of Health, Frank Miller, some time in November. Another Government group concerned with fitness is the Sports and Recreation Bureau, in the Ministry of Community and Social Services, which is about to launch an extensive new sports project, This Branch is the major source of govern- ment support for services to sport in Ontario, Further grants for approved recreation programs are paid to municipalities throughdut On- tario, from this Branch; Another area that could use same attention from the Provincial Government is fit- ness in the schools. The Ministry of Education should start placing mere emphasis on making sure that students are getting the proper exercise from the time they enter the school system until the time they leave. Hopefully by that time students will have developed good exercise habits which will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives. School administrators ought to be convinced of the values of fitness and its contribution to the quality of life. The Ministry should encourage and support continuing education for teachers responsible for fitness and health programs and also give higher priority in the curriculum to physical fitness and nutrition education. Finally school boards should increase their fitness facilities for students and also make these facilities available to the community. The Federal Government is also involved in promoting fit- ness, sport and physical recreation. The budget of the old Fitness and Amateur Sport Directorate was raised to 17 million this year, in keeping with the greater emphasis being placed on getting Canadians moving. I feel that although the Federal and Provincial Govern- mefits have their contributions to make in this area, it is essen- tially up to us, as individuals to run, walk, swim or do anything that will get our hearts pum- ping a little faster and our lungs working a little harder, Try it — you may like it. John Smith paid $60,000 for a new house in the summer of 1971. He insured it for $40,000.,. total price less $20,000 for the let. Just before his three-year policy expired, the house bur- ned to the ground. John Smith is out-of-pocket $16,000 because it now costs $56,000 to build the same house. John Smith is fictitious, but his dilemma of finding $16,000 more for the same house could be all too real for many Canadians who have let their insurance stand still according to J.W, Henderson, SeOretary of the Property Division of In- surance Bureau of Canada. "Construction costs have been increasing at about one percent per month for the past three years," says Mr. Hender- son. "Anyone who hasn't in- creased his insurance to keep pace could find himself facing a serious personal loss. Mr. Henderson said that any home owner who has not reviewed his home insurance coverage in the past year or SP should do so. "For most people, their home is their most valuable single asset, It is an asset which is rapidly apprecia.ting in value. It'should be protected properly, Statistics Canada studies of the cost of residential construc- tion, including both materials and labor, show that building a house costs an average of 40 percent more now than in January of 1971. In the Atlantic provinces the increase has been 48 percent; Quebec, 37,9 percent; Ontario, 40 percent; Prairie provinces, 40,2 percent and British Columbia, 38.5 percent, "In the Atlantic provinces, costs jumped 5.3 percent in the first four months of 1974," says Mr. Henderson. "While some insurance companies have policies which provide automatic • increases in coverage, even these should be reviewed to ensure that the in- creases are sufficient." Hy Joe nitro,' MP!' toe PA, Fiiil 1"-... (i ;-6• il THEM iy,A1101* .... di -4, LETS AMP WALKING- ..„.„ KEEP ALIVE ,.i„,. i, • ., At i'. 11111 . /.".affefi. THEIR REftEX-E,5 i I ARE 5LoWER-THEY ...?_-,ort MAY . NOT OE ABLE To OR INTER5ECTION5 QUICKLY ENOUGH- ,i.i lli : . ,n ' s N4 'iii WIPP' k. 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