HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-07-25, Page 17Top Quality MP Baked Goods! JANE PARKER (SAVE 10) Large size CAKE 59? --- — JANE PARKER (SAVE 6e) Chocolate Brownies 15-oz foil tray 83? JANE PARKER (SAVE 10c) Jelly Roll giant 1-lb 7-oz cake 890 JANE PARKER, RAISIN TWIST Coffee Cake JANE PARKER Chelsea Buns JANE PARKER Glazed Donuts JANE PARKER English Muffins , (SAVE be) 14-az cake 69? (SAVE 12e) 16-oz pkg 850 (SAVE 10c) pkg of 8 49% (SAVE 6c) pkgAk6, Jane Parker (Buy 3 pkgs—Save 35c) Snowflake ROLLS r 1 00 PKG OF 12 Start Fresh . . . les Salad Month! CANADA No. 1 GRADE, ASSORTED VARIETIES, EXTRA LARGE PLU LARODA NUBIANA QUEEN ANNE SANTA ROSA SIMKA 3,!1.00 SOUTH AFRICAN, FULL OF JUICE LEMONS 5 for 419 ABSOLUTELY NO COMPROMISE IN QUALITY AT A & P WEO Thie Weak...MakeTheSwitchtoAsP WEO! tueo PEPSI-COLA 2 Priced! 3 Deposit) 61-oz Action 790 (Pius 1 Action priced! Disposable — Daytime Pkg of 30 COMFEES $179 DIAPERS Actionpriced! Detergent OXYDOL King size 5-lb box JANE PARKER, SLICED, ENRICHED, WHITE OR WHEAT (BUY 3 LOAVES — SAVE 29c) SANDWICH BREAD 3 24-oz $100 haves Real Value! Pantry Self — Smooth PEANUT $ 3 2-oz BUTTER,?r WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES Action Priced! 29 More Fine Quality Values! Super-Right Canada Grade 'A" Beef "GREAT ON A GRILL!" BLADE or SHOULDER (Bone-In) STEAKS lb BONELESS 10c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! FRESH "GREAT ON A GRILL!" 7t LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! SHORT RIB ROAST GROUND CHUCK Blade Roast /b 98? Cross Rib Steaks lb $138 BLADE BONE REMOVED 10c lb Lower Than • Year Ago! "Graaf on a Grill!" 10e lb Lower Than a Year Ago! „s 1.1 lb $11 .0 8 Side Bacon i.ibYacpac99? Cottage Rolls VAC PAC lb 89,e TOWN CLUB SLICED 29c lb Lower Than a Vier Ago! TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, 7 VARIETIES BURNS, STORE PACK, BEEF L PORK At LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGOI Cooked Meats 6"" Vac Pac 42? Pork Hocks lb 32? SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, MEATY 27c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! 7c LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! Sausages lb 79% SX BRAND, HOT OR SWEET 30c LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! TOWN CLUB, FROZEN "GREAT ON A GRILLI" Italian Sausage lb 79?Beef Patties pkg 61,89 A PREMIUM BLEND RIO BRAND, FROZEN, CHOICE, SLICED COFFEE BOKAR INSTANT 10-oz Tar $1.89 Strawberries 15 oz pkg 49? BATHROOM TISSUE — WHITE, PINK, LILAC WITH PORK OR VEGETARIAN LIBBY'S BEANS 12 VARIETIES NINE LIVES CAT FOOD BABIES ONLY PLEASE MIX 8, MATCH — MUSHROOM, VEGETABLE BEEF, CHICKEN RICE, CHICKEN NOODLE CLARK SOUPS YELLOW, ACTION PRICED! pkg of 2 rolls 437` ACTION PRICED! 14-fl•oz tin 39? ALP SUNMIX CRYSTALS ORANGE 10-f,-ox tihi FLAVOUR 6-or tin 24? CORONATION RELISHES 3i$1.00 ALP BRAND, SWEETENED OR UNSWEETENED, RECONSTITUTED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48.fkoz tin 5 g YUKON CLUB 12 FLAVOURS INCLUDING PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT GINGER ALE poly pkg, of 2- 61/2-oz pkgs 4 30-fl-or btls 69? 99? Real Value! MP Charcoal Briquets 10-lb bag 20-lb bag 95? $1.69 Action Priced! BANQUET, FROZEN, TURKEY, CHICKEN, SALISBURY, MEAT LOAF MEAT DINNERS lb-ox pkg 59,6 ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, JULY 27th, 1974. SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, SLICED 3Be LB LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! Pork Liver lb 39i Actionpriced! 99 2-lb pkg Assorted Colours or Decorator WHITE TOWELS SWAN kP WesissStreet oderich Action priced! pkg of 2 rolls 795/1 Action priced ! Pantry Shelf Pieces 4 Stems MUSHROOMS 2 10-fl-oz 79,, tins — 'CLINTON NEW$711ECOBD, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1974.-,--54 Green Thumbers' 'club formed for junior hoiticultitivalists Early this Spring a new club was born when 32 children, ages eight to 14, met in the Robertson School under the leadership of Mrs. Jean Bar- nett, Miss Susan Williams, former president of the Clinton Junior Gardeners, outlined the pur- Poses, aims and activities of the club. A membership fee of 25 cents was decided upon and this fee entitles children to all activities of the club and entry in a special class for Junior Gardeners at the Senior Gar- den Club Flower Shows. Lectures on growing, general gardening tips and flower arranging, demonstrations are planned throughout the sum- mer. "Let's get Growing" was the theme of this meeting and Miss Helen Videan, president of the Goderich Garden Club, announced that this club had donated fiinds to purchase plants and seeds to get the young gardeners started on their individual gardens. She also encouraged them and offered various tips on growing and •showing. The name "Goderich Green- Thumbers" was chosen as the official name of this club. Junior ' Garden Clubs are becoming increasingly popular throughout Ontario and the U.S. and are promoted and en- couraged by the Ontario Hor- ticultural Association. At a second meeting, held early in May where member- ship fees were paid and mem- bership cards distributed, each child was given a box of well- established nursery plants and seeds of various varieties to, begin their own gardens. A brief outline of the Autumn Flower Show was given by Miss Videan and the story of "A Plant Called Joey" was read by Mrs. Barnett which included the most important factors in planting and caring for their newly acquired plants. _ A third meeting held two weeks later was well attended and roll call was answered by each child telling of his plan- • ting and his or her garden progress. Miss Videan gave' each child a Garden Club Year- book, *i4N ominati ons for :the executive were made at this meeting. Nominations for president were as follows: Scott Wilson, Beverly Mathers, and Janice Robertson; secretary- treasurer: Wendy Littlechild, Michael Madden and Karen Rac; membership committee: Jimmy Mather, Holmesville School; Susan Chisholm, St. Mary's School; and Monica Munro, Victoria School. Mrs. Barnett gave each child a cana lily tuber and promised a special prize for the winner of the tallest lily at showtime in September. The members were en- couraged to make posters, and dried flower arrangements for the Spring Show, but unfor- tunately without any previous assistance it was hardly a fair test of skills in flower arranging. The club was proud that Michael Madden won first prize with his basket of dried flowers and Sharon Moriarty and Beverly Mathers tied for third with their terrarium arrangements. Some of the "Oreen- Thurnbers" who were members of the Clinton Junior Gar- deners last year entered arrangements, in the Clinton Rose Show and prize winners isci MA;;iliiv) ip.A LEK TRICIAN N5 1.vs USTOMER CO FIDENCE WE NEVER ABLISE,70 6/YE THE PROPER ADVICE, WE NEVER DO REFOSE" * \---1 W ITH rHE KIND Or SERVICE, THATIRINGS - 11166ZHE GONG ,BILIDD KUEHL RHOS PINES ELECTRIC is mop at. PI10110 / &MOO 4824101 were as follows: Owen Moriarty, second; Michael Moriarty, third; and Sharon Moriarty, fifth, in the Garden Flower Arrangement Class. Be4erly Mathers won fifth place in the wild flowers arrangement class, Congratulations! These children inspired the rest with an account of their special thrill in winning in a Flower Show competition, and thereby encouraged others to compete in future shows, On Friday night, July 5, the Club met at the home of Mrs. A. Barnett, Black's Point Rd, They were given a brief tour of the gardens and grounds and explanation of some plants, their habits, etc, and a very brief demonstration of types of containers, and accessories Used in flower arranging by. Mrs, Barnett. The Junior Gardener's Creed was read in unison, followed by roll call, answered by telling, how each gardener present was progressing with his or her plantings. The minutes of the previous meeting and financial report was read and adopted, Election Of officers took place by ballot and Scott Wilson was elected president; Janice Robertson, vice-president; and Michael Madden as secretary-treasurer, Other executive are Patrick Madden and Beverly Mathers to assist in convening the Flower Show in September, A Nature Hike, followed by a picnic is scheduled for Wed- nesday, July 31, Children are to meet at the home of Mrs, Bar- nett, Black's Point Rd, at Iva() p.m. and will proceed down Highway 21 to the Old MacIlvvain log cabin where Mrs, Wheeler has cordially Of- fered to conduct a nature hike through the lovely woodland, complete with pond, etc,'back of her home to explain various areas, (Children are reminded to wear slacks and long-sleeved shirts as they are just liable to have many mosquitoes accom- pany them,) Bring along a lunch and a bottle of pep, At the conclusion of the nature hike, the children will visit one of Mr, John Hind- marsh's log cabins which he has graciously made available. In case of rain the hike will be postponed until the next day, A flower arranging class is planned for early September- The date and the instructor is to be announced later. Parents Are encouraged to 14" tend meetings with their children whenever possible. Voluntee'rs are needed to tran- sport children to and from the Nature Hike July 31st, and to help inspect the children's gar- dens in early August, Interested persons are cor- dially invited to join the fun. • • -