HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-07-18, Page 14FOR SALE Beautiful "furnished" two bedroom home - extra large living room, with raised floor, ceiling beams, dark paneling, blue shag. EXTRAS 1. Deluxe electric range 2. Automatic Defrost Fridge 3. Extra insulation $ I 9 9 9 00 TAX INC. TO SEE THE ONLY MOBILE HOME WE KNOW OF WITH AN 8 FOOT CEILING CALL [MYTH 523-4429 28,2s • CLINTON COMMUNITY AUCTION SALES FRIDAY NIGHT 7:30 P.M. MAKE ARAANGEMENTS TO ARING YOUR LIVESTOCK TO THIS SALE Phone • LCIRNE TYNDALL 4824202 42402 tin VI:INTaN NEWS-liNCQ81), murispAy, jt,n4Y 1$, 1974,43 IlieerePeiteseeeritie I,ARYICRES FOR SALE EVEBETT Lauckner EARTICUS FOR SALE LARTICLES FOR SALE 4, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Four bedrooth storey brick veneer, t 1 /2 baths, large family room with patio, gas and electric heat. Many features, 18 Huron, • Street, -Clinton, BRUGEFIELD-,-1 1/2 storey 4 bedroom, new vinyl siding, oil heat, 1 1/2 baths and kitchen modern. Excellent condition and large lot. 4, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE USED SAIL BQAT, II feet long SLACK and Red and White. FOR SALE; Sekine. 'Deluxe 10- with a 55 square ft. sail, Phone 482, currants and Gooseberries for sale, speed bieyele; excellent' vondition, .9447.-48.429b Phone 482-7720,---29 Phone. 482-96,13,29p HURON PINES REALTY LTD. 5$ KING ST, CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 402.7901 MI-S REALTOR Rare opportunity, lake front sum- mer cottage with extra wooded lot, fireplace, large livingroom, kitchen, 3 piece bath, 2 bedrooms *and, sunroom can be used for extra sleeping. Furnished and immediate pAos.l11 eysseajorn. round 3 bedroom cottage on good commercial zoned landscaped lot, automatic oil heat, completely remodelled, spotless inside & out, Living room 30 x 10, dining room 9 x 12, kitchen 20 x 12..3 piece bath wall to wall carpet, ideal retirement home. Permanent house in small town close to Bayfield, lot 60 x 10, with town water automatic oil furnace, car port, large living room kitchen and dining, 3 pc, bath.' 2 bedroom, Priced to sell. NfourSM441.4001,A, KonESittErosPAoRMLak. Huron, Twenty acres with house ex- cellently o 141:o fix raising barns. Bnarnshog beet or hares, All lend Workable. Three bedroom brick house, NO basement, dining room, living room, and sun porch. 'Desirable location, iftludes right of way to lake, on Highway 21. CLINTON HOME Well kept, older home close to shopping area, schools. Two bedrooms, living room, dining room. Separate pantry and kit- chen. Separate garage, shed treed fleanirgenyl.ot make this Ideal for small COUNTRY HOME Tastefully dec0rated home situated on five rolling acres near Goderich. This home has been fully remodelled, featuring a large living room, dining room with an open staircase, modern kitchen, four piece bath and three bedrooms. Atop a hill it commands a delightful view of surrounding countryside. Grounds are beautifully landscaped and in- clude a barn, All for only $45,000. Act now to have full summer en- joyment. PORK, government inspected, by the whole or half, Prepared by Scholia at Hensel!. Phene 482- 3120.-28,29b 1968 19' custom Citation. Sleeps six, fully equipped. Includes shower, hitch package and canopy, $3100. Call 482-7066 Morgan's Mobile Home Park, 343 Victoria St., Clin- ton, Ontr,-29,30 2A. ARTICLES WANTED le $4,1100. Truck Muhl busbies*, In-) eluding truck, equiPMent and know-how. UV' round book; for inspection, Four unit apartment building, t 3 bedroom unite, two 2 bedroom unite, all well maintained, $5, down Payment. $25,900. Cottage on Lake Huron, winterized and ready •to use year round, Air conditioning, TV serial rotor and tower included. WANTED to buy good used pianos and player pianos to restore. Send full information, condition, price etc. to Mr. L, Thirek, Box 24, KornOlia, Ont. Phone 471-1677,-28 to 30b FOR SALE Now four only new Modern three and tour bedroom homes In 'ex- coterie locations, cheerful rooms, 'custom kitchen cupboard*, luxurious carpet. These beautifully built homes have as low as 10% long term C.M.H.C. approved mor- tgages, AQUARIUM, .32 gal., one month old. 16 1/2" high x 12" deep x 36" long with fitted chrome canopy and gravel. $38.00 for all. Phone 524- 2495.--25tfnno Two bedroom, 1 storey frame, gas heat, mortgage available, 153 Mary St, Clinton 4 bedroom 1 1/2 storey stucco, 2 baths, gas heat, excellent lot, 33 Erie St. South, Clinton. WALNUT gate-leg table with jacknife leaf. Good condition, Eight sheets -ref Mahogany panelling. Phone 482-8842.-29pd - WE ARE now handling lots or part Iota of furniture and appliances, If you have artieles to sell privately or by auction.contact Rathwell's Auc- tioo Service, Phone 482- 3120.-32tfn GOLDEN FALCON, Citation, FlYte, Holiday Travel Trailers. Baron, Bellevee Hardtops. John,- eon.. Outboards, Boats. Truck Top- pers. We rent; we sell, Camp-Out, Hwy. 8W, Stratford, 393-5938.-15- 306 , VITAMIN and Food Supplements at discount prices. For free price list write; Beneficial Nutrient Co., Box 912, Station K, Toronto, Ont, IMP 2H2-29,30,31,32 Two bedroom, one storey brick veneer, carport with paved drive, oil heat. good location and well land- scaped. 125 Heron St. Clinton. Four bedroom, two storey solid brick, Two baths, new gas hot water furnace and wiring. Also included is 2 bedroom rented coach house, 63 Rattenbury East, Clinton. We have it, a lovely three or four bedroom older horn*, F.A. oil heating, centrally located on a comfortable lot. The remodelled, relaxed kitchen with its new built- in and laundry area is certain to please the whole family. The spacious living and dining room tastefully decorated accentuates the wall to wail carpeting. 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT Clinton home with 2 extra service lots, owner will accept a 10% mor Imo with a good down payment. Two storey brick horn* all beautifully decorated and remodelled. CHERRIES, Montrnoreneles, bring quart baskets, pick your own while they last, Ross Middleton Orchards, I mile East of Bayfield north of river.-29 .IAYCO hardtop trailers, travel trailers, fifth wheels, mini-homes and truck caps. Accessories, rentals. We need used tent trailer trade-ins. Bumstead Metal Fabricating, Wingham. Phone 357-2272,-24-29b FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys, Contact Herman's Meree Wear, 482-9351.---e22tfn Birch Beach 12 miles north of Goderich, 2 bedrooms, living room kitchen, 4 pc bath, close to lake. Priced to sell $10,500. New Flornes-2 three bedroom brick homes in Clinton. Two or three bedroom one storey frame, gas heat, broadloom, 'garage, large lot 154 Albert Street. Mor- tgage available. Three bedroom one storey brick, one and a half baths, dining room, gas heat, circular drive, garage, well landscaped. 176 Huron St, •Clinton. KITCHEN cupboards. 9' of finished birch upper and lower cupboards, with arborite top and double stainless steel sinks, Phone 482- 7896.-29 Farm with 80 acres and century old brick home, barns and driveshed on Highway 21.. Dream home overlooking Bayfield River with floor to ceiling fireplace in the 32 x 14 ft. family room with built in bar on one side, 2 car garage, 4 bedrooms with 2 workrooms. The living room, 30 x 15 ft. is ideal for entertaining. Main floor kitchen has all the built-In extras you could desire. Also a kit- chen Is on the ground floor for your convenience. CARPET SHAMPOOER for rent. Just arrived, the unit especially designed to do a professional, fob on your shag carpets. Available by the day at Smith Pro Hardware and Stationery, Albert St., Clinton. Choice Residential lots available in Huron Pines Subdivision; Pine Crest Subdivision and Matilda Street. 13' 10" FIBERGLASS PETER- 130R0 Princess boat. 35 h.p. electric start. Evinrude engine- boat has new convertable top, trailer in- cluded. Phone 482-9383 after 5 p.m.-28,29h Now is the time to list your property prices are good, prospects are good, 15 years experience in Bayfield area. ONE CHILD'S crib and mattress. Phone 482-7942.-29 Commercial or Residential custom builders. We build on any location, Wanted 50 to 100 acres with or without buildings. Please call ADAM FLOWERS BAYFIELD 565.2813 .e.se . . FORMAL RENTALS for all se:- casions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd. Clinton and Goderich,--cgtfn 21 FT. Day Cruiser and trailer. $1000. or best offer. Phone 482- 3794.-29,30p • SEEN a picture in the News-Record you would like to have? Get a per- manent print, either 4"x 5", 5" x 7" or 8" x 10", Order at 482- 9502.—e5tfnx HOBBY FARM Six acres plus seven room home and garage, Barn 65' x 40', drilled well, low taxes. Asking $35,000. NEAR BAYFIELD One hundred acres of riverfront property, near Bayfield. Wooded, scenic, secluded, this property has excellent retreat or develop- ment potential. Also forty acres workable. BUILDING LOTS Choice building lots located just east of Clinton on Highway 8. Per- fect for country living. In Brucelield --lust two lots left at a price you can't afford to pass by. CHOICE FARMS 250 acre cash crop farm with ex- cellent buildings and a 200 acre farm with modern full barn, loose housing and a frame home.. "MONEY TO INVEST?" First and second mortgage money required, excellent security and interest rates. CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent, Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Phone 236-4954 U PICK RASPBERRIES Next week at Bill Lobb's farm - Maitland Concession, Goderich Township 4 miles north of Holmesville. Boxes available. Phone 482-3263.-29n/c Summer Cottage 2 miles north of Bayfield, 3 piece bath, all fur- nishings easily modified for year round living. Built 1968- mortgage 'available, Sunset Beach. sammeimilmeemislianiusemieno viNemirmiliwommmite For an appointment at your con- venience, call HURON PINES 482. 7901. SODDING, Seeding, straw mulching. Sod 39c square yard at farm— No. /83 highway - 3 miles .west of Exeter. 35c delivered within 30 miles. Grading and laying at reasonable prices Phone 237-3202 if no answer 235-2478.--28-31b For your personal showing of these 'properties and many others phone RON SAMWAYS - 482-3337. A member of the London and St. Thomas Real Estate Board. ULS and MLS Listing Service Salesman. UNITED TRUST COMPANY 213 Dundee Street East, London, Ontario, (519) 433.3901 Mon. to Fri. after 4 p.m. Weekends anytime.-16tfn TFN K. W. Coiquhoun Limited Real Estate Broker HAL HARTLEY Salesman 482-6693 CUNTON, ONT. 14 Isaac St., 482-9747 1111111111111110 1 3A. PET' STOCK ELECTRICAL TOOLS, hand tools, garden tools, some furniture, all in good condition. One stove brand new, one commercial vacuum cleaner, one extension ladder 28', one 2 gal. weed sprayer, one three brush floor polisher. Apply to An- drew McFarland, Bayfield or phone 565-2444.-29 t BAILEY SHETLAND 1 Welsh pony, 3 years old, green-broke. Cali 482-' 7116.-2913 DAIRY AND CHICKEN FARM Modern dairy set up for 75 cows. 4 floor chicken barn with 8,500 sq. ft. floor area. Excellent 4 bedroom home, attractive kitchen con- venient- dining room, recently redecorated. Land is mostly level systematically tiled 235 acres. One of Huron County's truly outstan- ding farms. Asking $245,000 with terms.. BUGS BOTHERING? Control products available' for vegetables, flowers, trees, home and cottage and Yes - dogs and cats too, Durst. Farm and Garden Centre, Clinton. Phone 482-9333. Closed Sat. a.m.—tfn REGISTERED SCOTCH COLLIE puppies (Lassie type) Phone A. Grose, Fullerton, Ont. 229- 8207,-29b Real Estate GOOD USED CHESTERFIELD and chair. Phone 482-9993,296 82 Albert Street Phone: 482-9371 MASON BAILEY- -BROKER/MANAGER tgrcyr4IIiiltt no .M41%1,01:0 ii3)UA pew, brick homes . in, Six rooms, three bedrooms. Priced right for sale. New-one floor brick-home On High Street, electric heat, five rooms, and. carport, PUREBRED Saint Bernard pups. Reg Riehl, phone 524-8143.-29,30 THREE 450 gallon galvanized tanks, Could be tiled for storage of grhin. Phone 482-9219.—tfn ,RASPBERRIES—come and pick your own. No. §,,Flishmte e,halfway between Clinton & Seeforth. Phone 482-7168.-29b Interested? Glad to furnish full in- 10111460*w, s 3" .3 TOURIST CAMP' Twenty-four and onehalt acres of treed scenic property with 330' of lake frontage. Long established business with 700' of frontage on Highway 21, South of Goderich. Five cabins and four cottages now operating. Excellent recreational potential. COTTAGE IN BAYFIELD Comfortable 3 bedroom cottage, fully winterized, and electric heated, situated within walking distance from the lake, asking $19000.00 - ""- 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 100 ACRES GODERICH AREA This choice 100 acres of levet land 4 miles from the lake North of Goderich is being sold with crops included in Purchase Price. $800 an acre and open to any decent offer. Charming farm home with shade trees. Good barn, good roofs on house and barn. II BROADLOOM .................„ CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE * Wall to wall installation or Area Carpets. . * Sarni** shown in your home. * Free Estimates. * Guaranteed installations. We have carpet specifically designed for every room in your home. Quality you can trust i Front HOME FURNISHINGS 1 BALL A MUTCH LTD. Phone 482-9505 Clinton j .1.1,11,1i..44-4,41,..1, NEARLY-NEW, 10 speed bicycle, $50. Phone 482-7716 after 5 p.m.-29b 1969 C H EV Malibu, power brakes- steering, radio, 2 door hard top, very good condition asking $1200, Phone-. 527-0288,e-29,30,31b GOLF CLUBS for sale, good quality, seven wood for $8.00, Sand Wedge for $3.00, "Scuffler" chip- ping club, $4.00, D,vnaflyte Putters - $5.00 and Campbell chipper for $7.00, also ball retriever, two free balls and 25 tees, wood and plastic for first buyers. Phone 524-9106 evenings.—nc Low this ei ton. t,..„./ ease-,-t.erms on y hoine in Clin, 'of recreation Maitland River 67 METEOR (ford) 4 door, 6 cylin der, automatic, very good condition; 65 Dodge convertible V8 ienver steering and brakes, phone 482.3768 between 12;00 noon and 1 ' p.m. or after 6 p.m.-29b $625 ACRE House and Barn included in this 86 acre farm near Auburn. Rolling clay loam, some tile drains, good corn land, 80 acres workable. Make us an offer, Eighteen acres. property on the near Auburn, Modestly priced 1 1 /2• storey home, with six rooms in Clinton, gas heating, three bedrooms. One and a half storey hdme in Clin- ton, seven rooms, one and a half bathrooms, new furnace, large sun- porch and den. CLARKE ZINN GODERICH 524.8620 JO-AN SULLEN BAYFIELD 565-2421 PETER DAMSMA CLINTON 482-9849 ALBERT ST, OFFICE 482-3821 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE VIONNIMMINION1011111 PHILATELISTS: I have a rather large collection of stamps for sale. Mainly Canada, unused at low prices, Drop in and see what I have or give me a call 'at 524-9106 evenings. Special for this week only Quebec Tercentenary 1/2 to a 2c values mint for only $2,00.—nc BEEF CATTLE AND CAGE LAYERS Now is the time to buy this very good farm in Ashfield Township. New layers go in 1st week in August, 100 acres. Barns for 180 cattle, 2 silos, cement yard, feeble cleaner, implement shed. 5400 layer capacity with full basic quota. A too level farm with most attractive brick house 'and above average buildings. Priced to sell at $100,000. Vendor will lake 9% mor- tgage. 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THREE BEDROOM houses for sale at Vanastra, phone 482-•9590.—TFN We have several farms listed in the area. FOOD FOR THOUGHT "The best friends are those who know how to keep the same silen- ces." ONE ACRE AND SCHOOLHOUSE $9,500 or a reasonable offer buys this corner one acre, parcel surrounded by mature maples. Would make a perfect building spot for new home, convert the schoolhotise into a barn. Needs some clean up work done. Ex- cellent drilled well, new hydro ser. vice, septic tank. 20% TO 75% OFF SAVE UP TO 75.00 Attention Farmers PROVEN PRODUCTS for fly con- trol. Surge Milker Supplies, Animal Health Aids. Groundhog Cont rol Reqoirements. Durst Farm and Gar'den Centre, Isaac St. Clinton, Phone 482-9133. Closed Saturday aftereoons only,-29t fn. A- FOR SALE 1 SS INIATIA MUM ,laiell3arli% aftS SMALL STOCK FARM income plus room to breathe in the country. Steel barn 36' x 7$' set up for • tows. Ten *ores of spruce lined property, large brick home. Price reduced fie buy now. $16,000 11/2 storey 3 bedroom horne in Vanastra on corner lot With $90/month 1st mortgage payment. They don't sell for this anymore so act quickly, ROOM TO GROW • It you have a growing family you need this 3 bedroom horns In Vanastra, With 3 good sized bedrooms. We can arrange the finehcing for you. The reviler* are open to ANY REASONABLE OF. PER. 40 ACRES of Wheat eeraw in the Phone 482-9950,-29 ON SUITS SPORT COATS CO-ORDINATES D - LIVESTOCK GRASS SEED and MINERAL. Otto Pick and Sons Seeds Ltd. Rich- mond, Hill, Out. GRASS SEED Straight seeds or Forage mixtures, Seneca seed. Corn, Herhageum, Livestock Minerals. Phone 482. 7898,Richard Lobb sales Represen. Wive, Clinton,,—ttn* NOTICE:• Livesteck every Monday to 1.!Iiited Co-Operative of Ontario to Ontnrht 1404tock }^arils. insurance 'in effect from you r farm, call by 8 A,M, Monday to strange for pickup at your farm. Wm. Dale, Phone Sea fort h 527- 0471.--fin • -- F ESN BAKED DAI LY V? • SPECIAL • Cookies THIS FRI. & SAT. Hensail livestock Sales • Pastries ANTI-INFLATION PRICES OVER 200 GARMENTS IN THIS HUGE STOCK - REDUCTION SALE • Sweet Goods 24 OZ. WHITE WHOLE WHEAT & CRACKED WHEAT DON HOIST • Rolls FROM $ 1 995 to *REAL ESTATE LTD, REALTOR SS West Street 524-$1151 Jelin Duddy Evenings 442.00 John that*** $27-01311 Mika Russet* Etroningi 482-T4t3 BREAD 35t or 3/$1.00 SALES EVERY tHURSDAY At I:30 P.M. Ali Classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS %helot to* alloy llogiresvimi Limo** ttrortr thew M rt 4022 t put*0164., woe Olato liffrriat tel.41011 *ewe Bartliffs. Bakery Limited litakety anti Resthuriitit 41124727 CLINTON PICKETT and CAMPBELL LIMITED the Store rot Mot GObtkiCH KINCAROIN