HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-07-11, Page 16PLUS Grub:Luc, WED., THURS., FRI., SAT., JULY 10, 11, 12; 13 CHILDREN & to 14 50c UNDER 5 YEARS FREE These prices for this DISNEY ATTRACTION only Young love takes the helm ...and DAD FLIPS OUT! WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS' TECHNiCPL01:28 (1121' Malebo/I by bUENA VISTA OISTRIOUTION CO., Of. 01473 Walt Disney Productions Loaded with FUNI 0/6- •••• 1S.( PA L R11411.114111111 'VIM VISTA OISTAIBUTiON Co., iNC.•1111Wslk Nene, Produetiono--- SUN., MON., TUES., JULY 14, 15, 16 SEXUAL INADEQUACIES 3 WAY SPLIT COMING WED., THURS., 411., SAT., JULY 17, 18, 10, 20 ONE OF THE GREATEST ESCAPE ADVENTURES EVER ADULT ENT, 114_ fig #49774410r DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 5249981 OPENS AT a:00 SHOWS DUSK StARt AT GENE HACKMAN ERNEST LORGNINE -,,PLUS NEPTUNE FACTOR anton °Let Your Hops: ,tielen, and Des CemICIY. PHONEring 519-41-3421 Foot "''CLOUD 9" and Dja7 ivnt9cTORR°1/ 3 ST. ctINTON, ONTARIO b re 'MONDAY to SATURDAY NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT NOW APPEARING: Dave Hoy COMING NEXT WEEK Todd James Sunday Dinners 4:30 to 7:30 Special This Sunday Prima Roast of Beet Licenced under LC.B.O. New Ottawa building named after Clinton man Statistic Canada's new office building in Ottawa will he' named after a Clinton native, Robert H. Coats, The building will be named in honor of Mr, Coats, who was Canada's first Dominion Statistician. The title of the building will be made official at opening ceremonies this fall. Mr. Coats was born in Clinton in 1874 and received his public school education here, He graduated from. University College, Toronto with a Bachelor of Arts in 1896. Two years later, he joined the staff of the Toronto "Globe" and in 1902, was made associate editor of the "Labour Gazette," He becam'e Chief Statistician of the department of Labour in 1905. Dr. Coats was appointed to the dual positions of Dominion Statistician and Controller of the Census of 1915 and proceeded to prepare the organizational framework which became the Dominion Bureau of Statistics after proclamation of the Statistics Act of 1918. Always stay low in a canoe, don't go into rough water and do wear a PFD (Personal Flota- • tion Device). Sailing takes spbcial know-how, Learn from an expert. Always wear a PFD (Personal Flotation Device). Learn the rules of boating safety with Red Cross. Always wear your PFD (Personal Flota- tion Device) when you go in a boat. 10, BILL BOUSSEY Friday, July 1 Au 10' CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE rt.) ' 27,22 t, 4.",:)►R$At..0.14A41# • RECEPTION and DANCE for Katherine Forbes and Tom Archibald (Bridal Couple) Sat, July 13, 1974 at WHITE CARNATION Holmesville 9:30 p.m. Friends and Relatives Welcome 11 A BOTH IN EROTICOLOR OPEN 8:00. STS. HWY. B GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 A FILM SO EXPLICIT, EROTIC AND VIVIDLY GRAPHIC IT WILL MAKE ALL OTHER SEXUALLY ORIENTED FILMS UNIMPORTANT IF YOU ARE A MATURE ADULT AND HAVE SEEN THE MARRIAGE MANUAL YOU MUST SEE • SEXUAL INADEQUACIES JOEY SHAM • RHYMING! • THE MONEY THE DANGER THE , WOMEN ! Added Enjoyment asztwa BRIVE•IN TIMM NOW Ori THE FULL REVELATION OF THE WHY, THE WHO & THE HOW DO NOT MISS wARN N THIS FILM CONTAINS SEXUAL ACTIVITIES ADMITTANCE TO PERNS I TO SO ,G AND MATERIAL WHICH MAY BE OFFENSIVE RESTRICTED SOME 1! YEARSlU Of AGE r1 • f • • /27SSIR ,N A Bit L/PHIL LIPS PRODUCTION, OF A GEORGE ROY HILL FILM THE STING CONTINUES TIL TUESDAY, JULY 16 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JULY 12 & 13 AT 7:30 & 9:30 • A RICHARD D. ZANUCK , DAVID BROWN PRESENTATION (Foe your tuilest enjoyment — you must see this film from the beginning.) BEST •PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR # BEST STORY AND SCREENPLAY (Original) 4 BEST FILM EDITING • BEST ART DIRECTION BEST SCORING (Aclaplation) * BEST COSTUME • DESIGN , DAVID S, WARD • GEORGE ROY HILL TONY BILL and MiCHAEL & JULIA PHILLIPS PARK GODEffiClif 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-781 I AIR CONDITIONED COMING WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 4 BIG DAYS JULY 17, 18, 19, 20 • I- Fdnvitioni • Cbleg by DbLuste. 1 Heat aACHARA6H'S ".RincitOpS Keep nIle on My Had" as by B, ETWOra'El BUTCH & THE KID ARE BACKI Just for the fun of it I PAUL NEWMAN ROBERT REDFORD KATHARINE ROSS,- "BUTCH CASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID" WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FRIDAY July )0 - 11 - 12 WOODY ALLEN TAKES A NOSTALGIC LOOK AT THE FUTURE. 97+kody `Ditute- cAlleq," 'Keaton "Sleiper" • Ilmrcd R.. le 4f GREGORY PECK DESI ARNAZI "BILLY NITS" Adult Entertainment potted Artists WNW SAT. - SUN, MON. TUES. July 13 - 14 - 15 16 They'd never "forget the day he drifted into town. 1 ), Cj. AO. II' No (a • • PANA PAUL NEWMAN in a hell-of-a- racing story!, PAUL NEWT IAN in a hell- of-a{ romance! PAUL ANNIMAN JOANNE WOODW41.01 mom WAGNER, IN N A UArve +sal Aerelcate TECHNIOOLOA* PANAVISIOIV" , Mb: Adult Entert ,. BROWNIE'Svivrenv CLINTON - ONTARIO BOX OFFICE OPEN 8 P.M. - SHOW STARTS 8:30 P.M Coming Next Week "the bay of the Jackal" 1L "Charley Yorrick" Tues. July 16th it '2 Nite $2 by the CarlOad, Truckload, BuSload, Planeload or Boatload, • 1 .:r7CLINTON NEW§-HECORP,, THURSDAY, -AM A.1, 1974 NEW BINGO Clinton Legion HAIL 8:30 July 11. Admission„ $11 .fifteen regular games $10 each. 'Three Share-the-Wealth games, One Jaekpot. for $210 in, .60 -calls. Consolation, One call can $10 added weekly if not, won. LOL 710 is sponsoring a bus to St. Thomas for, July 13, It leaves Murphy's at 9 a.m. Please contact Connie Colelough at 482-7627, Bob Glen at 482.9292, or Tom Deeves at 482-9450. Cost $3.00 each.-27,28b THE MEMBERS OF MUR- PNY ROYAL ORANGE LODGE No 710 are requested to attend the next meeting on Thursday July 11, at 8:30 p,m. Also the Orange Parade in St. Thomas on Saturday July 13 at 28b Reception & Dance FOR Joyce Taylor and Bill Boussey BRIDAL COUPLE Sat. July 20,. 1914 at 4 Holly Gully Chalet VARNA 9 p.m. - I a.m. Lunch provided EVERYONE WELCOME -OP- Air 40 OP Stag! for Frank Buruma Sot. July 20, 1 974 at Clinton Community Centre Reception & Dance FOR Mr. & Mrs, Frank Boyce o t Varna on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary at Bayfield Community Centre Fri. July 19, 1974 EVERYONE WELCOME Reception for Glen & Lois Hayter nee Gould Sat, July 20 at ,Zurich Arena Wile by: "Slivertones" Lunch provided EVERYONE WELCOME Reception & Dance for Ervin Key* and Helen COIclough (Bridal Couple) Fri. July190974 Clinton LegioN Hall Orme** & A•Iativit Vi•lborew "CASH BINGO", ,Seaforth Legion Hall Friday, JU1Y- 12 at 8:15 p.m, sharp. 15 regular games for $10 each. Three specials for $25 and a $75 Jack- pet. to ,go each week. (Children under j.16 yrs. not .permitted). Admission $1, extra cards 25c each or 1' for $1. Proceeds for . welfare work, Sponsored by Branch 156, Seaforth Royal Canadian Legion. ALL HURON County craft- smen and artists are invited to participate in the Co-operative Craft Shop, Huron Historic Jail, For details phone Joan Vandenbroeck 524-9924 or Ed- wina Allen 524-7409,-28b THE SENIOR Citizens Picnic is to be held at Mrs. Carter's cottage July 17. Members bring a picnic basket and meet at the Clinton Town Hall at 2:30 p.m. for transportation.-28b THIS Saturday, July 13, First Seaforth Craft Festival from 10 to 10, Seaforth Community Centre; Wooden toys, raggedy ann dolls, wood carving, ceramics, needlecraft and an- tiques. Rug hooking, weaving, chair caning, refinishing and oil painting demonstrations. Adults 75c, children with adult free. Meals available.-28b BINGO July 16 Huron Fish and Game Club. 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $55 in 55 calls. Six door prizes. HULLY GULLY COMING EVENTS July 13 and 14- Sum- merfest- carnival rides, doon buggy races, remote controlled power boat races, tug of war, ball game. Summerfest dishes served Saturday and Sunday. Saturday night dance- Star Trex, tickets available.-28b CLINTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Pot Luck Picnic, Wed, July 17 at Stewart Mid- dleton's Park. Transportation available from library park at 3 p.m, Please bring silverware, dishes and lawn chairs, Lemonade provided. Further information available at 482 , 9356. Cancelled in case of rain,-28b Elm Haven Motor Hotel Clinton Now Playing McKenzie Monday to Wednesday Poverty Train Thursday to Saturday Yukon How Ontario plans to streamline its tourism develop, rent • was outlined here last week at the first joint meeting of the proviriefe.s 10, new travel associations and the minist.ryof industry and tourism. ' The first .giant step was the reorganization of 39 former regional tourist councils into 12 vacation areas embracing the province's entire tourism plant. This was accomplished after months of consultations with ministry tourism division of- ficials which set priorities for tourism • development and promotion, and the role the tourist associations will play, The ministry's funding struc- ture provides an outright $30,0011 administrative grant and a $45,000 ..cost-sharing grant to each travel association, In Northern Ontario, the ministry will absorti90 per cent of the latter amount for marketing, research and deyelopment projects. In Eastern and Central Ontario the ratio is 75 per cent and 50 per cent for the rest of the province. In leading the discussions, Fred Boyer, executive director of the ministry's tourism .division, said: "Ontario tourism: is now a $2 •hillion-a, year business and if resources of people and dollars are made available to us, we foresee $3,1 billion by 1979", Mr. Boyer added that $1.2 billion of the 1979 projection would be accounted for by U,S. and overseas visitors, The 10' operating associations come under the ministry-sponsored Ontario Travel Association Program which is ,coordinated by the ministry's Doug Jure, Huron is part of the Southwestern On- tario Travel Association in London, ENTERTAINMENT COUNTRY AND WESTERN Every Friday and Saturday Eyening TASTY. SNACKS • AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Or$.. ,ourisin now streamlined STAG for 5TEVE TYNDALL Sat. July 13, 1914 CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE 9-12