HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-07-11, Page 15Eric Peterson of Theatre Passe Muraille portrays William Lyon MacKenzie in "The Farmers' Revolt 1837". A lively tale about the settlers of the Huron Tract who rebelled against the Family Compact, the play will open in Goderich .at the courtyard of the old Huron County Jail July 30 if the Huron. Historic Jail. Board can sell 250 advance tickets. Persons wanting tickets should contact the jail at 524-6971. (photo copyrighted by C.A. Hyatt) An important segment of the revolt of 1837 is Huron County's history will dramatically recreated by come alive, in a few weeks when Theatre Passe Muraille. Watson, Webster. of Clinton recently marked his 55 year as a drummer by leading the Clinton Legion Pipe Band at the Lucknow reunion. Mr. Webster, 71', claims he is too young to retire and plays regularly for the band as well as helping his son on his Varna area farm. (News-Record photo) ATER SAFETY $ 3,O00 MONSTER BINGOS CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE -8:00 P.M. Monday July 15 Monday-July 22 Monday July 29 PRIZESIACH NIGHT $1,000.00 JACKPOT BINGO 3-SHARE THE WEALTH 15 REGULAR GAMES - $60.00 EACH SPONSORED BY CLINTON RECREATION COMMITTEE ADNIMBOD,N.,01 EXTRA,C#RD - 25c EA9C,9„R 5/$1.00 SHARE THE WEALTH 25c EACH OR 5/$t.00 JACKPOT CARD $1.00 EACH My sincere thanks ... to the electors in the Constituency of Huron'-Middlesex, for the gratifying ex- pression of support and confidence. I will endeavour to represent all constituents to the best of my ability. A very special thanks to all those who par- ' ticipated in the campaign. Bob McKinley M.P. for Huron-Middlesex available NOW. far IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Built in Canada, Ideally suited for Canadian driving conditions Astre Standard Features: 2800 cc (140 cu. in.) four-cylinder engine; 3-speed manual floor shift; 13.3 gallon gas tank capacity; powered ventilation with air exit louvres in door pillars; bumpers of anodized aluminum; instrument panel glove compartment; fOldlhg rear seat (on Hatohbok and Safari); concealed storage area beneath load floor (on Hatchback and Safari); unitized body construction; double panel doors, roof, hood and decklid; flush- and-dry rocker panels; bright metal hub caps with Pontiac emblem; tailgate moldings on safari; molded plastic door and quarter panels; map pocket in driver's door; front disc brakes with audible wear sensor; eut-pile carpeting (mats in Panel); full-coif suspension; automatic choke; dual speed electric Windshield washers and wipers; electric fuel pump; Delco energizer with side terminals; two-spoke steering wheel trimmed in soft vinyl; Flame Chestnut woodgrain applique on, dash; simulated sail panel louvres on Coupes; bright roof drip moldihgs (ex. Panel); windshield-embedded antenna when you order a radio; all-Vinyl br cloth end vinyl trial; engine coolant recovery system; exhaust and evaporative emission control systems; 15 exterior colors, Farmers .told to have pride Huron's history returns to stage • Although ' many persons dismiss Canadian histbry as being dull, their research proves that notion to be wrong. Theatre Critic with the Toronto Globe and Mail, Her- bert Whittaker, heralded the Theatre Passe Muraille as •fast becoming the top touring com- pany of Ontario. He reviewed their performance of the Far- mers' Revolt in glowing terms using words such as "exciting",, "realistic", and "imaginative". Margaret Rodger of the Stratford Beacon Herald rated the play as "an intimate view of regional history and a memorable one". "The plight of the homesteaders, oppressed by the unscrupulous Toronto Clique, ' becomes so vivid that one is almost tempted to look about for a'pitchfork and join them in their march on that city", she wrote. The mood of the performance ranges from funny to tragic. , Critics have called the quality of the acting a's first rate when the players create the scenes. They have been received with tremendous applause, and ac- claim across Ontario whenever they have performed. Persons interested in finding out why "'"The'Fartriers'Revolt 1837" success should contact the jail board for tickets at 524-6971. MINISMNIMW The Huron Historic Jail Board announced last week the touring company agreed to stage "The Farmers' Revolt 1837" at the courtyard of the jail beginning July 30 for five to 10 days, Members of Theatre Passe Muraille set one condition however, that the jail board must sell at least 250 advance tickets before they will come to Goderieh. According to reOiews the theatre company has received in the past, the play is worth seeing. The five actors bring history alive, portraying famous Huron County residents such as Tiger Dunlop and Anthony Van Egmond. Other characters include William Lyon Mackenzie who led the revolt, Bishop Strachan, Sir Francis Bond Head, enemy of the settlers, Canada Com- pany officials, government of- ficials and Huron Tract set- tlers. The plot emphasizes the characters of the men who revolted and members of the family compact who suppressed them. Director Paul Thompson and script writer Rick Salutin resiarphed the r„evolt thoroughly to make the play authentic. If it meanamore nitrogen for; this comes from oil and adds ..to the cost with todayS high fuel Prices. Phosphate is found mainly in inaccessible places and using more means higher cost to get it out of there .and to the farm. Only potash is in sufficient qoant.itipa ava liable. Increased use of fertilizers will thus increase the cost of food production and hence to cost. to consumers. Chemical herbicides and insecticedes, too. are derived from oil .4r coal (the most. costly one), It all adds up to only one thing higher food prices. It's the game with irrigation Which is very expensive. In the long run the land, especially. in arid regions, becomes salty and leas productive. Advances in plant breeding appear to have come to ir end, There is also a high risk of plant diseases wiping out an entire crop. Remember the corn blight of two years ago? The key to increased produc- tion is profit, If the producer can make a 'prOfit he can and will .buy these more expensive items. Now 10 per cent of eastern mann-factoring milk producers quit every year . because the lack of profit. The farmer must keep pace with the rest of society or he will drop out. Mason 13ailey expressed fear that with Huron County's agriculture zoning, some far- mers 'are losing, because land that was worth quite a bit of money before zoning, is now locked in agriculture arid All fishermen should know how to swim, know first aid, and carry a first aid kit with them on fishing trips, Wear a personal flotation device which wilt support you in your fishing, clothes. Keep in the swim with Red Cross Water Safety.. * * * Skin diving is fun, but it needs to be taught by an'expert. Don't experiment--enroll in a skin diving class. Keep in the swim with Red Cross Water Safety all summer long, CI iNTON NEW$-SECOP, Tfitni$00, ,31VIN 44, 107 5 Good New .s Drive. In of Plillen On Highway on Sun. July 14th at 8:30 p.m. Bringing. The Message In Song And Word will be Th• Chapeloires Bob Dryburgh from London come asyou are in your car ic=i1c==soc==xp=oc=xsc==or---1 • At the regular meeting of the Httro.n. Federation • of Agriculture the guest speaker Was JAMS McGuigan of Cedar Springs, who is an executive Member of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and among other important posts holds the position of President of the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association Mr, McGuigan lashed b11.1, at farmers who downgrade their business and in doing' so allienate their own children from a life that, with all its shortcomings, has much more to offer than an 8 to 4 ,job does, On the east of food, ,he stated that much has been Said about the capacity of the farmer to produce more 'food on. the same land. "Yes, we can produce . more but at a cost," he said, We're in the small car business PONTIAC FOR 1974 DIMENSIONS Wheelbase Overall Length Height • Width Tread Front' Rear Turning diameter curb-to-curb Road clearance Curb Weight (approximate) Headroom Front Rear Legroom Front Rear Hiprborn Front Rear Shoulder Rem Front Rear Usable Luggage SOW 'Total Cargo Volume (seat up) (seat down) HATCHBACK COUPE SAFARI PANEL 07 0 in 97 0 in 97 0 in. 97 Om 175.9 in, 175.9 in 175.9 in 175.9 in 50.0 in. 51 9 in. 58 0 ii, 52 0 in 65,4 in. 65.4 in. 65.4 M 65.4 in 55.2 in. 55.2 in. 55 2 in. 55.2 in 54.11n, 54 1 in. 54.1 in. 54 1 in. Top Trade-In Allowance 33.0 ft 33 0 II 33.0 it 33.0 It 4.6 lh, 4 6 in 4.6 in. 4.6 in. 2539113S. 2458,1es 8587 lbs 2473 lbs 37.4 in. 36 3 in 36 4 in. 38 0 in 35,6 in. 38 6 in. 37 7 in. 42.3 in. 42 1 in. 42.1 in 42.0 in 30.4 in, 32.2 in 32 64(3 49.5 in. 49.2 in 49 2 in 49 2 in 42.5 in. 42 5 in. 425 in 51.6 in. 51 6 in 51 6 in 51 G in 49.S in. 49 5 in. 49 5 in. 9.3 cu. ft. 8 7 eu ft. 24.6 cu fl 68 7 eu 11 18.0 cu. ft. 50 2 Ou. It - MIWOMAillary$PM We need your trade big or small Keep Your Backyard Private With Patio Stones & Picnic Tables Fiberglas Panels • 26" x 06" $5" Come In & See Our Large selection Standard Featums ALL ASTRE MODELS What are they like for gas mileage? Ask anyone who drives onel McGEE, Pontiac Buic GODERICH 5244391