HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-07-11, Page 11CLINTON. NE.W$41E0041), .THURSDAY, .JULY 1G1, 197
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Many businesses including:
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and Retail Trades,
have obtained loans from IDB to acquire land,
buildings, and machinery, to increase working
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and for other purposes.
If you need financing for a business proposal
and are unable to obtain it elsewhere-on
reasonable terms and conditions, perhaps IDB
can help you
Can Can IDB
help you?
Hugh Sheldon
one of our representatives
will be at Town Hall Council Chambers
23 Albert Street,
Clinton, Ontario. 482-9545
on July 15th, 1974 from 1 to 4 p.m,
(NSA 6Z3
1082 Ontario Strait, Stratford, Ontario
Thanks for making our 2nd anniversary
celebration a - roaring success. When our
Birthday Sale was launched two weeks ago,
we placed over fifty different items on sale and
asked all our customers to 'Come help us
celebrate. the biggest birthday sale in our
history'. Ando—people- did cortle."13St the'
thousands. All across Southwestern Ontario.
Thanks to you, our anniversary sale was one of
the most successful in the company's history.
And remember: Discount Dave's Home Centres
is a , division of Conklin Lumber Company
Limited - and Conklin's goes back nine
The party's almost over; our Birthday Sale ends
this Saturday, July the 13th. We wish we could
list the fifty items which were placed on sale
when the party started. But some of the items
are no longer available at all of our 17 bran-
ches. We can tell you, however, there are still
some wonderful buys available. So hurry on
back. All of our branches are open Thursday
and Friday till 5:30 p.m.; Saturday till 4 p.m. Kit-
chener, Windsor East and Windsor West are
open Thursday and Friday till 9 p.m.; Saturday
till 5:30 p.m. Amherstburg, Harrow and Owen
Sound branches are open Friday till 9.
Plowing match talked
Rev, Garnet A, Potter was in-
ducted into the Auburn Charge
of the United Church of
Canada last Sunday evening in
Knox , United Church, Rev.
Stanley McDonald of Lon-
desboro conducted the service.
Rev, John Roberts of Belgrave
preached the induction sermon
and Rev, Cecil. Wittick of Blyth
inducted Rev. garnet Potter
into the Auburn Charge com-
posed pf Knox United Church
and Donnybrook United
Holiday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs, Wilfred. Sanderson
were Mr. and Mrs. George
Robb and Michael of London
and Miss Barbara Sanderson of
Mrs. Frances Clark spent the
weekend at Port Stanley with
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McIntosh
and family.
Mr.' and - Mrs. ' Earl
Youngblut of Woodstock called
on relatives in the village last
Mrs. Emma Trommer was
taken by ambulance to
Wingham hospital last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Niblock
and family returned last
weekend from a trip in Quebec.
Mr. George Timm, Mrs. Erna
Bethke arid Mr. Henry Latimer
of Gorrie visited last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig of
Lucan visited last Sunday with
Mr. William J. Craig and Mr.
and Mrs. Maitland Allen.
Visitors with Mrs. Myrtle
Munro were Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Youngblut and family
of London, and Dr., and. Mrs,
J.G. Ferguson of Toronto.
Mrs. Jetrid Rueger and
Wendy and Hank Ferre of Lon-
don visited last Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cart-
wright and family.
Mr. and Mrs. James Vinall of
Belleville and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Gagnor of Toronto spent
the holiday weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Hamilton.
Miss Diane Kirkconnell of
London and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Youngblut of Kitchener
spent the holiday with Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell.
Mrs. Myrtle Munro visited
last week with her sister, Miss
Mary McEachern of Mount
Forest who is a patient in the
hospital there.
Misses Jean Houston and
.1 ' Jean Jamieson of Toronto were
weekend holiday visitors with
Mrs. Frances Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby
and John Raithby attended the
wedding last Saturday of their
grandson, Tom Raithby at
Doon Pentecostal church.
The Rev. Garnet A. Potter
comes to Auburn Pastoral
Charge from serving the Por-
cupine-Schumacher Pastoral
Charge near the city of Tim-
mins. He has been there since
1968, and this year was chair-
man of Cochrane Presbytery.
Mr. Potter spent his
childhood and teenage years on
a- farm in the Township of
Amaranth, County of Dufferin.
He was in the electrical and
plumbing contracting business
in the village of Grand Valley
for 11 years.
In 1954, he attended the
Elgin House Conference and
more and more became convin-
ced that God was calling him to
become a minister. In Decem-
ber 1956, he entered the full-
time work in the United
Church of Canada as a Lay
Minister supply, serving the
pastoral charge of Maynooth
and Fairground:,
During some of this time he
studied university subjects and
then in 1961 attended Queen's
Theological College, Kingston,
Ont, He, served as a supply
'student at Adolphustown at
this times: After graduation and
ordination in 1964 he served
the Kemble Pastoral Charge
for four years.
Mr. Potter is married with
three children. Mts. Potter will
be working at the Goderich
Psychiatric Hospital on the
nursing staff, having been tran-
sferred from Northeastern
Regional Health .Centre at
David, the older son has been
quite recently transferred from
Ottawa to Victoria, B. C. to
start a branch office for a com-
puting firm which enables
lawyers to obtain "instant
law", Alvin is in Toronto and
works as an editor ' for
MeLelland-Stewart Publishing
Company. Marion will be star-
ting Grade 13 come September
but chose to stay and work in
the north for the summer mon-
ths at least.
Although Rev, and Mrs, Pot-
ter have only been at Auburn
one Week they have been made
to feel very welcome and
already ate, a part of the coin-
inanity. They look forward
with a great deal of an
ticipation and hope for their
ministry here,
Thomas Haggitt accom-
panied by his son, George
Haggitt, Mrs. Haggitt and sons,
John, Paul and Michael of
Zurich attended the London
Majors-Stratford Kraven Knits
ball game in London last
Friday ,evening. Mr. HaggiWs
nephew, Larry Haggitt, who
plays with the London Majors,
was the honoured Player of the
Month and presented with a
trophy and ring at the game.
Larry is the son of Mr, and
Mrs. Joe Haggitt. of
Leamington. and they used to
reside in this village a few
years ago,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies, Mr.
and Mrs. Court Kerr of Ben-
miller, Mr, and Mrs. Harold
Carter, Goderich and Mr. and
Mrs. Cliff Skoirood, Clinton at-
tended the Ontario Horse-shoe
pitching competition at \
Dowling; Ontario. Mr. Kerr`
won the Senior Championship
for Ontario and Mr. Davies
placed third.
Bouquets and flower
arrangements of peonies,
delphinium, orange blossoms,
pots of gloxinia and flowering
cacti and a table of roses made
a lovely setting in the Auburn
Community Memorial hall for
the floral tea.
President Mrs. Kenneth
Scott welcomed the guests and
Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock was in
charge of the guest book. The
home made baking table was in
the charge of Mrs. Ross Robin-
son and Mrs. Myrtle Munro.
The white elephant table was
presided over by Mrs. Beth
Lansing and Mrs. Celia Taylor.
The attractive tea tables cen-
tred with a red rose in a crystal
rose bowl were in charge of
Mrs. Donald Ha,ines, Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Russel
Brindley and Mrs,. Frank
Raithby.. Guests were present
from Goderich ,Blyth and the
surrounding district.
This year's Bible School was
held during the week of July
to 5 at Knox United Church.
There was a daily attendance
of 62 children who attended
and there were 17 leaders and
helpers. ,
The classes ranged from Nur-
sery to the Youth group. They
Nursery, leader Mrs. Shirley
Andrews with helpers Mrs.
James Glousher, Tracy Machan
and Bradley Andrews, students
Sharon Snell, Michael
Hakkers, Julie Cunningham,
Grace Johnston, Brian Glenn,
Paul Plunkett, Rodger Cun-
ningham, Julie Drier, Todd An-
drews, Stephanie Durnin, Scott
The Primary class, leader
Jayne Arthur with helpers
Yvonne Bean, Lori Brown and
Lynn Hildebrand, students
Palph MoVittle„ Brian Wight-
man, Stephen Verbeek, Angela
Schneider, Daryl 'Plunkett
Walter Johnston, .Jerry
Hatters, Nancy Snell, Helena
de Vries, Olenyce McClinchey,
Carla Hebert, Scott Machan,
Shawn Seers.
Middlers, leader, Mrs, Peter
Verbeek and Wanda Plaetzer
with helpers Sherry Verbeek,
Susan Raithby, Sherry Pipet-
zer, Wendy Van Breda and
Linda Raithby, students Keith
Hallam, Nancy Verbeek, Patti
McDowell, Bradley McViltie,
Monica Hebert, Shelley
Haggitt, Joanne Slater, Sharon
alousher, Jamie Daer, Evelyn
Hakkers, Brent. ,Andrews,
Marilyn Archambault., Loris
Cartwright, Janice Daer,
Bradley Cook, Robbie Glenn
and Dennis Schneider.
Juniors, leader Mrs. Ted
Bakker and helpers Janet Cook
and Sherry Brommer, students,
Mary Jane Raithby, Kim
McDowell, Anita Hallam, Deb-
bie Cunningham, Carol Seers,
Kathy Machan, Linda Cun-
ningham, Michael Andrews,
Frank Slater, Derrick Cart-
wright, 'Darcy Andrews, Robbie
Plunkett, David Plunkett, Rod-
ney Cunningham, Kelly - Cun-
Each morning the children
assembled in the santuary of
the church where they began by
singing their theme song. The
music was played by Doris
Naylor and led by .Jayne Ar-
thur and Yvonne Bean. Each
day .they learned new songs as
well as reviewing the old' ones.
Then the Rev. Garnet Potter
began his talk with a scripture
lesson which went along with
the daily leSsons. Mr. Potter as
well as his wife told the
children stories each day. Then
--the-children departed to their
classes for their daily lessons,
The themes for the different
groups were Obey Jesus,
Forgive Others, Love Others,
Tell Others, and Grow like
On Friday evening the
closing program was held when
parents and friends were
guests. Each class with, their
leader did a number and sang
songs led by Jayne Arthur and
Yvonne Bean with Doris
Naylor at the piano. The of-
fering. was received by Doug
Glousher and Greg Hallam. All
were invited to go to the Sun-
day school room where the
display of arts and crafts were
on display.
The children with. their Sun-
day school pupils and friends
enjoyed races behind the
church. Winners of the races
were: Carla Hebert, Julie Daer,
Jamie Daer, Paul Plunkett,
Marilyn Archambault, Darlene
Hunkirig, Keith Hallam, Brent
Andrews, Anita Hallam, Carol
Seers, Robbie Plunkett, Keith
Hallam, Cathy Machan, Lorie
Brown, Greg Hallam ,Douglas
Glousher and Angela
Block race, Julie Cun-
ningham; bean bag, Helena de
Vries, Grace Johnston, Angela
Schneider, Brian Glenn and
Michael Hakkers.
Nancy Marie Sillery, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Ervin Sillery of
RR 1, Brucefield, graduated 'on
June 19 from Woodstock
General Hospital School of
Nursing. She has accepted a
position at the Mississauga
Hospital upon completion of
the R.N. Course. She is a grade
13 graduate of S.D,H,S. (photo
by Ford Studio)
Howard, paters of pashwood
was appointed chairman of the
local committee for the 1978
Plowing Match to ..be held in
Huron. County at the Huron
,Plowmen's Association meeting
on June 24,
A committee was formed to
look for a lsite hold the Inter,
'national Match scheduled for
Huron in 1978, On the commit,
tee is Howard Dittars,, Gordon
McCavin, John Clark, James
Armstrong, Don Pullen and
Russell Bolton. Mr, Datars was
named to head the local porn,
rnittse that will be responsible
for completing local
arrangements for the big Inter-
national event.
This year, the Huron match
Will be held on,Courity Warden
Bill Elston's farm, Lot •8, Con.
2,, Morris Township on Satur,
day, September 14. Coaching
day will be Friday, September ,
It was decided to, investigate
the possibility of holding a
Home Plowing competition this
year, Contestants would be
able to plow a field at borne
and have. it judged, Prized
would be awarded.
Ernie Talbot, RR ;3, Kippen
and Robert McCarney, RR 3,
Sparerib were appointed to the
Farm and Urban Committee to
investigate the impact of a
nuclear, plant in Huron County,
The association will sponsor
a 4-H plow club with John
Clark, RR 5 Goderich,
Leeming and Sam Bradshaw as
club leaders,.
Ellard Lange, chairman of
the 1972 Perth match attended
the meeting to answer any
questions about the
organization of an inter-
national match.