HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-06-27, Page 1212—CLINTON NEyini-RECORA THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1974 RUMMAGE SALE , July 6 at the stew community centre at Vanastra at 1 p.m. Auspices of Opti-Mrs. Club, Clinton and Vanastra,-46,27b MONDAY, July 1, 1974, An- nue! Chicken Barbecue at BaYfield United Church at 5 p•II114 Homemade salads and pies etc. Adults $2,75, Children 12 yrs. and under $1.50.-25,26b STEPHENSON REUNION - 45th annual picnic supper, Sun- day, June 30th at Seaforth Lions Park at 5 p.m. Bring basket lunch, dishes and cut- lery. Refreshments provided.-25,26b HURON COUNTY Pork Bar- becue Family Night and dance will be held at the ,Seaforth Community Centre on August 29th. Ticket will be for sale from committee men,-26,27b Ag-t)p SUMMER FESTIVAL, Sat„ July ',6, 1974. Seaforth Community Centre. Desjar- dine's Orchestra. All tables reserved, Tickets available from Agricultural and Optimist members. Bob Fotheringham, chairman, ph. 482-9196.-20 to 26b The family of Ken and Margaret Lynn invite you to a reception and dance on the occasion of their Parents' 50th Wedding Anniversary Bayfield Community Centre Sat. June 29 8:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Refreshments available. 25,26b efinion cAytzt Your Hosts: Helen and Des Cassidy PHONE 519.482-3421 Featuring "CLOUD 9" and Dining Room 33 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON, ONTARIO MONDAY to SATURDAY NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT NOW APPEARING: DAVE HOY The best in Honky Tonk music. This Friday and Saturday enjoy the Outside Atmosphere in our new licensed Outdoor Gardens. "CASH BINGO", Seaforth Legion Halt. Friday, June 28 at 8:15 .p.m, sharp, 15 regular gamed for $10 each. Three specials fir $25 and a $75 Jack- pot to go each week. (Children under 16 yrs. not permitted), Admission. $1, extra cards 25c each or 7 for $1, Proceeds for welfare work Sponsored by Branch 156, Seaforth Royal Canadian Legion. BINGO June 2 Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $5$ in 58 calls. Six door prizes. NEW BINGO Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 June 27. Admission, $1; fifteen regular games $10 each, Three Share-the-Wealth games. One Jackpot for $190 in 58 calls. Consolation. One call can $10 added weekly if not won, ENTERTAINMENT COUNTRY AND WESTERN Every Friday and Saturday Evening TASTY SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth. Ont. RECEPTION for JANNET BLAKE and FRED TREWARTHA Bridal Couple Saturday, June 29 9 - 12:30 a.m. at DUNGANNON AGRICULTURAL HALL Music by TRUTONES Lunch Everyone Served Welcome FOR SALE OR LEASE 8 LANE BOWLING, ALLEY Including Bowling Balls and Pins Contact Miss M. McMillen 482-9685 CLINTON HORTICULTURAL, ROSE SHOW Clinton Town Hall. Viewing time 2;30 p,rn. to 5:15 p.m. Friday June 28, 1974, silver collection, -door, HANOVER HOLIDAY TOURS - August 11 • 14 day Maritimes tour, Boston, Bar Harbour, Annapolis Valley. Halifax Cabot Trail, P.E.I„ Quebec City and much more $339.00 twin, July 13- 4 day Ontario and Quebec, Thousand Islands, Ottawa, Mon- tebello, Peterborough Locks cruise and more $114.00 twin. July 23 - 22 day European Tour to Bavaria, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Italy and France. An area group, limited space, August 5 and September 15 - 5 day North Country Tour, Sault St. 'Marie, Agiwa Canyon, Mackinac Island, Frankenmuth. An excellent tour, August 30 And October II • Grand Ole Opry, Nashville Tennessee. Deluxe accomodations, inclusive package, September 28 • Giand Ole Opry, Nashville, by air charter. ' October 2 and October 8 • 4 day Full Colour Tours to Lake Placid and Tupper Lake, Autumn Tours to Ontario North, Quebec and Lake Champlain. Grosup enquiries available. Sun Flight one and two Week Carribbean vacations. Domestic 'and International airline reservations CNR and CPR Rail.' Advance booking charters, Contact Hanover Travel Service, 290 Tenth St. Hanover 3644270. Out of town clients, 1.800-265-3007 toll free.-25 Family and friends held a dinner party at the Little Inn Hayfield July 23 in honour of Miss Janis Clarke, graduate from The Georgian College Nurses Program at Memorial' Hospital Orillia. At the same time her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clarke Varna and CFB Borden celebrated their wed- ding anniversary, Guests were present from Barrie, London, Stratford, Goderich, Clinton and Varna. Murray McBride of Barna was one of five Michigan State University students to receive the Sigma XI graduate student award. Sigma XI is a national science honor society, Mr. McBride, the son of Mr. and Mrs, Wesley McBride of RR 1, Varna MSU doctoral candidate in crop and soil sciences. He is a 1967 graduate of Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton. and Dance Reception a 001000 0000000000 00o a a a a a a a a a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GoOcii00 ,14)Qt.VOcii1;0000i1;(404(iC for Dianne Tyndall and Doug Bylsma (Bridal couple) Sat. June 29, 1974 White Carnation Holmeaville - 9 p.m. Friends and Relatives Welcome There are nine students graduating from St. Joseph's separate school In Clinton. They are left to right, back row, Randy Middleton, Vicki Merner, Stephen Flynn, Jenny Russo and Thelma Boon, Front row are Eugene Bradley, Carl Boon, Cheryl Flynn, and Joedy Livingstone, (News- Record photo) News of Hensall BY JOYCE PEPPER 4q::::=0114:80::›41CliC=P4==,f .Good News Drive-fin 4' muss Weal of COMM on Highway 4 Opening for the Summer on Sunday, June 23 at .8:30 Poll, Lucy at Rhoda Munning John Martin from Wallonakala Singers Speaker - Como as you are in your tar Lo===xsc:=4 PARK GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED WED.-THURS.-FRI.-SAT. JUNE 26, 27, 28, 29 SUN.-MON.-TUES. JUNE 30, JULY 1,2 Love was all they hat common. common. WiLLIAV HDLDEN KAYLE\Z .ROGER C.CARMEL.MARJ DUSAY.JOAN HOTCHKIS a Muse by MICHEL LEGRANO • ADULT s 'ONE O1 THE BEST CRIME SYNDICATE FILMS SINCE' 'THE GODFATHER:" New York Post A HAL WALLIS PrOduction THE num wpm Sturm& ANTHONYQUINNI FREDERIC FORREST ROBERT rORSTER AL LETT IERI ! ANGEL TDMPNINS • CHARLES CIDFFI. DOCCIed by RICHARD FLEISCHER STARTS WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 TWO BIG WEEKS WINNER7 ACADEMY AWARDS INCW 6IN6 BEST PICTURE * BEST DIRECTOR . „ all it takes is a little Confidence. PAUL t ROBERT EVVMAN/ REDFORD ROBERT SHAW A GMPGE ROY HILL EiLM ..T'I E STING" DAviMmt>. GEORVZ , 'I'ONYiifnICHAEL ondJULIA PHILLIPS tICHIntaXotie A uNARSALPiatutit CEICA ke" .ADULT, , PANAVISION.METROCOLOIR MGM WORLD FESTIVAL TATTOO Day Excursions From Goderich CONTACT The Coach House TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8386 AUGUST 17 and 18 $15" Includes transportation Admission to CNE grounds Reserved seat at the evening performance Sun Jane 30 Big 4-Unit Dusk to Dawn Shows KILLERS AND THIEVES! IF THEY THEY'LL END UP AS HEROES! COIN' 8Y 80vittq ilEatsto to CON1INENAL BROWNIE'S oivror CLINTON - ONTARIO li2lEATOr BOX OFFICE OPEN 8 P,m. - SHOW STARTS 8:30 P.M. Wednesday - Thursday - Friday June 26.- 27 - 28 RUST L1111•1111TER BERT WILL SEM EHECUTHIE nc TioN COLOR Adult A Nalloruid General Rolm* Entertainmant MAKE WAY 4 FOR THE CHINESE 1 PROFESSIONALS! The Karate Killer! The Siamese Devils; The Tibetan Tiger Menl TheFantasticOne•ArrnedBoxer! The Moody Kwon-Do Master! TheInvioelbaYuga Kahn! The K ung Fu Beast/ TheJudo King! THE CHMESE POILIFESSIONIALS A National General Pictures Release © Saturday - Monday . Tuesday June 29. July 1 - 2 RE-CREATION OF THE50' s I wall: Ri F A FUTHINGIN FEATURE FitM Chuck Berry Domino Bo Diddley Lot The Chubby Checker The 5 Satins Good Times The Coaster ' 4 , Roll THE MEW they caged their bodies. but not their desires July 3-4.5 Danny and the Juniors Special Guest Stec WI Haley ad Cometsi TECHNICOLOR' a 1072 Wall Orsney ProduttronS THE MOST ADULT PROGRAM ON THE SCREEN TODAY ! Inert COW also a ^As • .44. 4. r.. ",,4#..^-'M. Mrs. Harry Hoffman in Dash- wood. Mrs. Harry Horton is a patient in South Huron Hospital in Exeter. Mrs. Laird Mickle spent Sun- day with her son and daughter- in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mickle of London. , Major and Mrs. Malcolm Webster, Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Luther and family over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Dining and family of Sarnia, visited Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling. Let's run around together. PilRTICIPaL710l7 The Canadian movement lor personal Illness_ Fitness. to your heart you know it's right. FRI.—SAT. Walt Disney's JUNE 2 8 , 2 9 hilarious comedy THAT DAMN CAT OPENS QD[0] TECHNICOLOR° AT 8:00 '*.k SHOWS START AT ips of 4vor DUSK DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524.9981 MATURE DUSK-TO-DAWN MARATHON SUNDAY NIGHT SPECTACULAR 18117:;1,,, ,n! ( The world's newest profession i lA • ••ts •• • • • • •••,••q: • 05 5 a NUL MONDAY TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Pepper Reunion The annual Pepper reunion was held at the Lions Park in Seaforth on Sunday afternoon. The weather being un- favourable, only 50 people at- tended. In charge of the sports for the afternoon were Roy and Irene Pepper and Roy and Barb Walter, Results of the sports are as follows: races 6 & under-Judy Walter, Vicki Gordon; 9- 12—Laurie and Jo-ann Pepper; young ladies--Brenda and Marilyn Pepper; kick-the- slipper—Brenda Pepper, Cecil Pepper; birthday nearest the picnic date-- Eleanor Falconer; anniversary nearest picnic date-- Cecil and Joyce Pepper; lucky spot--Lillian Pepper; youngest child--Charles Walter, son- of Roy and Barb Walter; largest shoe--Roy Walter; elimination races--Laura Pep- per and Fred Miller; guessing number of jelly beans in a jar-- Mrs. Roy Pepper; family coming the farthest--Julene Riley and children. After a delicious picnic sup- per, President Cliff Pepper presided for a short business meeting. Officers elected for next yealls picnic were: past president, Cliff Pepper; president, Cecil Pepper, first vice-president, Sandy Pepper; secretary-treasurer, Viola Taylor; table' committee, Roy and Irene Pepper and Stewart and Grace Pepper; sports com- mittee, Dalton and Marj Malcolm and Lawrence and Lois Barker. Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sararas, ELM HAVEN=" MOTOR HOTEL Now,Pleying "Yukon" Starting July 1 0S6401°°t" 1==>1 ALSO kV. SAPPHO DARLI NG, aim DIA ITITANC1 Ili slat( ID 0 AltS0 RAIR 01 AU 01 0111 who celebrated their 25th wed- ding anniversary on June 25, were pleasantly surprised Sun- day afternoon when their family gathered at their home in Hensall and presented them with a coloured T V. and table and a silver spoon from their grandson, Chris Sararas, Their seven children and one grandchild were present: Karen of Kitchener; Allan, Barb and Chris of Preston; Dianne of Seaforth; Gerry, Don, Steve and Jodi at home. The family served lunch complete with the anniversary cake. United Church Notes Rev. Don Beck preached on the sermon topic "Prayer" at the Sunday service of worship in Hensall United Church, Sun- day morning. The choir sang the anthem under the direction of Mrs. Turkheim, The Sunday School had an hour of fun and games and finally a treat of ice-cream cones to finish out the term. Next Sufiday and for the month of July, Presbyterians from Carmel Chtirch will be guests of, fiensall United for joint slimmer services. Personals' Mrs. Laird Mickle visited recently with Mrs. Thomas Prycle ,in Exeter and Mr. and Children 6 to 14 —50c Under 5 years -FREE These prices for this DISNEY ATTRACTION only tIff, 0.•C`" 1. JULY PRETTY S TOR Y plus 1 1213 KUNG FU INVISIBLE FIST Adult Entstialnment WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS' NOW YOU SEE HIM, NM Wu DONT LATIONS