HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-06-27, Page 9BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE Wall to wall installation or Area Carpets. Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates. * Guaranteed installations. We have carpet specifically designed for every room in your home. Quality you can trust From BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone .482-9505,Clintod Hensall Livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 PM. All dello* of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS stater *oh* SwF 01/00 Offifonovoi Uvintionovi"M$411? ROW 452.811 .0ilifilsnoin &id - Cliivtila 12$.7$21 0114,10i Klritio0 PINL OOD a COU ' T APARTM NTS NOW RENTING •1 ONE & TWO BED It 00 M SUITES * ELECTRIC HEAT * STOVE & FRIG INCLUDED HURON PINES REALTY LTD. 86 KING ST. CLINTON, ONT. 482-7901 Used Furniture • 2 pb. Sklar Suite (could be sold as new), moss green pat- terned cover. • 2 pc. Sklar, brown nylon, in good 'condition. $75 00 • 2 pc. Beverley Suite, blue- green floral, 2 yrs. old. • 2 pc. Sklar Suite, gold nylon, good condition. (not' ' 1 2 500 - 8 pc. Chrome Suite - $2 5 oo - Gold High Back Swivel Rocker - $2 500 - Tub Swivel Chair - Green Floral - (like new) - 39" Colonial Bed (no mat- tress) - $ 000 - 4'6" Metal Bed Spring - ; oo Beattie Furniture Ltd. Clinton, Ontario 482-9521 $ 00 - awilit:;....66-1-uoitic 306. Range $2500 Is Still Available H. Lobb & Sons Ltd. Bayfield Rd. Clinton. s t N.- . ,< . f, OaiVI k,fifigelta.dioo .`it,..Psat 414ta:BPsa, , ••:4rsPik 1 45* .sac , $1t$158$*,,,***£*,%16,,,,!:t a .* *'' {I 4 s • .11t, a • , .R , S C4 ,8M •5 , 8. •t t or - eso E.:1411, 4 ' '80'.."%a k. .a.t•ts:59.#,' $0%,41008," a .4411 1.00`"a0084 5 ,t8 $6 8 804 5 r 5 143*'''''' 1- 5$ k( 0 t •$, "" '.333 55*' ,/, 4 t PR 4 ‘` 43<bta V4-, Ra z,,,A ., ,r>,,,A to * n 3,....,,,,,,,,, WE FEATURE THE LARGEST PANT SELECTION 114.1. TOWN .RIVIERA HICKOK DON PARKER LEVI FOR FUN IN THEIU See.our selection of Swi'm Suits and Pickett & Campbell Ltd. The Stere For Men CLINTON GODERICH KINCARDINE FOR SALE WILL MOVE TO YOUR SITE FOR EXTRA 30 x 46 former Air Force frame building. Truss roof wood floor, heat rads, 100 amp. service washroom. Ideal for house, cot- tage, business or farm building. ONLY $2100. JERVIS STUDIO CUNTON Day Night 482-7008 524-9229 • Tarts • Dinner Rolls • Turnovers • Do-nuts •Pies • Sweet Goods SPECIAL THIS FRI. & SAT. 24 OZ. • WHITE WHOLE WHEAT & CRACKED WHEAT Fri. & Sat. Cherry Loaf Reg. 75c Now 68C BREAD 30c or 3 889c PLANNING A CHURCH, CLUB OR OTHER ORGANIZATION FUNCTION, THAT REQUIRES BAKERY PRODUCTS WE'LL GIVE YOUR ORDER SPECIAL ATTENTION. Bartliffs Bakery Limited Bakery and Restaurant 482-9727 CLINTON CANTON NEWS-WORD, THURSDAY, JUNE, 27,, 1.974-9 TOWN.. AND COUNTRY 4, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 'ARTICLES FOR SALE SEEN '-a picture in the News-Record mu would like to have? Get a per- "Thanent print, either 4"x 5", 5" x 7" or 8" x 10". Order at 482- 9502.-c5tfnx 45 GAL STEEL BARRELS- good for burning or holding garbage, also feed barrels for farm use, Dock barrels for the cottage. Price 3.75 delivered, Phone Ron Baird 523- 4461 or write Box 51, Blyth,-23 to 26b • GOLF CLUBS for sale, good quality, seven wood for $8.00, Sand Wedge for $3.00, "Scuffler" chip- ping club, $4.00, Dynaflyte Putters - $5.00 and Campbell chipper for $7.00, also ball retriever, two free balls and 25 tees, wood and plastic for first buyers. Phone 524-9106 evenings.-nc SHORTS ARE IN SEASON 'ARTICLES FOR SALE HOUSE TRAILER for sale 35' by 10' wide. Fully furnished. From 8 a.m. to' 6 p,m. phone Joe's Auto Body 524-8941. After 6 p.m. phone 524-6149.-tfn AQUARIUM, 132 gal., one month old. 16 1/2" high x 12" deep x 36" long with fitted chrome canopy and gravel. $38.00 for all. Phone 524- 2495.-25tfnnc CIL 222 rifle with variable Bush- well scope 4.12 power, 2 clips. Phone 482-9383 after 5 p.m.-25,26p THREE 450 gallr'n galvanized tanks. Could be used for storage of grain. Phone 9219.-tfn JAYCO hardtop trailers, travel trailers, fifth wheels, mini-homes and truck caps. Accessories, rentals. We need used tent trailer trade-ins. Bumstead Metal Fabricating, Wingham. Phone 357-2272.-24-29b GOLDEN FALCON, Citation, Flyte, Holiday Travel Trailers. Baron, Bellevue Hardtops. John- son Outboards. Boats. Truck Top- pers. We rent; we sell. Camp-Out, Hwy. 8W, Stratford, 393-5938.-15- 30h PHILATELISTS: I have a rather large collection of stamps for sale. Mainly Canada, unused at low prices. Drop in and see what I have or give me a call at 524-9106 evenings. Special for this week only Quebec Tercentenary 1/2 tt• 1 2c values mint for only $2.00.-nc 'ARTICLES FOR SALE ONE CRIB 2 to 5 years in real good condition, One child trainer bicycle, 12" wheel, only used a few times. Phone 482.7683,-26p 1972 16' SPEEDBOAT, 60 H.P. Johnston, excellent condition, All accessories for skiing. Phone 482- 9956 after 5, Paul Swan, Brucefield,-26 BEEF HALVES FOR SALE. For more information phone 482- 9629.-26b • GROUND CHUCK-40 - 1 1/4 lb. packages for freezer. $1.20 per package. Will sell smaller quantity. •Telephone 482-3253.-26p SINGER electric dryer, Admiral electric stove, 2 large chests of drawers and a large chest freezer (Coldspot). Phone 482-7797.-26b WOODS soft top tent trailer with an Add-a-Room, and 15 ft. cedar strip boat $400 complete. Phone 482-3124.-25,266 TRAILER-2 wheel trailer for sale, suitable for snowmobiles. $90. Phone 482-7955. Call evenings.-26b WESTINGHOUSE floor po'isher good condition, $25.00. Phone 482- 7033 after 4:30 p.m.-26b 300 FT. of 6" perforated plastic Big 0 Drain Tile, reasonable. Phone 565-2555.-26b LAWN or patio swing heavy duty steel frames, in good condition. Phone 482-9936.-26p BUGS BOTHERING? Control products available for vegetables, flowers, trees, home and cottage and Yes - dogs and cats too. Durst. Farm and Garden Centre, Clinton. Phone 482-9333. Closed Sat. p.m.-tfn 211. ARTICLES WANTED WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and appliances. If you have articles to sell privately or by auction contact Rathwell's Auc- ,tion,,,,Aeryice. Phone 482- 3120.-32tfri WANTED to buy good used pianos and player pianos to restore. Send full information, condition, price etc. to Mr. L. Thirsk, Box 24, Komoka, Ont. Phone 471.1677.-26 to 30b TIMBER WANTED Immediate payment for good standing limber bushes of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, AILSA CRAIG, ONT. or phone 232.4450 before 8 a.m, or bet- ween 4:30 and 6 p.m. 26•Pbr FIELD OF GOOD mixed hay Lot. 32, Concession 7, McKillop Town- ship, Alvin R. Dodds. 527-1748 Seaforth.-26b 18 ACRES MIXED standing hay for sale. Mr. Ray Cox, phone 482- :3235 Goderich Township.-26p B- CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM SWATHING and con- ditioning of hay. Call 524- 7096.-'25,26b C - WANTED WANTED - 2000 bales of new hay, half Timothy and Alfalfa for horses, Will pick up in the field phone 523. 9525.-26b CLINTON COMMUNfri AUCTION SALES FRIDAY NIGHT 7:30 P.M. MAKE ARRANGEMENTS , TO BRING YOUR LIVESTOCK TO THIS SALE ptiOno - LORNE TYNDALL 482-7202 48.24152 lin 2A. ARTICLES WANTED GRADE 13 books from CHSS, Phone 482-9257.-25,26b 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351.-c22tfn CARPET SHAMPOOER for rent. Just arrived, the unit especially designed to do a professional jOb on your shag carpets. Available by the day at Smith Pro Hardware and Stationery, Albert St., Clinton. FORMAL RENTALS for all oc- casions, Pickett & Campbell Ltd. Clinton and Goderich.-cgtfn CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Phone 236-4954 Mon. to Fri. after 4 p.m. Weekends anytime.-16tfn 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 1969 V.W. semi automatic, deluxe model, excellent condition - western driven. New tires, 45,000 miles. Price $1,200.00. Phone 524- 2:375.-26b SUZUKI 500, 8000 miles; 1965 Cor- vair best offer; 1965 slaut 6 Plymouth motor and automatic transmission. Phone 524-7004.-26p 1964 RAMBLER SEDAN, cheap, 96 Osborne Street. Phone 482- 7529.-26b 3A. PET STOCK POODLE PUPS, charcoal, 8 weeks old, registered. Glenreid Kennels, London Road Kippen, phone 262- 5052.-25,266 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 50 ACRE FARM situated between Goderich and Kincardine. Large Barn - four bedroom home - drive shed - lovely level farm - included in the deal is a full line of machinery, new trac- tor and loader etc. plus five beef cows, calves, pigs and crops. HUTTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Kincardine or Contact Mel Mather., Wingham. Phone 357- 3208 Salesman. 26b GRASS SEED and MINERAL. Otto Pick and Sons Seeds Ltd. Rich- mond Hill, Ont. GRASS SEED Straight seeds or Forage mixtures, Seneca seed Corn, Herbageum, Livestock Minerals. Phone 482- 7898,Richard Lobb Sales Represen- tative, Clinton.-tfn D - LIVESTOCK A GELDING Pony, 9 years old, quiet and gentle with children. Sad- dle and bridle .sold separately. Call after 6 p,m. 482-9159.-26b NOTICE: Livestock every Monday to United Co-Operative of Ontario to Ontario Livestock yards. C,I.A,G. insurance in effect from your farm, call by 8 A.M. Monday to arrange for pickup at your farm, Wm. J. Dale. Phone Sea forth 527- 0471,-tfn 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE THREE BEDROOM houses for sale at Vanastra, phone 482-9590.-TFN DAIRY FARM 6 mis. from Clinton. 194 acres with 188 workable. Modern dairy set up, good farm, 3 barns,3 silos, concrete yard, bulk milk cooler. Stable cleaner. Good 5 bedroom home. Listed at $140,000. Ask to view. Pick up the phone and make an appointment. REAP THE HARVEST 1974 crop included. Excellent level 100 acre farm near Shop- parton, 9 mis. north of Goderich. Comfortable 1 1/2 storey farm home with shade trees. Bank barn 52' x 34' Silo 14' x 45'. Asking price with crops $80,000. $625/ACRE House and Barn included in this 86 acre farm near Auburn. Rolling clay loam •some tile drains, good corn land 80 acres workable. Make us an offer. $100,000 Beef cattle and cage layers. 100 acre farm, 80 acres workable. Good 2 storey house. Beef barn 42' x 108' for 180 cattle. 2 silos 16' x 60' and 12' x 35'. Excellent cage layer barn for 5,380 birds. New drilled well. This is a good in- come farm with tremendous potential. CIRCULAR DRIVEWAY Huron St., in Clinton, ex- cellent 3 bedroom, brick veneer, private fenced backyard, garage. Built in 1963. .Modern „borne in sPotlesi condition. Living room & dining room broadloomed. 4 pc. bath on main floor,,2 pc. in basement. Gas heat cost $160./season. Taxes $437. Asking $40,000. VACATION HOME Homestead Heights near St. Joseph. Most desirable location. New cottage. Will be completed July 6th with sun- deck, shag carpet in living room and 3 bedrooms Win- terized. Private fenced lot. Easy acess to excellent beach. No erosion. $22,500 with $2,500 down financing arranged'. SMALL STOCK FARM Income plus room to breathe in the country. Steel barn 36' x 76' set up for sows. Ten acres of spruce lined property, large brick home. $35,000 with terms. $16,000 1 1/2 storey 3 bedroom home in Vanastra on corner lot with $90/month 1st Mort. payment. They don't sell for this anymore so act quickly. $18,500 1 1/2 storey 3 bedroom home with dormer windows. 5 Quebec St., good location private driveway. Just a little touch up will make this one a real beauty. We can help arrange financing. WALTON $19,500 2 storey white brick attractive home with modern living quarters on second floor, could be duplexed. In- cluded in the extra large lot is 35' x 45' barn in good con- dition. NOT JUST A PRETTY HOUSE But one of the most desirable places to live-Village of Brucefield, quiet, serene, next to Church. Huge vegetable and flower garden, just right for peaceful living. 4 bedroom 1 1/2 storey with hardwood floors, cedar shingles, living room, sunporch, modern kit- chen, 2 car garage. This property has all you've ever wanted in a home. Asking price $40,000. DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 53 West Street 524-8951 Jan-Duddy Evenings 482-6652 John Thompson Evenings': 527.0238 Mika Flusseio Evenings 4824473 1111111111111111111111111111111 17 ACRES, good location, house, barn and driveshed. Contact John Leppington, RR 2, Bayfield.-tfn Real Estate 82 Albert Street Phone: 482-9371 MASON BAILEY- - BROKER/MANAGER Eighteen acres of recreation property on the Maitland River near Auburn. One hundred and fifty nine acre modern dairy farm near Blyth. One hundred and thirty-nine workable. Excellent buildings. Owner wishes to retire. Cows and equipment can be purchased. New one floor brick home on High Street, electric heat - five rooms and carport. +' Five acres in McKillop township near Winthrop. One and a half storey home with eight rooms. Barn and property. One and a half storey, seven room home in Clinton. One and a half bathrooms, new oil furnace, large sunporch and den. Two new brick homes in Clinton, six rooms, three bedrooms. Priced right for sale, .JUST LISTED: One and a half storey frame home in Blyth, seven rooms with large living room and dining room. Priced right for quick sale. FOOD FOR THOUGHT "The worst thing about a mobile home is that there's no place to put anything except where it belongs." 26 HURON PINES REALTY LTD. 56 KING ST. CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 482-7901 FOR SALE Five new modern three and four bedroom homes in excellent locations, cheerful rooms, custom kitchen cupboards, luxurious car- pet. These beautifully built homes have as low as 10 % long term C.M.H.C. approved mortgages. "NEED MORE ROOM?" We have it, a lovely three or four bedroom older home, F.A. oil heating, centrally located on a comfortable lot. The remodelled, relaxed kitchen with its new built- in and laundry area Is certain to please the whole family. The spacious living and dining room tastefully decorated accentuates the wall to wall carpeting. Older d • -1 torey, gas h air eed a ex- cello a We have a number of duplex and multiple income properties for sale. Choice Residential lots available in Huron Pines Subdivision; Pine Crest Subdivision and Matilda Street. Commercial or Residential custom builders. We build on any location. "MONEY TO INVEST?" First and second mortgage mane), required, excellent security and interest rates, For an appointment at your con, venience, call HURON PINES 482- /901. TFN ANTEE COUNTRY HOME Tastefully decorated home situated on five rolling acres near Goderich. This home has been fully remodelled, featuring a large living room, dining room with an open staircase, modern kitchen, four piece bath and three bedrooms. Atop a hill it commands a delightful view of surrounding countryside. Grounds are beautifully landscaped and in- clude a barn. All for only $45,000. Act now to have full summer en- joyment. HOBBY FARM Six acres plus seven room home and garage. Barn 65' x 40', drilled well, low taxes. Asking $35,000. NEAR BAYFIELD One hundred acres of riverfront property, near Bayfield. Wooded, scenic, secluded, this property has excellent retreat' or develop- ment potential. Also forty acres workable. BUILDING LOTS Choice building lots located just east of Clinton on Highway 8. Per- fect for country living. In Brucefield - just two lots left at a price you can't afford to pass by. CHOICE FARMS 25Q acre cash crop farm with ex- cellent buildings and a 200 acre farm with modern full barn, loose housing and a frame home. Interested? Glad to furnish full in- formation. COTTAGE IN BAYFIELD Comfortable 3 bedroom cottage, fully winterized, and electric heated, situated within walking distance from the lake, asking $19000.00 CLARKE ZINN GODERICH 524-8620 JO-AN BULLEN BAYFIELD 565-2421 PETER DAMSMA ' CLINTON 482-9849 ALBERT ST. OFFICE 482-3821 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE:1913' S. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO BUY two or three bedroom home in Clinton. Apply to Box No. 21, c/o Clinton News. Record, Clinton.-26p SA. ROOM & BOARD WANTED-a boarding place for a single male teacher commencing September 1st, 1974. Preference; a couple or anyone with no children. Phone collect 519 347-2653 anytime after 7 in the evenings or write Dave Scholl, R.R. 2, Monkton, Ont.-26b 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EVERETT Lauckner MLS REALTOR Lakefront north of Bayfield, private subdivision, five years old. Lot 80 x 300, living room 21 x 11, dining area, kitchen, bath, three bedrooms, propane heated, insulated and paneled. Immediate possession. Asking $25,000. 4 miles north of Grand Bend, 3 bedrooms, large living-dining room with fire place, 4 piece bath, modern kitchen, ideal location, private sub- division, priced to sell at $29,900. Permanent house in small town close to Bayfield, lot 60 x 150, with town water automatic oil furnace, car port, large living room kitchen and dining, 3 pc. bath, 2 bedroom. Priced to sell. Birch Beach 12 miles north of Goderich, 2 bedrooms, living room kitchen, 4 pc bath, close to lake. Priced to sell $10,500. Four bedroom cottage, living - dining room 12' x 22'; kitchen 12' x 8'; four piece bath; cathedral ceiling; electric heat; aluminum windows; wall to wall carpet; drilled water system priced to sell at $22,200.00 Now is the time to list your property prices are good, prospects are good. 15 years experience in Hayfield area. Wanted 50 to 100 acres with or without buildings. Please call ADAM FLOWERS BAYFIELD 565-2813 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT 3-BEDROOM - town house for rent at Vanastra R.R. 5 Clinton, $125 per -month,. all •utilities•paid. Phone •. Jean. 482-7:196 anytime.-c46Ifn FOUR BEDROOM country home with all conveniences, half mile from town on Bayfield Road. Available early in July. Please call 482-3821.-25b DEADLINE FOR TAKIN3 CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR ,THAT WEEK'S PAPER COOL-CASUAL4-- COMFORTABLE MATCH A PAIR W1TH .A NEW *T- SHIRT or SPORT SHIRT Attention Farmers p1S-11 +KEW HOLLAND New And Used Equipment A- FOR SALE A- FOR SALE