HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-06-20, Page 14B. HELP WANTED PART TIME cleaner and part-time cook wanted, Apply to Box 201, Clinton, Ont,—tfn EXPERIENCED brick and block layers, top wages, steady work. Con- tact G,E. Walter, General Contrac tor, Clinton, Phone 482- 6643.-19tfnc CARPENTER WANTED - Must be able to work on his own. Good wages, Phone 482-3305 after 7 p.m.-24tfn SELL REAL ESTATE We require Sales personnel who are interested in selling Real Estate as a full time career to represent our Company in the Mitchell area from our new Sales Office location. Our Company offers unlimited advertising, telephone, private desk. Secretarial service, and personal help including sales. If you like, meeting the public and earning a higher than average commission. Please contact Norm Cutts, Hanover, 364.3110 for a Con- fidential Interview - Don Hoist Real Estate Ltd., Realtors, Hanover, Ontarlii.-24,25b R.N. OR R.N.A, full or part time. Apply Seaforth Manor Nursing Home. Phone 527-0030.-24,25b ATTENTION: I'll set an honest, ambitious person up in a high income sales and ser- vice business for motorists. This business repeats year after year.'No money required to start. We will train you at our expense.'Pay you a salary plus commission and bonus. Car needed but no overnight travel, Apply Ed Bauer, Patrick Street, Winghatn, phone 357- 3805,-23,24,25b 11. TENDERS APPLICATIONS FOR ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER in the TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT to enforce Toiviiiiiiireiaiati regarding Dogs will be received by the undersigned up to Friday, June 28th, 1974 at 6:00 P.M. Applicant to state wages ex- pected and hours available. Clare Vincent-Clerk Box 293, Londesboro 25,26b KNAPPS will buy outright, com- plete household, estates or single pieces of furniture, Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us. Our aim is to please. 67 Main Street, Seaforth, phone 527-1336.—tfn MAN will do exterior house pain- ting. Phone 482-3747.-24,25b SEPTIC TANKS 'CLEANED! Modern equipment, work guaran- teed. Write or phone H,T. Dale, Clinton, Phone 482-3320.-4thi WORK WONDERS Commercial Property Auction Restaurant Equipment and Antiques To be conducted for Lamplight Restaurant held on the location at Vanastra on Saturday June 22 at 1:15 p.m. Commercial PrOperty - Lot 175' x 100' upon which stands a well constructed 3,175 sq. ft. building, new hot water heating system and electrical. This is ideal for a small business In an excellent location. Terms - 10% down, balance in 30 days - selling subject to Reserve. Information - 482-6624. Restaurant Equipment - Smith Corona cash register, 2 show cases; 14 ft. counter and 12 restaurant stools, 10 oak tables; 35 stacking chairs; 2 work counters; 9' x 5', stainless steel hood and fan; stainless triple sink, Garland deep fryer, 4 door commercial refrigerator, Admiral refrigerator; Sites Coffee maker; milkshake maker; pop cooler; penny weight and fortune scales; office desk. Furniture and Antiques - Queen size bed; chesterfield and chair; tea wagon; 6-5 ft. pine benches; double bow front china cabinet (In parts); 6 piece wash set; compote; shaving mug; Prussa Hat Pin holder; some Limoges and many more pieces. Miscellaneous - 9' x 5' floor sections; electric stove; Cascade 40 Hot water heater; sump pump; plywood and miscellaneous. Terms - Cash Lunch Available Proprietor - John Fraser ATHWELL'S AUCTION ATHIWELL'S onr---stiwzme:=A1•1411 BAYFIELD FURNISHINGS TO BE AUCTIONED (Early Canadian and English Antiques) To be held in Seaforth at Knapp's Auction Rooms on Friday evening, June 21 at 7:15 p.m. Consisting of 54" brass bed; English combination book-shelf and writing desk; 4 piece parlour set; 5 matching carved back chairs; oak hall table; dresser and matching commode (tear drop pulls); early chest of drawers (porcelain pulls) corner what not; pine harvest table; captain chair; gunstock chair; 1 mantel clock (Westminister and trinity chimes); other clocks; pinwheel crystal water pitcher and six glasses other crystal; amber water pitcher and 2 goblets; silverware; silver water pitcher, blanket box and many interesting Items. No Reserve Peddle Bidding Proprietress Mrs. Lillian Jowett RATHWELL'S• AUCTION SERVICE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL • AUCTIONEERS BRUCEFIELD - 482-3120 IMPORTANT - Due to the historical significance of this offering, public exhibitions will take place between the hours of TWO AND SIX O'CLOCK THE AFTERNOONS OF SATUR- DAY AND SUNDAY, JUNE 22ND AND 23RD. Each catalogue (one dollar) will admit two adults and the auctioneers reserve the right to limit numbers due to the age of the structure - no responsibility assumed for injury sustained on the premises, AUCTION OF HISTORICAL ESTATE THE GAIRDNER RESIDENCE MAIN STREET, BAYFIELD, ONTARIO TIMES AND DATES AS BELOW SATURDAY, JUNE 29TH AT 10:00 A.M. - Over 350 catalogued lots including fine antique furniture (birds- eye maple bedroom suite, cherry tables, arrowback and rabbitear chairs,cherry cannonball and brass beds, an- tique dining furniture, melodeon desk, washstands), glass and crystal (signed L.C. TIFFANY vase, Tiffany- type lamps, Canadian and coloured glass, cranberry stemware, frosted and bristol), sterling and silverplate, china and porcelains (K.P.M., Doulton, Wedgwood, Wor- cester, Chinese celadon, souvenir and commemorative), Bennington flower pot, Victorian stickpins, old clocks, cast iron, brass, copper, pewter, early photography equipment, opera glasses and binoculars, carpet bowling balls, collectors doll house, signal lamps and many other unique items. SATURDAY, JUNE 29TH AT 2:00 P.M. - Subject to con- ditions of sale and reserve bid, the gracious Georgian- style solid brick residence built in 1853 bordering on the business district of Bayfield on' a commercially-zoned corner lot. Full basement with oil-fired furnace; centre hall plan main floor with living-room, dining-room, coun- try kitchen, summer kitchen with two storage rooms, large storage area (former Bayfield Post Office) and spare room (old general store). Second floor with library, six generous bedrooms, study and bath. MONDAY, JULY 1ST AT 10:00 A.M. - LARGE LIBRARY WITH HUNDREDS OF INTERESTING BOOKS including numerous XVIII century volumes of medical interest and others with North American and other maps. At'the same time we will sell the balance of GENERAL FURNISHINGS AND ANTIQUES including, brass, copper, glass, tote, trunks, appliances, button collections, rosewood melodeon piano with stool, bookcases, quantities of frames, desks, sampler, sterling and hundreds of other items of interest. THE GERTRUDE GAYLORD GAIRDNER ESTATE J.E. HOVEY, ESQUIRE, EXECUTOR PREST & EGENER, GODERICH, SOLICITORS GARDNER AUCTIONS LIMITED - AUCTIONEERS AND APPRAISERS TELEPHONE (519) 439-0194 "Estate Specialists Since 1922" *Ornamental Trees •Evergreen Shrubs •Box Plants Are Still Available BLDG. 161 VANASTRA ONTARIO 482.9565 earrolbs otandscaptng den C & ar entre OPENING -JUNE isT—Experien• ced spray painter, shop on Railway Street, Seaforth for finishes on cars, trucks, snowmobiles, hoods and boats of wood finishes. Call on week days after 5 p.m. Warren Shera, phone 527.0475 Seaforth.-22--26b ALL ODS and ends jobs done and Truck available, Cedar hedge trees for sale, Phone 565.2539,-25p ' PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS oftiolo.almmegies011100.0m0.1001.1•01.4 Protect the value of your piano. Have it tuned and inspected regularly. Call BRUCE PULSIFER in Seaforth 527-0053 18-2fib BYERS UPHOLSTERY • We will rebuild, re-cover or re-style your old .furniture better than new. Call 482- 7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- ton.—tfn Experienced Brick and Block layers free estimates Phone 482-7901 or 482-7304 alter 6 pm. HURON PINES .CUNTON tin kommoremsosiosowtomum CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates— Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY—Beef and Pork FRIDAY —Beef Only PICK- UP SERVICE AVAILABLE • Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood Bosoweismowwws~ CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652 c-181fn PIANO LESSONS Miss Barbara Brady is enrolling students for Fall lessons in Piano and Basic Harmony, Phone 527-1456 24,25 Fi,()ItAL 12F,NTALS for SIX'11111 caSiOnS; centrepieces, candlesticks. Also, custom-designed floral arrangements to suit your home decor: Exclusive variety of flowers to choose from. For appointment call Ruth Duern, 482-38713, except 'Thursdays.-1:It Iii LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W.N. Coun- ter. Clinton, Ontario.--ctfn VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262.5748 gctfn TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the under- signed until 5 p.m. June 26/74 for the supply of one Lawn Tractor, 16-18 h.p. range, with Hydrostatic drive, 48" Rotary mower, Hydraulic lift on mower, Suitable trailer to haul soil. Further particulars may be obtained at the Town Clerk's Office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Clinton Cemetery Board C. C. Proctor, Sec. Box 400, Clinton, Ont. 25b TENDERS FOR MUNICIPAL DRAINS Township of Hullett 'Beane No. 1: Closed Work 7,315 Lineal Feet of Tile (16" to 6") 1 Road Crossing Rip-Rap and C.M.P. 7 Catch Basins Beene No. 2: Open Work 1,880 Lineal Feet (app. 2,200 cu. yds.) Culvert Closed Work 5,264 lineal Feet of Tile (12" to 6") 1 Lane Crossing 1 Junction Box 3 Catch Basins SOMAS Tenders will be accepted for Open and Closed Work, Loivest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. All material and equipment, except C.M.P., to be supplied by the Contractor A certified cheque for 10% of the Tender price to accompany Vender. Tenders close at 12:00 o'clock noon, Saturday, June 29th, 1974. Further particulars and Tender Forms available at the Clerk's Office, Clare Vincent • Clerk BoX 293, Londesboro 24,25b 14—CLINTON,NEWS:FEC9RD, THIMSDAYt JUNE 20, '1974 TOWN. AND. 'COUNTRY fiovesg.,.,..0APATIONEER and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSES AND BONDED ONTARIO-WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 —cgtfn BARGAIN refinishers, expert refinishing done at reasonable rates, Call Pig and Stripper An- tiques, 527-1049 or 1618 after 5 p.m.—tfn ." RATHWELL'S - AUCTION SERVICE BRUCEFIELD 1_82.0120 LARGE 2-DAY AUCTION ANTIQUES AND MANY COLLECTOR'S ITEMS TO BE HELD IN THE EXETER LEGION HALL, Wm. St., EXETER, ONTARIO FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 21 -- 7:00 P.M. TO 10:30 P.M. SAT. JUNE 22 COMMENCING AT 10:30 A.M. This is a complete dispersal sale of stock of "The European Art Gallery" Grand Bend, Ontario. — Partial Listing Only — GLASS .& CHINA — Pressed glass goblets; pedestal cake plates; compotes; celery holders; salts, patterns include tan- dem bicycle, greek key, loop and star, turkey foot, Jacob's lad- der, daisy & X band, diamond fan, sawtooth, cane and others. Pair of green nailsea vases; pink quilted satin glass cookie jar; art glass; custard; amberina; sandwich glass; amethyst; Mary Gregory; Bristol; cranberry; crackle glass; some signed pieces; crystal; several pieces of milk glass including 3 hens-on-nest, varying sizes; perfume bottles; 2 bread, trays "It is Pleasant to Labor", "Give us this day"; alphabet plate; carnival glass, peacock tail, leaf and beads; depression glass; China includes limoges (several patterns); Port Neuf, Bennington; Copper Lustre; Staffordshire; Royal Crown Derby 2451; majolica; iron- stone; R.S. Prussia (red mark); R.S. Germany; Nippon; Bavarian; R.S. Tillowitz; Dresden; Royal Bayreuth, willow, flow blue; Rockingham vases, many commemorative and hand pain- ted pieces. SILVER — A wide range and variety of old silver flatware; ser- ving pieces; baskets and napkin rings in sterling, E.S.P. and quadruple plate. LAMPS — 3 Clarke's fairy lamps, several old oil lamps, prin- cess feather, colonial, nugget; odd chimneys, lanterns. FURNITURE — 2 small pine drysinks, refinished; open pine washstand; small pine table with drawer; 2 oak pews; three kneeling benches; Boston rocker; child's pine hoop back chair; fern stand; 2 Lakewood tables; washstand; set of six primitive Quebec kitchen chairs; walnut English Canterbury; mahogany end table; other. INTERESTING COLLECTOR'S ITEMS — Brass candlesticks; trays, etc.; enamel ware; iron pots; trivets, etc.; tinware; can- isters; measures; dozens of old pulls and door knobs In por- celain, brass, iron and copper;. button hooks; 1878 bell; ink- wells; butter moulds; spoons and bread boards; chamber pots; milk cans; hooked rugs; Beaver sealers; old jars; bottles; crocks and jugs; dozens of picture frames and pictures; gingerbread and other antique clocks. Display racks, show cases, cash register and desk, and some household items and miscellaneous. N.B. — This sale has a very outstanding selection of items. TERMS — CASH PREVIEW—Friday 2 P.M. to sale time and Saturday 8:30 A.M. fo Sale time. Not responsible for accidents day of sale. SEATING — PADDLE BIDDING REFRESHMENTS NORM WHITING AUCTIONEER. Phone 2 3 5 1 964 EXETER, ONT, 25b 9. WANTED .(General) 13, SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE RICHARD -LOBB EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER CLINTON, ONT. PHONE: 482.7898 ctfn This add worth ONE DOLLAR OFF FILM PROCESSING of KODACOLOR film 12 or 20 ex- posure 126 or 110 sizes. One coupon per film Present this ad with film to Bill German's Korner Recreation or Jervis Studio. NOT CLINTON PHOTO SERVICE —tfn ZURICH Abattoir custom but- chering- Monday-pigs, Wednesday- beef. Phone Business 236.4939 (collect) or residence 236- 4681(collect).-23tfn REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done, All odd jobs around the home, Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn.—c2tfn GENERAL MAINTENANCE We require Maintenance Personnel for our Plant in Mitchell, Ontario. Applicants must be experienced In the general maintenance of machinery, equipment and buildings or have mechanical experience. RATE OF PAY AFTER PROBATIONARY PERIOD: - $3.90 per hour COMPANY PAID - Life Insurance; - Hospital Insurance - Medical Insurance; - Sickness Insurance; - Pension Plan. APPLY TO THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 ERIE STREET STRATFORD, ONTARIO 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED WOULD LIKE to babysit in my own home, in Clinton area. Phone 482-7203.-25b 11, TENDERS Ontario Housing Corporation An Agency of the Province of On- tario. EXTERIOR and INTERIOR PAINTING at GODERICH F.P. 1/52, F.P. 2/53, F.P. 4/58 AND CLINTON F.P. 1/58 Reference No. T.S. 7409 Tenders will be received for the ,above until 12:00 noon E.D.S.T. July 12, 1974 by the Ontario Housing Cor- poration, 195 Dufferin Avenue, Suite 601, P.O: Box 69, Station "B", London, Ontario, N6A 4V3, c/o the Branch Maintenance Manager, from whom details, and specifications may be obtained or telephone 519-433-2884, quoting reference number as above. Plans and specifications will also be available at the London and District Construction Association Office. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CUSTOM a> SPRAY rAINTING'—' BARNS and INDUSTRY FREE ESTIMATES Phone 482-920 2 JIM BOLGER R.R. 2 CLINTON LYLE MONTGOMERY CONSTRUCTION lirroMowlall01•10.1•00. Crushed Road gravel, crushed stone (for drainage work) Clean Cement Gravel,, Pit Run and Fill Gravel, Back hoe work, Screened Top Soil CLINTON 482-7644 Phone evenings or before 7 a.m. tfn BULLDOZING EXCAVATING TRENCHER SERVICE Phone 482-7901 or 482-7304 after 6 p.m. HURON PINES CLINTON tfn Dun—Ray Excavating RR 4, Thamesford, Ont. Dozer & Scraper work Land Clearing Stripping Basements dug also Brush Rake Kintore 283-6623 Uniondale 349-2585 15-24p