HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-06-13, Page 16N E WS-RECORD, THURSDAY, JUNE 3 1974 IN AIR CONDITIONED ate COMFORT BAVARIAN INN SOUTH OF BAYFIELD NO. 21 rA.40.4" WE SPECIALIZE IN EUROPEAN FOODS THIS WEEKEND'S FEATURE SMORGASBORD SUNDAY JUNE 16-BEGINNING AT 5 P.M. DROP IN ANY DAY FOR "COFFEE BREAK" 2 - 4 P.M, ENJOY OUR. FINE "HOME MADE'i PIES AND CAKES AND TORTES BAVARIAN INN' CALL BAYFIELD 565.2843 FOR RESERie I 1U NS / RECEPTION for JUNE FALCONER and RON CORRIVEAU Bridal Couple SAT. JUNE 15, 1974 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. in ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by CAVALIERS Lunch Will Be Served / • • / / / / / / / / / • / / / / / • / / / / / / / / / • / / / • / / / / anion. ollotEr Your Hosts: Helen and Des Cassidy' PHONE 519.482-3421 Featuring "CLOUD 9" and Dining Room 33 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON, ONTARIO MONDAY to SATURDAY NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT NOW APPEARING: DAVE HOY The best in Honky Tonk music. This Friday and Saturday enjoy the Outside Atmosphere in our new licensed Outdoor Gardens. 24b INQUIRE NOW For Winter Vacations in the Tropics Guided Tours of Guyana, South America and Trinidad, W.I. Ask for proposed itinerary. Fred McGregor Phone 482-3301 482-7127 23,24b * Nightly Entertainment Begins June 17 at the DASHWOOD HOTEL starting Monday Wave •V• 14-15 JUNE EaStZed is Dirtylla in minium Force Bruce tee every limbo! his body is o lethal weapon in "Fists of Fury" Color •A Notional General Piclutet Release SUN. ONLY JUNE 16 "The word& mouth is out I" FRI.-SAT. THURS.-FRI.-SAT. JUNE 13-15 8 P.M. ONLY A Joseph E. Levine std Brut Productions Presentation George Glenda Segal. Jackson Joseph E, Levine presents An Avco Embassy Film - A. Isasi Production Technicolor • An Avco Embassy Release 4i SUN.-MON.-TUES, JUNE 16-18 8 P.M. ONLY To Be Announced WED. JUNE 19 8 P.M. ONLY SERPICO OR MASH ATTENTION! ATTENTION! Due to popular demand 20th Century-Fox presents the original... MA S*11 I Roar once again with the original movie cast... Robert Sally Duvall Kellerman AS M1IG1uP E4JA5 AS HO ors Color by OC LUX8 'PANAVISION" ger Production ASI' An Ingo Prenn Rs mimed by GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 574.1811 AIR CONDITIONED In A Melvin Frank FA Touch Of Class ENTERTAINMENT COUNTRY AND WESTERN Every Friday and Saturday Evening TASTY SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ont .4( ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON Now Playing EntTehr eta Ifni:lb:10:i leo r6 aelilecagsos, group - Providing +SPOTT FARM Coming Next Ai cKENZIE COME AND SEE THE SEVENTH ANNUAL GODERICH POWER SQUADRON SAIL PAST GODERICH HARBOUR SUNDAY, JUNE 16th, 2:00 P.M. Hensall Community Centre JUNE 14 and 15, 1974 "WARD ALLEN MEMORIAL TROPHY" $2,060 CASH PRIZES BROWNIE'S vino CLINTON - ONTARIO BOX OFFICE OPEN 8 P.M. - SHOW STARTS 8:30 P.M. Beginning June 13 Open Nightly Including, Sunday. Thursday - Friday - Saturday June 13 - 14 - 15 The dirty-tricks squad that even regular cops are afraid of! t.t.t From the producer of ''Bullitt" and "The French connection: THE SEVEN A UPS (.09 I,, lye L. . ',WS SY DE LLIXP Starring ROY SCHEIDER Adult Entertainment Adult Entertainment KID BLUE WASN'T ifoUjeaft sae CENTURY-FOX Prowl ! A MARVIN SCHWARTZ PRODUCTION "KID BLUE" Sunday - Monday - Tuesday June 16 - 17 - 18 BORNED TO BE YOUNG. BEAUTIFUL CONFUSED. SHE DIDN'T KNOW WHICH SIT TOGO „SOSHEWENT BOTH WAYS! 'I MI Mt MOM ImamIttralthal nY 111.7331 ,01$ H •M IVO I Mal irliret1 *OW atarinal tea' 111ERUM A LOVE SWEDISH STYLE Stirring Karen Ciral "She comes fully equipped • • • fttwa Sweden!" 0•11ITAM %%%%%% "011 14t.11:TriTZln, wise et++, "6.40.0001x eq. ..1•111•11110, HELIL,UPSIDE DOWN WHO dn:e:a 1111111nninlineril-91rADVIMM illig h7-u2:11:14Pry""2-N1*ALFrillENTAP;:::yijnillcti:(4 Adult Entertainment I WEN. Ws Tivoli Skala., Awitunbiran nerhorkg *Willi POSEIDON AttlailliRrAmAGENE IOW ERNEST MMUS BUMPS CAROL IMP( ROM McDOVAI SiaLA SWIG SWAY BMUS ..rwoi roc ILIMIX NEU at IVO • ARIHII (/(101111Ell SHEI a9i lISUE K2 s 114 cot SIM RIP COI • Mali We NMI • 9111UNGSIWPWNIWI WW1 SC FOURTH ANNUAL i'e:s•ot IIDDLOs KINSMEN CLUB OF HENSALL fer rop A ISI IVAN DRIVE-IN • GODERICH own r at comr.EWoN AO 4 SOON( Si4 99AI 4,),„0,4,„0„ There were so many excellent athletics at CHSS this year that five boys and three girls were named outstanding athletes and received their awards at a banquet last week in Clinton. Left to right are Brian Miller, and Tim Jewson, both outstanding junior boy athletes; Marlene Cunningham, joint senior girls outstanding athlete; guest speaker Dennis Riggin, former NHL goaltender; Marlene Dale, outstanding junior girl; Brian Kennedy, outstanding senior boy; Sandra Fremlin, outstanding senior girl; Randy Millar, outstanding senior boy; and David Clynick, outstanding junior boy. (photo by Jack Hunt) Hullett game area given clean up PORK BARBEQUE-,-Varna arena Wednesday, June 26, 5 to 8 p,rn, Adults $3.00, children under 12 years, $1.50. Spon- sored by Varna United Church. For tickets phone 262-5351 or 482-3214.-23,244 CHICKEN BARBEQUE at Constance, Thursday; June 13,- 1974, 5 to 8 p,m, sponsored by Canadian Foresters. Adults $2.50, children 6 to 12 years $1,25, preschoolers free.-23,24b Ag-Op SUMMER FESTIVAL, Sat„ July 6, 1974. Seaforth Community Centre, Desjar- dine's Orchestra. All tables reserved, Tickets available from Agricultural and Optimist members. Bob Fotheringham, chairman, ph. 482-9196.--20 to 26b "CASH BINGO", Seaforth Legion Hall Friday, June 14 at 8;15 p.m, sharp. 15 regular games for $10 each, Three specials for $25 and a $75 Jack- pot to go each week. (Children under 16 yrs. not permitted). Admission $1, extra cards 25c each or 7 for $1, Proceeds for welfare work. Sponsored by Branch 156, Seaforth Royal Canadian Legion.-24b BINGO June 18 Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 D.ITL. Jackpot $56 in. 56 calls. Six_ door prizes. NEW BINGO Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 June 13, Admission, $1; fifteen regular games •$10 each, Three Share-the-Wealth games. One Jackpot for $170 in 56 calls. Consolation. One call can $10 added weekly if not won. "KINSMAN SUMMERSET 74" Bluetones playing at Clin- ton Community Centre, Satur- day, June 22. Tickets $7 per couple available from any Kin- sman or Kinette.-24b ANNUAL WEBSTER PIC- NIC—All members of the Web- ster families are cordially in- vited to join together at Har- bour Park, Goderich, on Sun- day afternoon, June 16, 1974 picnic lunch.-24p THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, Health Unit office, 105 Shipley Street, Clinton, on Friday, June 21, 1974, from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m, for: Health Surveillance, Anaemia Screening, Im- munization, Hearing Screening, Fluoride brushing of children's teeth to prevent cavities for ages 3 to 5 years., Vision testing.-24b TO HONOR THE RETIREMENT of Mrs. Marion Powell from the Huron County Board of Education, a special night will be held at the Holmesville Public School oil Friday, June 21st commencing at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome.-24,25b HAM AND STRAWBERRY SUPPER, June 26, 5:30 to 7 p.m. in Auburn Community Memorial Hall. Advance tickets only. Phone 526-7294 or 'any member of Board: Tickets $2.50, children $1.50.-24,25b MONSTER ffs,rdio sponsored by Clinton Recreation Commit- tee - Grand Prize $1000.00 each night. Clinton Community Cen- tre, Mon. May 27 at 8:00 p.m. $1.00 admission, 18 years and over.-21,24b LIGHT HORSE Show, Seaforth Fair Grounds, Sat. June 15, 1974, 12 noon Enter- tainment in arena with Nash- ville Bound "Country Wally" from 1 to 9 p.m. Admission $1.00, 12 and under 50c.-22,23,24b The Relatives of ELDIN and MILDRED KERR invite yin' to celebrate with them on the occasion of their 40th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY at the SEAFORTH LEGION HALL Saturday June 22 9 p.m. Everyone Welcome Lunch Provided Best Wishes Only • IILCVIEILAVIDIE in !DIE 11E11) iriuucAkir 11-A11?1F 3CE in color A pair of ladies from Bayfield won this weeks $1,000 jackpot at the Monster Bingo. Bonthe Talbot and Denise Orr played together and split the money down the middle, The first of three Share-the- Wealths was split by Mrs. Keith Volland of Hensall and Norma Lee of Clinton, The pot was $178. Mrs, Lawrence Denomme won $184.25 on the second and Pat Racho, Dublin, won $187.50 on the third, Regular game winners were Ann Flaxboard, Edith Camp- bell, Lynda Reinhart, Fred Seers, Shelly Brown, Mrs. Fred Weston, Mary Ellen Cowen, Mrs. Gordon Lawson, Mrs. BY WILMA OKE Volunteers from Zone 6 of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters par- ticipated in a work bee at the Hullett Wildlife Park two miles northeast of Seaforth Saturday. Eighty adults and 59 children spent Saturday after- noon planting food plots and the future islands on the land to be flooded in the park. The islands have been made by pushing up mounds of earth , and these will form islands when the Maitland River is dammed where Canada geese will build their nests. The sun- flower, millet and corn sown by the workers will provide food for the geese. The workers, representing seven associations, each year give one day to work at some conservation area. The group who won the STRAWBERRY and HAM SUPPER Brucefield United Church JUNE 19-5 to 8 p.m. Adults $2.75. Children Under 12 Yrs. $1.50 Pre-scho'Ol—Free 241) RECEPTION and DANCE for Debbie Anderson and Dan Wilton (Bridal Couple) Saturday, June 15 9:30 - 12:30 Pineridge Chalet Hensall music by the Bluetones LUNCH PROVIDED Everyone Welcome Bayfield ladies split $1,000 this year were from the Western Ontario Fish and Game and Loho Conservation Clubs in London; the Sport- sman Club, Windsor; Halton County Sportsmen Club; Oak- ville Rod and Gun Club; Good Time Fish and Game Club at Hamilton; and the Good Will Fish and Game Club at Kingsville, as well as several individual members who do riot belong to any one club. As well as planting seed's, they cleared rubbish away from around some of the dismantled barns and farmhouses which had been sold to clear the area for the new lake to be formed. These areas will now he bulldozed for a final cleaning up operation, A fish fry completed the days', activities. The members were camped at Point Farm on Lake Huron at Goderich for the weekend. __Eltn_2nd.FeetUre in ColOr Alex McMichael, Edith Camp- and Joanne Cole, bell again, Dorothy Kirk, Mrs. last two bingos. Bill Steepe, Mrs. Jesson, Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, Mrs. An- nabelle Bushell, Phyllis Lee, Theressa Shambach, Florence Kennedy, Wynda Allen, Mrs. Norman Baird, George Love Jr., Helen Casemore, Mrs. Bill Steepe again, three more repeaters were Mrs. Norman Baird, Norma Lee, and Mary Ellen Gowen, Nellie Holthuysen, Mrs. A. Hewitt, Phyllis Lee, Gertrud Fleishauer, Florence Stevens, Alma McLean, Mrs. Robert Cook, Phyllis Mountford, Mrs, Florence Elliott Mrs. Don Kay, AD Kti1111(110 to NuoN1 "CLIMAX"