HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-06-13, Page 15N N> WS-RECOI1A, .17171UB$DAY",. ,JUNt. 13, 1974,714
These nine Brownies were presented with their Golden Bars at the mother and daughter
banquet held recently in Clinton. Left to right are Belinda Cudmore, Carol Beane, Ann Marie
Powell, Cheryl McDonald, Kathy Kelly, Jennifer Wood, Sharon Weigel, Angela Demers, and Pat Wales. In background are Tawny Owls ,Rosemary Armstrong and Lori Corrie. (photo by
Jack Hunt)
0 King SI. Phone
Clinton 40.401
Hensel, UCW
Unit IV of Hensall pow met
for their June-meeting onThur-
sday afternoon at the Churcti.
Mrs. McAllisfer 'presided and
opened the meeting ,with a
poem "God's ift". Three were
sung and Mrs. George--Arm-
strong gave the Devotional. She
read from Matthew 5 and
brought to mind the people who
have brought light and help to
the world. After 2000 years,
Jesus still brings light and hope
to our lives. The devotional
Robert D: McChesney of
Kirkland Lake was recently
elected president of the Royal
Canadian Legion at the
organization's national con-
vention in St. John's, Nfld. He
is a' chartered fife underwriter
With Excelsior Life. Mr,
McChesney served with the
RCAF in WW II and has held
executive office in the Legion
on every level of command. As
national 'president, he suc-
ceeds Robert G. Smellie, D.C.,
of Winnipeg. (Photo by D.
Joalvoriusr NOW
concluded with prayer. Mrs,
Grace Harpole favoured
everyone with two piano solos
"Whispering Hope and How
Great Thou Art",
Mrs. F. Luther introduced
the guest speaker, Mrs. Walter
Spencer who ,explained the
study material for "Mission
Impossible-unless". Cards were
distributed for discussion. She
was thanked by Mrs, Luther
and Mrs, McAllister, Mrs.
Erratt and Mrs. Slade took up
the offering. Mrs, Sherritt gave
the treasurer's report. Mrs,
'Erratt reported on the bale and
a sum of money was voted to
buy cord and wool for knitting.
United Church Notes
The !edit of the choir sang
,the anthem "Reach your arms
around the work!" for the Sun-
day service of Worship in Hen-
sail United Church, Rev. Don
,Beck preached on the sermon
topic "On Freedom".
Anglican Church Notes
The Rev. G.A. Anderson con-
ducted the service at St. Paul's
Anglican Church, The text of
the sermon for Trinity Sunday
was "Behold! a door was
opened in heaven". Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Forrest and Clark
accompanied the singing with
organ, violin and •guitar, and
also played "Face to Face".
• Ripley Reunion
The 27th annual Riley
Reunion was held at the farm
of Ross Riley, RR 2, Staffa,
with 72 present. The sports
were conducted by Mr. and
Mrs. Alonzo Harburn and Mr.
and Mrs. John Prouty.
The winners are as follows:
children 5 and under, Bonnie
Jepson, Jeff Clarke; girls 6.8,
Darlene and Susan Harburn;
boys 6-8, Pat Riley; girls 9-12,
Rosmary Duttmann and Karen
Shiels; boys 9-12, Murray Har-
burn, Ronald Riley; 3-legged
race, Eleanor Shiels and Marg
Clarke, Kevin Shiels and Ken
' Clarke; balloon race, Ivan and
Barbara Boa; men's kick the
slipper, Leslie Riley; ladies kick
thc :siOper, Marg Clarke,
'4)) A candy scramble was held
for the small children. Guessing
the number of jelly beans in a
,'jar was won by Winnie Riley. A
ball game was enjoyed by all.
After a delicious supper, it was
decided to hold the picnic next
year in the Hensall park, the
second Sunday in ,June.
New Officers elected for next
year were; past president, Ken
Clarke; president, Ivan Boa;
vice president, David Smale;
secretary, Susan Riley;
treasurer, Elizabeth Harburn;
sports committee, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Jepson and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Steckle.
During the past few weeks,
some members from the Hen-
sell churches have been can-
vassing the village for the
Canadian Bible Society. Mrs.
Sim Roobal was the Convener
AT 1:30 P.M.
Ali classes of Livestock
Victor William Barry Miller
Hargreeves Livingston 235-2717 Exeter
482-7511 Dungennon and
Clinton 529-7521 2294205 Kirkton
men111010 1 1' von*.
Under Tuckeromith By-law No. 17-1974, no dogs are to be
permitted to run at large. All owners Or harbourers of dogs are
required to obtain a dog tag and pay an annual license fee,
Every owner shall pay the following license fee:
For a .mal dog or *payed female dog $ 5.00.
For each additional male or spayed female dog $20.00
For a female dog, if Only one is kept. $10.00
For a second female dog $25.00
FOr each additional male or female dog
exceeding 2 dogs, Owned by the Same
person or household. • $30.00
The license Tees mutt be paid between June 17 and July 6,
1974 to the Township of Tuckersmith and Must be paid to one
of the following:
Elgin 'Thompson, RR .3, Kipper
Ervin Sillery, RR 1, rutefield
Cleave Coombi, Egmoridville
Serf Brarlderhorat, RA 1, Herman
Jim Broadfoot, VanaMra
Any dog owner not Obtaining a dog tag by July 6, will be
liable to be charge by the Animal Control Officer fcir the 'Town-
ship of Tuckersmith,
The Animal Control °hider for Tuckersmith is Dick Enter of
Goderich (5244148)
Corn growers:
PH. 48 2-738 1
Distributor for all SHELL Oil Products
SHELL Shell Chemicals
add Kornoil to Atrazine
sprays for better
weed control in corn.
Find. a
running maw tt3t 414
The Canadian niovernbni for personal fitness
Fitness. In your heart you know it's right.
1974 .BUICK Century sedan
2 --1974 IMPALA 4 door hardtops
1973 BUICK Century, 2 door
1973 LE MANS, 4 door
1973 CHEVROLET Impala Custom, 2 door hardtop
1973 CHEVELLE, 4 door sedan
1973 VEGA, automatic transmission
1973 FORD Gran Torino 2 door hardtop
1972 MERCURY Marquis, fully equipped, air conditioned
1972 DODGE Monaco, fully equipped, air conditioned
1972 FORD 4 door sedan, power steering and brakes
1972 CHEV Impala
1972 BUICK La Sabre Custom, air conditioned
1971 PONTIAC Parisienfie-Brougham, 4 door hardtop
1971 CHEV MONTE CARLO, 2 :door hardtop
1070 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 door hardtop
3 — 1969 PONTIAC Parisienne, two 4 door hardtops and a
2 door hardtop
20 — 1965 - 1968 Models
1972 CHEV stationwagon
1972 PONTIAC Laurentian stationwagon
1068 RAMBLER stationwagon
1972 — 50 series 14' Van CHEV automatic
1971 •CHEV, 1/2 ton pick up
2 --1971 FORD 3/4 ton pickups
2 --1971 CHEV V 1 ton pickups
1970 CIIEV 50'series cab and chassis and 14' vans
A number of vatic from 1970 - 1972. Some V8's, some 6
cylinder some CHEVS, and some FORDS
Brussels Motors
BP Pbeitell674173 , SerVice Oath*
SANDERS—Mr. and Mrs. Brian
Sanders of Exeter (nee Linda
MacDonald) are very pleased to an-
nounce their chosen son "Geffrey
Brian", age 1 yr, Another grandson
for Mrs. Margaret Thorndike..
ANDREWS—.Born in Toronto on
Friday,. May 24, 1974, to Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Andrews, a son, Jef-
frey Micheal, a brother for Jennifer,'
E grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Dug
UYL—Suddenly as the result of an
accident on Tuesday, June 4, 1974,
Richard Paul Uyl of R.R. 2, Clinton
in his 12th year. Beloved son of An-
thony J. and Fredrika Uyl. Dear
Brother of Lawrence of Clinton,
Hans of Ingersoll, Andy of R.R. 2
Clinton, Jane of Hamilton, Frieda
of R.R. 2; Clinton, dear grandson of
Lawrence Uyl of Camlackie. The
body rested at the Beattie Funeral
Home, 45 Rattenburr Street, East
in Clinton until the funeral service
from the Christian Reformed
Church in Clinton at 2:00 p.m. with
Reverend A. Beukemia officiating.
Interment in Clinton Cemetery.
MCFARLANE—At the Clinton
Public Hospital on Wednesday,
-June 5..1974, Albert A. McFarlane
of Auburn, formerly of Lambeth in
his 90th year. Beloved husband of
the former Elma Mutch. Also sur-
vived by several neices and
nephews. The body rested at the Ar-
thur Funeral Home, Auburn until
Friday morning then to his.former
residence McFarlane and Roberts
Funeral Home. Lambeth, where the
funeral service was conducted
Saturday June 8, at 11 a.m. Inter-
ment in Woodland Cemetery.
BELL,—At Huronview Home, Clin-
ton. on Wednesday, -lune 5, 1974,
Harold Bell of Bayfield in his 71st
year. Dear brother of Mrs. Etta
Latham of Acton. Mrs. Edith
Powell of Burlington, Mrs. Laura
Powell of Goderich and Fred Bell of
Clinton. The funeral service was
held from the Ball Funeral Home,
153 High St., Clinton on Friday,
-June 7 at 2 p.m, interment in
The engagement. is announced of
Sandra, the eldest daughter of Mrs.
Francis Muraska and the late Mr.
Wm. Muraska, of Constance to Mr.
Bruce Elliott, son of Mrs. Florence
Elliott, Varna, and the late Mr.
Lorne Elliott. The wedding to take
place Saturday, June 29, 1974 at 2
o'clock in St. Paul The Apostle
Church, Coniston, Ont.-24p
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell, Clinton,
are happy to announce the forth-
coming marriage' of their daughter,
Barbara Ann to Gordon Francis
Leaman of Goderich, son of Mr. and
Mrs. •John Leamen, Goderich. The
wedding to take place in Wesley
Willis United church, Clinton, at
3:30 p.m. on -June 29, 1974.-24p
CLEAVE: t wish to thank everyone
who sent cards, flowers, treats and
visited me while in Victoria
Hospital, and since returning home.
Special thanks to Pastor Clemens.
Bender and Scott for their prayers
and visits. Also special thanks to'
Dr. Baker. Dr. Allen and the nur-
sing staff. Ph,viis Cleave-24p
O'ROURKE—We wish to express
our appreciation to our friends,
neighbours and family for gifts,
cards and best wishes. Also we
would like to thank everyone who
visited us and helped to Make our
50th wedding anniversary the
happy and memorable occasion it
was. Basil and Irene
0' Rourke.-24b
GIBBINGS--Very sincere thanks to
Rev, and Mrs., Lewis who visited me
tiering my recent stay in hospital
and after my return home. Marie
CUY1,,ER—We sincerely wish to
thank everyone for their many ex-
pressions of sympathy in the recent
sad bereavement of the loss Of a son
and brother, Bill and Millie Lobh
and family, Katheleen Cuyler and
family, Kincardine.-24p
SPROUL—I would like to thank
the neighbours and friends for
cards, flowers gifts and visits while
I was a patient in Clinton hospital.
Special thanks to Dr, Street and Dr.
Lambert, nurses and staff, Marian
STEWART—Thanks to my family
and relatives friends, and neigh-
bours for cards, treats, flowers and
visits I received while in Clinton
Hospital, also to Dr. Flowers 'and
nurses on first floor. Special thanks
to all who drove my wife to and
from the hospital when she visited
me, These kindnesses will always
he. remembered. Clifford
POTTER: I wetuid like to thank ail
our friends, neighbours . and
relatives for the many cards, gifts
and visits while a patient at the
Goderich Psychiatric Hospital. A
special and grateful ttiankyou to
Rev. Lawrence and Mrs. Lewis,
Rev. Stan McDonald, the doctors,
nurses and staff of the hospital.
Deep appreciation to Ed, Alvin,
Greg, Gord and Murray for the
planting of the crops and .helping
Eileen with chores etc. All help and
kindnesses deeply appreciated. Sin-
cerely, Frank Potter.-24b
UYL . We wish to express our sin-
cere thanks and appreciation to
relatives, friends and neighbours for
their prayers, kindness, sympathy
and floral tributes in the loss of our
son and brother Ricky. Special
thanks to those who were at the
scene of the accident, Rev, and Mrs.
Beukema, Ambulance attendants,
Dr, Flowers. Dr. Harrett and staff,
the ladies who served' coffee and
Beattie Funeral Home. Your kind-
ness will always be remembered,
;":1'.hes, Uyl Farrilly.-244
HULLER - I would like to take this
opportunity to thank my friends
and relatives for cards, flowers and
visits while a patient in Clinton
Public Hospital. Special thanks to
the nurses, Dr. Harrett and Rev.
Oestreicher, Myrtle Huller.'--24b
Carol Ann Wilbee, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Wilbee of RR
1, Walton, received her
Bachelor of Arts degree from
the University of Western On-
tario on June 4th. Carol is a
graduate of Seaforth District
High School and Stratford
Teacher's College. Presently,
she holds a teaching position
on the staff of Clinton Public
Penny Sale Winners •
Hensall Legion Ladies
Auxiliary held a successful
Penny Sale on Friday evening
in the Legion hall, A large
crowd tif children and a few
adults were on hand to watch
Leonard Erb draw and
president Mildred Chalmers
present the winning tickets.
Winners are listed below, the
address is Hensall unless in-
Winners were: lawn chair
(Hensall Co-op) Edith Baird,
Brucefield; Shell oil (Dave
Kyle Garage) Nellie Reid; toy
car (Legion Ladies Auxiliary)
Tracey.Southcott, Exeter; rods
(Jim's Machine Shop) Marlene
Ingram; $10 bill (Gerbro Mill)
Maxine Dickerson, London;
pen and pencil set (Legion
Ladies Auxiliary) Wilma Hoff-
man; tractor light (Hyde
Brothers) Sandra Carlile;
pillowcases (13,14, McNaughton)
Jim Smale; Shell oil (Laven-
ders garage) Lloyd Venner;
wax (Hensall Motors)• Bill
Fairbairn; $10 gift certificate
(Big "0" Tile) Hilda Smale;
charcoal lighter (Knight Elec-
tric) John Smith, Westminster
Hospital, London; cologne
(Leona Parke) Brenda Smale;
$10 bill (W.G. Thompson and
son) Marg McDonald, Exeter;
after-shave (Leona Parke) John
Chappel, Staffa; $5 bill (Huron
Auto Body) Ruby Bierling, RR
2, Zurich; service call (Travers
Electric) Ross Haugh, Exeter;
$3 voucher (McLeans Flowers,
Seaforth) .Pearl Koehler; 2 112
gallons ice-cream' (Bairds
Store) Marg Vanstone; $5
voucher (Cook's Florist, Clin-
ton) George Shells; Macrame
set (Legion Ladies Auxiliary)
Roxanne Lavery; gift pack
(Ron's Variety) Sandra
Towers; truck and game
(Legion Auxiliary) Peter An-
stett, Clinton; one case of peas
and carrots , (Canadian Can-
ners) Pat Pollock; $10 per-
manent (Williams Hair
Styling) Pat Pollock; dresser
lamps (Legion Auxiliary) Herb
Bierling, Zurich; wallet (T.C.
•Joynt) Allan Bisback; $10 bill
(Smith Construction) Elaine
MacGregor, Dashwood, plaque
(Smith Construction) Wayne
Reid; gajnejiegiort3uxiliary)
Jennifer Wood, Clinton; dried
flowers (Country Flowers,
Exeter) Eric Mansfield; bun
warmer (Crest Hardware)
Wayne Reid; $10 voucher (Al's
Tastefully decorated home
situated on five rolling acres near
Goderich. This home has been
fully remodelled, featuring a large
living room, dining room with an
open staircase, modern kitchen,
four piece bath and three
bedrooms. Atop a hill it commands
a delightful view of surrounding
countryside, Grounds are
beautifully landscaped and in-
clude a barn. All for only $45,000.
Act now to have full summer en-
, joyment.
Six acres plus seven room home
and garage. Barn 65' x 40', drilled
well, low taxes. Asking $35,000.
One hundred acres of riverfront
property, near Bayfield. Wooded,
scenic, secluded, this property
has excellent retreat or develop-
ment potential. Also forty acres
Choice building lots located lust
east of Clinton on Highway 8. Per-
fect for country living.
In Brucefield - just two lots left at
a price you can't afford to pass by.
250 acre cash crop farm with ex-
cellent buildings and a 200 acre
farm with modern lull barn, loose
housing and a frame home.
Interested/ Glad to furnish full in-
Comfortable 3 bedroom cottage,
fully winterized, and electric
heated, situated within walking
distance from the lake, asking
Super Save) Annie. Reid;
Chinese Checkers (Legion
Auxiliary) .Jeff Maxwell;
fishing pole (Hensall Legion)
Bryan Beer; $10 voucher (Ball
and McCauley) Gerry Chappel,
Staffa; two play outfits
(Taylors Ready-To-Wear)
Joanne Bell; pot of mums
(Exeter Florist) Wayne Reid;
hair spray (Flynn's Barber-
shop) Peter Anstett, Clinton;
push broom (Fuller Brush
Dealer), Doieen Deitrich,
Zurich; animal truck (Legion
Auxiliary) John Smith, Lon-
don; Hoover rug shampooer
(Bonthrons) Hilda Srnale; play
toys (Legion Auxiliary) Holly
Craine; lamp (Bendix) Linda
Traquair; 20 quarts of milk
(Hurondale Dairy) Grace
McBride, 'Kippen; patio lights
(C.E, Reid and sons) Greta
Erb; one year's subscription to
the Clinton News Record Raye
Schwalm; $10 perm (Jean Tur-
vey) Bob Carlile; soap on a
rope (Leona Parke) Becky
Baker; doll (Legion Auxiliary)
Hilda Smale; watch (John
Reid's Restaurant) Madeline
Harburn; $5 voucher (Beatons
Bakery) Marilyn Brintnell,
Staffa; one year's subscription
(Exeter Times Advocate) Deb-
bie Venner; $5 voucher for gas
(Ted 'Muss) Ivan Coleman;
$10 bill (Dr. J.C. Goddard)
Hazel McEwan; begonia
(Palmers Florest) Roily Van-
stone; game (Legion Auxiliary)
Cindy Bisback; one year's sub-
scription (Seaforth Expositor)
Cecil Maxwell; $5 bill (Hensall
Sales Barn) Raye Schwalm;
tub of potatne chips (Hostess
potato chips) ,Joyce papPer;
swag lamp (custoM trailers,
Exeter) Gerry'Neilands; Ther-
mos jug (Parker and Parker)
Cathy Neilands; four cases
Pepsi (Tuckey Beverages) eight
draws were made with each
person receiving two cartons
apiece, winners were Carol
Ducharmme, Jane Pollock,
Karen Sheils, Susan Stretton,
Marion Sangster, Joyce Pepper,
Mary Ann Flynn and Becky
for this project and Eric Luther
was the treasurer. The total
amount collected was $232.35.
Canvassing from the
Anglican Church were Mrs,
Frank Forrest and Mrs, Annie
Reid. From the Presbyterian
Church were Mrs. Ruby
Hoggarth, Mrs. Melvin Glan-
ville, Mrs. Percy Campbell,
Mrs. John Skea, Mrs, Ellis
Stewart and Miss Tammy
Baker. From the United
Church were Mrs. Audrey
Christie, Mrs. Don Beck, Mrs.
Leona Parke and Mrs, Peter
Happiness Theme
The June meeting of Unit II
of Hensall United Church had
the theme of Happiness. Jean
Wareing welcomed members
and read a poem "With a con-
secrated car", This was
followed by a devotional en-
titled "Little things" given by
Shirley McAllister based on
scripture passages from Psalm
8 and devotions from Christian
Women. As Christians, we must
face true maturity by using
symbols of a cross, a cup and a
crown left to us by Christ. We
must use our gifts of time and
talents to glorify God forgetting
petty annoyances, and using
zeal' and--enthusiasrria Of 'our
youth and assume kingly
neglect of trifles. Worship,
praise and quiet reverence is
required. The offering was
taken and dedicated.
The roll call was answered
by 17 members and two guests
with a Bible book with the first
letter of your name. Grace
Drummond conducted the
business. Unit 11 is responsible
to put flowers in the Church for
the month of June. They
received an invitation to attend
Open House at the Queensway
Nursing on ,June 17 to 9 p.m. A
report on the Presbyterial was
given by Kay Mock.' In 1973,
400 parcels were sent by the
Presbytery. The Regional
meeting will be held in Dash-
wood on October 2. Playlets on
the control of Alcholism are
available in the Church library.
Members were asked to save
white material, string, plastic
bags, cotton straps to be sent at
a later date to Angola. Mona
Alderdice reported on the Beef
Barbecue, and announced that
over 500 were served. The topic
was taken by Pearl Passmore, a
theme by Dr. Tennyson Guyer.
"Art of Happiness" depends on
Faith in God and fellowman,
and is governed by heredity, en-
vironment, and responsibilities.
Truth, honesty and sincerity
are basic rules. A poem "The
world is mine" and a
humorous reading on "Adjust-
ments" and prayer closed the
Pearl thanked all members
who helped at the Nursing
home in May, Ann Brock gave
a report on the Friendship and
Visitation and Jean Waring cir-
culated 15 verses read by mem-
bers "If Jesus Came to your
house?" A delicious lunch was
served by Donna Corbett, Kay
Mock and Mary Merritt.
Barbara Elizabeth Symons,
daughter of Mayor Don and
Mrs. Symons of Clinton recen-
tly graduated from St. Mary's
Hospital of Nursing as a
Registered Nurse. She has ac-
cepted a positiori 'at Victoria
Hospital in: London. She is a
graduate of Clinton P.S. and