HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-05-30, Page 12ACLINTQN NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY aq• 1974. Central Huron Secondary School was well represented at the WOSSA track meet held recen- tly in London. Left to right are Randy Millar, Bill Cantelon, Marlene Dale, Mary Anne Cum- mings, Dean Ryan and Brian Millar. Miss Cummings was first in the girls' midget discus and advances to the Ontario finals. (News-Record photo) W.I. to attend celebrations IN AIR CONDITIONED CONFORT AT BAVARIAN INN SOUTH OF BAYFIELD NO. 21 WE SPECIALIZE IN EUROPEAN FOODS THIS WEEKEND'S FEATURES WIENER SCHNITZEL WITH GERMAN NOODLES OR SAUERBRATEN WITH GERMAN NOODLES DESSERT SPECIALS . GERMAN APPLE STRUDEL , 00 BLACK FOREST CHERRY TORTE BAVARIAN INN CALL HAYFIELD S65-2843 FOR RSSERVAtIONS ountry Fair Sat Over a thousand visitors are expected to attend the Huron Country Playhouse 2nd Annual Fair. Locally produced arts and crafts, needle work, macrame, a large magazine and book mart, displays of antiques and other collectables will be the features. 'Scheduled for Sunday, June 1.;the all-day event has a Chicken barbecue starting at 12 noon.. There are some,prizes an d interesting things, for children who, are admitted free of charge. Besides the exhibits arid displays, The Playhouse grounds and buildings will be open for inspection so that visitors may see the rehearsal areas, offices, dormitories, dressing rooms, etc. Missing will be the large Theatre tent which is scheduled to go up on June 17th, just in time for the gala pre-season dance on the 22nd and The Theatre's opening on June 26th. It is hoped that good weather will allow for outdoor exhibits. In the event of rain, however, the huge Playhouse barn will house all the activities. Last year's event, which was hampered by a steady down- pour of rain, nonetheless at- tracted a very large crowd. Working and planning on the annual event has been under- taken by a volunteer committee with representatives from the surrounding area. The Playhouse is located on the B Line, 1 mile east of Grand Bend on Highway 81. v Clinton, c..)loter Your Hosts: Helen and Des Cassidy PHONE 519-482-3427 Featuring "CLOUD 9" and Dining Room 33 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON, ONTARIO L L etI . , .10;14MAL1811. -7-14 A .1 MONDAY to SATURDAY NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT NOW APPEARING: "TIMOTHY" featuring MODERN & COUNTRY MUSIC This Friday and Saturday enjoy the outdoor at- mosphere in our new licen- sed Outdoor Gardens. In addition for your listening pleasure next week, "Dave Hay" returns to Clinton Community. Tuesday June 4th and for ,the following two days, we will be recording "live" in our Cloud Nine Lounge. The' bartenders Howie and Al welcome you and invite you to join us while your favourite songs are being recorded. Listen for the first time to "The Cloud Nine Song" , and "Clinton Cen- tennial", LICENSED UNDER L.C.B.O. BINGO June 4 Huron Fish and Game Club. 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $58 in 58 cells. Six door prizes Ag-Op SUMMER FESTIVAL, Sat, July 6, 1974. Seaforth Community Centre. Desjar- dine's Orchestra, All 'tables reserved, Tickets available from Agricultural and Optimist members. Bob Fotheringham, chairman, ph,.482-9196,-20 to 26b "CASH BINGO", Seaforth Legion Hall Friday, May 31 at 8:15 p.m. sharp. 15 regular games for $10 each, Three specials for $25 and a $75 Jack- pot to go each week. (Children under 16 yrs. not permitted). Admission $1, extra cards 25c each or 7 for $1, Proceeds for welfare work. Sponsored by Branch 156, Seaforth Royal Canadian Legion.-16b NEW BINGO Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 May 10. Admission,' $1; fifteen regular games $10 each. Three Share-the-Wealth games. One Jackpot for $150 in • 54 calls. Consolation. Qne call can $10 added weekly if not won, ATTENTION! ALL TENNIS ENTHUSIASTS A meeting to organize a TENNIS CLUB will be held Tuesday, June 4, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. in VANASTRA COMMUNITY HALL. (former Protestant Chapel) Everyone Welcome • The dirty d of devil's island. You can meet them ,for a arket June 2 "Erofic Swedish Film is series Of $110a51." LOVING COUPLES Sunda ;4` ittmENI‘CAtilzaS °Om I An ddult Motion picture from Sweden BROWNIE'S • CLINTON - ONTARIO BOX OFFICE OPEN B P M SHOW STARTS B 30 P M Thursday - Friday - Saturday May 30-31 t June 1 :A:2A ROGER as JAMES MOORE BOND 7 .14 FLEMINGS I "LIVE AND LETDPE" ijnoed mists Adult Entertainment "HARRY IN YOUR POCKET!" HE S THE WORLD S GREATEST CANNON Adult Entertainment James Coburn Whited Artists Michael Sarazin STAG PARTY HAM AND TURKEY SUP- PER, Holmesville United. Church, Wednesday June 12, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Adults $2.50, children under 10 years $1.00 Auspices of U.C.W.-22,23b , PARK GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED THURS.-FRI,-SAT, ONE SHOW MAY 30-31 JUNE 1 NIGHTLY AT 9 P.M. From the producer of "Sutliff" and "The French Connection;' • SUN.--N1ON.-TUES. JUNE 2-3-4 ONE SHOW NIGHTLY AT 8 P.M. THE_, DEIEZUED EXPERIMENT STARTS WED. JUNE 5 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE "BEST ACTOR" Many 01 his Milo °kers consider him the matt dangerous man alive- an Mutest sop, A PARAMOUNT RELEASE OIND OE LAURENTIIS brosehta AIA PACINCIrSCEIPIC019 Orcidticed OIREEWIANCIrW.ecr 4108411EY LLIMET lit.refrolay by WALDO SALT ar• NOONAN *EMI* Oink) °tithe boot, hq PITSR MAAS •1,9,4 r. by I.A9081 tecanatioomi ootoeoc000000000looiso oemoom00000 s000 0000 e©00000 100 t!!) OR 18 0000 00000 a a O • 20b O a a a a a a oecootaeolaoag DANCE HURON FISH and GAME CLUB SAT, JUNE 1, 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music by "The Broughams" Tickets $5.00 at the bar, $7.00 at the door Guests welcome with a member COMING SOON itacift Way flair fmagm, a Eastwood Magnum Pomo PANAVISION 1•ttchiocOuia n from M.* Bros Warner C6Mmunita1.885 toenpagy doek ,•••• MAY 31 - JUNE 1 FRI.-SAT. "...perhaps the most remarkable film to emergb since Cecil B.Datile founded Hollywood:' VERNON SCOTT, UPI A NORMAN JEWISON "JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR" A Universal Picture • Technicolor" Todd-A0 35 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ONE SWORN TO UPHOLD THE LAW...THE OTHER TO BREAK ITI (11.1NT EASTWOOD IN "JOE KIDD" H Y 8 O. 1 CDS t.18VS I 01 EN ". RI ON • 4 PHONEG D !2141 911%1;i SUN.- ONLY JUNE 2 "LOVE ME LOVE MY WIFE" OriV AND "SURGEON VIRGIN" HANOVER HOLIDAY TOURS WESTERN CANADA, June 2.9-22 day tour, Calgary Stam- pede, Jasper, Banff, Lake Louise, Vancouver, and much more. Limited space. 12 DAY EAST COAST MARITIMES, July 22 to August 3. Tupper Lake, Lake Champlain, NO day cruise Portland to Yarmouth, Peggy's Cove, Halifax, Cabot Trail, P,E,T, and much more. Deluxe Coach, accommodations, cruise, $289.00 each. FOUR DAY NORTH COUN- TRY TOUR, June 28 = Sud- bury, Sault Ste. Marie, full day train tour to Agawa Canyon, Mackinac Island, Franken- muth. Deluxe Coach, accom- modation, train fare, some Meals, $99.00 per person. August 11, 14 DAY MARITIME TOUR, via Boston, Bar Harbour, An- napolis Valley, Halifax, Cabot Trail, St. John, Riviere du Loup, Quebec City, Thousand Islands, $339.00 per person: .Jul' 13 FOUR DAY ON- TARIO AND QUEBEC, Thousand Islands, Ottawa, Hull, Montebello, Peter- borough Locks cruise, Lindsay, Orillia. $114.00 per person. 22 DAY EUROPEAN fully escorted tour to Bavaria, Swit- zerland. Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Italy and France, Departing July 23. SUNFLIGHT one and two week Caribbean vacations. Domestic and International airline reservations. CNR and CPR Rail. Advance booking charters, Contact Hanover Travel Service, 290 Tenth St., Hanover 364-3270. Out of town clients, 1-800-265-3007, toll free. FOR DAVE FAWCETT 41i L • • • RECEPTION and DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. WAYNE HOPKINS (nee Colleen Merner) Bridal Couple Friday, May 31, 1974 9 p.m. in , BAYFIELD COMMUNITY CENTRE Everyone Welcome nj o LIGHT HORSE Shaw, Seaforth Fair Grounds, Sat. June 15, 1974, 12 neon Enter- tainment in arena with N4sh-:, yille Hound "Country from 1 to 9 p.m. Admission $1.00, 12 .and under 50c,-22,23,24b THE ANNUAL Blossom Tea, Bake Table and Crafts will be held at Huronview on Wed- nesday, June 5th at 2 to 4 p.m. Sponsored by the Huronview Auxiliary:-22p THE WOMEN'S Auxiliary to Clinton Public Hospital - Mon- day June' 3 at •Mrs. Paul Waldrons, RR 1 Hayfield, pot luck lunch at 12 noon, meeting to follow.-22b AMOS AND ELVA Osbaldeston are celebrating their 40th wedding"anniversary on June 1. Open house 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at their residence,. • 90 Park St. Goderich. Friends please accept this invitation to call. No gifts please.—•-22p STRAWBERRY and Ham sup- per, Brucefield United Chu.ch, June 19 from 5 to 8 p.m. Adults $2.75, children under 12 years $1.50. Preschool free.-22,23b "KINSMEN SUMMERSET '74" Bluetones playing at Clin- ton Community Centre, Satur- day, June 22. Tickets $7 per couple available from any Kin- smen or Kinette.-22, 24 GENERAL MEETING of the Clinton ' Progressive Conser- vative Association to be held in the 'Clinton i Town Hail on Tuesday, June 4th at 8 p.m. Everybody welcome.-22b MONSTER BINGO sponsored by Clinton Recreation Commit- tee - Grand Prize $1000.00 ^ach night. Clinton Community Cen- tre, Mon. May 27 at 8:00 p.m, $1.00 admission, 18 years and over.-21,24b The Women's Institute met on Thursday, May 23rd in the agriculture board rooms with the president, Mrs. E. Elliott presiding. The roll call was answered by "An improvement I would like to see in our town". Ideas suggested were better sidewalks, the removal of old unused cars, and more park benches in summer. All would improve the appearance of the town before centennial. Thank-you notes were received from Mrs. Devereaux, Mrs. R. Colclough and Mrs. C. Nelson. Reports were received from the flower and card com- mittees. It was voted to send a craft article valued at $3 to the auction at the Fall Convention in Stratford. Mrs. E. Elliott, Mrs. C. Holland, Mrs. M, Batkin, Mrs. Lorna Radford and Mrs. Muriel Grigg are the delegates to attend the Women's In- stitute District Rally at Belgrave on May 27th Arrangements were made for sandwiches anti cookies to, be taken to Huronview Blossom Tea on 5th: Merilbers wishing a ride are to be at the Town Hall by 1:30 p.m. Donations of baking for baking booth will be gratefully received. Plans are being made to take a bus trip to Guelph to attend the Centennial Parade and displays at the Agriculture College on July 6th leaving Clinton at 8 a.m. This is the one hundredth Anniversary of the College and many things Lodges give eye machine ' The Huron County Health Board was officially presented with a. Titmus Vision Tester by- the Rebekah Lodges of Huron District 23 and the Oddfellow Lodges of Huron District 8, at the White Carnation in Holmesville on May 22, There were approximately 170 Oddfellows and Rebekahs from Huron County in Afton., dance. The guest speaker was Dr. G.F, Mills, 114,13., D.P,H., F.R.S.H., Medical Officer of Health for Huron County, This vision tester has been used by the Huron County Health Unit since March 15 at its • clinics throughout the county. It can be used to test the vision of all ages, including pre-school children. This• vision tester will test for far-sightedness; near- sightedness; color-blindness, and ambliopia (lazy eye). Am, bliopia, or lazy eye, is a disease of the eye that can only be cured if it is detected in pre- school children, or before the age of eight. This is a project of the Odd- fellow and Rebekah Lodges of the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the World. • It is hoped that parents of pre-school children in Huron County will bring their children to the clinics, as ambliopia is known to be found in 1 out of 20 children and cannot be cured after the age of 8 or 9. 2 5th Wedding Anniversary. for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnston at 8 p,m, Fri. June 7 Clinton Legion Hall Friends and Relatives Welcome 22,23b ENTERTAINMENT COUNTR Y AND WESTERN. Every Friday and Saturday Evening TASTY -8N.Acto AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth. Ont. NOW PLAYING ' ' "TOBRUtIC" Coming Next Week, June 3.8 "STORMCRO W" June 10 - 15 "SPOT FARM" 6 piece band Elm Haven Motor Hotel CLINTON are planned for the summer. The Centennial parade is at 10 a.m. followed by a picnic lun- cheon and unveiling of a plaque at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. W. Colcloufgh, resolutions convener, was in charge of the program and had as guest speaker, Mrs. Gordon Papple of Seaforth, Women's Institute board member for the district. She spoke on the im- portance of resolutions - first at branch level, then area, and district; who may resolve resolutions, the purpose of, and the 'way to draft and lead logically to conclusion. Much thought must be made before they are passed and become final, Mrs. Elliott thanked Mrs. Papple for such an enlightening , talk on resolutions. Miss Connie Forbes, 4-H County honors winner Clinton 4-H Club was congratulated and honoured with a gift by the Institute. Pennies for friend- ship was taken, lunch served and a social half hour con- cluded the meeting. Muriel Grigg PRO. FRI., JUNE 7 1974 8:30 P.M. in Clinton Community Centre Pleaie note change of date 4 TENNIS: Organizational meeting to form Tennis Club r 4 will be held Tuesday, June 4,. ( Hall 1974 ( f at *Voarrlstrra Protestant Community r) . wChal pel)e at 272:3b0 p.m. Everyone