HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-05-30, Page 7president, Margaret Thorndike; first vice-president, Helen Bisback; second vice-president, Jean Walker, secretary, Dot McLean; treasurer, Kay Pyke; sergeant at arms, Shelly Brown; executive committee, Wonetta Holland, Geraldine Harris, Elsie Murrell, Helen Hoggart, Lil Campbell, Bessie Black and Hilda Semple, Members of the Mitchell team were: Bill Murphy, chair- man; Mike Barthel, Clifford and Kay Norman, Clare French, Jim Mabb, Ray Ben- del, Harold and Helen Yeadon, Alex Ellens as sergeant at arms, and Don and Brad Kern- pston, a father and son, for- merly of Clinton. The highlight of the evening came after the installation ceremonies during acceptance speeches, when Margaret Thor- ndike, the past president of the auxiliary presented the Legion's past president George Campbell with a cheque for $2,500. This will be used for present and future building renovations. Mrs. Thornlike was recently elected to her second two-year term as Auxiliary zone com- mander. She, is now attending the Legion's bi-annual conven- tion in St. John, Nfld. George and Mrs. Campbell left on Tuesday morning to also represent Clinton at the Legion's Dominion Command convention. Some of the business items during the Legion meeting were: approval of application forms for Legion bursaries now available from teacher Harvie James at CH8S; discontinue general meetings during July and August with executive authorized to handle all business; plans for Legion stim- rnerfest on .June 8; to help with series of big bingos in Clinton on Monday nights and to sup- ply help at Clinton spring fair; the branch euchre team played in provincial playdowns at Windsor. A 10 co WANT ,ADS Power on demand for the FUN things in life Onan ELECTRIC GENERATING SETS Wan Motor Home/RV Electric Power Plants make you feel at home on the road — and lets you broil the roast, press the pants, heat the waters hear your records, plug in the fridge, perk the coffee, play the radio, fry the egg9, toast the toast, turn On the TV, .., and run the air conditioner There's a model for your needs - 2,500 to 6,500 watts mkt -••••••••• • .10 LIVE BETTER 141111116 1.10litat, An Onan Marine Electric Set provides all the comforts of home on your boat... electrically Live better elect ricelly, nllunf Why "rough it" aboord wine nn Ointo Sleet rh. Hel proviiten pivoty or dewmdabie moon rue every elect rienl convenience and. esnential? (tunic efeetrie sign two vontOnet, irtily Hromlitt mid quiet running. (bowline Stokered IPS NV; 1>ies'id Potseted lir 50 KW—ofii40 tIet nUldti (It Iii yttUr noel. See you.). Not builder or OnnO distributer today, EVERY INCH A SAILOR 1,AI:1-y t Matt Nlorioe Model in ileithpied, built, nod tested strictly For Nlitritie seovive. On.m. the world's lending boitcfer of electric generating NOS. the Feature:, -necessary to provide de• pehihtlite, electric. power your limit. Hein ember, Omen builds complete Moritie eels that include !Indio I titettorPiwe Sumiren. sine. Vibration Initiators, High Wilier l'empeonture flexible Seel Voel Sitters. Low Oil Prenntire 1)rip Poo 0111i 1;111),.. Oil Silicon. All Al' models have it sterling lin 1 IrOy ehorgIng citron. ALL MODELE3 ARIA CSA APPRbVE13.- CONGRATULATIONS & BEST WISHES TO THE FAIR BOARD OF CLINTON SPRING PAIR SEE THESE YOUR AUTHORIZED UNITS NOW! AT HAROLD WISE LTD. CLINTON 482,'l'662 STANDBY SYSTEMS AND PORTABLE PLANTS for Homes, Farm*, Industry, institutions, CortstrUctiort s From teen to 400,000 Watts MARINE ELECTRICAL PLANTS • SEPARATE GENERATORS dt D.C. BATTERY CHARGERS LOAD TRANSFER CONTROLS & ACCESSORIES nan DEALER FOR HURON COUNTY ELECTRICALLY...= 116 AFLOAT best Wishes to The Huron Central Agriculture Society May Your Fair be Getter Than Ever. While in Town for the Fair we invite you to visit our New Store - Browse around and see many New Products we now sell. MINTON NEWS-RECORD THURSDAY, MAY 30, 19744-7 A took at the Amen of the fair candidates Cheryl Webster is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Grant Webster of RR 1, Varna. She is 17 years old and a grade 12 student at Central Huron Secondary School. A member of Too Alpha, she is sponsored by Clinton Commercial Printers. - Margaret Van Dyke is 18 years old and a student at Seaforth District High School. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Van Dyke of RR 4, Seaforth. Active in 4-H and sports, she is sponsored by Sterling Fuels. ;.-,Lekian. installs .n.ewpfficers Laurelanne Bond is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bond of Wellington Street in Clinton. She .is 18 years old and a grade 12 student at Cen- tral Huron Secondary School, She is sponsored by Edith Anne Hair Fashions. Advertisement Linda Anderson is 19 years old and a grade 13 student at Cen- tral Huron Secondary School. Sponsored by Clinton Chrysler Plymouth, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson of RR 5, Clinton, and a member of the drama club. Lynn Flowers is 16 years-old and the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R.W. Flowers of RR 5, Clinton. A grade 11 student at Central Huron Secondary School, she is a member of the North Huron. Trailblazers Club and is sponsored by the Clin- ton News-Record. A team from Mitchell branch of the Royal Canadian Legion installed the new officers and executives of Clinton Branch 140 and its Ladies Auxiliary at a joint installation ceremony in the Legion Hall Monday evening. The 14 member team was headed by Bill Murphy, the president, Ivan Hoggart is assembling an installation team to go to Mitchell on Thur- sday, June 13 to perform the same duty. The full slate of officers of Clinton Legion for a two year term, effective June 1 are: • Diane Anderson is a grade 11 student at Central Huron • Secondary School and a 4-1-1 Club member. She is 16 years old and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson of RR 5, Clinton. She is sponsored by Harold's Shell Service. Willy Blom is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Blom of RR 2, Kippen. She is 17 years-old, a student at Seaforth District High School, and a member of the Junior Farmers. She is sponsored by Haugh Tire Sup- president, Ivan Hoggart; past president, George Campbell; first, vice-president, Russell Phillips; second vice-president, Frank Pyke; secretary Mary Brown, treasurer, Cameron Proctor Sergeant at arms, Percy Brown; Padre, Rev. George Youmatoff; service bureau of- ficer, Harold Hartley; executive committee, Len Arnston, A. Laurie Colquhoun, R,D. "Dick" Fremlin, Harvey Hayter, Pat McMahon, Jack Reid, Ed Rowe and 'John Semple. Auxiliary officers are: president, Gladys East; past Julie Bowie is 17 years old and Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Bowie of Londesboro. She is presently employed at Huron Laundry and hopes to return to school next year. She is sponsored by McAdams Home Hardware. At their recent May meeting, Clinton Sarah Hale chapter IODE plan a pot luck supper outing to end their current meeting year. It is to be held on Mon. June 10 at the cottage of Edith Anne Johnston at Am- berley and will formally begin at 6:30 p.m, However, any members who are able to in- dulge in a leisurely afternoon at the lake shore were graciously invited to do so by Edith Anne. The meeting was chaired by Regent Dorelene Flowers who opened with the Prayer of the Order. Recording secretary, Colleen Phillips read the minutes of the previous meeting. At that meeting a special interim committee had neen set up to recommend a policy on dealing with requests for donations. Reporting for that committee were Line Cochrane and Suzanne German and, as a result a standing "ap- peals'' committee was established which will decide on such requests. On this com- mittee are vice-regent Suzanne German, Edith Anne Johnston and Freda Schoenhals. The members also decided at this point to contribute $25 toward the summer camp registration of a retarded child. ,After some discussion the decision as to whether to sponsor a concert by the Woodstock Choralaires in 1975 was shelved until the June meeting. Grade One Assembly On Thursday, May 16, Mrs. Livermore's grade one class en- tertained their parents and the other students at Hullett Cen- tral, at a spring assembly. The entire class opened the program by singing three of their favorite hymns - "Our Father", "Standing In The Need of Prayer" and "I Want To Live In a Friendly World," Susan Van Egmond then played a piano solo, followed by a play called "The Spider's Web'', presented by Mrs. Smith's reading class. Laurie Bell did a tap dance number, and then the whole class presented "A Tribute To Mother", which consisted of two poems and a song, A Hawaiian dance, by Glenyce McClinchey was next, followed by the play, "Why The Robin Sings", The next num- ber was a Maypole Dance, per- formed by four Grade 1 couples, and two songs entitled "Zippity43oo-Dah", and "Hap- piness" ended a very enjoyable assembly program. Grade $ and 6 On Wednesday, May 15, the pupils of' grades 5 and 6 accorri- panied by Mrs. Livingston, Mr, Jamieson, Mrs, Jenkins and Mr, MacLennan took a day long field trip to Brantford, In the forenoon, they visited the African Lion Safari at Rockton, where they saw litany quiet animals in the "Pet's Cot- ner, and several speeies of African animals, particularly monkeys,, on the guided bus tours through the sanctuary. In the afternoon, they travelled to graritfOrd where they were conducted through Lynne Bowie is 17 years-old and a grade 11 student at Cen- tral Huron Secondary School. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Bowie of Lon- desboro. A 4-H Club member, she is sponsored by Crown Bowling Lanes. In other business, the regent and vice-regent reported on the sections of the provincial an- nual meeting which they had attended in Hamilton in April The members were invited to attend Hospital Day. The regent passed along a thank you from treasurer Helen Bar- tliff for the rose received during her stay in hospital. The request by ways and means chairman Marjorie Por- ter that the group make hospital tray favors in October was granted. Members and anyone else interested were reminded to order their IODE centennial rosebushes through education chairman Beverley Williscraft. Services committee chairman Florence Corrie showed the members a beautiful but prac- tical quilt made up fel. the IODE by ladies at Wesley- Willis Church. She is also arranging for a box to go to our adopted nursing station at Ogohi in Northern Ontario, Those members who have anything which could be in- cluded are reminded to leave them with Reta Ryan at The Shadow Box. These can be toys such as skipping ropes, balls, books, etc - as well as new clothing or used clothing in ex- cellent shape (only the best of used clothing is worth while because of the necessity for these things to be flown in) "Telescience 100" and "The Bell Homestead" which are commemorating the invention of the telephone 100 years ago. They arrived back at Hullett' Central shortly after 6 p.m., af- ter an interesting, fun-filled day. Outdoor education Miring the past few weeks, several classes from Hullett Central have taken advantage of the nicer weather to go on field trips to the "Stone Farm" near Clinton, accompanied by their classroom teachers, and Mr. Vince Elliott, outdoor education consultant for Huron County. At the farm, they tramped through the woods, looking for and identifying any spring flowers that were there. The classes which took these trips were grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4 and grade 8. Field trip In connection with ,their studies of the newspaper, the grade three class, accompanied by Miss Roney and Mr, MacLennan went to the Goderich Signal Star printing office on Thursday, May 23. ° Before this, on May 14, James Fitzgerald, editor of the Clinton News-Record visited their classroom and talked to them about the newspaper. The children observed the steps taken from the write-tips sent from different organizations, to the News- Record to the newspaper ready for the public to read. This field trip fascinated the children and gave them more knowledge on the assembly of the newspaper. We have a Special for Fair Days Fri. May 31 (open 7-9 in the evening) Sat. June 1 (open 8-12 & 1-4 p.m.) Prefinished panelling 2 colours suggested selling $10.20 /sheet 2 days only $ 7 2 5 4 x 8 Cash 'n Carry J.W. Counter Builders Supplies 94 Albert St. (Hwy. No. 4) Clinton 462.9612 Mayor Donald Symons with John Anstett as they view the first Sterling Silver Clin- ton Centennial charm, especially minted to mark Clintgn's Centennial in 1975. This charm, the first of the series, will be ap- propriately engraved and presented to Mrs. Symons at the Clinton Spring Fair this weekend. Similar charms will be available at Anstett Jewellers Clinton. IODE chapter plans June pot luck supper Hullett Happenings