HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-05-23, Page 11Cool Casual Sportswear for Carefree Days :Swim Snits *Sport Shirts •Knit Shirts :Shorts :Slacks host Right For Simmer Planing A Signor Weddiag? We can supply formiil rentals for the Mori IS th. party Pickett & Campbell Livia The Store For Men CLINTON OODERICH KINCARDINE Rend livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Linen:4k WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor WNMrin twit Mt,. Nitraterlses 1.1001liten "6-2111 /141'"" 4112-711it titmeinnon Mid Clinto0 5204521 2214203 kIrlitOn 1969 1VIUST9NG as is, tape deck in- cluded. PhOne 482=7497.---21b 1967 CHEVELLE Malibu, 2 door hardtop $1200 or best offer. Phone 482-9463 after 6 p.m.-20,21p V.W. SUPER deluxe 1969 red semi automatic, 1500 c.c., mileage 43,100 one previous owner, no rust, ex- cellent condition, B.C. driven. $1295. Phone 524-2375.-21b 3A. PET STOCK BEAGLE puppies for sale, phone- 482-9209.-21b PUREBRED, Irish Setter male, 11 months old, beautiful dog, very good natured. Owner living in the city, must sell 482-7012,-21b 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO BEDROOM DOUBLE BRICK BUNGALOW $26,500 Well maintained home in Blyth. Large lot with mature trees. Ex- cellent for young couple or retirement. Call Bill Keun 743- 8201 or 638-2481. M.L.S. M.170 Canada Permanent Tryst .•,i,-(,932•King..St,, W. Kitchener 20,21b Two storey insul-brick home in Blyth nd living room , hard- wood loors toughout. Situated on one acre of land. Low down payment, good terms can purchase this family home in Clinton. Two brick homes in Clinton, six rooms, three bedrooms. These homes are new. Three ..ovoNor on paved road ne tii1*„b4,01 Modestly priced one and a half storey brick home in Clinton with two bedroom^. Attractive one and a half storey brick home on Number four highway near Blyth. This home is situated on two acres of well- kept grounds. Five acres in McKillop town- ship, one and a half storey home with eight rooms. Barn on the property. FOOD FOR THOUGHT "No one can be completely ,rOaxed..Lilte a ctock,, persoi;i, Can't 'tick without some ten- sion." A- FOR SALE PIONEER SEED. ,„, CORI41 IS NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH 'JACK MAYHEW R.R. 3, CLINTON PH. 482-3176 GOOD SUPPLY OF 1 EARLY DAY CORN ' AVAILABLE A- FOR SALE ' NOW AVAILABLE - a proven product for Grown Hog Control. See Durst's Farm and Garden Centre, 22 Isaac St., phone 482-9333, open Wednesdays.-21 - 24b TWO 21 foot x 14 foot wide I- Beams, also quantity of cedar rails. Five year old Angus Bull. Stewart Middleton, RR 3, Clinton, 482- 7525.-20,21b GRASS SEED and MINERAL, Otto Pick and Sons Seeds Ltd. Rich- mond Hill, Ont. GRASS SEED Straight seeds or Forage mixtures, Seneca seed Corn, Herbageum, Livestock Minerals. Phone 482- 7898,Richard Lobb Sales Represen- tative, Clinton,-tfn C WAKED- D - LIVESTOCK PASTURE wanted for a few ponies. Phone 482-7864,---21b NOTICE: Livestock every Monday to United Co-Operative of Ontario to Ontario Livestock yards. C.I.A.G. insurance in effect from your farm, call by 8 A.M. Monday to arrange, for pickup at your farm, Wm. J. Dale. Phone Seaforth 527- 0471.-tfn CHAROLAIS-LHEREFORD cross bred bull, one year old, well built, weighed May 18 - 1080 lb. lElhone 482-'7775.--21b CLINTON COMMUNITY AUCTION SALES FRIDAY NIGHT MO P.M. MAKE ARRANGEMENTS ' tO BRING YOUR LIVESTOCK TO THIS SALE iihoht * LORNE TYNBALL 4824202 .4447152 -arc E - FARM SERVICES KICK'S CUCUMBER CONTRACTS now available. , COSMIC! MRS. G. KRAMERS Dublin, 345-2843 tin Older barns gird Choi I ioil pv Maitlind River. $30,000. HULLETT TOWNSHIP Roomy brick house, 10 acres, 38' x 78' modern steel barn presently used for sows. Spruce windbreak full length on west side. Asking price $35,000. HIGHWAY 4 Near Hensel!, 8 1/2 acres with at- tractive 1 1/2 storey home, good barn, Implement shed and garage, oil heat. A once in a lifetime op- portunity. Will sell quickly at $45,000. All the above farms offer the possibility of income plus good country . ITS A BIT ROUGH We freely admit- but a good han- dyman could fix up this Seaforth house and make it worth much more, than the asking price of $5,000. FARMS $100,000 - Beef & Cage layers 100 acres near Lucknow. $54,000 - Cash Crop 86 acres near Auburn. $50,000 - 150 acres cash crop 4 miles from highway at Beigrave. $140,000 - Excellent 250 acre cash crop farm $90,000 - 200 acres cash crop. VANASTRA We have sold 7 homes in Vanastra in the past 3 months, are now down to our last '2 listings. We need your listing now. DON HOIST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 53 West Street 524-8951 John Duddy Evenings 482-6652 John 'Thompson Evenings: 527-0238 ummiaimommummo HIGHWAY HOME Located on No. 4 highway near Clinton. 4 bedroom completely redecorated. This beautiful home must be seen to be appreciated. Make an appointment to see it WANTED! We have a cash buyer up to $35,000 for a 3 bedroom home in Clinton or Soaforth. Must be In a good aria of town. HOBBY FARMS LOOK AT THESE 3 AVAILABLE AUBURN plug-8.2 acres, 2 iti chard, arty. eking REAL ESTATE CAREER We require a person, with a license, who is experienced in selling Real Estate to represent us in the Clinton area. If you have a proven record of sales and wish to become part of a progressive real estate company and want to earn a higher than average income, then contact Jack Cummings, 524-9097. -Appraisals -Property Management -Investments 26 THE SQUARE -=Residential --Farms -Business -Resort Properties ODERICH CROSSROADS Variety and restaurant at Walton, Ontario. This is a good year around business showing a good income and included in the purchase price is all equipment and stock plus commercial corner lot 135' x 85' on which is situated an 11 room solid brick building with excellent living quarters. Peter S. MacEwan Real Estate and Insurance 38 St. David Street, Goderich, Ontario. Phone 524-9531 21b THE LAST NEW HOME AT 1973 PRICES A new three bedroom, brick butyatorar With full basement and carport similar to the one shOwn above is now being completed oh Winter Court in Clinton. It is the lalt Of a group built by Eastbank Bldg, Ltd. and is offered at the 1973 price Of $32,500. With occupancy scheduled for June. Existing mortgage for $23,000 is avellable at 9 Peroont or new finencing for a higher mortgage amount is available to qualified buyers at 11 percent. For complete 'cell HAROLD We SHORE Real Elisio broker 5$ Newgate St. Goderich Dial 524-7272 21b HURON PINES REALTY LTD, 56 KING ST. CUNTON, ONT. PHONE 482-7901 Remodelled 3 or 4 bedroom home, downtown location oil, hot Mr.', Carpeted. FOR SALE 'Older 3 bedroom home 11 /2 storey, gas 'hot air well treed area ex- cellent location. We have a number of duplex and multiple income properties for sale. Choice Residential lots available in Huron Pines Subdivision; Pine Crest Subdivision and Matilda Street. TWO APARTMENTS for rent above store in Clinton. One two- bedroom and one three-bedroom. Phone 482-7244 after- 6 -)klui.I.01Wkio uiviiINTEE CLINTON NEWS-BECORD, *THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1974,-11 SUMMER PRICES are now in ef , fect until June 15th on stove and nut coal. Call Overholt Fuels, 524- 7421, Goderich.-21,22,23b USED building materials, clothes closets, good doors, 3/4" and 1/4" plywood, tongue and groove sheeting, 1/4" asbestos board, 2 x 4's and trim. Sinks and toilets, good drawers. Vanastra, Clinton, Air Base No. 6 building, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. phone 482.9952.-21 CHINA CABINET, dresser, hi fi, coleman lantern, oil lamp, crocks, eleven gal. green glass jug, geographic magazines, small oil heater, miscellaneous items phone 482-7962.-21h BRIGGS AND STRATTON power mower 22" cutting edge, recently overhauled. Price $35. phone 482- 7650.-21b ONE rollaway bed. Phone 482- 9291.-21b QUANTITY of heavy hemlock 12 inches wide, 15 feet long; six basement windows also other win- dows; two 12 x 12 Rock Elm tim- bers, 36 ft. long; 400 gal. water tank for hauling water; one spray motor weed.isprayer, 3 point hitch, corn- pletek with boonia4;,'Plione Bill Holland 482-3245---21b . BOX PLANTS - petunias, asters, snapdragons, zinnias, etc. 50c a box; geraniums - red, pink and white - 75c. D. Bruinsma,• 142 North St. S. Clinton. Phone 482-9108.--21p HOME MADE CAMPER 8', sleeps six, phone 523-4220.-21p FRIDGE--Gibson, white, in good condition, excellent for cottage use. Phone 482-9409.--21p TOOL RENTALS Floor Sander and Edgw. Belt Sander. Vibrator Sender. W',.DrM. YIN Drill, Skill Saw. 40' Aluminum Extension Ladder ' From BALL lk MUTCH LTD., HOME FURNISHINGS • %Mei 482-9505 Clinton 21b LARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER DEADLINE FOR TAKING TABLE and seed potatoes for sale. . Highway No. 84 between Hensel! and Zurich, south side. PhOne 236- 4038.-18 - 2113 SEEN a picture in the News-Record you would like to have? Get a per- manent print, either 4"x 5", 5" x 7". or 8" x 10". Order at 482- 9502.--c5tfnx SINGER portable sewing machine with buttonhole . attachment, in good condition: "Phone 482- 7398.-20,21b HOUSE TRAILER for sale 35' by 10' wide, Fully furnished. From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. phone Joe's Auto Body 524-8941. After 6 p.m. phone 524-6149.-tfn JAYCO hardtop trailers, travel trailers, fifth wheels, mini-homes• and truck caps. Accessories, rentals, We need used tent trailer trade-ins. Bumstead Metal Fabricating,' Winghani. Phone 357-2272.-19-22b GOLDEN FALCON, Citation,• Flyte, Holiday Travel Trailers. Baron, Bellevue Hardtops. John- son Outboards. Boats. Truck Top- pers. We rent; we sell. Camp-Out, Hwy. 8W, Stratford, 393-5938.-15- 30b 45 GAL STEEL BARRELS- good for bunking or holding garbage, also feed barrels for farm use, Dock barrels for' the cottage. Price 3.75 delivered. Phone Ron Baird 523- 4461 or write Box 51, Blyth.-19A-22p 20' INBOARD DayCruiser with trailer. Phone 482.3794 after 5 p.m.-20,21p ---- NORTHLANDER TRAILER, 56' long, 12' wide, furnished and heating system complete, washer and dryer and air conditioner, Phone 482-3801.-tfn LARTICLES FOR SALE 11•1110.1 ROTOR TILLERS for rent, at "Heathers". in Londesboro. Phone 523-4226,-2lb FORMAL ,RENTALS for all oc- casions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd. Clinton and Goderich.-cgtfn .2.ARTICI,E$ FOR RENT t BAILEY 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7. WANTED TO RENT THREE BEDROOM houses for sale at Vanastra, phone 4$2.9590.-TFN .......,.. 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE esexemieumwommimmommia ' EVERETT Lauckner MLS REALTOR 'Lakefront north a Bayfield, private subdivision, five years old. Lot 80 x 300, living room 21 x 11, dining area, kitchen, bath, three bedrooms, propane heated, insulated and paneled, Immediate possession, Asking $25,000. • 4 miles north of Grand Bend, 3 , bedrooms, large living-dining room with fire place, 4 piece bath, modern kitchen, ideal location, private sub- division, priced to sell at $32,900.00 BAYFIELD VILLAGE Retirement home, three bedrooms, livirq, room, kitchen, three piece bath, garage, large lot, electric heat, reasonably priced, four years old. Four bedroom' cottage, living - dining room 12' x 22'; kitchen 12' x 8'; four piece bath; cathedral ceiling; electric heat; aluminum windows; wall to wall carpet; drilled water system priced to sell at $22,200.00 Now is the time to list your property prices are good, prospects are good. 15 years experience in Bayfield area. Wanted 50 to 100 acres with or without buildings. Please call ADAM FLOWERS BAYFIELD 565-2813 K. W. COLQUHOUN LTD. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Four bedroom 11/2 storey brick veneer, 1!/2 baths,- large family „Tom with,,,pptio,. gasp and electric heat. Many features, 78 Huron Street, Clinton. BRUCEFIELD-1 1/2 storey 4 bedroom, new vinyl siding, oil heat, 1 1/2 baths and kitchen modern. Excellent condition and large lot. Two bedroom, one storey brick veneer, carport with paved drive, oil heat, good location and well land- scaped. 125 Huron St. Clinton, Four bedroom, two storey solid brick. Two baths, new gas hot water furnace and wiring. Also included is 2 bedroom rented coach house, 63 Rettenbury East, Clinton. Three bedroom 1 112 storey frame - oil heat. 2 baths, good tot - 169 Queen St. Clinton Two or three bedroom one storey frame, gas heat, broadloom, garage, large lot 154 Albert Street. K. W. Colgehoun Limited Real Estate Broker HAL HARTLEY Salesman 482-6693 CLINTON, ONT. 14 Isaac St.,' 482-9747 , • FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE AND SOLD North of Goderich, Highway farm, 150 acres level tiled land, large dairy barn, stable cleaner, milkhouse, bulkcooler. silo. North of Goderich, Highway farm, 150 acres level tiled land, large dairy barn, stable cleaner, milkhouse, bulkcooler, Londesboro area, House and barn on 3 acres of land. 600 acres cash crop land, house and barn 5 1/2 acres of bush In Hullett Township. %Wave area. 200 acre beef farm house and barn, silo. 200 acres of bush in Hullett Town- ship. Bruco County. 250 acres cash crop farm, level Iliad lend, 8 room house and barn, silo, drive shed. 1 mils from Clinton on Paved road. 12 1/2 acres with 0 room house, small barn, trailer 10 x so, C. BURUMA R.R. 2, Clinton, 4824287 salewnah for K.'W COLCOMOUN LTD. Clinton ommloomanomminommo FARM HOUSE wanted to rent within 12 mile radius of Goderich. Contact Gordon Bradley, 482- 9146,-21b RETIRED COUPLE would like to rent 2 to 3 bedroom well main- tained home in town. Apply to Box 15, do Clinton News Record, Qin- ton.-21p 8. HELP WANTED PART TIME INTERVIEWERS required to conduct personal inter- views for market research firm. Must have neat appearance, pleasant personality, and enjoy meeting the public, nothing to sell or demonstrate, must be, available evenings and Saturdays. Ex- perience preferred but not essential. Complete training will be provided. Car is definite assest, Good star- ting rate plus expenses. If in- terested, please write to Box 16, do Clinton News Record.-21p FLOOR COVERING INSTALLER Experience id Sheet Vinyls and/or Carpet Fulltimel Job All Company Benefits Apply in Person to BETTERIDGE - FLOOR . COVERINGS LTD. 154 Downie St. • STRATFORD 271-9830 20,21b 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IN SEAFORTH Three bedroom home with living room, dinette, fully broadloomed, electrically heated. Close to schools and downtown. Comfor- table living in a small town. COUNTRY HOME Tastefully decorated home situated on five rolling acres near Goderich. This home has been fully remodelled, featuring a large living room, dining room with an open staircase, modern kitchen, four piece bath and three bedrooms. Atop a hill it commands a delightful view of surrounding countryside. Grounds are beautifully landscaped and in- clude a barn. All for only $45,000. Act now to have full summer en- joyment. HOBBY FARM Six acres plus seven room home and garage. Barn 66' x 40', drilled well, low taxes. Asking $35,000. NEAR BAYFIELD • One hundred acres of riverfront property, near Bayfield. Wooded, scenic, secluded, this property has excellent retreat or develop- ment potential. Also forty acres workable. BUILDING LOTS Choice building lots located just east of Clinton on Highway 8. Per- fect for country living. In Brucefield -,just two lots left at a price you can't afford to pass by. CHOICE FARMS 250 acre cash crop farm with ex- cellent buildings and a 200 acre farm with modern full barn, loose housing and a 'frame home. Interested? Glad to furnish full in- formation. COTTAGE IN MAYFIELD Comfortable 3 bedroom cottage, fully 'winterized, and electric heated, situated within walking distance from the lake, asking $19000.00 NEAR. CLINTON On paved Road, lovely 4 bedroom home, situated on 12 1/2 acres with 37 x 50 Barn, plug fully serviced Home trailer, The works, all one price. CLARKE ZINN GODERICI1 524.8620 JO-AN MULLEN MAYFIELD 566-2421 PETER DAMSMA CLINTON 442-9046 ALBERT ST. OFFICE 412-3821 PHOTO UOTING SERVICE*, *NM - - STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Senator Dunlop, freshly dug young plants $3.00 per hundred. Allow one hour for digging, of plants' before coming for plants. Phone 357-3325. Percy Biggs, Wingham.-20,21b 2A. ARTICLES WANTED '1966 PONTIAC Strato Chief car for wrecking. Call 482-3128 or 482- 9379.-21b WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and appliances. If you have articles to sell privately or by auction contact Rathwell's Auc- tion Service. Phone 482- 3120.-32tfn CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges, Phone 236-4954 'Mon, to Fri. after 4 p.m. Weekends anytime. 16tfn FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact Herman's Men's Wear,, 482-9351.-•-c22tfn 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE Real Estate 82 Albert Street Phone: 482-9371 MASON BAILEY' BROKER/MANAGER One hundred and fifty-nine acre modern dsiry farm near Blyth. One hundred and thirty- nine acres workable. Excellent buildings. Owner wishes to retire. Cows and equipment can be purchased. Eighteen acres of recreation property on the Maitland River' near Auburn. DUPLEX - 3 bedrooms in Clinton. Phone after 6 p.m. 482-6675.-tfn 3-BEDROOM town house for rent at Vanastra R.R. 5 Clinton, $110 per month, all utilities paid. Phone Jean, 482-7396 anytime.--c46tfn Commercial or Residential custom builders. We build on any location. Investment money required ex- cellent interest rates as number of reliable clients require first and second mortgages. New three bedroom CMHC Homes, spacious kitchens, luxurious carpets, full basements for future expansion. Electric heat. For an appointment at your con- venience, call HURON PINES 482- 7901. 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT MODERNIZED and furnished ten room country home near Kinburn, 9 miles from Clinton. Phone 527- 1045.-21b SEMI-DETACHED 4 bedroom house in Vanastra. Phone 482- 7943.-tfn