HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-05-16, Page 14B. HELP WANTED 8. HELP WANTED I RELIABLE PERSON to clean PART TIME cleaner and part-time house one day a week. Please call cook wanted. Apply to Box 201, 482-7772,-19,20b Clinton, Ont.—tfn Ontario Housing Corporation An Agency of the Province of Ontario EXTERIOR & INTERIOR PAIN- TING AT GODERICH F.P. 1/52, F.P. 2/53, F.P. 4/58 AND CLIN- TON F.P. 1/58 Reference No. T.S. 1115 TENDERS will be received •for the above-4 until 12:00 noon E.D,S.T. June 4, 1974 by the Ontario Housing Corporation, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1P8, c/o the Chief Purchasing Officer, 11th floor, from whom details and specifications may be obtained or telephone 966- 3600, extension 294, quoting reference number as above. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 12. AUCTION SALE rTHWELL'S ESTATE AUCTION To be held for the Estate of Ethel H. Fowlie in the village of Bayfield on Main Street Saturday, May 25 at 1:00 P.M. Consisting of a complete houseful! of furniture, antiques and many interesting items - all I of which are in excellent con- dition. Full listing next week Rathwell's Auction Ser;lice Auctioneers and Appraisers Clinton 482-3120 EXPERIENCED brick and block layers, top wages, steady work. Con- tact G.E. Walter, General Contrac tor, Clinton, Phone 482- 6643.-19tfnc R.N. and R.N.A. positions available phone 262-2830 or apply Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall.-20b RELIABLE, part-time baby ,sitter for four year old in Clinton. Phone 482-:3825.-20b AVON SAYS—Put some Zing into Spring. Decorate your house or buy new clothes with the money you earn selling Avon Products. Flexible hours in your own neigh- borhood. Territories available in Varna, Brucefield and Holmesville areas. Call Mrs. Millson, London 451-0541 or Mrs. Thompson, Seaforth 527-0238.-18,19,20b 9. WANTED (General) .111•=11 KNAPPS will buy outright, com- plete household, estates or single pieces of furniture. Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us. Our aim is to please. 67 Main Street, Seaforth, phone 527-1336,—tfn 11. TENDERS AUCTION SALE of Household Articles and An- tiques Saturday, May 18, 1974 1:30 p.m. sharp. The estate of the late Mrs. Emma Kestle. - 170 Wellington St. W., 3 blocks West of liquor store, Exeter. Furniture - 9 piece oak dining room suite including round table with 3 leaves; 8 piece dining room suite with 6 pressback chairs, platform rockers; table and floor lamps; kitchen table; odd tables and chairs; utility table; wardrobe like new; double bed, springs and mattress; dresser; single bed; dresser; floor polisher; mirrors; trunk; mats; pillows; quilts; blankets; bedspread; clocks; pots and pans and odd dishes; Faint couch; 2 single bed frames; school desks; books; steel lockers; garbage can; wood crokinole board; lawn chairs; aluminum step lad- der; garden tools; medicine cabinet and many other items. Antiques and Collectables; Cherry bonnet chest; Boston type rocker without arms; 3 piece settee, parlor table; pine box; chicken coop chair; sausage grinder; coal oil heater, oil lamp; pressback chairs, 6 matching chairs; pic- tures and frames; milk cans; wood sap buckets; many other items. Terms Cash Norm Whiting • Auctioneer 235-1964 20b AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSES AND BONDED ONTARIO-WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 —cgtfn MORNING ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Saturday, May 18 10 A.M. D.S.T. The Auction Rooms One mile South of Goderich on Highway 21 Cherry flat-to-wall cupboard; Cylinder gramaphone with horn. 40 cylinder records, 3 flat- to-wall cupboards; 5 rocking chairs, gunstock chairs, 2 Vic- torian dressers; harvest table; 5 commodes; 3 washstands; kit- chen cabinet; sideboard; 4 iron- and-brass beds; 2 Victorian wooden beds; 4 dressers; 2 love seats; 3 Victorian chairs; gramaphone; antique desk; cherry oval table; dining room; extension table; parlor tables; small tables; piano and stool; 2 sets of pressback chairs; spin- ning wheel; wood-winder; 2 blanket boxes; harness maker; 2 organ stools; Captain's chair; hanging lamp. Two pumps; kitchen clock; mantel clock; wall clock; oil lamps (one in Greek-key pat- tern); part toilet sets; trunks; frames; primitive tools; copper boiler; swords; brassware; crocks; butter bowl with ladle; lanterns; Beaver sealer; fruit jars; quilts; coins; 4. pocket watches; carnival glass; Nip- pon; Depression glass; satin glass; 30 sets of salts and pep- pers; horse bells, etc. etc. TERMS: Cash MIKE CUMMINGS •Auctioneer 519-524-9064 )(11'.1.111.S -4-4111Chrtlpirlq ()en/iv * DESIGN * MAINTENANCE * CONSTRUCTION OPEN VICTORIA DAY MONDAY MAY 20TH BLDG. 1 6 VANASTRA ONTARIO 482-9565 it This add worth ONE DOLLAR OFF FILM.. PROCESSING of KODACOLOR film 12 or 20 ex- posure 126 or 110 sizes. One coupon per film Present this ad with film to Bill German's Korner Recreation or .Jervis Studio. NOT CLINTON PHOTO SERVICE —tfn __— SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED! .Modern equipment, work guaran- teed. Write or phone HT. Dale, Clinton. Phone 482-3320.-4tfn REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn.—c2tfn BYERS UPHOLSTERY - We will rebuild, re-cover or re-style your old furniture better than new. Call 482- 7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- ton.--tfn CARPET SHAMPOOER for rent. Just arrived, the unit especially designed to do a professional job on your shag carpets. Available by the day at Smith Pro Hardware and Stationery, Albert St., Clinton. LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W.N. Coun- ter. Clinton, Ontario.—ctfn PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS errommormr~ftwoolia0+004 Protect the value of your piano. Have it tuned and inspected regularly. Call BRUCE PULSIFER in Seaforth 527-0053 1R-26b Some people fall for everything and stand for nothing: NOTICE TO VANASTRA RESIDENTS General Refuse Pick—up A, refuse pick-up will be held Saturday, May 25, for old fur- niture, appliances, etc. Please pile refuse separate from regular garbage, as it will be picked up at a different time on the same day. Township of Tuckersmith J.I. McIntosh, Clerk 20b NOTICE to Contractors and Sub Contractors' The Township of Tuckersmith parks and recreation board in- vite all contractors Interested in bidding on the installation of a poured concrete swimming pool and a one storey concrete block addition to the com- munity hall, Vanastra. Contact The Building Committee 482-7644 to view the plans and specifications. 20b —WANTED— Licensed Real Estate Sales People who are looking for an opportunity to join a progressive expanding otganization offering multiple listing service and exclusive Video Listing. Call or write for confidential interview, Rae J. Watson, President. REAL ESTATE LTD. 526 Oxford St, E., London 672-1200 A Video Homes of Canada Realtor R. N. A. WANTED PART-TIME OR FULL-TIME Apply Riverside Nursing Home, Mitchell 348.8903 11. TENDERS 11. TENDERS TENDER FOR MUNICIPAL DRAIN Township of Hullett Open Beane No. 1: 4715 lineal feet of open drain (app. 7500 cu. yds.) 1 Farm Pond (app. 500 cu. yds.) Closed 7,315 lineal feet of tile (16" to 6") 1 Road Crossing Rip-Rap & C.M.P. 7 Catch Basins Separate Tenders will be accepted for open and dosed work. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. All material and equipment (except C.M.P.) to be supplied by the contractor. All Road Crossings to be filled with gravel and tamped, A certified cheque for 10 percent of the Tender Price to accom- pany Tender. Tenders close at 6.00 P.M., Monday June 3rd, 1974 Further particulats and Tender Forms available at the Clerk's Office. Clare Vincent - Clerk Box 293, Londesboro, 20,21b VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE • ALL MAKES BOB PECK . VARNA 262-5748 gctfn Wondersteel Buildings Salesman in your area Service and Erection Call anytime 4 8 2-7 2 2 2 17 to 20b 14—CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1974 TOWN AND COUNTRY MAN OR LADY with car to deliver samples and to take orders, $3 to $4 per hour. Apply Box 108, Signal Star.-19,20b GROCERY man required - Comes Red and White. Foodmaster, Clin- ton. Experience preferred, good starting salary. Apply in •per- son.-20b • PART TIME sales clerk wanted for local store. Reply stating age and experience to Box No. 14 do Clinton News-Record.-19,206 PERSON WANTED for UTILITY WORK State age, education and ex- perience. Application to be in writing by May 20, 1974 to Manager, Clinton PUC, Box 520, CLINTON, ONT. 19.20 LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS • Now ygu can train right hare in Canada! • Tuition Tax Deductible! • Placement assistance guaranteed! • Weekend training also available! For application and interview, Write: Safety Department The Canadian Institute of Tractor Trailer Training Ltd. 20? Queen's Quay W. Toronto 117, Ontario Or Call 416.144.113111 (Formerly TransCanada Transport Trainlog.) 20, 21, 22b FLOOR COVERING INSTALLER Experience in Sheet Vinyls and/or Carpet Fulltime Job All Company Benefits Apply in Person to BETTERIDGE FLOOR COVERINGS LTD. 154 Downie St. STRATFORD 271-9830 20,21b $$$$MONEY! SECURITY! Believe .you are of e,:ecutive in- come calibre? Willing to go to work and prove it? You will represent a leading Automobile Association, now in its 26th year and expanding rapidly. We offer a dignified career with an excellent opportunity to exceed an earning potential of $15,000 in the first year. Salary plus commission plus bonus if you qualify. No out of town travelling necessary. We need ambition, and a good • attitude. Promotion to supervisory level rapid for workers. Automobile required. Contact Ed Bauer, Patrick St., Wingham. Phone 357- 3805. —18,19,206 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE DEWEERD Painting and Wall papering. Phone 482-7550.—tfn LAWNS CUT - phone 482- 9549.-20b BARGAIN refinishers, expert refinishing done at reasonable rates. Call Pig and Stripper An tiques, 527-1049 or 1618 after 5 p.m.—tfn PICTURE framing as usual, Frame made to fit any size of picture. Harold Tyndall. Phone 482-7409 af- ter 6 p.m.—eow FLORAL RENTALS for special oc- casions; centrepieces, candlesticks. Also, custom-designed floral arrangements to suit your home decor. Exclusive variety of flowers to choose from. For appointment call Ruth Duern, 482-3876, except Thu rsdays.-13 t CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING S ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652 c-18tfn Dun—Ray Excavating RR 4, Thamesford, Ont. Dozer & Scraper work Land Clearing Stripping Basements dug also Brush Rake Kintore 283-6623 Uniondale 349-2585 15-24p RICHARD LOU EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER CLINTON, ONT. PHONE: 482-7898 cttn CEMENT GRAVEL BACKHOE WORK GRAVEL AND FILL SCREENED TOP SOIL Lyle Montgomery CLINTON 482-7644 on HURON PINES "Construction Service Centre" 482-7901 - CLINTON Electrical Wiring Concrete and Brick Work General Contracting Excavating and Dozer Service Back Hire Service tfn wisolowlismorwrowst CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates— Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY—Beef and Pork FRIDAY —Beef Only PICK- UP SERVICE AVAILABLE 11,1einers Abattoir , 237-3314 Dashwood asiumwskowoworwiewiftwa. 18.MISCELLANEOUS DO YOU HAVE marriage or family problems? The Ministry of Com- munity & Social Services offers help' in the form of marriage and family counselling either in your home or in the Wingham office, 199 Josephine Street. For appointment phone 357-3370.—eow 18.MISCELLANEOUS 1111111111111•1511111111, EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY For commission, sales con- sultants, to participate In the dynamic growth of the factory- built modular housing industry. Excellent potential for aggressive self-starters with experience in sales on Owners' Lots. Leads and advertising supplied in your protected territory. Required now for representation in Goderlch area and Huron County. Write to • ANCHOR. HOMES, Box 6125, Station "D", London, or phone: Wilf Erickson, 432-6245, between 7-10 p.m. 21. BIRTHS LEE - Rosemarie and Dave Lee of Londesboro are pleased to an- nounce the birth of a son, Jason John, on May 13, 1974 in Wingham Hospital. A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. John Lee and Mr. and Mrs.. John Kelly, Blyth, CARTER - Sharon and Harvey Carter are so very pleased to an- nounce the birth of a second child, a son, first grandson for Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Hodges of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Carter of Clinton. CONNELL - Mr. and Mrs. William Connell of RR 5, of Clinton are pleased to announce the arrival of a baby girl on May 12, 1974 in Clin- ton Public Hospital. 22. DEATHS WILLIAMS - At Atexa'ndra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich on Wednesday, May 8, 1974, Edward Graham Williams of Goderich, for- merly of Goderich Township and Fordwich in his 90th year. Beloved husband of Jennie (Glew) Williams and dear brother of Mrs. Jack (Daisy) Torrance of Goderich Township. The funeral service was held on Saturday, May 11, at 2:30 p.m, from the Ball Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton. Interment in the Clinton Cemetery. 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Falconer, Clinton are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, June Eleanor to Ronald James Corriveau, son of Mr. & Mrs. Nap Corriveau, Zurich, On'. tario. The wedding will take place, Saturday June 15, 1974 at 3:30 p.m. in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton.-20 b Mr. and Mrs. Merton E. Mer- ner of Bayfield are pleased .to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Colleen Elizabeth, to Wayne Byron Hopkins, Vancouver, B.C. The wedding will take place on Friday, May 31 at 5:00 p.m, in Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield.-20p Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cald- well of Londesboro are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Wendy Lorene, to Mr. Charles Crawford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford of Blyth. The weiding will take place on Saturday, June 8, 1974, at 4 p.m. in Londesboro United Church.-20p 26. CARD OF THANKS MILLER—I would like to thank all those who sent cards, treats, flowers and visited me while I was a patient in Clinton Public ,Hospital, Special thanks to Dr, Newland and Dr. Watts and all the nurses and 'staff on first floor. Keith Miller.-20p RADFORD; The family of the late Hugh Radford wish to extend thanks to all who sent cards, flowers and donations to the heart fund. Thanks to Clinton Hospital Staff, Rev. Carson, The Ladies Mix., Tasker Funeral Home. Thanks to Dr. and Mrs. D. Streets and their staff. Special thanks to the neighbours 'and friends who helped Hugh in so many ways. The Radford family.-20p 13, SERVICES AVAILABLE , 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE JOHN H. RUEGER CLEANING SERVICE 18 WALKER STREET . FLOORS CLINTON, ONTARIO . WALLS PHONE 482-9072 . WINDOWS 20-231) , COUNTY OF HURON AUCTION SALE The County of Huron Road Department will offer for sale at a public auction to be held on each site the following:- 1. The demolition or removal of the former Westlake house at the top of the Saltford Hill just off County Road No. 31 - 1/2 mile east of Goderich. The land will not be sold. At the time of the sale the successful bidder will be required to deposit a $500 certified cheque as a surety deposit and enter into an agreement to demolish or otherwise remove from the site the entire house within six weeks of purchase. A quantity of steel siding removed from the County Museum will also be offered at this sale. Time of sale 5:30 p.m. 2. A quantity of structural steel (I beams, etc.) and 2" x 4" timber flooring at the site of the old Goderich/Stanley Town- ship bridge over the Bayfield River in Lot 40, Bayfield Con- cession, Goderich Township - 1/4 mile south of County Road 13 on the sideroad immediately east of the Elmer Trick farm. Time of sale 7:30 p.m. Both sales will be held on: - WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1974 at the times noted. Anyone wishing further particulars on either item and par- ticularly those interested in demolishing or moving the Westlake house should contact the County Engineer between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for an appointment to inspect the house and to review the terms of the required Agreement. J.W. Britnell, P. Eng., Huron County Engineer, Court House, Ooderich, Ontario. NIA 1M2 524-7412 20b ALL persons having claims against the Estate of CAROLINE CHARITY HEARD, Widow, late of the Village of Bayfield, in, the County of Huron, who died on or about the 19th day of March, 1974, are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signed by the 25th day of May, 1974, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 25th day of' April, 1974. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 18,19,20b IN THE ESTATE OF DAISY LORIMER BUTLER late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 25th day of February, 1974, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the under- signed on or before the 20th day of May, 1974, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 25th day of April, 1974. E.B. MENZIES, QC., Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the said Estate 18,19,20 IN THE ESTATE OF MARY LILLIAN LAVIS, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 16th day of .January, 1974, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the under- signed on or before the 20th day of May, 1974, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 25th day of April, 1974. E. B. MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the'said Estate. 18,19,20b IN THE ESTATE OF EMMA .JANE DUCMORE, late of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 6th day of March, 1974, are required to file full particulars thereof with the un- dersigned on or before the 3rd day of .June, 1974, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 8th day of May, 1974. E.B. MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. —20,21,22b 15: PUBLIC NOTICE 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IS. PUBLIC NOTICE