HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-04-18, Page 8Little remains of a barn owned by Jim McLeod, RR 2,
Goderich, Fire swept through the structure during the after-,
noon on Good Friday. Mr. McLeod said the barn was a com-
plete loss. Even though fire fighters from Goderich arrived on
the scene soon after they were called, they were unable to do
anything to stop the fire which had gutted the barn by the time
they got to the McLeod property. (staff photo) .
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If you want some relaxation •
Or you're feeling rather blue,
Just wind your way down highway 4,.
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The doors are always open,
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And our friendly superintend,
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.So when Gabriel sounds the trumpet
We shall answer: here am I,
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ttintitered trademetk Old /
Huronviewpoet and writer dead at 88
The Canadian Foresters held
a very successful Spring
Cabaret Dance on Saturday
evening April 13 in the
Seaforth Community Centre
with the Royale Aires
providing the music, Door
priZes of Easter lilies were won
by AllanCampbell and Dennis
Beuerman. '
The Foresters lodge L1842
held their regular meeting on
Thursday evening April 11 in
form of a pot luck supper. The
evening was spent playing
Court Whist with winners
being: high, Annie Vin tent;
low, Edith Nott, The lucky
chair prize was won by Muriel
Business was discussed with
the following coming events:
May 1 to cater to the Huron
Rural Bowling League
banquet; May 3 - everyone is
ii',.ited to attend Margie Whyte
Night; May 9, - regular
meeting; May 26 - Foresters
Bowling in Loden.
The ChiAen Barbeque
coming up.,khe2nd week in
The Young People's Group
of the Londesboro United
Church are holding a Variety
Night on Friday evening April -
19 at :8 p.m.
Easter weekend visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley were
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods
Debbie and Michele of
Gananoque, Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Riley, Kim and Greg of Win-
throp and Mr. and Mrs. Torn
Riley of Clinton.
Mr: George McItwain, Lynn
and Steven of Stratford visited
on the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. George E. Mcllwain.
Kevin Jewitt spent the
weekend with Mr. Marciel
Sadly of Sarnia.
Miss Donna' Buchanan of
Toronto spent. the Easter
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Buchanan Paul,
Jim and Gary.
Weekend visitors with Mrs.
W.L. Whyte, Torn, Bill and Mr.
Harold Whyte were Mr. and
Mrs. John Whyte, Jeffrey, An-
drea and Kerri of Lindsay, Mr.
and Mrs. Doug Whyte of Glen
Orchard and Miss Margie
Whyte of Toronto.
Robert Reynolds, Janet, Bob
and Nancy Jo of .Southfield,
Michigan, Mr, Jim Thompson
of Lindsay were Easter
,weekend visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. John Thompson, Sharon
and Bob,
Richard Henry Leishman of
Huronview died at Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital
April 10. He was 88.
Born at Belgrave May 2,
1885 to Richard and Margaret
(Nethery) Leishman, he left.
this area for only a few months
to live in Arkona, Saskat-
chewan. He returned to On-
tario where he resided in East
Wawanosh, West Wawanosh
and Auburn until moving to
Goderich in 1953. He has lived
at Huronview since 1961.
He was married February 28,
1905 in Donnybrook to Eliza
Alice Chamnay who died
Augukt 27, 1963.
He was a member of' Victoria
Street United Church.
Surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. Percy (Beatrice) Barker
and Mrs. Fred (Myrtle) Barker,
both of Goderich; one son,
James Leishman, RR 5
Brussels; 11 grandchildren r and
eight,great grandchildrea.4.
Funeral service was at Stiles
Funeral Home Saturday, April
13 with Rev. Leonard Water of-
Interment was in Maitland
Cemetery. Pallbearers were
grandsons Ted Barker and
John, Frank and James Leish-
man; Eric Williamson and
Terry Bauer.
Mrs. John Cole welcomed the
ACW of St. James, Middleton,
to her lovely new home, at RR
2, Goderich on Thursday
evening April U. Present were
12 members, two guests and the
Rector, the Rev. George
Mrs, Joseph Storey was in
charge of the meeting and con-
ducted the meditations and
devotions. The hymn "0 for a
heart to praise my God" was
sung to the accompaniment of a
piano tape recording of this
hymn by Mrs. Edward Wise.
Mrs, Philip Heitbohmer read
the Scripture Lesson.
Mrs. Storey read a
meditation on Mary Magdalene
and led in the responsive
'Mrs. James Storey gave the
secretary's report and a notice
of the Diocese ACW Annual to
be held in St James Westmin-
ster, London, on Thursday May
2nd with registration at 9:30
a.m. and Holy Communion at
10 a,m. Mrs, Donald Middleton
and Mrs. Joseph Storey were
tentatively - appointed voting
delegates to this meeting.
"Thank-yous" were received
from Mrs. Connie Taylor, Mrs.
Phyllis Aldwinckle, Charles
Cooper and the John Smith
family. Mrs. Edward Wise gave
the treasurer's report.
Mrs. Beecher Menzies, the
special guest speaker for the
evening, was introduced by
Mrs. Stewart Middleton.
"Peggy" Menzies' subject was
their recent trip to Cuba and
she gave a most comprehensive
picture of most aspects of life in
Communist Cuba under Fidel
Castro. Her acute powers of ob-
servation and her sense of
humor made all present feel
much wiser on this the largest
island in the West Indies.
They learned that American
Travellers Cheques are not a c-
cepted in Cuba, There is no in-
come tax and telephones hang
from poles, in the streets. Many
staples are rationed and
fish and notiltrY,"starchy foods
and sweets comprise their diet.
Cubans are allowed one .ounce
of coffee per week.
Under the communist regime,
no one is starving and no one is
illiterate, The language is
Spaniel' and there is no racial
Castro has curtailed religious
freedom, No government money
goes to the church and churches
were falling into disrepair.
The Menzies saw horses and
buggies in the rural areas
similar to those of the Men-
nonites here.
There were no commodities
for tourists who wahted to
shop, One could take home rum
and cigars.
Gorgeous homes, formerly
owned by Americans on the
best beaches, were taken over
by the government and are now
used for hotels and workers'
holidays, Many Russians
holiday in Cuba.
The Menzies' hotel had
workers" homes near by and as
chickens were raised on the
near by flat roof-tops, roosters'
early morning crowing made
sleeping difficult, "Never-
theless;' Mrs. Menzies con-
cluded, it was a very interesting
and different type of holiday
and we would like to return
some day."
Mrs. Youmatoff thanked
Mrs. Menzies and the ACW'
presented a gift. Mr. Youmatoff
closed the meeting with prayer.
Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Dutot ser-
ved a delicious lunch. A social
hour concluded a very pleasant
Mr, and Mrs. Terence Run-
ter 'of Colborne Township, Mrs.
Joe Armstrong of Detroit
Michigan, were Good Friday
visitors at the Thompson home,
Easter Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, John Jewitt,
Carol, Judy, Danny, Billy and
Paul were Mrs. Ella Jewitt,
Don, Larry, Ken, Kevin and
Steven, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Dowson, Brenda, Bonnie and
John of Varna, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Preszcator, Bill, Debbie
and Michael, Mr. and Mrs.
Dennis Jewitt, Kathy and
David, Mr, and Mrs. Ross.
Jewitt and Lori both of Clin-
ton, Misses Pat Willed of
Stratford and Joanne•Gibson of
RR 2 Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Storey
and Alvin of Holmesville and
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dale
visited on Easter Sunday with
their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bill
Mr. and Mrs. Marris Boa,
Steven, Sharon and Kenny, Mr.
and Mrs, Leo Sanders,Jennifer
and Jeffery of Brussels visited
on Sunday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Wammes
and John.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson
John and Elizabeth visited on
Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs.
E.F. Warren, Helen, and Lynda
of London. They also visited
with Mr. Earl Lawson in
University Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson,
Rick and Renee spent Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Thompson and Joanne of
Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Art
McMichael, Rhonda, Jeff and
Scott of Dungannon also
visited with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred
McClymont of Clinton visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Nick Whyte, David, Crystal,
Brian and Murray.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred
Buchanan of Ilderton visited
on Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Don Buchanan Paul,
Mr, and Mrsw Fred . Gary, and Jim.,
Buchanan, Iiillo;',"Doug,,-)betty -‘‘Mr;--Johril-Turtier -nf ,Tucker-
and Bob visited on Saturday smith visited on Sunday with
evening with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Hart of
Rick Thompson spent a few
days the past week with his
aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs.
George Vivian'Andrew, Janice,
Steven and Sandra of Staffa.
Mr. and Mrs, Andy Thomp-
son of Mississauga, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson,
John and Elizabeth,
Mrs. J. Merner of Kit-
chener spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Merner,
Sandy, Julie Ann and Michael.
Mr. Phil Philips of Huron
Park visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and