HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-01-24, Page 22SUPERINTENDENTS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Mature couple (preferably retired) for all-adult hi-rises, ranging from 50 to 120 units in London and Kitchener. Send Resume to Key Property MaSagement P.O. Box 3f17 TERMINAL A LONDON OR CALL 1-433-8126 COLLECT , :THWELL'S AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods. LICENSES AND BONDED ONTARIO-WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 —cgtfn VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE- ALL-MAKES. BOB PECK VARNA 262-514$ gctfn CHRISTIANS! Israel a nation again as prophesied In The Word of God. The great sign of the coming of 'The. Lord - Jesus (In person) to rule the world from Jerusalem. Are you ready? For free Information about this overlooked Gospel message write "ASK”, P.O. Box 221, Weston, Ont. 5- BROADLOOM CLINTON'S ' CARPET CENTRE . * Wall to wall installation or area 9typti. * Samples shown in your home. * Free Estimates. * Guaranteed installations. We have carpet specifically *Deigned for every room in,your horse. Quality you can trust From • BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 482-9505 Clinton fib APPLES 1,2 bushel Northern Spyi $3.00 CANADA DRY PEPSI Case of 24 cans $ 2.9 9 case 114~Wirsesolliolleirre DELMAC FRUIT and VARIETY Clinton Phone 482-7635 Store Hours 9 a.m. -11 p.m. daily 4,5b BILL'S APPLIANCE SERVICE . Repairs to all makes and models of major appliances Phone 482-7935 tfn CHOWEN POWER 'SPORTS 1972 - 340 TNT SKI DOO, NEWTRACK - $ 500 1971 - 300 SKI WHIZ, EXCELLENT MECHANICAL - $2 2 5 1970 - 340 ZEPHYR, MOTO SKI $ 2 2 5 1970 - 380 ELECTRIC CAPRI MOTO SKI - $300 1973 - 32 HP JOHNSTON DEMONSTRATOR - Phone 482-9748 5875 BULLDOZING FOR HIRE SMALL MACHINES J.D. 10/10 • BACKFILUNG • LANDSCAPING • CLEARING BRUSH • LEVELLING, ETC. By the hour or job REASONABLE RATES Call GOrd 7-10:30 a.m. PHONE 482-6633 BEATTY FARM SALES & SERVICE now available at 24 Princess St., E. Clinton across from P.U.C. Store Hours - 9 a.m. to 12 neon - Mon. to Fri. Wish to Announce, their annual Booking Program. Order now and Use your Equip- ment—Interest FREE until May 1, 1974. For Further Details Phone 482-9561 or 524-9192 , ARNOLD M. BEST AUTHORIZED DEALER MURRAY GREYS The $enslble breed Canadian InVasion Semen Available at all A.I. Unita. Contact • Western Ont. Breeders, Woodstock Or KIM Land & Cattle Co. Ltd. fidget own, Tel. Sig-trmseee Henan Livestock 3 ales SALES EVENT THURSDAY AT 2:00 P,M. Ail ctassss Of LKisitock COMPENTENC8 CONFIDENCE. COMP811110 Victor Wilmot) 'hay hillior 14iivireavirti tivInfistOiri 20.2t1t 000 024111 Dungannon 'gild COritem 8254121 221.205 larition 1.11111/11111111111116, Clinton Fire Area Committee Applications are Invited for the position of Sect. Trans. of the Clinton Fire Area ComtnIttee All applications (a) to be In writing (b) to be In the hands of the chairman, D.E. Syntoris by 12:00 noon Feb. 12th (c), to be In sealed envelope WOW* niarkad .is an A10114 Minn' Fir further Information contact either R. Roy 482-9761 or Donald Symons 482-9798. 10—CLINTON NEWS—RECORD, THURSDAY, JANyARY?)., DEADLINE. 4, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4. REAL ESTAF,E FOR SALE 8, HELP WANTED I7 ARTICLES FOR SALE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE 12. AUCTION SALE 50 x 10 Mobile 'Home. n excellent conditien, 3 bedrooms. Must sell apply Harold's Shell Station, Vic, toria St., Clinton.-5p FORTAKINt.3 EVERETT Lauckner .L. REALTOR 8 le 1:/2 1vl storey, ll village, 3 bedroom a winterizedr cot- tage home CLASSIFIED ADS 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY SIMPLICITY Super twin spin dry washer, like new. 30" Enterprize deluxe gas range. Phone 482- 9728,--5b Real Estate livingroom 18' x 12', diningroom 12' x 6', kitchen 20' x 12' utility end powder room down, 3 piece bath up, Wall to wall carpeting, built-in cupboards, drilled well, lot 132' x 80'. Price includes refrigerator and stove, full glassed •in sunroom. 21/rerilles South" of St. 140' lake front, Three bedroom, livingroom with fireplace, modern kitchen, three piece bath, drilled well, Insulated, taxes 595, Open for offers. One mile south of litayfield, a sum- mer cottage, three bedrooms, 2 piece bath, built in cupboards, drilled water system supplied. Im- mediate possession, taxes $75, price $12,500 with terms. 82 Albert Strad Phone: 402-9371 MASON BAILEY- BROKER/MANAGER ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER • CHUTER PLUMBING HEATING & ELECTRIC Furnace Installations DELAVAL MILKER SUPPUES Appliance Service 46 King St. 482-7652 c-18tfn 2A ARTICLES WANTED WE ARE now handling lots or part lots of furniture and appliances. If • you have articles to sell privately or by auction contact Rathwell's Auc- tion Service, Phone 482- 3120,-32tfn 11/2 storey solid bric acres 0 d. garage, fireplac~e, view, Sutlled !ARTICLES FOR SALE horn 15 ms a d th x) F3•. utiful in Hullet Township 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE POTATOES and apples for sale. Phone 524-8037, Art Bell's Fruit Farm.-5b CLARE HECLA - The gas saver furnace, also oil fired models. If your furnace needs replacing con- tact us today. Chuter Plumbing and Electric, 46 King St. Clinton. Phone 482-7652,--4,5h, WANTED - windmill, whole or parts - will remove, Phone ,482- 9364.-5p WALL papering, interior painting, furniture refinishing, reasonable rates - free estimates, quality work- manship - call Mitchell 348- 9435.-5,6,7b SEARCHING? Troubled? Unhappy? Jesus said "I am the way, the. truth and the life." For literature and or personal help write "He Cares", Box 546, Clinton, Ont,-5-17b Cheese factory in village of Blyth. .Good terms. Approximately 5 acres of land. Good well. STEREO record player, also set of Robertson bag pipes, both in 6od condition, Phone 482-7995 or write Box 902, Clinton, Ont.-5b SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Turnberry Central Public School RR 4 WINGHAM Written applications addressed to: Mr. R.L. Cunningham, Transpor- tation Manager HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario, NOM 1LO, will be received until 12:00 noon on Friday, February 8th, 1974. Duties to commence on Monday, February 18, 1974. Training assistance is available to an applicant wishing to procure a school bus driver's license. MIKE LUCAS' 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT FORMAL RENTALS for all oc- casions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd. Clinton and Goderjch.—cgtfn 1972 AMEN Snowmobile, 28 hp. - gone about 700 miles, in good con dition,. priced to sell. Make us an of- fer,'no reasonable offer refused, Ap- ply 12 Regina St. Vanastra 'or Base Factory Outlet,-5b 145 acre farm, 2 miles west of Clin- ton on Hwy. No. 8. 135 acres workable. 1 1 /2 storey stone house with 8 rooms. GOOD YOUNG beef by the quarter or half, cut and wrapped, govern- ment inspected, potatoes for sale also, Phone 482-7578.—tfn Painting and Decorating CLINTON • phone 482.3825 Wanted 50 to 100 acres with or without buildings. 1 1 /2 storey aluminum siding, 5 room home with finished carpeted, recreation room, 3 bedrooms. Situated in Vanastra. CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and Wedges. Phone 236-4954 anytime.—c2tfn SEEN a picture in the News-Record you would like to have? Get a per- manent print, either 4"x 5", 5" x 7" or 8" x 10". Order at 482- 9502.—c5tfnx ICE REMOVERS, shovels, scrapers etc. Wild bird feed, pet foods and supplies. AND YES - the first ship- • ment of Garden Seeds has arrived and is 'on display. Sprekelia and Gloxinia bulbs, Durst Farm and Garden Centre, 22 Isaac St, phone 482-9333. Open daily and closed Sat. afternoon.—tfn Up. PHOTOGRAPHY; weddings, com- mercial, portrait, portraits taken in your own home. Phone Photo Art Services - 482-7441.-30tfn Please cell ADAM FLOWERS BAYFIELD 585.2813 1/2 acre of land, 1 floor frame home, 8 rooms. Small barn on the property, located in the village of Varna. FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys, Contact Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351.—c22tfn TREASURED RECIPES--The new revised edition of St. James, Middleton ACW, Centennial Cook- book now available at local mer- chants or phone 482-9258.-3=6b 3b BYERS UPHOLSTERY—We will rebuild, re-cover or re-style your old furniture better than new. Call 482- • 7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin-. ton.—tfn Just listed: 1 floor brick bungalow, 5 rooms, double garage, 3 bedrooms. Nice large lot. Situated in . the Village of Londesboro. ifisINTEE 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE Kalendar King Calendars Your 1975 Calendars Check our samples and prices , before ordering, Call 482-7037 or write Box 994, Clinton. 5b BUY your new bicycle now for Spring and beat the March 1st price increase. Trade in your old bicycle and save. for further information contact Don's Bicycle Repairs, 305 Ontario Street, Clinton. Phone 482- 9941. We service what we sell.-5b REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn,—c2tfn 1968 FORD Mercury 1 /2 ton pick-up. Best' offer. Phone 482-9766.-4,5h 50 acres of land with barn and silo, 1 1 /2 . storey frame home with 9 rooms, large living room and dining room, 5 bedrooms. Situated in Hullett Township. - 1966 PONTIAC two-dooi Lauren- tian, V,8 automatic. $300 pr best of- fer. Call 482-9265 after 6 p.m.-5p Princess St., 3 bedroom, one floor frame home on a huge lot, suitable for VIA. Asking $14,900.00. "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured — don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W.N. Coun- ter. Clinton, Ontario.—ctfn Two storey, 3 -bedroom red brick home, close to shopping and post of- fice. This well maintained home features gas hot water heating, family sized kitchen and separate dining area, Please call our office for an appointment. Listed at $25,000.00, value for your money on to-days market. 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TRI-TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE income Tax Returns - Business - Farm - Individual ' LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 PEGGY CUNNINGHAM 229 James St. • "Pity the poor groundhog! He's stuck with a woodchuck's body and an old wives tale." —5b REQUIRED THREE BEDROOM HOUSE for sale with $1,500 down. Phone 482- 9590,—tfn RECEPTIONIST - CLERK-TYPIST 6. ACCOMODATION TO RENT REFINISHING done at reasonable rates, free estimates and quick ser- vice—call Ray Filion 527- ; 1618,-3,4,5,6h Written applications will be received by the undersigned to include personal data and work particulars. Good :hours and working con= ditions. Apply to: John G. Berry, Clerk- Treasurer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. OVER STORE on main street in Clinton, one 3-bedroom apartment and one 2-bedroom apaitment. Call evenings 482-7244.—tfn Albert St. - four bedroom, frame, new siding, large modern kitchen, , dining room, 2 bathrooms. Ideally located on a landscaped lot. 200 acres of rolling productive land, 35 acres of bush, modern 3 bedroom, one floor home with double attached garage, full basement, all conveniences. Barn suitable for beef operation. Ex- cellent value at $68,000.00, HURON PINES REALTY LTD. 56 KING ST. CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 482-7901 AINSI.IE„M arket,Ltcl.iTh,e, ,4rju at‘ Goderich, Phone 524-8551., offers custom killing and processing every Monday and Thursday. Cost 3c per lb. on dressed weight - Contact us on Saturday or Wednesday. All meat government inspec- ted.-4,5,6,7,b Clinton Phone 482-7988 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, Regina Street, Vanastra, frig, stove, hard- wood floor, oil furnace, cable TV and laundry tubs. No more than 2 children preferred. Available im- mediately. Call 482-7496.—tfn Choice Residential lots available in Huron Pines Subdivision; Pine Crest Subdivision and Matilda Street. Commercial or residential custom builders. We build on any location. For an appointment at your con- venience, call HURON PINES 482- 7901. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED! Modern equipment, work guaran- teed. Write or phone H.T. Dale, Clinton. Phone 482-3320.--4tfn 9. WANTED (General) 162 acres, 7 room frame home, 2 barns and silos, located north of Goderich, asking $82,000.00 ONEDROOM healed a ment, e of!, cents , a 1 tt:- elk loyd Batkin. one 482-7057.-2tfn KNAPPS will buy outright, com. plete household, estates or single pieces of furniture. Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us, Our aim is to please. 67 Main ,Street, Seaforth, phone 527-1336.—tfn SAVE INCOME TAX with Guarantee Plus Registered Savings Plan by United Investment Life Assurance Company.* Contact Fred (Ted) Savauge 527-1522 Seaforth * for details.-4-8b CLARKE ZINN GODERICH 524-8620 TWO, THREE AND four bedroom houses. Phone 482-9590.—tfn apera ireossw CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates— Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY—Beet and Pork FRIDAY —Beef Only PICK- UP • SERVICE AVAILABLE Merner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood owiekweareamatesowliwowewe JO-AN SULLEN BAYFIELD 565-2421 PETER DAMSMA CLINTON 482.9849 11. TENDERS RICHARD LOU EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER BUSING TENDER ALBERT ST. OFFICE 482-3821 A- FOR SALE A- FOR SALE To supply week-end transpor- tation for Huron County students to the Regional Centre for the Hearing Handicapped at London, Ontario. PHOTO LISTING SERVICE ONE 8-N Ford tractor in good con- dition; 1966 Chev half ton truck; one Maurer bean puller, Phone W. C. Milison 527-1167.-56 READY to lay pullets for sale. Contact Mobrds Poultry Farm, Egmnndville 527-0508,-5,6,7,b 5h CLINTON, ONT. PHONE: 482-7898 •ctin 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT Tenders will be received until 12:00 noon on Friday, February 8th, 1974 by the undersigned. Specifications and further detailed Information In regard to routing may be obtained at the Ad- ministration Centre in Clinton. P-A-G HYBRID seed corn grown successfully in this area for over 20 years, Some varieties still available, see your dealer without delay, Durst Farm and Garden Centre, 22 Isaac St., Clinton. Phone 482- 9333.-5t.f.n. C WANTED HOUSE FOR RENT in ClintonApplY to Lorne Tyndall, Phone 482- 7152.—tfn CONTINUES SWEATERS WANTED: 10,000 bales old or weather beaten baled hay, Dusty, musty etc., not fit for feed. Alfalfa and grasses (no round bales) also wanted, choice alfalfa and timothy mix, Dial 1-762.200 Dutton.-51-5 • THREE BEDROOM apartment, redecorated, carpeted, Modern four piece bath, laundry-room, heat and hot water included. $125. Phone 482-9766.—tfn R.B. Dunlop, Superintendent of Business Affairs, . HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario, NOM ILO Pullovers & Cardigans REG. TO $19.95 3-BEDROOM town house for rent at Vanastra R.R. 5 Clinton, $110 per month, all utilities paid. Phone Jean. 482.7396 anytime.—c46tfn LIVESTOCK NOW $9." "10" GOOD young crossbred boar available - phone 482-3176.-5b WINTER JACKETS WE NOW have a vacancy for a retired lady in our Holiday Home, $6 per day. Mr. and Mrs, C, Van Damnie, phone 482-6685.—tfn NOTICE; Livestock every Monday to United Co-Operative of Ontario to Ontario Livestock yards. C.I.A.G. insurance in effect from your farm, call by 8 A.M. Monday to arrange for pickup at. your farm. Wm. J. Dale. Phone Sea forth 527- 047L-2b 12. AUCTION SALE 1/2 .PRICE SPECIAL GROUP FARROWING CRATES for Sale, 2 Standard Models or can be custom built, Phone George Troyer 262- 5282 - AUCTION SALE of-furniture, general household fur- nishings, dependable appliances; being Old for the proprietors through the facilities of ESTATE MARKETING SERVICES Auction Centre 20 Waiter Street, Wingham, pnt Saturday January 26, 1974 at 12 Noon A diversified offOring of ap- proximately 330 lots, may be seen prior to sale time Friday, January 25th 1 p.m. to 6 pail; Saturday 10 ton, till Sate time, Auctioneer Jack Alexander tor information 3574011 J.A. Currie Auction Administrator If "No-travel" official weather ad- visory issued, Auction automatically postponed 1 week, Tune CIOIX ,920, ONE bedroom apartment, partly furnished, stove and fridge sup- plied, Two bedroom, partly fur- nished, stove and fridge supplied, Both apartments are heated, Phone 482-7901 between 9 And 5 and 482. 7304 after 6 p.m,—tfn SPORT SHIRTS SPECIAL RACK REQ. TO $17.95 B. HELP WANTED S. HELP WANTED $4.98 CLINTON COMMUNITY AUCTION SALES Friday Afternoon 1:00 P.M. Three bedroom house in the coun- try; near Clinton. Please send replies to Box no 19, do Clinton News-Record,' Clinton, Ont,••50 1111111011011imel.mum, SUITS & CO ORDINATES REDUCED TO CLEAR 'THREE bedroom house, story and a half, two bathrooms, plenty of storage space. Phone Lawson and Wise 482-p644.----5,6b 20% TO 50% OFF MAKE ARRANGEMENTS TO BRING YOUR LIVESTOCK TO THIS SALE LoOk for Yellow Sales Tickets P 11_, riCkett Oinpeell Ltd• IL HELP WANTED Phone - LORNE TYNDALL 4824202 PART-TIME cook moire() im- mediately, For further information 'phone 482.3421-5b 4824162 . KINCARDINE OODERICH CLINTON Mit iiimememeimemmaissanees