HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-01-24, Page 12BLYTH LIONS BINGO, Myth Memorial Hall, Saturday,, 8:30 p.m. $150 jackpot, Big cash prizes.--39tfn k0o01)e)teDe etE)00(!)00e000fs' f!e!) .too 00000 TQ SOUTH Africa in May with. Ken and Libby, Watch for ' details in the ,newspaper.—tfn A PROFESSIONAL Children's Photographer will be at Corrie's Red and White Store o'n Friday and Saturday, Feb, let and 2nd, Come in arid get a FREE portrait of your. child. Compliments of Maynard Corrie.-4b BRUCEFIELD 1.0.0.F, card party Friday Feb, 1st at 8:30 p.m. at Brucefield 1.0.0.F. Hall. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome,-4,5b CARD PARTY—Thursday, Jan. 24 at 8:30 at I.O.O.F. Hall, Princess Street, Euchre and 500.. Admission 75c, ladies please bring lunch.-3,4b (WTI—Mrs, Tea and Bake Sale on Feb. 16 at 10:00 a.m. at Clinton. Town Hall.-3,4,5,6b BINGO Jan. 29 Huron. Fish and Game Club, , 8:30 pan. Jackpot $58 in , 58 calls. Six door prizes.-4b O a 0004 00400400004 40 ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Now Playing "EAST WEST" Coming Next Week "GREEN LIGHT" FOR THE WINTER MONTHS ENTERTAINMENT BEGINS AT 8:30 (4000404040000000 ENTERTAINMENT COUNTRY AND WESTERN Every. Friday and Saturday Evening, TASTY SNACKS AMPLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth.,Ont. Friends and Neighbours are Invited to a RECEPTION and DANCE for LOUISE, EAST and . MAURICE HAYS Friday, feb. 8' . 9:00 P.M Saltford Valley Hall EUCHRE 'PARTY - Varna Township Hall, Friday, Jail. 25 at $:30 p.m., auspices' 1035," ladies please bring sand- wiches.-4b RUMMAGE SALE: Saturday, March 39, 1974, at •St, drew's Presbyterian. Church,' • HANOVER HOLIDAY' TOURS - Deluxe 14 day escor- ted , motor coach tours; February 24 to March 9, Silver Springs, Disneyworld,, Cyprus Gardens, St. Petes, Fort Meyers, iami and .Daytona Beach. Special 21 day deluxe motor coach Florida Tour, March 2 to March 22. Gettysburg, Washington, 'Myrtle \ Beach, Jekyll ,Island, Daytona Beach, Disneyworld, Cyprus Gardens, St. Petes, Miami Beach. A leisure tour with extra time in Daytona and Miami. Beach. Special mid-term 9 day Florida bus tour. Departs evening, March 15 returns March 24, Deluxe beachside ac- commodations in Daytona. Special mid-term jet air tour March 16 to March 24. Arizona and California jet- air and motor coach tour, April 13 to April 27 to Arizona, Mexico, Nevada' and Califor- nia. 21 day California motor coach tours, leaVing February 23 to March 15 and, again March 16 to April 5. 28 day farmers' tour to Fiji, New Zealand and Australia, Departs February 6. An all in- clusive fully escorted South Pacific Tour 'with area residents. One week arid two week in- clusive tour charters to, Bar- bados, St. Lucia, Jamaica, Freeport • and Nassau. Also special packages to Mexico and Hawaii. All Star Florida 14 day tour, Daytona, Miami and Deerfield Beach. Departing every Satur- day. Including Disneyworld. From $229.00. Also, All Star 1.3 day tour to Florida, Clearwater and St. Petersburg. Every Sunday beginning February 10. Superior accommodations. From $275.00. Barbados, one week depar- tures with ocean-side apart- ments. Available January to April. Air Canada 1 week, Acapulco, Mexico'. Departures weekly using the deluxe Marriott Hotel. $369-00, meals included. Skifari ski packages. Weekly departures to the Canadian Rockies, Advance booking charters now available for this summer to England, Germany and Holland. Must be booked 60 days prior to departure. From $199.00 return. All domestic and inter- national air flight reservations and tickets. Contact Hanover Travel Ser- • vice for personal assistance, 290 Tenth St., Hanover, 364- 3270. Out of town clients, 1- 800-265-3007, toll, free. • Baird's Board The annual ,meeting of Bairds' Cemetery Board and plot owners was held in 1.0.0.F. Halls Brucefield on Thursday January 17, 1974. The following board mem- bers were returned to office: chairman, Watson, Webster, John Broadfoot, Bill McAsh, Wilfred Chuter, Adam Wilson, Mac Wilson, Ross Scott, Gor- don Richardson, Mrs. R. Taylor, secretary. Adam Wilson was engaged as caretaker and Arie Verhoef as grave opener. The chairman reported that the new land has been cleared of brush and levelled ready for working prior to seeding. Clinton St District Winter Carnival February 1 - 1 10 DAYS OF FUN & FROLIC 1 FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1 8:30 p.m. forchlight Parade .9:30 Snowmcibile trail ride SATURDAY FEBRUARY 2 10 a.m. Pancake Breakfast 1 p.m. Carnival Parade 2:30, Children's Day with Fide Mitchell from CFPL TV 7:30 Carnival Queen Contest 9 p.m. Lions Club Dance SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 3 2 p.m. Novelty Races Skating Club Program 'MONDAY FEBRUARY 4 7 p.m. Broomball 8:30 Bingo at Legion TUESDAY FEBRUARY 4 7-10 p.m. Girls Hockey Tournament guy a "Bon HomMe" good for most events WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 8 2 p.m. Cord party 7 p.m. Family skate night 9 p.m. Hospitality night THURSDAY FEBRUARY 7 8 p.m. Junior; -'13" hockey . Lucan at Clinton FRIDAY FEBRUARY '8 12.4 p.m. Christian schools Hockey Tournament 7 p.m. Hay rides .9:30 p.m. Monte Cid() night (for gamblers only), SATURDAY FEBRUARY 9 cla.m. Public school races 1:30 p.m. BroOmbell finale 3 p.m. Girls Hockey finals 9 p.m. - Fish and Game Dance' - Fair Board dance • Presidents Ball, Legion SUNDAY FEBRUARY 10 1 p.M. Snowmobile races (M.O.S.R.A. sanctioned) Adults $2, Students $1 , JUNIOR CONSERVATION meeting on Sunday, Jan. 27 at 1:00 p.m. at the club house. New members welcome,-4b HULL'S( GULLY COMING EVENTS:' Jan. 26 ; Gord. Harrison and Harborlites. Jan, 27 - Amateur racing and 1.00. lap .enduro, (weather per, mating) Feb, 2 - Roger Quick and the RainboWs Feb. 9 - Star Trex Feb. 16 - Valentine Ball = The Bluetones. • —4b EUCHRE PARTY - Thursday, January 31st at 8:15 p.m. Sun- day School room of St. James Church, Middleton. Auspices A.C.W., mini auction sale, ad- mission, 75c, ladies please bring lunch,-4b "CASH BINGO", geaforth Legion Hall, Friday, Jan. 25 at 8:15 p.m. sharp. 15 regular games" for $10 each. Three specials for $25.00 and a $75 Jackpot to go each week. (children under 16 yrs. not per- mitted). Adniission $1.00, extra cards 25c each or 7 for $1.00: Proceeds, for welfare work. Sponsored by Branch 156, Seaforth •Royal Canadian Legion.—tfn NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 Jan. 24. Admission $1.00; 'fifteen regular games $10.00 each..Tbree Share-the- Wealth games. One Jackpot for $180 in 57 calls. Consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if not wow-413, THE 63rd Annual Meeting of The Children's Aid Society of Huron County will be held in the Council -Chambers, Court House, Goderich, Ontario on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, '1974 at 2:00 p.m. Hereby take notice that amend- ments are being proposed to the Constitution and By-law, copies of which may be ob- tained at the office of the County Clerk-Treasurer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. The public is cordially invited to attend. • B. G. Hanly, Secretary, Board, of Directors, Children's Aid Society of Huron County. b3,45 These three girls are absorbed intently in a Joke told by Ontario NDP leader Stephen Lewis, who spoke to the World Politics class at Central Huron Secondary School last Thursday. Mr. Lewis also met with area teachers later in the day. (News-Record photo) one guest. Six thank-you notes were reported to have been received. The offering was dedicated by the president• by reading a poem.' The treasurer's report was given and a poem entitled "The Officerg Prayer" was read by Mrs,, Coleman. The finance committee read their report for 1974. The visiting committee for the following month will be Loretta Riley and Eliza Kin- sman. It was announced that the annualmeeting of Chiselhurst will be held January 31, with a pot luck supper. Pearl Taylor and Mary Brintnell volun- teered to create a new project to raise money. The February meeting was reviewed by the president. Mary- Biintnell spoke on the study book "Mission Im- possible-Unless". The meeting was closed with the theme prayer. Hostess was Eliza Kinsman. PERSONAL Mrs. Sim Roobal is a patient in St. Josephs Hospital, Lon- don. COMING TO THE WHITE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 JOE OVERHOLT SATURDAY, JANUARY 26 CAVALIERS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 BLUETONES SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS SMORGASBORD and DANCE . $7.00 couple Reservations Only Phone 482-7535 or 482-9228 ' e)in0000esotaeo)e)softeinosoeco)oettetelDemiso% DRUMMER Lunch 'and 4) 000000004 (40 ° Refreshments at CLINTON CANADIAN LEGION SATURDAY, JANUARY 2 '6 Tickets $3.00 couple 00000000000 00040004400 00000000 SOCIAL 9:30 - 12:30? with TONY NOTHERS and HIS 'Ev'eryohe ' Welcome eesoe)oo PARK GODERICH ANITIN11M1141111IT /oh, orid m r I LYI FORBIEMEll PLAIIET Sun.' 27 mon.28 rim29 ROMEO JULIET u-' lEONAROIMMIR F Wed.30 Thu. 31 F A el I/ se 2 Instinct for Survival SATURDAY 1:30 P.M.' '3:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 9:30 P.M. SHOW TIMES WED. THUR. FRI. 7 & 9 P.M. 3G THE E)01,,APf PHONE 574 78 AIR CONDITIONED DECISION 'Ottawa, December 21,-1974 • PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT CARRIAGE OF CBLFT -AND GLOBAL COM- MUNICATIONS PARK GODER1CH, Mfr. 524-7811 UNIT II U.C.W. Unit II of Hensall held their January meeting on Monday evening at the Church. Hazel Corbett acted as chairlady and opened the meeting with a reading "A new years pie". The devotional "On New Years eve have a hot bath", taken from the United Church Observer, was given by Mildred McNaughton. The roll• call was answered by "a New Year's resolution I don't intend to keep." The study was given by Pat Venner, who introduced the new study book "Mission Impossible- Unless." A skit "Give us our daily bread" was presented by Pat Venner, Hazel Corbett, Lillian Blackwell, Irene Black- well and Mildred McNaughton. Business discussed by the new Unit leader Grace Drum- mond included the annual meeting on January 30 with pot , luck supper at 6:30, World Day of Prayer Service in the Presbyterian Church MarchJ.,,." Grace gave 'a reading "14* Horizons." Hazel thanked everyone who had taken part in the meeting and Mona Alderdice conducted a contest. Hostesses Irene and Lillian Blackwell served a delicious lunch, CHISELHURST U.C.W. After a day of quilting and a delicious pot luck dinner, Chiselhurst U.C.W. held their fir'st meeting of the 'year Tuesday afternoon. The meeting was opened by the new president, Erla Coleman. The worship "Time we spend" was given by Vera Ross with Pearl Taylor reading the scripture, Mrs. Taylor was in charge of the program and read an ar- ticle entitled "The gift of the Maji." The roll call was an- swered with 14 members and A BREATH-TARING • SPECTACLE • OF WILD SPLENDOR AND FURY! INSINCT SURVIVAL TECHNICOLOR'' Released II Sun leleinalonal ['shames Inc 0 SHOWTIMES WED., THUR., & FRI. 7:00 & 9:00 P.M. SATURDAY 1:30 P.M. • 7:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M. • 9:30 P.M. LIMITED TIME ONLY 1? GLINT NOW14;:RFPQRP, THVIISPAY, JANUARY 24, 1974 CLINTON HOTEL. ENTERTAINMENT, ' * NIGHTLY ,1-.,,,,„,-:,..,,,,_„..__T ''" _ t * IN OUR . , t,..• •[, •-' ri i * , 0 0 ::.;' „511 r \ ii * "CLOUD 9 LOUNGE" ' ,E, . '2"9-4'' ...1_* Listen or Sing-along g4 A .i Ar With Western Ontario's ir * DINING ROOM , Enjoy the best of Home cooked meals in our fully licensed dining room, MONDAY TO SATURDAY , 7:00 A.M.— 9 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 1:30 P.M. • 5:30 P.M.— 7:30 P.M. * , *SUNDAYS Opening February 2nd 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Ar For your Sunday dining 'piessurti, Fully Licensed under LC.B.O. Reservations• accepted Phone 482-201 **************** Your Sr. invited to 40 OPEN HOUSE of the recent* renovated X-Ray Department of tho Stratford General Hospital on Thursday, January 31st. from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Ribbon-cutting ceremony at 7;00 p.m. Stratford General Hospital The Commission's Policy Statement on Cable Television dated .July 16, 1971, sets forth the basic cable television ser- vices which all cable television systems are required to provide as a matter of priority. A. number of licensees in the Toronto and Hamilton areas have applied to the ,Commission for an extension of the tem- porary authority for the carriage of CBLFT, Channel 25 on one or more channels using 'the phase-lock technique until December 31, 1974 or the commencement of• transmission of television signals from the CN Tower, whichever occurs earlier. All of the-Iic-ensees have made a firm commitment to im- plement expanded channel capacity in the near future in order to enable the carriage of all priority Canadian television signals on unimpaired channels without deleting services which have been provided to subscribers. However, due to cer- tain difficulties, many of the licensees are unable immediately to implement expanded capacity. Relocation of the Toronto transmitters to the CN Tower on or before December 31, 1974 will increase the signal strength of CBLT and CFTO-TV and further impair cable system channels 5 and 9 so that the phase-lock technique for CBLFT will be ineffective for those channels on most systems. At the Public Hearings licensees maintained that the carriage of CBLFT using the phase-lock technique has been satisfactory. Licensees also claimed that a minimum number of complaints have been received and that in each of these cases remedial action was taken. The Commission will accept the use of the phase-lock technique as a temporary expedient, until the end of 1974 provided licensees continue to provide remedial action where necessary. The Commission notes that the following licensees are now carrying CBLFT on an unimpaired 'channel: Citizens Cable TV Limited (Burlington, Ont.); Aurora Cable TV Limited (Aurora, Ont.); Metro Cable TV Limited (Burlington, Ont.). Cable television carriage of Global Communications represents a unique situation since Global's coverage area is all of Southern Ontario. Since the Global System consists of a number of transmitters' broadcasting on different channel frequencies, it is desirable, wherever possible, for the system to he carried on a uniform cable channel in order to enable easy' identification. Channel 3 appears to be the optimum choice since it is, or can be made, available on most cable systems. The Commission indicated in letters sent' to cable television licensees on September 19, 1973 that Global should be carried on a common channel wherever practical and that the best choice is channel 3. The Commission requires licensees to provide for the carriage of Global on channel 3 except in cases where distribution on channel 3 is not technically'feasible or where it would result in undesirable disruption to a local station or to the locally programmed channel. The part of the applications made by the following licensees for the carriage of Global on channel 3 are approved: Decision CRTC 73 - 620 - GODERICH, CLINTON & HOLMESVILLE, ONT. • No. 1308372 Bluswater TV Cable Ltd. Guy Lefebvre, Director-General of Licensing. Acting Secretary. Canadian Conseil de la Radio-Television Radio-Televlsion Commission Finest Honky Tonk Pianist • " DAVE HOY "