HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-01-24, Page 8LOVE'S LAST GIFT REMEMBRANCE, Whether It's a • MONUMENT s MARKER • INOVIN140014 You are rerneOlorleg a low, ono, LET T. PRYDE 111 SON LTD, HELP YOU DECIDE ON YOUR MEMORIAL REQUIREMENTS IN CLINTON Clarence Deeemme 4024e06 VISIT 77 ALBERT ST. RES. 482.1100411 aierreeel.lelleele meemeameoleellegel leweeseepeere. GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS SEE 9 1 /4% for 1 yr. LAWSON and WISE Complete Insurance SorvIce and Investments 5' Rattenbury St., Phone 482-9644 Clinton, Ont. J,T. Wise—Res. 482.7265 Registered Retirement Savings Plans See us now and Save Tax Dollars Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation The senior Trust CoMptiny devOled entirely to serving the people of Ontario, TICIORMandGREY -rotusi- COMPANY SINCE 1889 Itervina a Investing In your Community Lyle turbrigip Monigor • 5244301 100 KINQITON It., CIODIRICH WE SOLD HUNDREDS OF PANELS DURING THE FIRST WEEK of the Salewbut there's STILL A GOOD SELECTION LEFT- At Really Worthwhile SAVINGS- so hurry to Discount DAVE's ELD OVER E MORE EEK Discount DAVE'S NELING S. SAYE 41060-02 70 420 o°4 GODERICH 524-8321 EXETER - 235-1422 GRAND BEND 238-2374 130151 N6NER5TIUR6 6 2A6 A01 EriEIEK St411 61J111011.--- KIDGETOWN 1913145 11) NAtKOW 396.3!103 KIND iNE 3g_ g341 OWEN SOUND by t•5465 SO101114104108 WOO licgo WEST ONE 00 WINDSOR AO nr422i :zoo 014 Hwy 2 "A DISCOUNT HOUSE WITH A DIFFERENCE" '111P ,III 11111111 01'11 ill/L:41111 (iii soillig ido 111111111111111.1, II rri kour ,111 ., '11,1 '1 1,iik "j"I 10111 I , liiiiiii,p1,111:1141111N 111114[1; 4111i:411w (I: 111111; ,1111 , ?11111111 klits1114141,1103,4iii.,.041,, I I ; A DIVISION OF rttii‘of t (JA/Ifif F4 (I) AN Moos . Cosh omit Corry 'Final Day of the Sale is SATURDAY, Jan. 26 2 DAYS LEFT SO DON'T MISS THIS LAST CHANCE TO SAVE ON_FIRST QUALITY PANELIN • ammonrim. REGULAR HOURS --- Monday Muir Friday I A.M.-S:30 P.M. — Saturday till 4 P.M. 0.-eurfrou ItiEyYS.REPORD.• THIHISt*T, elAhlUAR 24k 1.974 UCTV pieki slate The. January meeting of the Auburn Women's Institute was held in the Community Memorial hall 'with the first vice-president, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt in charge. Mrs. Haggitt Welcomed all and read the Poem, A Better World. A memorial service in memory of . Mrs, Major Youngblut, a mem. her of the Branch who passed away last month, was conduc- ted by Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs, John Stadelman, con. vener of Agriculture and Canadian . Industries in- troduced the guest speaker, Don Pullen, Huron County Agricultural. Representative for the Department of Agriculture and Food. Mr, Pullen spoke on agriculture is it is •carried on today 'in the county and told about the various departments that are available to the far- mer. He showed pictures of "Our Heritage" - a calorful film on Huron County and the planning taking place in Huron County - how land can be used to help all mankind. Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson thanked Mr. Pullen for his in- formative address and on behalf of the members preseii; ted him with a gift , It was agreed that the Branch be in charge of the Huronview May Birthday party on May 15th.' —Members decided to buy a new flag for the Town Hall. A letter was read from C.A.S, outlining details concerning the Huron'County Bursary Fund and one from for the donation of $100 to the Maryn Pardy Memorial Fund.' Leaders to go to 4-H training school will be Mrs, Donald Cartwright, Mrs. Allan Craig, 4 The first Meeting of the Magic Circle of Wesley Willis UCW for 1974 was held in the Church parlor on Jan.15th with 13 ladies present •• Florence Oliver opened the meeting with a welcome and a New Year's wish for everyone, This was followed by the Lord's Prayer. Rev. Oestreicher installed the new officers for '74. The meeting was in charge of Mai), Murch and her group, the theme being "Prayer" Scrip- ture was read by , Mary 'Jamieson. The meditation "The Adventure 'of Prayer" was given by Mary Murch. In keeping with the theme Alice Andrews (the guest soloist) sang "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer", accom- panied by Cathie Potter at the piano, Mr. Oestreicher gave a New Year's message to the ladies and stressed how they would change things if they could, The ladies had a chance to express . their thoughts on how they would change the world,the town, the church and themselves. Many thanks go to Mr, Oestreicher for his time and entertaining talk, Alice Andrews Sang again, this time "The voice in the old village choir," The UCW thanks both of these ladies for sharing their talents with them. Roll Call was answered by payment of fees, Busness was conducted during which Jean Currie spoke for the over-all visiting committee, They have prepared a new list of neople to be called an, This is.a rotating list for each unit, It is to be hoped that each .member will do her ,share. Billie Stewart and Adell Jervis are 'the new captains for the Penny Race, The losing team is to treat the winner s et the October meeting. Florence 'Oliver ..agreed• to take the leadership again for' one year with assistance from the group in charge "each month, ' Anyone knowing of sickness or death connected with the Magic Circle is to notify Mrs. Marian Wilson as she is a comparative stranger in the commtinity and is, our new corresponding secretary. A hyme was sung and a New BY FRED McCLYMONT South Huron District Orange Lodge met last Tuesday evening in the Woodham Orange hall with a good atten- dance froth the various lodges. The Twelfth of July celebration is expected to be held at St.Thomas. The election of officers for 1974' are: District W.M.p, Alex Hamilton, Grand Bend; D.M., year's reading, was given by , Mary :Karol) and the meeting closed with prayer. The hostess zroup, Florence Oliver, Mary JaMieSen and Mary Murch served- tinch and -a social time was enjoyed by all. The list of '74 officers are; leader, Mrs. 'Florence Oliver; recording Secretary, Miss Mary Jamieson; corresponding 'secretary, Mrs. Marian Wilson; program, Mrs, Mary Murch; social, Mrs. Jean Johns; supPlY, Mrs. Mare, Cole; visiting, Mrs. Greta Necliger and Mrs. Bessie Steeps; treasurer, ,.Miss Billie Stewart; flower convenor, Mrs, Helen Davies; phone commit- tee, Mrs. Marg Cole, Mrs. Ferrol Pennebaker and' Mrs. Jean Currie; pianist, Mrs. Greta Nediger. William Dicky, Woodham; chaplain, Wellwood Gill, Grand Bend; recording secretary, Harold Davis, Kirkton; treasurer, Lloyd Hern, Exeter; marshall, Ron Denham, St.Mags; first lec- turer, Fred Jamieson, St.Marys; second lecturer, Burns Blackler, St.Marys. The officer's were installed by Past District Master Charles Reid, Varna. Mrs. John Hildebrand and Mre. Ted Robinson. The senior course "More About Knits', will have Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock and Mrs: Frances Clark as leaders. • Mrs. Catherine.Jackson played a piano solo and Mrs. Leonard Archambault gave a reading, Mrs. Wilfred Sander- son announced that Miss Ethel Dewar, Huron County librarian will be guest speaker 'at the February meeting. • Lunch was served by Mrs. Leonard , Archambault, Mrs. John Stadelman and Mrs. Catherine Jackson. Prizes were won by Mrs. William Straughan, Mrs. Thomas, Lawlor and Mrs. Catherine Jackson. The roll call was answered by naming a fayourite Canadian beauty spot. ,W.M.S. The .Auburn group of the PresbyterianWomen's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Frances Clark, The president Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson opened the, meeting with a poem. Mrs. Sanderson welcomed all and Mrs. Clark was in charge of the devotional; meditation was titled "I am with thee always". Roll call was an- swered by a Bible verse con- taining the word Faith. Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by the secretary, Miss Minnie Wagner. Mrs. Frances Clark gave the financial statement. A card of thanks from Mrs. R, MacLean for flowers received at Christmas was read, also a letter from the W.M.S. memorial fund for the donation in memory of the late Mrs. Jannetta Youngblut, Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock gave a report of the W.M.S. Presbyterial meeting held recently at Seaforth. Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson gave the mission study on Why Christian Missions To-day. , Offering was received by Mrs, Clark and dedicated with prayer by Mrs. Sanderson. A' delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Frances Clark, SOCIAL NEWS Mr. and , Mrs. Leonard bralailibgg'101tVaii(11 Atirilyn visited last week with Mrs. and Mrs. Douglas Archambault at Orangeville. Mrs. Harry Wallace, the for- mer Mary Ellen Symington, celebrated her 92nd birthday at her home, 1532-102 Street, North Battleford, Sask., where she lives with her daughter, Mrs. Olive McEachern. Friends in this district will be pleased to know that she enjoys fairly good health and wish her many more happy birthdays. Mrs. George Schneider of Teeswater, fornierly of the Walkerburn district, is a patient in Wingham hospital. Mrs. Mary Rouse of Goderich visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips. Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies that they are enjoying good health in 'sunny Florida. Kenneth McDougall is visiting at Sudbury with , hie son, Allan McDougall and Mrs. McDougall. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Oldrieve (nee Betty Asquith) 285 ' The Westway, Weston, on the death of his mother in St.Thomas last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Andrew and Goderich visited on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips. Friends will 'be pleased to know that Mrs. Warner An- drews was able to return home last week. Winners at the weekly euchre party in the Community Memorial hall were: high lady, Mrs. Stewart Chamney, low lady, Mrs. Reta Dodd, high man, Kenneth Scott, low man Maitland Allen; novelty prize, Mrs. Arnold Craig. Independent Shipper to United (0-operative of (Marie livestock Dept Toronto solo Your Livestock with Roy Scotchmor Monday it Shipping Day Freon Varna Stockyard CALL SAYPIELD 505-2$36 Sy 7:30 P.m. Monday For Prompt Service NO Charges an PlOk-up tf The Ontario Hydro district office, Clinton area, had 45 men out last Sunday fighting the ice storm and restoring power to area homes. Some of the men worked more than 24 hours straight before they got any rest. Here a hydro employee trims branches from power lines near Vanastra. (News-Record photo) South Huron LOL elects new officers