HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-01-24, Page 7MATERNITY WEA The Separate Shopp MAIN CORNER CLINTON, OPEN 2-6 P M. CLOSED WEDNESDAYS ADEQUATE WIRING IS YOUR DIMAND WERE READY4 WAITING FOR YOUR COMMAND FREEZER CUT: 12 TO 144BS AVERAGE WHOLE' PORK LOINS Cui INTO 90ilk ROASTS & CHOPS FRESH Bias-CHICKEN 1b 3 LEG QUARTERS 3 BREAST QUARTERS 3 WINGS 3 NECKS 3 GIBLET PKGS. . SMOKED, READY-TO-SERVE. COOKED HAM STEAKS — LB $1.27 HAMS ButtPrtion lb Y• Portion lb ,ie Shank CANADA GRADE "AI', EVISCERATED, FROZ EN, VAC PAC YOUNG ' TURKEYS 10 TO 14.1.8 AVERAGE fib ' BEEF & PORK STORE PACK Burns Sausages lb 88? SUPER-RIGHT BRAND, SLICED Side Bacon 1-lb vac pac $1.18 'SUPER-RIGHT 'QUALITY, SWEET PICKLED CENTRE CUTS LB $1.49 Back Bacon End Cuts16$1:38 BY THE PIECE Side Bacon End Cuts lb 83# SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY Pork Hocks Meaty lb 58# SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY Pork Liver Sliced lb 610 MAPLE LEAF BRAND 1-11, vac pac 88# Wieners MAPLE LEAF, RANCH STYLE Bologna By the Piece lb 54# Shop ASP WEO — Enjoy Great Meat ! YOU CAN DEPEND ON US FOR GUARANTEED QUALITY! Action priced! WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES WHITE, CHOCOLATE, GOLDEN, HONEY. SPICE, DUTCH DEVIL, MILK CHOCOLATE ALL FLAVOURS, SWISS STYLE ACTION PRICED! Gay Lea Yogurt 6 6-az ctns $1.00 4 VARIETIES ACTION PRICED' . Lido Pastas ' 2 2-lb pkg $1.00 FANCY, SLICES OR HALVES, PEACHES • ACTION PRICED! 7-az tin MAPLE LEAF, 4 VARIETIES, SLICED COOKED 6-az MEATS v" Pa( 44)i Frozen Foods! BANQUET BRAND, FROZEN, 5 VARIETIES ACTION PRICED! Cream Pies A 14 oz pies $1.00 AAP BRAND, FROZEN, FANCY ACTION PRICED! Peas & Carrots 411-or pkgs $1.00 FROZEN, CHOPPED ACTION PRICED! York Spinach 412-oz pkgs MOO GOLDEN. FROZEN • Battered Cod lb $1.25 HOLIDAY FARMS, SALISBURY STEAK & ,GRAVY Frozen Dinner 16-or pkg 99ii Health & Beauty Aids! PALMOLIVE—REGULAR, LIME, MENTHOL • ACTION PRICED! Rapid Shave 7-oz aerosol tin 59? Bonus Pack-750% More Free-,-Toothpaste ACTION 'PRICED! Ultra Brite 75-ml tube's 9¢ DRY, OILY, NORMAL, SHAMPOO Bright Side plastic btl $11.09 PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT SAVINGS FOR THE CONSUMER By MARY HENRY HOME ECONOMIST Ida Burns & Associates Inc. 1260 Lakeshore Rd. E, MARY HENRY Port Credit, Ontario Today's homemakers belthey male or female ,rmist be canny shoppers to make.the best use of their grocer`'. dollar: PLAN TO SAVE: Plan meals for at least .a week in advance using the weekly A&P ads to take advantage of price specials and to plan variety in menus. Group similar items on your list — e.g. meats, produce, canned goods, etc., so that it will be easy .fo folio* the list in the store. Plan to be flexible. If you see a special buy — such as the many 'on this week's "Dollar Sale" at A&P — plan to stock up and save. COMPARE TO SAVE: Analyze and compare the cost of convenience products against the quality cost and time of preparing similar "homeinode" items. STORE FOODS PROPERLY TO SAVE: .Buy amounts that yOu can store easily. Vegetables such as potatoes can be stored in a dry, cool, dark place fora long period. Extra stocks of canned goods can be stored in the basement on shelves or in cartons in an out-of-the-way location. CANADA No. 1 GRADE, FIRM SLICERS, VINE RIPENED TOMATOES 24b tray 690f 3 BLOOMS, LARGE VARIETY OF COLOURS FOR YOUR CHOICE BETTY CROCKER STOCK UP & SAVE! Tomato' Roma 8.4.ca, Cheeseburger B-oz, Beef Noodle 7.2-oz, Chili Tomato 8.4.oz, Potato Stroganoff 6.7-oz, Hash 6-oz, Short Cut Spaghetti Lasagna LI•or. Tuna. Helpers: Tomato Macaroni 8.7-oz, Potatoes 'N Mushrooms &or, Noodles 'N Cheese 81,4-ox, Moodie, 'N Cream 9.oz. ' AYLMER, CHOICE QUALITY Action Priced! ' ice ,Cream DEL MONTE, FANCY WAX OR GREEN Seasoned Beans 14-fl-oz POLLY PRIM. Libby's Spaghetti LIBBY'S, TROPICAL Fruit Punch tin . BORDEN'S, Assorted Flavours,, QUALITY, 32-fl-oz tin 14-fl-oz tin 1-pint ctn ••CATELLI, FINE OR BROAD Egg Noodles 12-oz pkg COLONIAL, Chocolate Bon Bon, pkg Colonial Cookies 9-oz pkg AYLMER, CHOICE Asparagus Cuts 12-fl-oz tin Buffet SANDWICH * SPREAD PEPSI =COLA 26-FL-02,,$ 1 BOTTLES .00 Peas & Carrots 5 14-f I-az tins $1.00 VEGETABLE Ann Page Soup 8 10-fl-oz tin $1.00 CHAMPION, 4 VARIETIES, DOG FOOD Dr. Ballards „„, -15-oz tins $1.00 Action Priced! MI X OR MATCH FOR 1000 Check The Money-Saving Bakery Specials JANE PARKER, SLICED (BUY 2 LOAVES — SAVE 21c1 •, JANE PARKER, PEACH PIE OR, 2,16-oz loaves 810,9ve #40 Dutch Apple,Pie fun 8-inch, 24-ot pie each 69)2( JANE PARKER 6t) Bran Muffins • pkg of643f1 JANE PARKER (SAVE 6c) Golden Loaf Cake 1°'°"ke 4 3 Action priced! DETERGENT (PREPRICED 90c) SUNLIGHT LIQUID pkg of 2 34-Mt d plastic bottles mice 5l/2-oz, OLD FASHION COI, BEVERAGE 12.0/ PAGODA BLUE GLASSES ACTION ! SUPPLE' 00 WHILE PRICED! SUPPLY 411 LASTS CHIPS AHOY, OATMEAL, PIRATE ACTION PRICED! 16 of tin tie bag 69# Christie Cookies A SUPERB BLEND OF 100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE — A O'CLOCK Instant Coffee 10-or jar $1.55 i:• SUPERB BLEND OF 100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE 34LS BAG $2.85 8 O'Clock Bean Coffee 1-lb bag 97? GREEN, LAVENDER, PINK, WHITE, YELLOW ACTION PRICED! Kleenex Facial Tissue box of 200,2.ply sheets 39% „ SALAD DRESSING Kraft Miracle Whip 16-fl-oz jar 531( INSTANT HOT CHOCOLATE MIX • PICO OF 12 --4- t-OZ ENVS, Nestles Chocolate 69? JOHNSON'S, FLOOR "CLEANER ACTION PRICED) Mop Magic 32-f 'oz plastic bll 01.59 E, D, SMITH APPLE t9-N.44 TIN SU RHUBARB STRAWBERRY 1941-0Z TIN 49$ Pie Filler ltaisin Raisin Bread 19-11•ox tin 5 3 fe ITALIAN OR OLD FASHIONED, SLICED Jane Parker .Bread (BUY 2 LOAVES SAVE 24.oz LOAVES "We Redeem- All Food-Store Compems!" ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS. Att GUARANTEED ARNOW THROUGH SATURDAY, JANUARY 0441, 974, / (34INTON NEE 914), TOMO" 4.ANVARY24. 1..f n4,4 White won't meet with Goderich Township n the wake of Mansion •over t menthe regarding the con* ction of.shopping malls in erich or adjoining Goderich Winship the Township mun- itioned 4 press release In an effort to make general public and John hite, Minister of Treasury, enemies and IntergOVern- ntal' Affairs "aware of the to leading up to the decision issue' a budding permit to *ledge Properties for a opping mall in the Township. The release followed' close on e'heela of a letter from Mr. bite refusing to meet with the ownshiP' and discuss the tuation. That letter noted, "I ye considered the request bodied in your Township's solution, but must decline the vitation to appear before your until to discuss the matter." Speaking on behalf of the wnship councillor G. G. Ginn, ho " prepared the release, oted, "This decision (td issue he building permit) was not eached without due con- ideration." "The Goderich Township ouncil deems the site to be eal. It has access from the wn of Goderich by a well ghted four lane highway and has access from the balance f the trading area,by a resur- ced Highway number eight." "This property is adjacent to e easterly limits of the town f Goderich and we feel that a opping plaza would be corn- atable with the existing corn- ercial and light industrial sea of the area." "Further proof that this area an ideal location is the site oxen for the Brewers Retail nd L.C.B4O. outlets," Mr. inn noted in the release. "The Goderich Township ouncil would never consider suing a building permit for an tensive agricultural complex r this area and the provincial vernment has already rejec- d a registered plan of sub- ivision on this property as late 1969 because this property ad been designated, by the partment of Municipal Af- irs as "basically of an in- ustrial character," Mr. Ginn id. According to the release the Goderich• Township Council greed to issue the permit only fter. approvals had been amiiter with Elnyfr r•t•t , h Throligh the generosity • of CM, Elmer's Summer Safety ontest returned last year, with 01 newspapers (104 in On- tario) participating coast-to- coast. Entries literally poured in from every corner of the country. Sorting of daily mail was difficult at times, but On- tario Safety League staff mem- bers readily rallied to the cause. On the whole, 'entries were of a high calibre, with many young hopefuls going to great lengths to create a "winner." Entries were often laboriously mounted in decorated fraines. Sequins, tin foil and sparkles were used to advantage. Many children were not satisfied with the picture as presented and added such innovations as coloured string for shoelaces, reflective tape and headlights on bicycles, sun and clouds in skies, and a few even went as far as changing the setting of the scene from day to night. The safety message incor- porated into the colouring con- test was far from secondary in the children's minds. Frequen- tly, letters were included by en- trants to explain their reasons in choosing the appropriate rule, Officials can't say how many entries were received — they stopped counting after some 20,000. In Ontario, first prize (CCM bicycles) went --fo yalitigafirs Ili Timmins, Ajax, North Bay, Welland, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Aylmer, Pembroke, Smiths Palls, Owen Sound, Stratford, Kingston, Cornwall, Sioux Lookout, St. Catharines, and Brockville. 1 . _ t _... U ._... b — Bubb i , lt .., iEl , i L' iilkOK Pitts EtECt It iti , es. in. in. Phan* received from the Huron County Health Unit, the Ministry of Transportation and Communication, the Ministry of the Environment and a per- formance bid of $&0,090 had been posted with the Municipality of the Township Of Goderich," "Prior to "issuance of the building permit," the eosin- cillor explained, "our actions . . Were 'further justified by plan - ;ling director or Huron County stating that of the two sites in question the ;site of Highway eight seemed to be the better location." In an interview Gary David- son, Huron County Planning Director, explained that he had indicated to the Township Conneil that from a drainage point of view the Highway eight site was indeed better , but noted that be did Pot say the site was in all ways better than the proposed Suncoast Estates loOation on Highway '21 or that the Highway eight location was the best possible location for .a shopping plaza. "The Honorable Mr. White has been repOrted 'as saying that "The actions of an unplan- ned municipality should not be IillOWed to interfere with the Progreso of .awell planned Om, Triunity," the releaSe noted, 'Further to this the Honorable Minister did not see fit,. to contact either the TWA' Ship of Goderich. or the Huron County .planning Department before issuing • his ministerial order." "it is unfortunate that Mr. White's impetuous action might endanger the amicable relationship that has existed between these municipalities for many years," the Township release said, "We regret that Mr. White can not see fit to' justify his ac- tions, especially if they were made on 'the basis of a telephone conversation as has been widely reported in, the area," Mr; Ginn concluded,