Clinton News-Record, 1974-01-24, Page 5cukroN NEWS-HEQORD, THURSPAY, JANUARY 24, 110740,-ii_
njoy a 2 Night Special
The Lord .Simcoe has something, extra for you, It's a 2
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You get something, else that's special at the Lord
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Colour TV in every room, fully air conditioned.
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"Viovelly" the beautiful
home of the Rev. George
Youmatoff • and MS. Youmatoff
of .Hayfield, Was the getting for
the annual Vestry meeting Of.
St, James Anglican Church
Middleton on Tuesday evening
January 15. 'Twenty-two mem-
hers attended.
The Rector opened with
ortwer, Mrs, Ross Middleton,
the Vestry clerk read the
The Rector's Report ex-
pressed gratification that St,
James101st year did not lose
momentum and much was ac-
cemplished in 1973. The Parish
Council has been most helpful.
Their aim is "Every member
fully involved in the grOwth of
the Church" ,
The Peoples. Warden, Ray
Wise cited various • im-
provements in the church, The
walls 'of the Sunday School
were painted and cupboards in-
stalled; new kneeling benches
were also installed. These were
obtained from the Brucefield
United Church by Dean Ald-
winckle, Storm windows were
put on the -south side of the
church, under the direction of
John Smith.
The A.C.W. under_ the
Presidency of gm Don Mid,
dleton was a tremendous hell),
financially etc.
Mr, Edward Wise presented
a most, concise financial
statement. Twenty boxes of
church envelopes were
distributed. Mr. John Deeves,
the Rector's Warden And Lay
Delegate to the Synod thanked
the Rector and the A.C.W, for
their wonderful co-operation;
Mr. beeves will represent St,
James at the Bishop's. Confir-
The Rector commended the
A.C.W. reports compiled by
Mrs, James Storey and Mrs.
Edward Wise the secretary and
treasurer respectively.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Miller
were the auditors for 1973.
Mrs. Youmatoff was appoin-
ted scrutineer for the election
of officers for 1974, Mrs. Keith.
Miller and Donald Middleton
presented the proposed slate of
officers for 1974,
The Rector's appointments
to the board of management
were: Stewart Middleton, Blan-
che Deeves, James Middleton,
Mabel Middleton, Edward
Wise and Grace Middleton;
Rector's Warden, John Deeves;
.board of management (people0
choice); John W. Smith, 1404
Wise,. Keith. Miller, Don Mid,
dieton, James' Storey, Mrs,
Fred, Middleton; peoplds war,
den, Ray Wise; treasurer,
ward .Wise;. secretary and
vestry clerk, Mabel Middleton;
organist, Mrs. Joseph Storey;
chairman of sidesinen, 'Edward
.Deeves; lay • delegate to the
synod, John peeves; alternate
'delegate, Stewart Middleton;
A,C.W. representative, Estelle
Wise; auditors, Dean and
Phyllis Aldwinckle; press
secretary, Grace Middleton. •
It was decided to hold the
annual outdoor service and
smorgasbord dinner at Stewart
• Middleton's '.park on Sunday
August 18th, 1974. -
John Deeves moved a most
hearty vote of thanks to the
Rector and his charming wife
for extending their hospitality
for this meeting,
A delicious lunch and social
time rounded out a very suc-
cessful meeting, a good start for
A very successful progressive
euchre party was held in the
Sunday school room of St.
James Church, Middleton, last
Friday evening. .
The Rector, the Rev. Geo.
Youmatoff extended a warm
welcome to all present. There
were 11 tables in play.
_ The prize winners were:
ladies high, Mary Jean Betties;
ladies low, Mrs, Telford; men's
high, Edward Deeves; men's
low, K. Wise.' Miss Karen
Bolger had the most lone
hands. The Rector won the
special lucky prize.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Deeves, newlyweds, were
honored at this party. The
People's Warden, Mr. Ray Wise
read the presentation address
and Mr, John Smith and Mr.
Youmatoff presented them-with
a table and a lamp, from the St.
James Congregation, friends
and neighbours. Both Mr. and
Mrs., Deeves thanked their
friends warmly 'and invited
them to their home.' A boun-
teous lunch was served. •
'Mrs, Edward Wise, one of
the A.C.W. group leaders, an-
nounced that,the next euchre
party was scheduled for Thur-
sday evening, January 31st.
also at 8:15 p.m. in the church
The A,C.W. members plan to
donate various articles ,to be
auctioned off by the Rector at
this upcoming party., Let's
make a smashing success.
Mrs, Lawrence Hill returned
home to Crediton on Friday
having visited for the past week
with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Presz-
cator, Diane and Nancy.
Mr. Jim Thompson of Lind-
say spend the weekend with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. John
Thompson, Sharon and Bob.
Linda Van Dongen of
Auburn and Kim Medd of
Blyth spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd and
Mr. and Mrs. •John Thomp-
son had several of their neigh-
bours at their home on Satur-,
day evening for a euchre party.
Mrs. Taylor and Charlene of
Clinton police search an American car on the main corner of Clinton after a county-wide
road block wait set up following the hold-up.of the Bank of Montreal In Dashwood on Mon-
day afternoon. Police discovered the men were going hunting. A London men, Norton Irwin,
was charged In connection with the armed robbery. (Photo Art Services).
Constance Lodge to holdparty
MARY MERNER Goderich spent the weekend
vvB(i)tbh. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Buchanan, Billy Doug, Betty and
Mr. Tom Whyte spent the
weekend with his sister and
brother-in-law and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Vander Milan)
Paul, Mark and Margie of Oak-
vilie The Londesboro Young
Peoples Group held a tob-
boganning party on Friday
evening: They all gathered at
the home of Mrs. Ella Jewitt
and boys for lunch after tob-
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Preszcator
.Diane and Nancy, Mr. and
Mrs. Preszcator, Mr. and
Mrs, David Preszcator and Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Dillon of
Seaforth attended the funeral
on Sunday of Mervyn Webb
held at Dashwood with burial
in Grand Bend. Mr. Webb was
a brother-in-law of Mrs. Ken
Preszcator. Sympathy is exten-
ded to the family.
At the time of writing Mr.
Bill Storey is a patient in
Seaforth Community Hospital
where he entered Monday af-
The Foresters of Couit Con-
stance' Lodge held their regular
meeting., At this meeting it was
decided to hold •a Euchre party
on Friday evening, January
25th at 8:30 in the hall, with
the ladies to bring lunch.
There is only today between you and tomorrow
Which is why Canada Pension Plan benefits
will be increased today and will be kept in line
with the cost increases of tomorrow
A sele
Wn, 1001 re
11 of .pou
ondon for s
is strictly limited to 30' persons.
The tour will be conducted by Dr. Kenton and, Mrs..'Libby Lambert
who for three year. tired and-worked-tr Durbaff:-They were able to
tour 'extensively throughout South Africa and will be revisiting many of their favourite areas,
Subject 1414vMorieta*
What this means to you as a beneficiary
From January 1st 1974, Canada Pension Plan benefit payments
will be adjusted to reach . . then maintain a level in line with
the actual cost of living.'
If you are receiving monthly benefits that began during the
period 1967 to 1973, your benefits have been recalculated so
that the amount you receive in 1974 is related to the actual
increase in the cost of living over the years your benefits have
been paid. When you receive your January 1974 benefit cheque,
you will see that it has been increased. The increase in your
payment will vary from 8% to 20% and will depend on the year
in which your benefit first became payable,
In future years, if living costs continue to rise, you can expect
further increases in your benefits based on current Cost of
living data,
What this means to you as a contributor
As a contributor to the Canada Pension Plan, you are building
a basic and portable retirement plan for the future and at the
same time providing current protection for yourself arid your
dependents against the possibility of severe disability or early
In order to protect the value of your eventual benefits, the
Canadian Parliament has passed legislation which ensures that
the contributions you make today will give benefits that
maintain the purchasing power of today's wages twenty, thirty
or even fifty years from now when you need it!
To achieve thiS, the Government plans to have the earnings
ceiling the maximum amount on which contributions are paid
and on which benefits are calculated — increased each year
so that it will reach, and then keep even with the average
earnings of Canadian industrial workers, This ceiling will be
raised from $5,600.00 in 1973, to $6,600,00 in 1974 and
$7,400.00 in 1975.
This new earnings ceiling means that the year's basic exemp-
tion the initial amount On which you do not pay contributions
— is changed from $600.00 in 1973 to $700.00 for 1974.
These changes also mean that the maximum employee con-
tributions will increase from $90.00 a' year in 1973 to $106.20
in 1974. Your contribution is matched by your employer.
In the case of self-employed persons, the maximum annual
contribution is increased to $212.40 for 1974 as against $180,00
last year. For earnings of less than $5,700.00, there will be no
increase in contributions.
The change in the earnings ceiling means that the maximum
retirement pension will rise from $90.71 for pensions effective
in December 1973 to $134.97 for those whose pensions will
begin in December 1975. As the maximum earnings levels for
the years after 1975 continue to rise, so will the maximum
retirement pensions in those years. There will also be increases
in the maximum values each year for disability and survivors'
lt you have any questions or would like further informa-
tion, please write:
Canada Pension Plan,'
Department of National Health and Welfare,
Place Vanier, Tower "Aft,
Ottawa, Ontario,
KIA 01.1.
You/ contributions today ensure your protection
Dipparhnent of Notional
Offeith and Wtodato
Mikis** de lb San* nMionate
et du .81101-Int• nOcial
Marc Lalonde, Minister,
by .two. WOW,
Worked :id the
us. the. ,tour
Phone 5244301
Publi*Media Inc.
Ad No. 29/HW Bob lines
January 1974
Telex: 08-27172