HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-01-17, Page 14P490; T4 fl', HLIRIOMY, ANYAINT .174 This scene, from the crowning of tact year's Winter Carnival queen, Heather McAdam, will be repeated again this year as the Clinton and District Winter Car. nivel comes to town froth Feb. 1.10. Most of last year's successful events will be repeated and a couple of new innovations have been ,added. (News-Record photo) • Sports stars head Exeter dinner Exeter Legion. Hall with dinner slated 'for 7:30 p.m. Tickets selling at $25 are . now available from any Exeter Lions club member and Lions in other nearby communities. All proceeds will be used for Crippled Children's work. Receipts for income tax pur- poses may be secured. 30 THE SQUARE PH NE 5 24-7811 AIR CONDITIONED nt etc 10,‘ C o,nPanl, '11ITAi 401111141;c' A PITU 1114040AMOVICIII JACK LEMMON.JULIET MILLS A BILLY WILDER FILM Who done it DUI (1411R1INMINI 1111E LAST OF SHEILA RICHANO BENJAMIN • DUN CANNON4AMES COBURN JOAN HACKETUMWS MASOWIAN MiSHANE'RAOUEL WtLCN CLINTON HOTEL v* NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT, 'IN OUR "CLOUD 9 LOUNGE!' Listen or Sing-elOng with Western Ontario's The Beta $1 * Phi Sorority Chapter held, i fMret -meeting of .the New 'Tea:- ,on Tuesday, January 13, at the home of ,Sharon carter. Following the ening ritual,. the roll call and inntea were read, A lotto from the Children's- 1$ociety Wae, read by Sharon, thanking-the Chapter for the donation of a. cheque an,; clothing at Christ- mas, The treaaurer's. report W'as. Oren and. the ways and means chairman read anggeagons for a project to be held in April. It was decided to hold a card party, Further details 'will be worked out at a later date, The social committee repor- ted on the March 9 dance, The tickets which are $6 a couple were handed out and are now on sale from any. Sorority mem- ber. Playing cards and croquirmle boards were purchased by the service committee for Huron- view and. part of the supply of • books for the hospital will be delivered soon. The Chapter discussed the a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ; a aa a a a a C3LitiO4ui a a a a a a a Coming Next Week A RETURN ENGAGEMENT "EAST WEST" FOR THE WINTER MONTHS ENTERTAINMENT BEGINS AT 8:30 ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL Now Playing A GROUP CALLED "PUNK" a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Io ENTEITAINMEN OUNTR WESTERN FriKaY And Saiiirdri &wine TASTY SNACKS VOLE FREE PARKING COMMERCIAL HOTEL &Worth. Ont. 14. Finest Hooky Tonk Pianist DAVE HOY " *DINING ROOM *Enjoy the best Of HoMe coOked meals In our fully liCensed dining teem. MONDAY TO SATURDAY 7:00 9 A.M. 'Flaiiiiivationt accepted Phone 482.421 • —** 11:30 'A.M. 1:30 P.M. 5:30 PM — 7:30 P.M. * SUNDAYS Opening 'next month for your Sunday dining pleasure Fully Licinied Under L.C.B.0, THE JERICHO ROAD MO be appose* at the "One for AB" Coffee House slimy. Eaton Order office, Clinton • SATURDAY, JAN. 19 at 8 p.m. This will be the final appearance of the' ,.,iptictio ROAD as they are discontinuing their group YOU ARE INVITED NOTICE of ANNUAL MEETIN of the Huron Central Agricultural Society at the G. WHITE CARNATION. HQLMESVILLE JAN. 31, 1974 8:30 P.M. Support your fair by attending this meeting . 3,4 IC:=241C==X i•===.11=1 SEAFORTH OPTIMIST WINTER ',:o'CARNIVAL JANUARY 18 -- 19 - 20, 1974 Friday Night r Saturday Sunday 8 pt m. — Snowmobile Torch Parade 8 p.m. — Family Skat- ing, Free 9 p.m. — Snowmobile Social and Dance — Arena 9 a.m. Novice Hockey Tourney 1 p.m. — PARADE 3 p.m. — Endurance RACES Local Novelty Races Men's Tug-of-War Snow Sculpturing 10 a.m. — Snowmob' Registration 12:30 p.m. — RACES Sanctioned by 6Los.RA. 2:00 p.m. — Skating A Kim at the Ream 'Pm's"' For Maximum Pointe Chairmin: William (Wink) Teall Co-Chairmen: Jack Bedard, Martin Murray tovyrtofgodefick police association in aid of community projects are proud to present the entire FRIDAY FEBRUARY i 8:30 p.m. Torchlight Parade 910 Snowmobile trail ride SATURDAY FEBRUARY 2 10 a.m. Pancake .Breakfast p.m. Carnival Parade 2:30 Children's Day, with Pine Mitchell froth CFPL TV 7:30 Carnival Queen Contest 9 p.m. Lions Club Dance SUNDAY FEBRUARY 3 2 p.m Novelty Races Skating Club Program MONDAY FEBRUARY 4 7 p.m. Broombali 8:30 Bingo it Legion TUESDAY FEBRUARY, 4 , T.10, p.m. Girls Hockey Tournament WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 6 2 p.m. Card party 7 p.m. Family skate night . 9 p.m. Hospitality night THURSDAY FEBRUARY 7, 8 p.m. Junior "D" hockey Lucart at Clinton FRIDAY FEBRUARY 8 12-4 p.m. Christianlithools Hockey Tournament 7 p.m. Hay rides 9:30 p.m. Monte Carlo night (for gamblers only) SATURDAY FEBRUARY 9 a cm, Public school races 1:30 p.m. &cornball finals 3 OA. Girls Hockey finals 9 p.m. - Fish and Goma Dance - Fair Board dance Israsidants Ball, Logien SUNDAY FEBRUARY 10 1 p.m. Snowmobile races (1111.0.S.R.A. sanctioned) Boy a "Bon Hamm*" good foe most events Adults Student*. It. Clinton St District Winter Carnival February 1 - 1.1p 10 DAYS OF FUN & FROLIC Ell ROL CIBICVS 2 SHOWS] 74 jUNEfith Mr. Shaw, promotional manager will be canvassing on be- half of the Goderich Police Association, We thank the merchants of Goderich and surrounding communities for their' greatly appreciated support in 1973 and hope that 1074 will be a bigger arid better year. With your continuing support, you can help us help our community Than you; •404:440' president - G PA Jr( 1 1,, , c ,..,,<.. 4, i,ek, \''.Z.,.ttt:',, ,1). ', IN ,, IN M 1( ale/ " 11:11.ail4 .,,,,,, ...::::veY,;,..• , , 4,,, . *'`. .4:4.11111/1..., • .12 2 41 Sorority plans March &ince SIXTH LIONS BINGO, Blyth Memorial Hall, Saturday, 8:30 Pm, $150 jackpot, Big cash prises.-39tfn TO SOUTH Africa in May with Ken and Libby. Watch for details in the newspaper..-,--tfn OPEN HOUSE for Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Harrison, celebra ting their 50th wedding anniversary on SatUrday, January 19, from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 pan. at the Town Hall, Mitchell, No gifts, please, by request.-2,3b CARD PARTY—Thu rod ay,, Jan. 24 at 8:30 at 1.0.0.f. Hall; Princess Street, Euchre and $00, Admission 750, ladies. please bring lunch,-3,4b . OPTI—Mrs. Tea and Bake- , Sale on Feb. 16 at 10:00 a.m. at Clinton Town Hall.-3,4,5,6b CARD PARTY—Friday, January 18 at 8:15 p.m. in Sun- day School room of St, James Church, Middleton. Auspices ACW, admission 75c. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome, 3p HULLY GULLY Coming Events—Jan, 19 100 lap Enduro race. No dance. Open for snowiriobilers. Jan, 26 Gord Harrison and the Harbourlites. Jan, 27 Amateur racing, Feb. 2 Roger Quick and the Rainbows, Feb. 9 Star Trex, Feb. 18 Valen- tine Ball—The Bluetones. Tickets available.-3b . „ THURSDAY, January 17—Euchre Party at _Sum- merhill Hall at 8:45 p m sponsored by the Hall Board. Ladies please bring lunch.-3p THE WOODSTOCK Choralaires coming to Clinton,' March 30, 1974. Sponsored by Sarah Hale Chapter,. 1.0.D.E. Watch this paper for further details.-3b REMEMBER—Daily Vacation Bible School meeting, Friday, January 18, 8 p.m. to 9:30 in Christian Reformed Church, Clinton.-3b "CASH. DINGO", ,Seaforth Legion Hall, Friday, Jan. 18. at 0;15 p,m, 'owl,. '4 regular games for $10. each, Three specials WA and a $75 Jackpot to go each week. (children under 16 yr& not per.' Mitted)- Admission $1-00, extra cards 26c each or 7 for 0,00, Proceeds •for welfare work, Sponsored by Branch 156, Beaforth Royal Canadian Legion.—tfn NEW BINGO, Clinton .Legicm. Hall, .8:30 Jan. 17, Admission. $1.00; fifteen regular 'games $1044 • each. Three Share-the- Wealth games. One Jackpot for $170 in. 56 calls, Consolation. One call and $10 added weekly if not wan.-3b BINGO Jan,22 Huron Fish and Game Club, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $57 in 57 calls. Six door prizes,-3b THE 63rd Annual Meeting of The Children's Aid Society of Huron County will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House; Goderich, Ontario on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1974 at 2:00 p.m. Hereby take notice that amend- ments: are being proposed to the Conit1tution 41#d By-law, copies of which *ay be ob- Jellied. at , theAyfice of the County. Clerk'4(Surer, Court House; Godericli7Ontario. The public is' cordially invited' ,to attend. p. G. Hanly, Secretary, Board of Directors, Children's Aid Society of Huron County. b3,45 PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE Party, Jan, 22, Orange Hall, Clinton at 18:30 p.m. under the auspices of L.O.B.A., admission 75c, ladies please bring, lunch. Everyone welcome.-3b CLINTON Horticulture Society meeting will be held at Clinton Town Hall on Wed: Jan, 23 at 8 p.m. This is the annual meeting. Mrs. A. Barnett will show "A Trip with Flowers," slides on flowers around the . world. Everyone welcome.-3b A large number of sporting celebrities will'be in attendance at the first Exeter Lions Club Sportsmen's Dinner set for Tuesday February 5.. • The feature speaker will be former American baseball league umpire Emmett Ash- ford. He. is .one of the top after dinner speakers in' North America. Right alongside Ashford will. be Detroit Tiger ace relief pit- cher John Hiller, former NHL star Lou Fontinato and Mac Cuddy of Strathroy, owner of Smog and other top harness Rounding out the head table will be Tim Foli pf the Mon- treal Expos, University of Western Ontario football coach Frank Cosentino, curler Jim Waite, Whipper Billy Watson and Canada's National Timmy and Ken' Doig ,of Seaforth, golfer and hockey player. Tory Gregg, well known in the area for his sportscasting and announcing at horse shows will be the master of ceremonies.- • Exeter Lion Don Taylor, chairman of the dinner commit- tee, is still negotiating with other possible guests. Included on the list are, Mrs. Penny Tweedy, owner of the super horse Secretariats and Montreal Alouette Glenn Weir. The big event will open- with a reception at 6 p.m. a the eibtlity f putting float in th. • Winte. ,Parnleal Parade 00..*final ociaion woe left un. 01 he neat Sorority Meetia$, F Pow* adjournment of the, business meeting, Deanna flar off ,presented tho cultural .pro ram on nature, The closing ritual. and Miz, Pak were then repreated followed by a lunch and social time. THE MUSIC MAKER 186 North St. Blyth, Ont. S. and D. Medd MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES AT REDUCED RATES SPECIAL RATES TQCHESTRAS MUSIC TEACHERS AND SCHOOLS swommosillim~0n 01. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. WE'RE A'SMALL DEALER WITH BIG DISCOUNTS. BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE US A TRY Phone 523-4455