HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-01-17, Page 13 ATI-IWELL'S TWLIGHT AUCTION SALE To be held at Knapp's Furniture and Auction Room, Main St., Seaforth — selling consignments to the highest bidder without reserve. On Friday Evening, Jan. 18 at 7:00 P.M. Consisting of drop ,front oak writing desk (cane ends); Wind- sor rocker; Duncan Rade small tables: Jacobean platform locker; Chippendale armchair; oak hall seat; 2 leauea glass book shelves; gate lea table; round pedestal 24" table; tern- stands; oval table; Electrohome television; two 3 pc bedroom suites; 21 cu. ft. freezer; refrigerator and stove; dining room table and 6 chairs; small wood stove; crocks; glass; china; washstand; toilet .set. RATHWELLI AUCTION SERVICE OTICE TO CREDITORS E ESTATE OF SADIE BEWLEY, late of the f Clinton in the County of With-4, deceased. persons having claims the Estate of the above- ho died on the 4th day of , 1973, are required to file iculars thereof with the un- d on. or before the 4th day ary, 1974, after which date ets will be distributed, egard only to the claims of he. undersigned shall then Ake. D Ontario, this; of January, 1974. E, B. MENZIES, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, olicitor for the said Estate. 3,4,5b SEPTIC TANKS LEANED DERN EQUIPMENT ORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone arvey Dale CLINTON Phone 482-3320 —gctfn CHARD LOBO .specuenogo' AKTIONEER ON, .APPRAISER USTOM KILLING D PROCESSING Weltering daies— Tuesday and Thursday DAY—Beef and Pork IDAY —Beef Only , UP • RVICE AVAILABLE erner'i Abattoir 14 Dashwood 11111101111ri." 40\ 41111111 IN THE ESTATE OF ROY GAN- TELON, late of the Town of Clin- ton hi the County of Huron,. Retired Farnser,,' deceased. ALL persons having claims against the. Estate of the above, named who died on the 22nd day of November, 1973, are required to file full particulars thereof with the Virl, dersigned on or before the 4th day of February, 1974, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 11th day of January, 1974. E. B, MENZIES, Q,C., Clinton, Ontario.. Solicitor for the said Estate, 3,4,513 15. PUBLIC NOTICE •--- ‘ DO YOU HAVE marriage or family problems? The Ministry of Com- munity & Social Services offers help in the form of marriage and family counselling either in your home or in the Wingham office, 199 Josephine Street. For appointment phone 357-3370.-3b 18.MISCELLANIOUS To show Os love Jesus died for me,, to show my love, must live for Him. 3p 21. BIRTHS COOKE—On Monday, January 14, 1974,-to Mr. and Mrs: Rolfe Cooke, of Ottawa, a son "Kenneth Reuben': RIBEY—Mr. and Mrs. -Jamieson Ribey of RR 6, Goderich, are pleased to announce the arrival of their son, "Walter William", in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Friday, January II, 1974. A grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Orval Ribey, RR 6, Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. John Merrill of RR 2, Clinton. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Ken . Presz- catoe, Diane and Nancy visited on. Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Bill, Debbie, and Michael, who are now residing on their farm (the fortner John Sheppard farm). Mr. George. Mcllwain has been a patient in Clinton Public Hospital since Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crozier, Brian, Paul, Kevin, and Lori of Huron Ridge, Kincardine visited on Saturday evening with Mrs. George Mcllwain and also visited atAhe hospital. Miss Vicki Powell of Auburn spent .the ,weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan Bill, Doug, Betty and Bob.. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- son, Sharon and Bob spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Andy Thompson of Mississauga. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Presz- cator, Diane and Nancy visited , on Sunday with°Mrs. Lawrence Hill of Crediton. Mrs. Hill, returned to spend a few days at' the Preszcator home. IN'MEMORIANI- HABKIRK—In loving memory of a dear mother, Bella Habkirk, whoi , passed away nine years ago, January 21, 1965. A page in the book of memory Silently turns today. We remember you in silence, And make no outward show And what it meant to lose you. No one will ever know. Lovingly, remembered by her family Gladys, Lois, R Roy and Ress.-3b 26. CARD OF tHANKS ANDREWS—I would ...like to ex- press my thanks to iny, relatives, friends and neighbours who remein- bered me with cards, letters, flowers and treats while a patient in Clip;-- ton Hospital. Many thanks to Dr, Lambert, Dr. Street, Dr. Baker and ' , nurses and, staff on first floor, Your kindness Will always be remem- bered.—Jean Andrews-3b THE STAFF OF Clinton Public Hospital wish to thank all choral singers who contribOted to the en- joyment of the patients during the Christmas season, also for gifts and favors from different organizations. It was very much appreciated.-3b HELP WANTED WIL-DEX 89 DON ST. A GROWING CARBIDE AND TOOL MANUFACTURING PLANT 'LOCATED .HERE IN CLINTON REQUIRES BOTH FULL TIME AND NEW SHORT SHIFT EMPLOYEES. ALBERT fly. 4, N.) FULL TIME SHIFT -MACHINE OPERATORS -CUTTER GRINDERS -SURFACE GRINDERS -MILLING MACHINE OPERATORS HEAVY- MILL RAM MILL HOURS 7:30 con. - 4:00 p.m. It WIL—DEIT i PLANT GEORSE IL 20 HR. SHORT SHIFT -MACHINE OPERATORS -JANITOR Doti ST, -MACHINE OPERATOR . SETTER -MILLING MACHINE OPERATORS -SURFACE GRINDERS HOURS 6:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. QUEEN /Tr BOTH SHIFTS ARE PERMANENT AND ENJOY FRINGE BENEFITS SUCH ARE AS PAID HOLIDAYS, 0.H.I.P., INSURANCE, AND VACATION. IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS AND WILLING to LEARN ENQUIRE TODAY, BALLtilyAii;k0LA • Don't put.off home fix-up jobs. Start now and enjoy it &near. Save on these low prim and also rho cost at ,labot. Materials for all jobs. PANELING You'll enjoy it more if you do the job yourself and your friends will marvel at your talent. It's a good way to spend the evenirigs7 ,' vtr. $4:29 Per4x8 Wielded Kitchen and. Vanity Tops Choose the shade and design to suit your kitchen or bathroom. We carry a stock of vanity and kitchen sinks and faucets. Stock moulded tops from $3.00 per linear foot. SUSPENDED CEILINGS Comes complete with Wall angles, cross tees and your choice of designs in panels. Hides ugly ceilings easily. As low as 344sq.11. PliaNSIIND MOLDING We carry, molding to match the panels we sell and to make your job Job easy and look professlonil. Ball-Macaulay uminb CLINTON: 482-0614 IIENSALL: 262-2713 8E00E11E: 527-0910 1 97 2 GREMLIN- X Coach-six cylinder standard transmission, new whitewall tires, radio, rally wheels, deluxe trim. FK0988 1 97 1 HORNET SST Two door-Extra sharp and original. Just 26,000 miles, six cylinder, automatic, radio. DHD132 ' :io*W*Wv 1 '1!70 FAIRLANE 500 Two-door hardtop,a real nice car. Has small V-B, automatic, radio, vinyl top, whitewalls, wheel discs. HNL051 Two-door hardtop-Power steering, power brakes, radio, rear defogger, tinted windshield, smart "original car. DHM959 THiluirotY, J1,htiVARY 170 1974—PAON 13. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY BYAAW. 3 oF 1 .974 TAKE NOTICE -that the Municipal Council of the. Corporation of the Township of Stanley has passed the following By-Law to authorize the stopping up and closing of part of the Roadway between Concessions 4" and 5, in.the Township of Stanley, in the "County of Huron. WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act,, Chapter 284, Section 338, 443, Item (7), 461, Items (l) and (2), R,S.O., 1970, the Council— of a local municipality- may pass by-laws to sell or convey land, and for the stepping up and closing of streets or portions of streets in a municipality and conveying the fee therein to the abutting land owners, AND WHEREAS the COP,. poration of the Township of Stanley has agreed to stop up and close that part of the Roadway between Con- cessions 4 and 5, in the Township of Stanley, and more particularly described in Schedule "A" to this NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the Township of Stanley enacts as follows: I, That the portion of the Road- way between Concessions 4 and 5 as more particularly described in Schedule "A" of this by-law he and the same is topped up and closed and the fee in the same shall he conveyed to the abutting land owners. .• 2. That notice of the proposed by- law shall he published once a week for four successive weeks in the Clinton .News-Recoid and the Goderich Signal-Star, newspapers published at the Towns of Clinton and Goderich, respectively, com- mencing on the 17th day of January, 1974. - 3. That said notice shall provide that at the expiration of the said fourth publishing, the Council shall hear in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor, or Agent, any person who claims that his land will he prejudicially affected by the by-law and who applies to he heard. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 7th DAY OF January 1974. .41-441.4. Anson McKinley Reeve Mel Graham Clerk, SIERTSEMA—Mr. and Mrs. J. Siertsema are pleased to announce the arrival of their son on Tuesday, January 15, 1974 in Clinton Public Hospital, 26. CARD OF THANKS STEEPE—The faMily of the late Milton Steepe wishes to express its sincere appreciation for the flowers, many acts of kindness and cards received during its recent bereavement.-3b BYLSMA—On behalf of all my family and myself, I wish to thank our neighbours and friends for their deep concern and their expressions of sympathy in so many ways in the recent loss of a dear wife and mother. Our special thank you to doctors and staff at Clinton Hospital, also to the Christian Reformed congregation for the use of their church for the funeral ser- vice.—Brant Bylsma.-3b . ay MARY MERNER The regular meeting .of Copt( Constantine 'L1842 was held, on Thursday evening An. IP in the hall, ayith 21 members and four Visitors present, • Several .communications were heard and it was decided' • to refinish the floor in the hail again. Installation was held with District Deputy,. iPhyllis Harrison and. nigh, Marshall .Elizabeth Sturdy installing the 1974 officers:. prosident, -Delphino ,Dolmage; president, Katinka Dorrence; ch.aplin, Doreen 'Dolinage,, secretary Marjorie Anderson; - treasurer Anna Dolmage; tort= , doctor June Fothergill; warden Nona Pipe;':outer guard Sharon McClure; inner guard Olave Littlertrustee Elma Jewitt, Nine Sisters received perfect attendance gifts, District. Deputy and High. Marshall. received gifts from' past . president Edith Nott, Mrs. George Metiwein and. Mr, Carl Merner visited on Sunday with Mr. George Mcllwain in Clinton Hospital, Mr. and Mrs`. David Prosz- otar,L Christine, • Lisa, The Cpti-Mrs meeting was held on Jan. 9, The members went to the Elm Hewn for din- ner, then to Sandy McLachlan's home for the meeting.. The meeting was called to or- der at 8;45 with the Opti-Mrs prayer. Ten members were present. The Opti-Mrs club gave the sum. of $18 tO the Children's Aid to make a Christmas basket for a needy family. The treasurer's Keport was read by Dianne Storey, The Sunshine Committee made their trip to Huronview in December where they were Christopher and Gregory visited on Monday evening. with. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Press- cator, Diane and bhum,, when they celebrated Christine's bir- thday, The next meeting will be, held on Feb. 13 at the home of Susan McFadden, The meeting was closed with the Opti-Mrs Creed, treated to lunch. Six members attended. They 'saw films and sang Christmaa carols with the residents. It was moved ,by-Jtidy Arem- — burg, seeonded by , Susan McFadden that a tea and bake sale be held. It will be held Feb. 9 at 10 a.m. at the Town Hall. It was agreed to send $1 to the Opti-Mrs advisory commit- tee to get some information about the Opti-Mrs club. ERVI, ES AVAILABLE 14, NOTICE TO CREiNT011$ TS, POW( NOTICE' ELLIOTT—De Wayne and Faye (nee Little) are' hap To anno unce flieAsalnf rfaertheinrieChilk,t daughter, Ida jane,..on January 4, 1974 at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon, don. (proud grandparents are Bill and Olava Little and Gordon and Ellsie Elliott.) 21. BIRTHS Ailastr4 Opti-Mrs. ,..plali.1%iorch Sale 197 2 FORD F,1100, automatic, !Pilo/4)21.4n. TON tINree.,Seb-TovIceleEvLitipeEcorwilliCtioniC."1" C21753 1 97 2LeMANS STATION WAGON 350 V-8 automatic, pOwer steering, power brakes.. Beautiful gold finish, low mileage. DHC722. $, 3 2 9 5 • 197 1' SKYLARK CUSTOM , Two-door hard top-350, if-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes. Best intermediate-car built. trim. FJV645 SPECIAL SPECIAL .., "-ft+ 41°' srivw. • Jusflike new. Factory air conditioning, power windows, radio, electric rear defogger, tilt steering wheel, vinyl top, tinted glass, wire wheel discs, power steering, power brakes. Don't delay on this beautiful scarce automobile. DHL674 1970 GRAND PRIX 1 970 FIREBIRD ESPRIT. Hardtop-400 V-8, rally wheels, automatic, radio, full in- strumentation including tacometer, new tires, custom trim. ,DFH357 2 1.9 5 1969 FORD LTD Four-door hardtop-V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl top, lovely top line car, DHI0138 1969 FAIRLANE 500 FASTBACK Tivo-cloor herdt0p-V-8, automatic, radio, bucket seats, Whitewalls, wheel discs, Top appearan0e. DHK467