HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-01-17, Page 9INVENTORY TAKING $ 2 •°° OFF * EVERY YARD OF POLYESTER KNIT * EVERY, 'YARD OF WASHABLE WOOL, AND POLYESTER MATERIAL * EVERY YARD OF COURTELLE 20% OFF FLANNELETTES 1 /3 OFF AALLPYGJoAvt::: SAVINGS ON REMNANTS (WALL KINDS Shaliftb SEWING CENTRE & DRY GOODS CLINTON by two Worked In the us the tour ondon tor 16.841100Y liMitied to 30- persons. The tent will be conducted by Dr., Kenton and Mrs: "Libby Lambert who for three years Wed and WOrked In •Dttrtmn. They were able to tour extensively throughout South Africa and will be revisiting many of their favourite areas. COST OF TOUR 11,05.00 PER PERSON, .00USLE OR TRIPLE OCCUPANCY, SINGLE SUPPLEMENT' 5120.00 Subject to iRlOitetaty Fluctuations, HAMILTON STREET OOSERICH,' ONTARIO NM 3Y8 Phone 524-030$ YOUR FULLY APPOINTED' LA.' .A.,A.S.T.A. TRAVEL MANI* OMB KISCO'S*, • LUCK** SIIAFOINIS & WINONA', RISIDIPITIO DIAL YOUR OPIIRATOR AND ASK POO ZENITH 111130 NOTE ALL CHILDREN'S, BOYS', GIRLS' AND MEN'S SNOWMOBILE & SKI JACKETS 0 % OFF PRICES AS MARKED AT CHECKOUT COUNTER 50 CHENILLE MATS, BATH MATS AND BRAIDED MATS SIZES UP TO 27" x 4.5"' ORIGINAL PRICE SALE $ 1 9 7 $2.77 TO 57.87 PRICE 7THEt7`D-rbila rot &PRE" 11Ft IF Itle DON'T "WEEKEND". 114 Hospital Auxiliary has best year in many DON BELL BUILDING t ONTRACTOR * 225 MAPLE ST. CLINTON 4024580 and Mrs. E. W. Ryan; recor- ding secretary, Mrs. Paul Walden; treasurer, Mrs. A. J. McMurray; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Westlake, of 'Bayfield. Convenors elected were: bur- sary, Mrs. Davies; membership, Mrs. Mervin Hanly and Mrs. Arabell Bushell; tray favors, Mrs.. Howard Porter; cart staf- fing, Mrs. D. J. Cochrane; cart stocking, Mrs. H. G. Merriman; press, and publicity, Mrs. 1,,.1,•Walterik buying pr purchasing,, A.Adrlisop; social, Mrs. g.'"El."Merizies: Major money-making projects last year were a penny sale, $1,039; vanishing parties, $932.50; and membership cam- paign $385. The Auxiliary hopes to organize' the Installation of televisions and a portable telephone for the use of the patients. Last year, members assisted at the adult health clinics and along with various community and church groups, staffed the hospital cart twice weekly. The Auxiliary also gave bur- saries in the amount of $375 to R.N. and R.N.A. students. Reports presented at the an- nual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary to the Clinton Public Hospital last week showed a membership of 770 members from the town and area served by the hospital. The 1974 list of officers in- cludes: president, Mrs. W. T. Harrett; vice-presidents, Mrs. Ted Davies of RR 5, Clinton, ONE ram MI= .111 5 AL'S PIZZA CORNER HWY 4 & 8 CLINTON OPEN Just west of the lights beside Pricogard Fridays and Saturdays 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Sundays 12 noon to 2 Dm. Monday Rini Thursday ti p.m. to 12 addrolght SPECIAL OFFER This Copse Worth ON A C. OFF ,111AEROGIr riz0z1tA. PHONE 482-7712 our gigantic Continuing now through Feb 2nd r AT BASE ACTORY OUTLET LOCATED ON HWY #4, SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA MON. THROUGH THURS, 11 A.M TO 6 P.M FRIDAYS 11 A.M TO 10 P.M SATURDAY 9 A.M.TO 6 P M NEW. STORE HOURS OR JAN. FEB. & MAR. NOW 'ten JUNIOR MISSES - 100% COTTON 12 CUFFED PANTS $2 97 ORIGINAL PRICE $9.97 • LADIES & MENS REG. $6.97 175 SNOWMOBILE MITTS 4P LADIES - FULL & 3/4 LENGTH ORIGINAL PRICE $24.97 NOW GIRLS KNIT 22 CARDIGANS & PULLOVERS ORIGINAL PRICE $.5.97 NOW $ 1 ,97 CUFFED & FLARED 12 PANTS 8 WINTERCOATS 97 FAIR RANGE OF SIZES ORIGINAL PRICE NOW $3 $17.97 97 sag& 1-8 & 9 ONLY 20 - 2 PC SUITS JACKETS & SKIRTS & JUMPERS & PANTS ORIGINAL PRICE $10.97 NOW $ 9 7 LADIES - SIMULATED FUR HATS iu MORE SALE MERCHANDISE THE BOSS WAS IN FROM HEAD OFFICE AND WE RECEIVED PERMISSION TO REDUCE MANY MANY MORE ITEMS THROUGHOUT THE STORE SHOP 'NOW AND SAVE! ACW Mrs. Fred Middleton was the hostess .for the January meeting of the'ACW of :St James, Mid, dleton held, Thursday evening January 10, Present were112 -members and the Rector, the Rev. George Yournatoff. Mrs, Don Mid- dleton presided. -.'Following the opening *Ayers., various items of un- finished business from 1973 were completed. Mrs. Edward Wise gave the financial statement,.. Mr. Yournatoff congratulated Mrs, Wise and Mrs. James Storey,' the seeretaryj on the7ex- cellence of the reports they had submitted to him for . the an- nual \ vestry meeting.. The Rector conducted the ceremony of the Installation of Officers for 1974; The long-awaited books, "Treasured. Recipes" have arrived and are placed in many local places of business., This revised version contains ad- ditional recipes, a history of the church and many household hints. 'A 'lovely letter. of ap- preciation from the Rector -was read, referring to the ACW as "the prayer arm of the chtirCh , as. well as being an excellent' working group". In the absence of the Secretary, Mrs. Joseph Storey read the minutes.' it was decided to renew 'Mr, Harrison's subscription to the CLINTON NEWS----REPORP THUR4WilAWARY 17, 197 PASON News-Record and also send him a plant, "Thank you's" were received from Mrs. John Graham of Wallacetown, the family of the late Milton Steepe and from , Mr. and Mrs, Robert Welsh and from Canon F. H. Patti, or. Brantford. ,Miller reported . for the Dorcas and distributed quilt blocks. The decision. to hold a euchre party in the church Sunday School room this Friday evening January 18 revives a very popular social feature of former years. Neighbours are invited to attend and if they don't play cards to bring their checkers or whatever. Let's shorten the Winter! Mrs. .Edward Wise requested donations of vases for the Clip- ton Hospital. The St, James ACW'has been unable to secure a president for this year, With this in mind, Mrs. Doh Middleton picked' five leaders to be responsible for imp6rtant decisions, worship, program and lunch. Her choices of leaders are as, follows: Mrs. Don Middleton, Mrs. Edward Wise, Mrs. Ray Wise, Mrs. Joseph .Storey 'and Mrs.'Biancbe Deeves. Mrs, Don Micidlieken con- tributed 4.1:mem:I:Lord-Ave give you this day." FollowIng • the "business meeting, a social hour was en- joyed. Mrs. Fred Middleton and Mrs. Dutot served a delicious lunch. The W.I. held their gamily and consumer affairs meeting on Wednesday, January 9, un- der conveners Mrs. Don Buchanan and Mrs. Art Colson. First vice-president, Mrs. Harry Tebbutt was acting president and started the meeting with the opening ode, Mary Stewart Collect and "0 Canada." She also read a poem "When good folk walk beside us." The roil call was answered by naming a Canadian province and its premier or flower em- blem. Minutes of last meeting were read by secretary Mrs, Margaret Taylor. Mrs. Tom Allen sang a piano solo and the financial report was given. Thank-you's were read from Ben Riley, Beth Knox, Jessie Jones, Jean Coldwell, Bert BrunsclOn and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen. A report was read on the use of the W.I. Bursary. The officers conference is to be held May 1st and 2nd with Mrs. Harry Tebbutt as delegate. 4-H leader school will be February 11 and 12; and a senior leaders' , school on February 7 and 8 in Wesley- Willis church with Mrs. Eric Anderson and Mrs. Tom Duizer to attend. It was moved to cater to the men teachers' association beefliatiqiik January 29 and also to pay $100 to the Hall Board. ' A nominating committee was appointed consisting of Mrs. 111111111.1111101111111111.111111•11111111111111111111111111111111111111111191111111111111 SNOWMOBILE BOOTS AND LINERS (ALL SIZES IN STOCK) PRICES AS MARKED AT 2 0 CHECKOUT COUNTER % OFF PC.'BRUSHED ACRYLIC 4/ INFANTS SLEEPERS ORIGINAL PRICE 2.57' NOW 97c m, sanctuary. Ushers were Gary Buchanan, Allen Peel, David Reid and Greg Riley, The choir number was "It's only a whisper away". Mr, Jim Jamieson, Clerk of the Session, introduced Jeff and Linda Dixon who presented their son, Derek James to Rev. McDonald for baptism. Rev., McDonald's message was "Something. beautiful forGod", Clair ,lir, ac S Armstrong,ra nd m r Mr: air Vincent Charles Scanlon attended the election of Mr. Bill , Elston for 1974 Warden of Huron County. .Congratulations to Mrs. Arie Duizer celebrating her birthday on Sunday, January 13 with the family calling in the evening. • Mr. and Mrs'. Bert. Shob- hr.00k''iisited Sunday afternoon with the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. 'Pere. Gibbings, RR1, Clinton. Miss Julie )Bowie returned home on Saturday from spen- ding a week, with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Thomas, Ottawa, The executive of the UCW metpri Wednesday Jan. 9th for dessert lunch at the home of the president, Mrs. Tom Duizer with 16 present. Mrs. Duizer welcomed all and opened the meeting with prayer. Dates were set for the 1974 meetings and Mrs. E. Wood gave the treasurer's report, showing 1973 receipts of $2,401.08. Tom Allen, Mrs, Norman•Cart- wright and Mrs,- Ted Fothergill. Committees for card parties: January 25, Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and Mrs. Les Reid; on February 8, Mrs. Eva Howatt, Beth Knox and Mary Robinson. • "Ice Bekiamins, accom- panied by gnitar, sang three solos, "Love one another", "Friend named Jesus", and "Commit your life right now", A reading by Mrs. Gourley followed entitled "A Knack", A report from Huronview was given by Mrs. Robinson, noting that meetings will be held there on the third Mondays in January and February. ' The motto was given by Mrs. Don Buchanan reading "Jirn, Hall and his family", "The old and the lonely are here with us", and a poem "Gifts". Mrs. Art Colson gave the topic with a paper "Points on buying groceries" illustrating that one does not need to be rich to feed Well. Collection and pennies were received and the meeting closed with the Queen and W.I. Grace. Lunch was served by Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, Mrs. Ben Riley and Mrs. J. Clair Vin- cent. The W.I. held a card party in the hall on January 11 with 11 tables in play and Mrs. Burns and Mrs. Fothergill in charge: Winners were: ladies' high, Mrs. Don Howes; ladies' low, Mrs. Don Buchanan; lone hands, Mrs. Bob Trick; men's high, Bob Trick; men's low, Len Shobbrook; lone hands, Mrs. Les Reid playing as a man). Three boxes of groceries were raffled. Winners were Eric Anderson, Len Shobbrook and Mrs; Norman Wright. There Will be another card party on January 25 at 8:30 p.m. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee retur- ned home on Saturday, January 12 having spent three weeks vacationing in Florida, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arm- strong attended the ex-warden banquet in the Legion Hall, Goderich on :Tuesday, January 8, At a baptismal service held in the United Church on Sun- day morning Gordon Shob- brook was welcomed into the BY MRS- BERT' SHOBBROOK The kitchen conarnittee repor- BEREAN UNIT ted that a meeting with the contractor was planned. Supply The Berean Unit of the UCW secretary Mrs, Harry Durnin held their meeting Tuesday reported that bales were sent, January 8th in the church hall, as were 125 pair of mitts. President Mrs, Ena Howatt Secretary Mrs. Mac Sewers opened the meeting with prayer read thank-Vous from Rev. and read a poem, "God is in. McDonald and Mrs. Bill every season", followed by a Hamilton for Poinsettias and hymn. from Bruce Heath and Mrs. The theme was "time to Gilbank, recording secretary, Spend" and the scripture was Discussion followed on read by Mrs. Robinson With the meditation and prayer being programs and money making projects for the year, Used taken by Mrs. Howatt. cards are to be left at the Mrs. E,' Wood gave the church, treasurer's report, saying that Mrs. Margaret Whyte the unit had given $326,10 thanked Mrs, puizer for the use during 1973. The minutes of of her home and all who helped the last meeting were read by in any way. Mrs. Duizer closed. Mrs. Shobbrook and correspon- the meeting with all repeating dente was from the Watkins the Mizpah Benediction. family, Mrs. Jones, Bert Shob- brook, Earl Gaunt and Mr. W.I. MEETING Heath of CAS, Mrs. Laura Lyon of the, nominating,committee reported that Mrs. Dave Anderson is to be the first vice-president and that two boxes of children's clothing, 42 pair of mitts and,, some money was sent to the Children's Aid Society. Three large bales were sent to Rev, Ludford on Christian Island and the London Mission §er.- vices. Mrs. Wood reported that she had taken scarfs, bonnets and crib quilts to Wingham. Rev, McDonald presented a schedule for meetings for 1974 which was accepted. The of- fering was accepted and birth- day greetings were sung. Roll call was answered by paying fees with 16 present, Mrs. Howatt closed the devotions and the business period with a poem and prayer. The program consisted of a poem "Snow Stars" and a reading "Open Doors" by Mrs. Lloyd Pipe. The study was taken by ReV. McDonald with the topic, "Social problems of the church" and he showed slides on "Overview" and closed' the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by Mrs. Margaret Whyte and Mrs. Ena Howatt. The February meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Bert Shobbrook with Mrs. Dave Anderson and Mrs. Joe Shaddick in charge of the meeting with the topic being "Indian work in the church." UCW EXECUTIVE MEETING OIRLS'SIZE 7-14 36 DRESSES, SKIRTS, BLOUSES JUMPERS & HOT PANTS MANUFACTURED BY' A LEADING CHILDREN, WEAR MANUFACTURER ORIGINAL, PRICE $6.97 NOW 97c EACH (THIS IS NOT AN ERROR) REGULAR VALUE $7.91 CLEARANCE, 91 PRICE 6 (ORLON-WHITS ONLY) SPECIAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD SEWING MACHINE ON OUR FAMOUS 'UNIVERSAL by WHITE-BERNINA anti other famous makes of sew* machines Remember we will repair your present sewinonachine. Our rates are 'reasonable and our work carries a year warranty. Mr Borscht, sewing matt**, repairmen and instructOr will he . at tho Base office January 12 (rem 11 SA. to 6 p.m. Drop in for cOnsilltation no chores, O •„ ALL- OAR MERCHANDISIWITH WHITE TAGS —: AT V THE CHECK4OUT COUNTER DURING OUR JANUARY OFF PRZINVENTORY SALE,