HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-01-17, Page 3Brian Clarence Bmillitt and Judith. Elsie Greathead were. united in • marriage, December 24 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lovell, Kippen. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smalls, Hensall and the bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greatheacl, Goimley. Rev. Packman of Mogen United Church officiated and Mr. and Mrs. Lovell were the attendants. The couple will reside on the groom's farm near Hensall. (Photo by Haugh) Summerhill ladies meet BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH "EVERYONE OF US SHALL GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF HIMSELF TO GOD" — ROM. 14:12 PASTOR: REV. L. V. BIGELOW 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a,m. MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. PRAYER MEETING EVERYONE WELCOME 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH, Clinton 263 Princess Street Pastor Alvin Beukema, B.A., B.D. Services: 10:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. (On 3rd Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Dutch Service at 11:00 a.m.) The Church of the "Back to God" Hour every Sunday 4:30 p.m. CHLO EVERYONE WELCOME ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH'" MINISTER: LAWRENCE S. LEWIS, S.A., ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR: MRS, DORIS McKINLEY, A. MUS. SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship and Nursery 11:30 a.m. Junior Congregation SERMON: "DON'T BLAME" THE DEVIL! SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM TODAY MONDAY JAN. 21 8 P.M, BIBLE STUDY AT 108 ONTARIO ST. APT. 5 EVERYONE WELCOME WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH "THE CHURCH THAT CARES" I PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE MINISTER: JOHN S. OESTREICHER, B.A„ B.R.E. ORGANIST: MISS CATHARINE POTTER CHOIR DIRECTOR: MRS, WM, HEARN SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1974 11:00 a.m. Worship Service SERMON: "WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? HAVE YOU SEEN ONE LATELY? '11:00 a.ni, Sunday School and Nursery HOIMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 1:00 p.m. Worship Service and Sunday School SERMON: "WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? HAVE YOU SEEN ONE LATELY?" SERVICES .UTHERAN SERVICES- Robertson Memorial School (BLAKE AND ELDON STREETS, GODERICH) SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:30 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE - 11 A.M. Pastor: Bruce 13jorkquist 333 Eldon Street, 524-6081 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law, Romans 3:28. ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1974 EPIPHANY 11 10 A.M. MATINS Sunday School FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHAPEL I 162 MAPLE ST. (1 street west of Community Centre) 9:45 a.m.—WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE HOUR 8:00 p.m.—GOSPEL SERVICE Tues„ 8:00 p.M.—PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY For Information Phone: 482-9379 CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 166 Victoria Street Pastor: Leslie Hoy, 5244823 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 7:00 p.m. Prayer Service and Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service 8:00 p.m. Friday, Young Peoples ALL WELCOME ST ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RIEV:D1-14pKNART ROYAL, MODERATOR CHARLES-MERRILL, ORGANIST SUNDAY, JANUARY go, 1074 Guest Wilkey AV. SAMUEL KERR tiiik.a.M.—Worship Service SUNDAY SCHOOL Everyone Welcome FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HURON ST., CLINTON PASTOR D. STRAIN 4824041 SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 704 10:00 Sunday School .11:00 Morning Worship (Nursery) 7:30 p.m. EVangallsfic Service WED.'S p.ni. Prayer Meeting and albie study SAT. s p.m. Young People. Fat Transportation, call 4124041 Do you remember? • BY JABEZ RANDS (As part of Clinton's upcomitig Centennial in 1975, fahez, Rands of Clinton is writing a column every week abaurth,d history of Clinton.) Do you remember when the present police department was a butcher shop and later a shoe repair shop? In 1895, the property committee of the Clinton council ren- ted the front of the Town Hall to ,a butcher for his place of business. There were no names mentioned, so we do not know who the butcher was. His rent was $5 a month. In the early 1900's the police department was a shoe repair shop operated by Mr, Wilken. In early 1907, it was empty and the council decided to have it redecorated and made ready to rent again. There were some,of the council at the time who wanted to make it into a police office, but they did not have the majority to carry the motion. Some time later, they did pass the motion and it was tur- ned into a police office. LOVE'S LAST GIFT REMEMBRANCE Whether it's a • MONUMENT • MARKER • INSCRIPTION You are remembering a loved one. LET T. PRYDE & SON LTD. HELP YOU DECIDE ON vOUR MEMORIAL REQUIREMENTS IN CLINTON Clarence Denomme Bus, 482.9505 VISIT 77 ALBERT ST. RES. 4824004 galltalle110111111111111=111111.11k SUNDAY, JAN. 20 HEAR Rev. Len Snider SPEAK WITH SPECIAL MUSIC FROM Thie Bible College at Westfield Fellowship Hour at 2 p.m. Huron Men's Chapel Auburn at 8 p.m. "Evil Provolle When Good msri Do Nothinso k, /_ 1 t\, rho( C..4rf. Services 12 ISsAC ST. CLINTON, ONT. WEDDINGS. PORTRAITS, COMMERCIAL RAINBOW WEDDING INVITATIONS OF YOUR CHOICE PHoNt 482.7441 Skil. MASSON SMP. A.P.I. tin Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRY J.E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST CLINTON—MON. ONLY 20 ISAAC Sr. 482-7010 SEAFORD! BALANCE OF WEEK GOVENLOCK ST. 527-1240 R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524.7881 lioX 1033 212' JAMES ST. HELEN I. TENCH , B.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TEL. 41124962 CLIMION ONTA410 NORM LICENSED AUCTIONEER It APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY Sind ANYWHERE W. etre WOW. sale multi PROW eV ettOkieeNcE holm Coluti . .1241.01 IMES INSURANCE K.W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 482-7604 HAL HARTLEY Phone 482-6693 LAWSON AND WISE GENERAL INSURANCE— GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office: 482.0844 JJ. WIN, Ras.: 482-7285 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 'For Air-Mister Aluminum boons and b./today/I And AWNINGS and RAILINGS, JERVIS SAM R.L. Janils-ett Albert- SL Clinton-482.9390 DIESa Pumps and injectors Repaired For All Popwan Mike. Huron Fuel in OCtiOn EqUIPM•rot itytiald Rd., Oaten-02494 Brownies meet The earownie meeting was held at 'Clinton Public School on Tuesday Jan, 5. After the opening, all the Brownies went to their corners, The Golden bars did their room charts. The; Golden hands were given a message which they had to relay to Mrs. Carter at 7 p.m. The Semaphore girls worked on their signals, At Pow-Wow Lynn Arm- strong did "Brownies Around the World." Lynn talked about Brownies in Scotland and she brought some haggis and Scot- tish shortbread for everyone to try. At 5 p.m„ the Brownie meeting ended, with a pray and the Brownie squeeze. By Rhonda Strickland Huronview? noon of the month. Mrs. Hamilton who is 99 had the honour of being the eldest lady with the eldest man being Mr. Kingswell at 95. Slides of events at the home were shown and a sing-a-long was led by Jake.Roorda. Mrs. Luckham, a new volunteer from. Clinton, assisted the kitchen staff ser- ving tea and cookies in the dining room. Mrs. Don Hamley and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marsh of Clinton provided a musical program for "Family Night". Miss Mae Davies thanked the enter- tainers on behalf of the residents. The "Family Night" program on January 17 has been cancelled and everyone is looking forward to the Scottish progt tith fen atitilu'ffy" •14 arranged Thji-1"Jiiri-IZaWil4. '•of x.)tt Vinton MOE to bring in sip' CLINTON NEWS—HAUORP/TtIURSPAY, JANUARY 17, 1074,-*Adit The members of4the Clinton Sarah Hale1Chapter, LO,D.E., decided at their recent January meeting to }ging an "evening of song" to the people pf Clinton and area, They will sponsor, as a Major project, tiie appearance on March 30 of the chorulaires, a talented Wood- stock mixed choir. ' Regent Dorelene Flowers chaired the Meeting. Ways and means chairman, Marjorie Por- ter, reported a healthy profit on the Christmas tree draw held in December. EclucatiOn chairman Bev Williscraft explained to the members "Operation Sound" which is a national IODE project which supplies mobile Microphone head set units to schools in the Northwest Territories to be used in ;teaching deaf children to read land write. A donation was voted to this project. BY WILMA OKE When First Presbyterian Church in Seaforth gets a new minister he will come to a one- point charge. The question had arisen that First Presbyterian Church and St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Clinton would be made a two-point charge, At a meeting of the Presbytery of Stratford-Huron in Seaforth Wednesday it was agreed that Seaforth 'would be carried on as a one-point charge with the understanding the Seaforth minister also sup- , ply at St. Andrew's. First Presbyterian Church is in the process of securing a minister. The church has been without a minister since the The January meeting of Unit 3, Brucefield United Church was held on January 9 with a good attendance. The worship with its theme "Women's Role in Life" ;Kaa,conducted by,Joan Allan and Jean. AdaMs.' The call to vibrehhiiVaiaken Genesis, Joan read "A letter to any woman". The scripture was read and Jean Adams gave a reading "A Woman's Conver- sation with God". The worship service was closed by singing a hymn. A lively panel discussion followed on the subject "Ms versus Mrs. to be or not to be!" Panelists were: Jean Taylor, Jean Rathwell, Dorothy McGregor, Joan Allan, and Jean Adams. Some of the topics discussed were: How do fathers turn their daughters to ers Florenee Coirie, chairman of the services committee, again requested help from those members who knit or sew in compiling another bale, The group recently sent off to the Canadian north a bale valued at $250 composed of all new afghans, knitted articles, baby clothing, etc. The services &MI- mittee also Presented for con- sideration a project called "Nprthern Lights" which is adoption of a particular nur- sing station in the Northwest Territories, , The regent reminded all members. that the February meeting is the chapter's annual meeting at which committee reports will be made. Ott completion of the business session, the members heard a recorded address by Psychologist Dr. Murray Banks which was both highly amusing' and thought stimulating. retirement of Rev. T. C. Mulholla'nd at the end of Sep- tember, Mr. Mulholland had been the minister at St. An- drew's Church as well. In other busineis at the meeting commissioners were named to attend the 100th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada in Kitchener in June: Rev. J. C. Brush, Molesworth; Rev. Charles McCarron, Brussels; and Rev. Fred Neill, Stratford, as well as elders from Milver- ton, Mitchell and Molesworth. The meeting was attended by 24 ministers and elders from the 16 pastoral charges in Huron and Perth Counties. Rev. G. A. Beaton, Listowel, Moderator of Stratford-Huron Presbytery presided. women's lib?, equal pay for equal job, legal rights for married women, and legal aid for women regarding child sup- port. A business 'meeting followed - eV e rYone thanked Anrie Walters for her leadership in 1973. A new mem- ber, Mrs. Lorraine Peck was Welcomed and introduced to everyone. The annual meeting is to be held on January 20 with a pot luck lunch after church. Ar- ticles for the baby bale, are to be handed in ,at the March meeting. They decided to have a birthday box and travelling apron again this year and .discussed having a Hobo Tea in the spring. CliOtonian Club Town Hall, The past president, their .Jantiary meeting in the, Pearl Cummings, opened the ineetini,with. the Housewife's Creed and the Lord's Prayer in hears .0,01-ma report The Clintonian Club held' Stitier are to bring articles for meeting on Feb, 7 in the Town entertained with several Hall. MrB. Josie Cunningham the Dutch auction for next Mrs. LenPington and Mrs, Musical selections. Leona unison,. Lockhart read a poem The minutes were read as "Thoughts for the New Year" were several thank-you notes and the meeting closed with the for treats received at Christ, Tvlizpah Benediction, mas, The roll call was an- swered by ,20 paying fees, The treasurer's report was given by Viola Lamprhan, The secretary, Edna Adams, gave the annual report for the year and the an, nual report of the treasurer was given by Viola Lampman. The new president; Leona Lockhart, took the chair and read a poem "The Beginning". There was quite a discussion on the quilting of quilts and the price to charge for quilting. Mrs. Young offered her room for quilting. It was decided to make, stuffed toys for the Nor- thern bale to be taken to the picnic in June. It was also passed , to have Pearl Cum- mings look after the Dutch auc- tion -each meeting. Dutch auction winners were: Esther Kendall, Lou Falconer, Edith Pickard, Jennie Wise and Violet Managhan. Violet Sturgeon won the mystic What's new a Mr. and Mrs. Allin Schram and the regulars Norman Speir and Gerry Collin provided the Old Tyme music for Monday's activities. A new groiip of volunteers from Bayfield assisted with the wheel chairs and the program with Mrs. Fern Baker as captain along with Mrs. Percy Johnston, Mrs. Jack CoLich and Miss Dorothy Ra nki, Residents having birthdays during the week were honoured as will as three new residents who' were welcomed to the home, Mr. and Mrs. Chellew of Myth' and Mrs. Foster of Goderich. A first _ for the home took place on Wednesday with the forming of an over =90 Club. Thirty7 three of the, 49 eligible residents attended the et 61On:1er. Theie:will be helecii4, the second Wednesday aftert— NOTICE Due to the prevalence of influenza in the Home and in the area—visiting at Huronview has to be banned for the present. We are sorry to have to take this action and will lift the ban as soon as possible. C. Archibald Administrator 3b Registered Retirement Savings Plans See us now and Save Tax Dollars Member Canada deposit insurance Corporation The senior 'Mist Company devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario, RM and GREY TIRUST COMPANY SINGS 1889 Solving a investing in your community Lyle latbrigg• Managtor 0244301 100 KINGStON $t. GIOOKRICH t_ ' oamenomeomoanmemineinimh, The Summerhill Ladies Club held their January tneeting at the home of Verna Gibbings. The president, Isabel Stewart, read a poem "New Year's Pie". The 16 members present an- swered the roll call by bringing their used postage stamps. The raffle was won by Isabel Stewart, The. Hall Board have planned a euchre party for January 17. For the program, Suzanne Vodden conducted a contest "Word Squares" which was won by Marianne Colclough; Margaret Ball gave a reading "When to Say I'm Sorry"; and Margaret Wright had a contest "Assorted Candies" won by Vera Gibbings, Ruth Jenkins will be hostess for the February meeting. On lunch and program are Sandra Westerhaut, Edith Wright and Ida Wright. Roll call will be answered by bringing a dozen cookies with the recipe. The meeting adjourned by singing ,the "Queen" and "Grace" and lunch was served. St. Andrew's church gets minister loan Brucefield UCW meets