HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-01-10, Page 1326. CARD OF THANKS LOCKHART: I would like to ex- press my sincere thanks and ap- preciation to my relatives, neigh- bours and friends for the many cards, flowers, treats and visits while I was a patient in the Clinton Hospital and also since returning home. A special thank you to Dr. Baker, Dr. Watts, Rev. Lewis and nurses and all staff who made my stay so pleasant and thanks to the V,O.N.'s for their help t•iince coming home. Leona Lockhart.-2p POPP: I wish to thank everyone for cards, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. Also Dr. Baker and nurses on first floor. Amber Popp.-2p FREY: My thanks to everyone who sent cards, flowers, visited and helped in any way while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Dorothy Frey.-2b HARRIS; Bert and Marion Harris would like to thank all their relatives and friends for the lovely flowers, gifts and cards they received, and all those who attended their 50th wedding anniversary party. A very special thanks to our family who put so much time and planning into making our anniver- sary a very happy occasion.-2b 26. CARD OF THANKS HOFFMAN:* I would like to thank all my friends for their lovely cards, flowers and treats when I was a patient in Clinton and University Hospitals. Also thanks to Dr. Harrett, Dr. Flowers, nurses and staff on first floor in Clinton Hospital. Elgin Hoffman.-21) RATHWSLL: I wish to convey sin, cere .gratitude to all my relatives and friends for the many acts of kindness extended to me while a patient in Clinton and/ London Hospitals, Special thanks to Rev, J.S..0estreicker, Clinton Public School Staff and Wesley Willis organizations, Gordon Rath- well.-2b TURNER; My sincere thanks to all friends, relatives and neighbours who sent cards, flowers, and treats and for visits while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital. Jim Tor.' ner.-2b BEATTIE: Deeper than these words can ever convey, are the grateful thanks that go to all my many friends and relatives who sent get well wishes my way. Effie Beat- tie.-2p Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris, formerly of OgderichT0WP1hIP,,.. celebratihilftelttOth—Weilairrg Anniiieraary recently when they were entertained to a dinner and reception at the Saltford Valley Hall. Farm record books should be analized SHARP HARD- TO FIND MODELS 1 97 3 PONTIAC LeMANS SEDAN - 350 V-8 automatic, power steering, radio, rear defogger, whitewalls, who& discs, body aide moulding.. immaculate. DHC 289 $33.95 72 VOLKSWAGEN SUPER BEETLE $1895 Four speed, radio, top economy. DPM 789 1 97 2 FORD 1 /2 TON PICKUP $2495 V-8, automatic, rear bumper, frame as new. C27 753. 1 970 DODGE 1 /2 TON PICKUP YOUR CHOICE $1350 Two to choose from. Six cylinder, standard shift, rear bumper, positraction, fully reconditioned. E90378. E90362. 1 97 2 GREMLIN X. Custom radio, rally wheels, full dress up package, new . tires. Scarce model FKB 988. $2295 . 1970 FA1RLANE 500 TWO-DOOR HARDTOP - V-8, automatic, radio, vinyl top. Nice model. HNL 051. 1970 JAVELIN SST 360 V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, positraction, rally wheels. Beautiful cor- Lc- duroy interior. Super sharp low mileage car. FKH 707. $2195,h 1967 MUSTANG "FASTBACK " V-8, automatic, radio. Runs and looks good. Not certified. 011F 820. $795 1973 PONTIAC, ASTRE HATCH-. BACK Four cylinder, two barrelled engine, turbo hydromatic, radio, elec- tric rear defogger, whitewalls, wheel covers. 7000 lady driven miles. DliC 565' $ 2 1395 1 97 2 PONTIAC LeMANS STATION WAGON 28,000 lady driven miles. V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. bHT 722 $3295 197 1 OLDSMOBILE CUSTOM CRUISER, STATION WAGON Must be seen. Power windows, power door locks, automatic air conditioning, roof racks, woodgrain panelling. Tape player radio, electric rear defogger, Michelin radial tires. VSR 817. , $3695 197 '1 PLYMOUTH FURY III FOUR-DOOR HARDTOP - LOvely loW mileage ter. Equip- ped with V-8, automatic, power Sewing, pOeter brakes, radio, Vinyl 10p, tinted windshield, extra Mow tires, DHE 411. $23 95 _40500. " A STEAL. 1967 BUICK ELECTRA CUSTOM TWO-DOOR HARDTOP - Power windoWs, power steering r air conditioning, vinyl top, AM/FM redlO, tinted glass. Excellent appearance and runs like neW, HNL 052. $995 McGEE ODERiCH PONTIAC BUICK 3244391 $1695 3. ENGAGEMENTS r, and Mrs George Wise of vern Bridge, Ont. are pleased to flounce the engagement fi their 1y daughter, Linda Louanne, to r Stephen H. Metcalfe, 011Ilia, nt„ son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Met- Ife, Severn Bridge, Ont. The wed- ng will take place at St. Lukes nglican. Church, R.R. 1 Severn ridge, January 19, 1974 at 3 p.m. IN MEMORIAM MMQND: In memory of „tick mmonci who passed away Jan. 1972. d please take a message my Uncle Jack above, I him that I miss him d send hint lots of love, ngly remembered by his little hew Dennis Florian. MOND: In memory of my husband Jack, who passed y January 10, 1972, p him Jesus in Thy Keeping, I reach that shining shore. 0 Master let me have him, love him as I did before. remembered by his loving Berthena.-2b MERS: In°loving memory of a r son, Murray, who passed away lenly January 10, 1965. iembrance is a golden chain, h triesto break but all in vain, have, to love and then to part e greatest sorrow of our hearts, ngly remembered by Mum, er Maynard and Barb, Bea and Mary Anne and Gordon,—c2b CARD OF THANKS - - NER: I would like to express ncere thanks and appreciation II my friends, relatives and bours, who remembered me flowers, gifts, cards, and treats I was a patient in University Mal, London. Special thanks to Passi, nurses and staff on 8th north, also to the Ambulance dants and Dr. Watters of rich Hospital, and the boys at County Garage, Aubdrn. Your ness will always be remem- d. Robert Turner.-2b FFAT: I wish to'thank everyone 'sent cards, treats, flowers and ed on me while a patient in ton Hospital. Special thanks to Harrett, Rev. Oestreicher and nurses on second floor. Mrs. a Moffat.-2p TZ: I would like to thank all my nds, relatives and neighbours for it cards and gifts during my stay Clinton Public Hospital and ce returning home. Special anks to Dr. Street, Dr. Watt and I nurses and staff on first floor. lliam R. Lutz.-2p TENDER CUTS OF QUALITY BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP, RUMP or ROUND STEAK ROASTS LB $1.49 T-BONE STEAK /ROASTS LB 91.45 STEWING BEEF LB $1.15 LICED BEEF LIVER LB $79' CFRRRED BACON SLI CED LB 89C P.I IEEB 854 1), „8 ARE RIBS LB 89 ` NAM SLICES LB 89 ` PEANIEAL BACK BACON sPialiccEED $ sif.795 FRESH • CHICKEN LEGS LB 69 ` MAPLE LEAF - SLICED NA M LB .63 SAUSAGE SUMMER. LB's 1•53 RED HOTS LB 80 ` MINCEB HAM LB 9 1.03 YUNGBL UT'S Meat Market PHONE 2364312 ZUAICH ARE YOU A MEMBER? Clinton Community 4. Credit Union OFFERS: -- Life insured savings — Life insured loans - Chequing accounts — Term Deposits — Convenient hours Good dIvidend rate LARGE OFFESTREET PARKING LOT Un ion Clinton Community Credit 70 Ontario Si 1 ' 46/4467 Own it Wow bows tinsel Save up to 6/ on any model in our new home catalogue . 6% savings for cusp buyers or 3% discount on mortgage sales . , , the choice is yours. Either way it may he just the saving ,that will help you com- fortably afford the new home you need or want now. Beaver's winter work "own-it-now" bonus is not limited to just a few models. You can choose any home from our new 1974 catalogue just off the press. Over 70 models illustrated complete with floor plans and details. Pick up your copy at your nearest Beaver Store or mail the coupon below. But don't wait . . . "own-it-now" bonus savings are for a limi- ted time only. BEAVER H MES Helping to make home ownership easier! am roils NS* wis mor Awe am arr. imm gas am Nut ma al For FREE coloured BEAVER HOME CATALOGUE fill in and mail to; BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD., Planned Buildings Division, 570 Harrop Drive, Milton, Ontario. Na me Street City 1 own a lot' 0 yes —Phone CJ no I I plan to build this year 0 yes 0 no isser;°,2•!;•.. 0.11 .••••• aim go. •••• ommi sup ass mil Asp I., is• Phone 0, Write Brien Veeie 36 Blatkedret Blvd, tenclOn, Ont, Phone 4724394 et visit your nevelt Beaver Store. I I A It is Farm Record Book analysis time again. Anyone who may wish to have a corn- pleted 1973 Farm Record Book analyzed, should, contact the Agricultural Office in early January, The checking of the book will be done by local Agricultural Office personnel and a sum- mary card will be forwarded to the computer at Guelph for analysis. • Farm Record Books may be brought to the Agricultural Of- fice or mailed in. If you, visit the office, be sure to pick up a new record book or request that one be mailed. Assistance on completing the record book will be provided upon request. Every farmer in Huron County who has com- pleted an Ontario Farm Record Book in 1973 is encouraged to - make use of the "no fee" analysis service. CLINTON NEWS-RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1974-13 . 4-H ACHIEVEMENT DAY Hensall 4-H Gourmet Globe- Trotters and their leaders Mrs. Bill Fuss and Mrs. Ted Oud at- tended the Achievement Day in the Zurich arena Saturday, with clubs, from Kippen, Varna, -Goderich and Zurich also at- tending. The morning was spent with the girls being placed in dif- ferent groups for group discussions on a food bingo, nationality map, food iden- tification, a world of food quiz, and general discussion on this last club "A world of food in Canada". The afternoon program, to which the mothers were in- vited, took the form of each club either acting out a skit or commentating on a display. Hensall club acted out the play "Too many cooks spoil the Broth", which sure created a, laugh. Comments on the exhibits was given by Mrs. Joyce Anderson, Home Economist from Brigden, and comments on 'the demon- strations and Skits were given by Mrs. Nancy Ross, Home Economist from St. Marys. Presentation of County Honours (completion of 6 clubs) went to Diana Oud, Agnes—VanEsbroeck, Chris McGregor, Debbie Consitt, Cathy Bell, Sylvia Neeb, Elaine Gingerich, Kim Hendrick, Susan Parke, and Nelly Van Wonderen. Two girls received Provincial honours (completion of 12 clubs). They were Helen Blackwell and Joanne Stoll. The club leaders were presen- ted with certificates and spoons to distribute to the club mem- bers. Miss Jane Pengilley, Home Economist for Huron spoke briefly on the da,))s proceedings and the afternoon closed with everyone repeating, the 4-H pledge. Girls belonging to the Hensall Gourmet Globe- Trotters Club "A world of food in Canada" were Dorna Williams, Lucy VanEsbroeck, Agnes VanEsbroeck, Alma Ar- cher, Vicki Baker, Betty Beer, Janet Bake, Cindy Bisback, Debbie Towers, Susan Stretton, Dale Simmons, Brenda Pepper',' Diana Oud, Mary Blom, Rita Blom, „Brenda Campbell, Jen-, nifer Cook, Cheryl Fuss, Nancy McCurdy, Jackie McClinchey and Rita Gloor. UNIT IV Unit IV of Hensall United Church met on Thursday after- noon at the Church for the opening meeting of the new year, with Mrs, J. McAllister presiding and Mrs. J. Horton acting as Hostess. Mrs. McAllister opened the meeting with a thought on Thankfulness followed by the Lord's prayer. Mrs. E. Pym gave a very inspiring devotion using the theme "Faith", and reading scripture from Hebrews. Mrs. L. Mickle favoured everyone with two lovely piano solos. The study on different ar- ticles from the Observer was given by Mrs. McAllister. It was reported that there had been 44 visits made to the sick and shut-in recently. WINNERS IN CHRISTMAS DRAWS Mrs. Arthur .Traquair of Woodstock was the lucky win- ••• • ner of a stereo at the Christmas draw for the Hensall Canadian Legion held recently. 'Mrs, Doug Cooper,' Kippen, was the 1st prize winner of a money dolli and B. Munn of RR 1, Exeter won second prize of $10 in the Legion Laclieo` Auxiliary Christmas draw held recently, UNITED CHURCH NOTES. Rev, Donald Beck preached on the sermon topic "What did you get from Christmas?", at the Sunday service in Hensel! United Church. Installation of Officers for the United Church Women was held and the choir sang the anthem "Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring", from the new hymn book accom- panied by Mrs. Turkheim on the organ. The flowers in the Church were in memory of the late James Drummond. Sunday School started another 10 week session on Sunday. A film "Mary's Bible" was enjoyed by all, Awards were handed out by Superin- tendent Cecil Pepper to the children who had perfect atten- dance or only missed one Sun- day during the first session. AMBER REBEKAH LODGE The first meeting of the new year of. Amber Rebekah Lodge was held Wednesday evening in the Lodge rooms with 'N.G. The ministry of transpor- tation and communications has announced that to date, only 3.8 percent of Ontario motorists have purchased their licence plate renewal stickers. At the same time last year over 10 per- cent of the plates had been sold. The renewal stickers have been on sale at 291 issuing of- fices throughout the province since the first of December and ministry officials are concerned that if the number of motorists applying for renewal does not soon increase, it will be im- possible to avoid lineups at the end ..,of February. Mrs. Aldeen Volland presiding and V.G:Mrs. Margaret Consitt assisting. Quite a number of of- lima were absent due to the weather and road conditions.' Mrs. Volland reported for the C.P.T. Committee that plants had been delivered to the sick and shut-ins at Queensway Nursing Home, Bluewater Rest Home, Huronview7 and South Huron Hospital, and a number of local residents. Many thank you notes were received. A discussion took place con- cerning the Birthday party to be held on February 11) and Secret Pal night will be held January 16. It is hoped that all members will plan to attend this meeting. An exchange of gifts will take pike and the identity of the Secret Pal will be revealed. A program is being prepared for the eveningi3 en- tertainment. A good report was given on the C.P.T. euchre held in December. Response to this euchre which was in aid of the Christmas floWer fund was most gratifying with eight tables in play. A number of donations were received to be put into the flower fund. PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Louis Richie and Mrs. Olive Marshman of Mississauga, and Mrs. Leona Parke, Hensall spent the weekend with Miss Patricia Parke in London, Present multi-year plates must be validated by applying the sticker to the lower right- hand corner of the rear plate prior to midnight, February 28. Those applying for renewal will be asked to fill out an in- surance form available at the issuing offices and hand it, along with the ownership per- mit and fee, to the issuing agent. The validation sticker will then be issued along with complete instructions as to the method of applying to the plate. As in 1973, fees are $23 for a 4-cylinder vehicle; $32 for 6- cylinders; $40 for an 8-cylinder car and $5 for trailers. Few renew licence plates