HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-01-10, Page 6Orn-CfolIMN .NEWS-RECORD, 4ANYARY .19, 1974 stork brings Segerens fint Seaforth baby EY WILMA OKE The first baby to be born at the Seaforth Community Hospital in 1074 was a 10 112 pound daughter to Mr, and Mrs. John Segeren of RR '2, Seaferth. Melanie, who arrived at 8:40 p.m. on Thursday, January 3, rounds out the family to three sons and three daughters for Mr, and Mrs. Segeren. The Segerens live about four miles east of Clinton on High. way 8, daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowse, Cathy, Vicky, Jill and Dale of London, Mre. Smith accompanied her family back to. London, where she remained until Wednesday, Gilbert Latimer returned to his hem in Toronto on Satur- day after spending the past two weeks with his grandmother, Mrs, G. L. Knight. Mr. and Mra. John Cum- mings and children are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Murney. The Cummings family recently returned from a two year stay in South Africa, Mr. and Mrs. Brian King, Matthew and Timothy, Lon- don, recently spent five days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner. • Mr. and Mrs. Don McLeod, Dawn and John accompanied by Leroy DeJong were New Year holiday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Martin and family in Detroit, Mich. They also visited with Mr. MeLeodb sister, Mrs. Elsie Sullivan in Port Huron, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. Norman F, Cooper, Mount Clemens, Mich.' entertained the Stones of Sar- nia, at their Village residence during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson, Sudbury, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob Irwin arid Robbie and attended a perfor- mance of the "Taming of the Shrew" in Stratford on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss and Charlie, Mr. Glen Pruss and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Krupa all of London, were at the Pruss family cottage for the holiday season. Congratulations to Richard and Diane Jeffery on the safe arrival of their son, Richard Ryan Cleave, 7 lbs. 9 ozs. the first baby born in Chatham General Hospital in • the New Year, He is a baby brother for Shannon, first grandson for Mrs. Monica Jeffery, Goderich and grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Logan Cleave of Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. George Kalan- zis, North Carolina,• were at their home in the Village during the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. J. Laudenback Soder Marini The Settler Citizens held their January meeting on Friday evening in the Municipal Building, presided by president, Clair Merner. The meeting opened by singing the National Anthem and repeating the Lord Prayer in unison. Thirty.two members were present and two ,guests, Percy and Clara Johnston, who we later welcomed as new Members. Secretary Margaret Larson gave her report of the December meeting, which was approved. No correspondence was received. Vina Parker, treasurer, read . her report which was adopted. Dues of $3.50 for the year were paid by each member and it was decided to have a 25 Gent collection at each meeting to cover the coat of prizes, coffee, tea, etc Clair Merner, who has been the •president for two years, resigned and George Brown was chosen the new president, with Esther Makins as vice- president. Margaret Larson who has been secretary for many years also resigned. Her position being filled by Jean Bell. Greta Scotchmer remained as press reporter. En- tertainment committee are the president, George Brown, Pearl Hutchings, Lloyd Makins, Fern Baker and Jessie Blair. Dorothy Merner and Dorothy Weston will have charge of pur- chasing supplies incidental to lunches and euchres. Carrie Heard will still continue to send cards to shut-ins or in cases of illness, and flowers when necessary. Clair Merner will be in charge of the New Horizons Project and is calling a meeting of his committee as soon as possible. On behalf of the Senior Citizens, Vina Parker moved a hearty vote of thanks to Clair and Dorothy Merner for their two years of work in the Club and regretted Clair's resignation, but they were con- fident that George Brown will carry on as a very capable president. Esther Makins moved a vote of thanks to all who had, held office and worked on committees for the year and especially to the retiring secretary, Margaret Larson. Clair Merrier thtinked all who were in the Club and came out faithfully to meetings and supported him on committees. The Club is growing and a happy fellowship is enjoyed at all meetings, bus trips and din- ners. They welcome new members who would like to become part of the group and they are sure they would enjoy belonging to the Hayfield Senior Citizens, The meeting adjourned and cards were played, with prizes going to Vina Parker, Freida Scotchmer, George Clark and Reheny Larson with Edna Mote winning the lone hand prize. The usual bountiful lunch was served and enjoyed. The next meeting will be held in the Municipal Building on Friday evening February 1. Anglican Women The annual meeting of the Anglican Church Women took place Thursday afternoon in the Parish Hall. Mrs. F. A, Clift presented the elate of officers and they were installed by the Rector, Rev. George Youmatoff as follows; president Mrs. E. W. Earl; vice-president Mrs. Fred Hulls; secretary Miss Viola Cadger; treasurer Mrs. G. N. Rivers; prayer partner Mrs. Lucy Diehl; study group Mrs. J. 'B. Higgins and Mrs. P. H. DuBou lay. A special thank you was ex- tended by the president Mrs. Earl to the retiring secretary Mrs. G, L. M. Smith, who for several years had faithfully ser- ved in that capacity. Following the business meeting, Mrs. R. G. Hunter spoke and, outlined plans for the 125th Anniversary of Trinity Anglican Church to be held this summer. DON BELL BUILDING CONTRACTOR 225 MAPLE ST. CLINTON 4824500 ANY McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE The chances of the Glendale Motor Home plant at Vanestra reopening in this near future dimmed this week as workmen loaded much of the stock on trailers and moved It to thi Strathroy plant. The plant closed two days before Christmas, putting 34 persons out of work. The Van:flare operation had Just started up in August and produced their first motor home in November. (News-Record photo) INSURANCE COMPANY Established 1876 HEAD OFFICE: seaforth, Ontarid Mrs, Margaret Shari), Sec. Treas. phone 527-0400 17; While here they celebrated Mrs. D. M. Stevenson's and Mr. Earl's birthdays. Best wishes to Mrs. Cathy Sauve who is home after being hospitalized for the past week, and to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murney and Rev. E. J. B. Harrison (former Rector of Trinity Church, Bayfield) who are presently hospitalized. Miss Bonnie Johnston and Miss Carol Fraser, London, recently returned from a three and one half week holiday in Europe. While there, they visited ,Borinie's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Byron and family, in Lahr, Germany. They also toured the countries of Switzerland, Italy, Austria, and visited with friends in Holland, Mr. and Mrs. James Boyce spent the weekend with 'their daughter, Miss Bonnie John- ston of London and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brunshill of London, Lydia, visited his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Delano Erickson, Paul, Brian and Eric in Orangeville on Saturday. Mrs. Erickson Sr., who has spent the past two weeks with her family, returned to Orangeville with them where she• will spend a few days before returning to her home in Watrous, Saskatchewan. Mr. and‘Mrs. Eric Earl had as their guests on Sunday, Mrs. D. M. Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stevenson, Kathy, Karen, Doug and David, Mrs. B. A. Quigg, Kim and Joey and Mr. Wayne Winston all of London. and family, Tornto, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McFadden, Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. Bill Tillmann, and family, London, were at their respective cot- tages during the holiday season. Mr. Alfred Morris was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell in London for Christ- mas and Boxing Day. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ervine were with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer and Michelle, Waterloo for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Erickson, Andrew, Luanne and It Only Costs A Little To Be Sofe Fire, Extended Coverage, Wind- storm, Theft, Property Damage, Liability, Etc. Directors and Adjusters: 53rd Anniversary kit Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ducharme, RR 3 Bayfield were honoured guests during the New Year holiday at the home of their son Leo in Windsor. Their family arranged a sur- prise 53rd wedding anniversary celebration for their parents, complete with a very lovely decorated wedding cake. Ali their family, along with 60 friends and relatives, gathered to celebrate the happy occasion. Congratulations and best wishes for many more anniver- saries are extended to this highly esteemed couple. Wm. Alexander, Seaforth Robt. Archibald, R,R. 4, Seaforth Ken Carnochan, R.R.4, Seaforth Ross Leonhardt, R.R.1, Bornholm John McEwing, R.R 1, Blyth Stanley McIlwain, R.R.2, Goderich John Moylan,R.R.2, Dublin Wm. Pepper, Brucefield J. N. Trewartba, Box 661, Clinton Agents: James Keys, R.R,l, Seaforth phone 527-0831 527-1817 527-1545 345-2234 523-9390 524-7051 345-2639 482-7534 482-7593 There's good value in a dozen eggs When you buy a dozen large find in a normal serving of eggs, you are buying about 72 meat, fish, or poultry. grams of good quality protein. Food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agriculture and Food say that eggs are a good buy. Priced at 89 cents a dozen, eggs cost about 59 cents a pound or 16 cents a serving (2 large eggs.) Eggs are a protein food. Protein is the chief building and repair material for your body. Two large eggs at lunch will give you about 12 grams of complete protein, the same amount and kind of protein you K. J. Etue, Seaforth Your system takes a little longer to digest protein foods than it does to digest car- bohydrate foods, such as bread. Adding an egg to your break- fast menu will eliminate the temptation to snack before lunch. If you pick up a danish pastry for breakfast, it will cost 20 cents or more; a large egg costs about 8 cents. Counting calories - a large egg supplies only 80 calories, a danish pastry (plain) has 275 calories. Wm, Leiper, Londesboro Donald M. Laurie, Brussels Be nice to yourself Personals Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davidson and Barbara, Windsor were New Years guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder, John and Mary. Holiday guests at the Albion Hotel included, Dwight and Penny Chalmers. Toronto; John. and Shirley McLeod, Sandy, Jeffery, David and Cameron, Stoney Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lloyd, Delaware; Mr. and - Mrs. Dan Webb, Nancy, Lisa, Andrew, and friends Lisa and David, Birmingham, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bauer, Waterloo. -Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Harland and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Idle of Clinton celebrated their wed- ding anniversaries at the Albion on January. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith, Paris, spent a couple of days during the holidays with his mother, Mrs. L. B. Smith. Sun- day guests with her were her You've given gifts to everyone else lately; now be nice, give one to th e — the gift of time — time well-spent, that is. Join the "back to school" trend, the Conestoga College way. Are you a bit tired of being "just a housewife"? Are you an out-of-school youth whose once fabulous job isn't looking so great lately? Are you stuck in a low-paying job due to lack of training? Has an injury or ill-health 'forced you to give.'up your job? Sure, you could sit there and worry, you could "make do", unhappy and dissatisfied. But wouldn't you rather prepare yourself for a job you could enjoy? - Then give yourself some time — time with us at Conestoga College — time to enter one of our Short Certificate programs — time to acquire a new skill, review an old interest — time to get new motivation and self-satisfaction. At Conestoga College we'll help you spend your time well — just 12 - 48 weeks, depending on the program you choose, in your own time and at your own speed, and for a modest fee. LOCATION Short certificate programs are offered at the following locations: Le n g th i n W e e ks 0 E T. .c a 0 C a I ATTENTION KNITTERS Academic Upgrading 32 x x x x Accountancy 40 Apartment Building Superintendent 20 Appliance Servicing 40 24 14 24 Butchers and Meatcutters Certified Building Custodian X X X 3C Clerk Typist X X X X X x x Ten area girls received their County Honours at the 4-H Achievement Day held in Zurich on Saturday afternoon. Back row left to right are Chris McGregor, Agnes Van Esbroesck, Diana Oud, Susan Parke and Debbie Consult. Front, left to right, are Nelly VanWonderen, Cathy Bell, Elaine Gingeach and Kim Hendrick. (Citizens News Photo) 40 Commercial Clerical OUR SALE IS ON 0% OFF REGULAR PRICES! COME AND SAVE NOW 16 Commercial Refresher 40 Commercial Stenography 48 Electronics English As A Second Language 24 SIMMEN111111111111. Fluid Power 40 x Back in Business Lillie Joe's Body & Fender Shop Food Preparation Basic X x 20 Furniture Manufacturing Operator 10 4 OZ. Furniture Upholstery Manufacturing 40 X AFGHAN YARN 4 OZ. SKEINS SOCK YARN 2 OZ. BALLS SAYELLE YARN 2 OZ, BALLS NYLON WOOL YARN 2 OZ. BALLS 100% ACRYLIC YARN GARY SAYELLE '1.29 99c 79c NOW 68c NOW 58c 49c 39c *25c 40 Furniture Upholstery (Repair) WAS 1.45 NOW 40 General Carpentry X X 48 Industrial Maintenance Mechanic WAS 1.10 NOW 40 X X X Journalism and Newswritleg 0000000,0000w x x 12 x x Lathe Operator 40 Machine Shop Practice WAS .89 NOW 35 40 16 12 x Nursing Assistant Offset Printing Retail Merchandising WAS .75 WAS .85 Teller-Cat/11er x •••••••,••••.• 40 Welding Fitter 20 •o• Welding Operator Be nice to yourself! Call the Student Services office of the Conestoga College centre nearest you, or send in the coupon below. Just a min- ute — that's all the time it takes PRONE STUDENT SERVICES FOR INFORMATION: Cambridge Centre: Phone 623-4890 Guelph Centre: Phone 824-9390 Clinton Centre: Phone 4111-3458 Harriston Centre: Phone 338-3110 Doon Centre: Phone 653-251i Stratford centre: Phone 271.5701 Waterloo Centre: Phone 885-0300 NOW WAS .59 NYLON YARN POT OF GOLD PHENTEX SALE 1 OZ. OZ. •••• •••• mr* *a' two., foor rooe •••• •••, ilooC 4.0' 4dai ..... .. ••• ••• ••• ••• •I•• • • MINOR MECHANIC WORK LOCATED AT BANNISTER MOTORS SO PICTON Si,. GODERICH 524-8941 • 14oi v44.• olow oioos lit A BALL 1 NAME • AbbRESS 4444••444h44400 `TELEPHONE . — , Return to: Registrar, Conestoga College Of Applied Arts and Technology, • . .. . . „ . PLEASE SENO 1NPORMATION bN a h 4 4 4 ..""411111111,1"*."-"41111111"*Sli.""-440.' .44,444444011444644 • PROGRAM, SHOO At AMSINGS "No Job Too Big No Job Too Small" 299. boon Vcdley Drive, kitthonet, Ontaria, N248 3WS gior *go' 17.4 ar• 4.• ••• 'els• i•Nri aor. ii141 14.* 4.1 milli •mip do. 6.00 ••• ••• ••• 40.••• •• '••• ) CLINTON 66 ALBIENT JOE ESSEX