HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1974-01-10, Page 3—Photo Art Services • SHROPSHALL-EAST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH, Clinton 283 Princess Street Pastor Alvin Beukema, B.A., 0.0. Services: 10:00 a.m., and 2:30 p.m. (On 3rd Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Dutch Service at 11:00 a.m.) The Church of the "Back to God" Hour every Sunday 4:30 p.m. CHLO EVERYONE WELCOME WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH "THE CHURCH THAT CARES" PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE MINISTER: JOHN S. OESTREICHER, B.A., B.R.E. ORGANIST: MISS CATHARINE POTTER CHOIR DIRECTOR: MRS. WM. HEARN SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1974 10:45 Hymn Sing 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service SERMON: OUR HOPES AND DREAMS: HAVE YOU HAD ANY LATELY? • 11:00 a.m. Sunday School and Nursery HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 1:00 p.m. Worship Service and Sunday School SERMON: OUR HOPES AND DREAMS: HAVE YOU HAD ANY LATELY? CHUR SERVICES ONTARIO STREET UNITED CNURCN 'THE FROENDLY CHURCH" MiNiSTER; LAWRENCE S. LEWIS, 11,A., S. Th. ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR: MRS. DORIS MoKINI.SY, A. IOUS. SUNDAY, JANUARY 13 9:45 a.m. Sundey School and Confirmation Class 11:00 a.m. Worship and Nursery 11:30 a.m. Junior Congregation SERMON: "DON'T BE A MORAL NEUTRAL" THE LORD'S SUPPER WILL BE OBSERVED EVERYONE WELCOME LUTHERAN SERVICES Roberison Memorial School (BLAKE AND ELDON STREETS, GODERICH) SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:30 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE - 11 A.M. Pastor: Bruce Bjorkquist 333 Eldon Street, 524.6081 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. Romans 3:28. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH "EVERYONE OF US SHALL GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF HIMSELF TO GOD" — ROM. 14:12 PASTOR: REV. L.V. BIGELOW 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP '7:30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY WEDNESDAY, 8 p.m. PRAYER MEETING YOUNG EVERYONE WELCOME PEOPLE'S MEETING ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1974 Epiphany I is A.M. HOLY COMMUNION Sunday School FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHAPEL 162 MAPLE ST. (1 street west of Community Centre) 9:45 a.m.--WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 a.m..—.SUNDAY SCHOOL and BIBLE HOUR 8:00 p.m.—GOSPEL SERVICE Tuts., 8:00 p.m—PRAYER and BIBLE STUDY For information Phone: 482-9379 CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 166 Victoria Street Pastor: Leslie Hoy, 5244823 9:45 CM. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Winship 7:00 p.m. Prayer Service and Evangelistic Service 7:00 p,m. Wednesday Prayer Service 8:00 p.m, Friday, Young Peoples ALL WELCOME ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. 0, LOCKHART ROYAL, MODERATOR CHARLES MERRILL, ORGANIST SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1974 Otilnit Minister - REV. SAMUEL KERR 9:30 a.m.- Worship Service SUNDAY SCHOOL Everyone welcome FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HURON ST., CLINTON PASTOR D. STRAIN 402-7041 SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1074 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship (NOritery) :36 p.m. Evangelistic &aides WED. a p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Study SAT. a p.m. Voting Pedalos For Transportation, Cali 46247041 GIVE .. so more will live 'HEAR F UND Photo cr‘Irt Services 12 ISSAC ST. CLINTON, ONT. WEDDINGS. PORTRAITS, COMMERCIAL RAINBOW WEDDING INVITATIONS OF YOUR CHOICE SKIP MASSON SMP, A.P.I. PHONE 482.7441 tin Business and Professional Directory tee, Registered Retirement Savings Plans See us now and Save Tax Dollars Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation The senior rrnst Company devoted entirety to serving ilia people of Ontario, wcroRm and GREY 1ou8--r COMPANY IN 1680 Solving lot Investing in your community Lyle tirbrigg- Manager 644301 100 KINGSTON St, GOOSRIOH LOVE'S LAST GIFT REMEMBRANCE Whether We a • MONUMENT • MARKER • INSCRIPTION You are remembering a loved one. LET T. PRYDE & SON LTD. HELP YOU DECIDE ON YOUR MEMORIAL REQUIREMENTS IN CLINTON CISIellte Denomme BUS. 482.9505 VISIT 77 ALBERT ST, RES. 482-9004 SUNDAY, JAN. 13 HEAR Rev. Sparks SPEAK WITH SPECIAL MUSIC BY Mrs. Sparks .t Westfield Fellowship Hour at 2 p.m. Huron Men's Chapel Auburn at 8 p.m. "EVII Preoalla Whiff good Mom Do NothIn " Do you remember? By Jabez Rands Do you remember when there was a Royal Hotel in Clinton? The Royal Hotel was situated on the westerly part of Lorne Brown Motors' car lot on the north side of Ontario Street. In 1871, it was operated by a John Djnsley and owned by Thomas Potts. In 1876, it was owned by Charles Cole and operated by Thomas Headley, and in two years time, Mr. Cole was operating the hotel himself. Charles Cole may still be remembered by a few Clinton people as he Was a fairly early settler in Huron County, but not right in Clinton, He was the first man around to own a threshing outfit, Many people will remember his son, William Cole, who lived for a long time just outside of Clinton on the north. He owned five or six threshing outfits. In the year 1891, the Royal was owned by Mr. Thomas and John Sheppard, and by 1900, Mr. Sheppard seemed to be the owner. By 1907, it was no longer a hotel, but was used for a sales building by local businessmen for all types of farm machinery and was owned by the Sheppard estate, In 1913, it was sold and taken down when James Paxman and Fred Gillies built their garage and car repair shop on the property. ell-known printer Theo Sates passes Women Institute to fete 441- members CLINTON NEWS-REcORD, THURSDAY. Ikki 1), 1974-4 .THEODORE A. T. BATES Theodore A, T. Bates of 108 Townsend Street in Clinton, who had the reputation as one of the finest linotype operators in Canada for over 50 years, died at his Clinton home on New Year's eve at the age of 86.' The son of a minister, Mr. Bates was born in Hindmarsh, Australia on March 21, 1887, a son of the late Thomas Bates and Selina Ann Ladbrook. At the age of eight years, the family moved to England where Mr. Bates learned the printing trade as a "devil" on newspapers in England. After working in New York, Cleveland, and the Maritimes, he settled in Ontario in 1911, getting a job with the Toronto Telegram. He then moved to the Guelph Mercury where he worked for 55 years until his retirement in 1961. At the Guelph paper, he ear- ned a reputation as one of the finest printers in Canada and when he officially retired in 1961, his printing colleagues held a "Theo Bates Night" for the popular operator. Mr. Bates was a 63-year member of the International Typographical Union and in 1970 he was presented with a 60 year pin by the union, making Mrs. Hazlett of'Goderich was guest soloist at the Sunday morning Chapel service con- ducted by the Chaplain of the Home, Rev. McWhinnie. Special music was provided for the Christian Reform Song Service by Mr. Burgess of Vanastra and his pupils. Sandra Dale, Debbie Daun, Marie Flynn and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dale assisted with Mon- day's activities along with the regulars Mary Taylor, Norman Speir and Jerry Collins. A group of young people from the Blyth Christian Reform Church visited the Home on New Years Day singing carols and songs in several areas. Eight tables of euchre and three of croquinole took part in OPTOMETRY I.E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST CLINTON—MON. ONLY 20 ISAAC ST. 482.7010 SEAFORTH BALANCE OF WEEK GOVENLOCK ST. 50-1240 R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 5244801 BOX 1033 212 JAMES ST. HELEN R. TENCH , PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TEL. 412-111112 CLINTON ONTARIO him one of the longest standing members of the unien in Canada. On September 28, 1914 he married the former Grace Alida Scribner in Saint John New Brunswick. She died in Clinton last October 24. The couple had lived in Clinton for the past 4 112 years. For many years, he was an elder at Dublin United Church and Guelph United Church and he was also a member of Wesley-Willis United Church in Clinton. He is survived by one son, Thomae of Guelph; two, daughters, Mrs. H. T. (Mar- jorie) Porter of Clinton and Mrs, S. A. (Phyllis) Simmons of Mass. U.S.. three grandchildren three great-grandchildren; and one sister, Mrs. Stewart Ford of Ottawa. He was predeceased by one son, Theodore S. (Ted) Bates. Funeral services were held from the Ball Funeral Home in Clinton on January 2, 1974 with Rev. John Oestreicher in charge. Interment was in Woodlawn Cemetery in Guelph. Pallbearers were Harry Merriman, Maynard Corrie, Edward Wilson, Douglas Bar- tliff all of Clinton and grand- sons Larry Porter of Arkell On- tario and Tommy Bates of Guelph. Wednesday's games with volun- teers from the Opars Club of Vanastra assisting. The • residents were enter- tained on "Family Night" with a return visit from the Bradley Family. The Bradleys came to Clinton from Ireland one year ago and are becoming famous for their fine musical talent. The seven members of the family sang as a group.and in- clude Eugene, Damain, 'John, Jacquiline, Ansberth with Winifred and Marie singing two duets. Mr. Doherty of Clin- ton. who is Mrs. Bradley's brother was M.C. for the evening besides singing several vocal solos, Mr. Bradley ac- companies his family with the accordion. Mrs. Leybourne, who was born in Ireland, thanked• the entertainers on behalf of the residents. We have started 1974 with an. optimistic note and are organizing an Over 90 Club with the hope that some organization in the County will see their way clear to sponsor it. INSURANCE K.W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office 482-9747 Res. 482-7804 HAL HARTLEY Phone 482-6693 LAWSON AND WISE GENERAL INSURANCE— GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton Office: 482.0644 J.T, Wise, Res,: 482-7265 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS For Air-Master Aluminum Doors and Windows and AWNINGS and RAILINGS JERVIS SALES Ontario Street United Church Chapel was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on December 1, 1973 when Janet Marie East, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray East RR 1, Clinton exchanged vows with Richard Charles Shropshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shropshall of Clinton. Rev. Lawrence Lewis of- ficiated at the double ring ceremony and the wedding music was played by Mrs. Rad- ford. The bride, escorted to the altar by her father, looked lovely in a floor-length gown of white polyester crepe with long fitted sleeves. Lace outlined the empire waist, neck, and cuffs with lace insertions in the skirt. Her floor-length veil extending into a train edged with daisies and was held in place by a sequined headpiece. She carried a white bible with yellow rose buds and streamers of yellow, white and orange. The bride was attended by her sisters Linda Maloney of London as maid of honour and Sharon East of RR 1, Clinton as junior bridesmaid. Both wore identical floor-length gowns of yellow, orange-, green and white figured sheer crepe with empire waist and long full sleeves. White lace outlined the waist, bodice, neckline and cuffs. They wore ribbons in their hair to match their gowns and carried hand corsages of yellow and bronze mums with green ribbon. The groom .was attended by Gerald Lobb of RR 2 Clinton and James Shropshall, Clinton was the usher. Following the ceremony, a delicious dinner was served at the Clinton Hotel. The bride's mother wore -a floor-length gown of pink crimpknit with silver trim and accessories and a corsage of red roses, The groom's mother wore a floor- length gown of green crepe with gold trim. Her corsage was yellow roses. Among the guests were grandparents Mrs. Mary Sieling, Blyth, Mrs. Esther Kendall, Clinton, Mrs. Len Shropshall, Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Raynard, Lucknow, and great- grandmother, Mrs. Annie Baker of Wingham, The young couple are residing at 107 Mary Street, Clinton, Prior to her wedding, the bride was honoured at several showers. Laurel Ann Bond and Karen Tyndall hosted a shower for schoolmates at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Bond. A shower for relatives and friends was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Shropshall assisted by Mrs. Helen Bisback and Mrs. Jean Anderson. A surprise shower was given by the dietary staff of Clinton Public Hospital at their Christmas party, A presen- tation was given Rick and Janet by the Youth Bowling Club prior to their wedding. SCHREINDLER—BLACKER St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Stratford was the set- ting for the December 22, l97,3 wedding of Frances Ann Blacker and Zoltan Schrein- dler, Rev. J. Ferguson perfor- med the ceremony. The bride is the younger daughter of Mrs. Wm, Blacker of Clinton and the late Wm. T. Blacker. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Schrein- dler Sr. of Windsor. The bride, given in marriage by her brother William of Stratford, was attended by Miss Nancy Evans, Windsor, as maid of honour. Tony Mandato, Windsor, was best man. Guests were ushered by Robert Pratt, London. Following the wedding ceremony, a reception was held at the Queen's Hotel, Stratford. The December meeting of the Clinton Women's Institute was held in the agriculture board rooms on December 20 and took the form of a pot hick inn- cbeen. Following the luncheon the president, Mrs. C. Elliott opened the meeting with the poem 'Christmas Carols; The Rev. John Oestreicher then gave the Christmas message. Mrs. Wm. Cox was guest soloist and sang 'Keep Christ in Christmas' and 'Silver Bell' which were very much enjoyed- by all. Mrs. Lorna Radford was her accompanyist and played for the singing of a number of carols; all members taking part. Mrs. Norman Tyndall read a By Rens Caldwell Achievement Day for the three 4-H Clubs sponsored by Kippen East W.I. was held in Zurich on Sat. Jan. '5. Great credit goes to the leaders for the fine presentations put on by the girls. Leaders were: for Kippen I Club, Lynn Alderdice and Linda Bell; Kippen II Club, Mrs, Stoll and Joanne Stoll; Kippen HI Club, Mrs. Postma and Sharon Brodie. Congratulations are in order for Chris McGregor, Cathy Bell and Debbie Consitt who received their County Honours and to Joanne Stoll who received her Provincial Honours. Kippen East W.I, will hold their family night on Friday, Jan. 11 in the Legion' Hall. Mr. M. Millar from the office of agriculture and fodd will be the speaker. The family and consumers affairs meeting will be held on poem 'Ready for Christmas' The roll call was answered db ay n aet Len) forni e' mS abveer thgeivpiignhgt of partially blind children' Tt was voted for the Women's In, stitute members to look after the birthday party at Huron'. view on February 20, The Institute will have as its guests at the January Meeting the 4-H girls receiving Provincial Honors, with one receiving advanced honors, and their mothers. Members voted to hold card parties in their homes through the winter months and in this way add to the finances. An exchange of gifts followed the closing of the meeting. Jan. 16 at 11:30 a.m, in the Legion Hall. Mrs. Hugh Par- sons will be hostess and Mrs. Glen Bell will be co-hostess. The roll call will be to give your measurements in cen- timetres. The speaker will be the Home Economist who will discuss the Metric System, Members are reminded to bring a friend. PERSONALS Mrs, Arie Bennendyk is a patient in Victoria Hospital London having undergone surgery on Friday last. Master Todd Caldwell is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital • London. • Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Cooper, Greenville, South Carolina, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vivan Cooper, have returned home. Mrs. Norman Dickert is spen- ding a few days with relatives in Harriston. What's new at Huronview? R.L. Jervis-68 Albert Si. Clintori-402-9300 NORM WHITING ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER APPRAISER Pram" Courteous, Ellitient ANY TVPS, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE I. We ONO obentiletio Sale servke Ofteftt SY OXPERIENCE Phials Collect 2* -110114 EXETER DIESEL Pumps and Injector) Repaired For All Popular Make* Huron Fuof Infetilon Equipment Saylielid Rd., Olinton-402,47911 Kippen 4-H Club honored at Zurich