The Citizen, 2008-12-24, Page 42The Ethel euchre was held onMonday, Dec. 15 with 9 1/2 tables in play. Winners were: share the wealth, Mary Craig,Allan Edgar; high, Edna McLellan, Lloyd Smith; second high, Helen Dobson, Viola Adams, John Subject; lone hands, Eileen Mann, Earl McNaughton, Marion Harrison and Allan Edgar. Tally card winners were: Verna Crawford, Joyce Alexander, Bush Whittard, Jean Dewar, Norm Dobson, Dorothy Martin, Myrna Burnett, Keith Turnbull, IsabelleCraig and Jim Minielly. Winners of the special draws were: Allan Martin, Isabelle Craig, Earl McNaughton, Joyce Beirnes, Delphine Dewar, Dorothy Martin, Joyce Alexander and Bush Whittard. The euchres are cancelled for January, February and March. The first in the new year will be April 6. The Ethel Hall Board wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. PAGE 42. THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2008. Contiuned from page 39 basis of a civil society is that we work together for the good of all and not just those with power. In this Christmas story the angels sang “Peace on earth and good will toward all human kind.” They sang that, not at a coronation of a king in the palace but at the birth of a whole new way of leadership and of knowing God. How wonderful that this six week prorogation of parliament happens at a time of year when we tell this story. Maybe the all the leaders will find time to hear the angels sing and in doing so look for ways of peace and goodwill to enter their discussions. Maybe then cooler heads and warmer hearts will find answers and visions together that we all can support and rally around. I suggest this would make a Merry Christmas for all in Canada. So on behalf of the United Church in Blyth and Gary, Merry Christmas To All. Time for the leaders to hear angels sing 9 1/2 tables in playat Ethel euchre party Festive group The primary students of Grey Central Public School put everyone in a festive mood at the annual Christmas concert Dec. 16 with seasonal music. In front, from left: Matthew Agad, Emma Hruska, Sophie Brodhagen and Gabrielle Main. In back: Max Dekker, Erin Lindsay. (Bonnie Gropp photo) AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are impostors who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or dam- aged vehicles. BUSINESS OPPS. ATTENTION: Turn 10 hours/week into up to $1,500/month. Work from home online. Free Training, flexible hours. www.succeedfromhomebiz.com. EXCITING FRANCHISE OPPORTU- NITY! FORMAFENCE - Vinyl Fencing, Decking, Railings. 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