HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-12-24, Page 37Huron East treasurer and financemanager Brad Knight presentedcouncil with the municipality’s year- to-date budget at its Dec. 16 meeting. The presentation was mainly for information purposes only, but there were some issues Knight wanted to voice to council. There were some areas where the 2008 actual numbers differed from the 2008 proposed numbers so significantly that Knight said it was important to let council know before the end of the year. There were also some areas where Knight wanted to draw council’s attention as areas of concern for upcoming deliberations for next year’s budget. Huron East’s next budget will be its first PSAB (Public Service Accounting Budget) structured budget. This will involve the assessment of all the municipality’s assets and begin to factor in depreciation over the coming years. There were also some adjustments Knight recommended council makehaving to do with the municipality’sreserves based on projects budgetedfor that were never completed, orprojects over the course of the yearthat happened to come in under or over budget. One particular area of concern is the Brussels Cemetery, Knight said. The cemetery began the year with a deficit of just over $50,000 and is looking to end 2008 with a deficit of close to $70,000. Knight says council will have to look at the cemetery and its operation closely next year. There were suggestions that perhaps the cemetery should raise its rates, that council discuss the matter with Morris-Turnberry, as some of those in the cemetery are from the neighbouring municipality and a possible donation day. The donation day idea was proposed by councillor Les Falconer who said he had seen a similar day in the south end of Huron County. “I think you’d be surprised at the results.” He added that small communities tend to look after their cemeteries if they are in trouble.As for the reserves, Knight hadseveral recommendations to infusefunds back into the municipality’sreserves.The withdrawal from the bridge reserve of $188,500 has been reduced to $150,000, as estimated bridge work came in under budget this year. Donations received for the Brussels Library, totalling approximately $15,000 have been moved to the Brussels Library reserve, as well as a further allocation of $300,000. There was also a scheduled $100,000 withdrawal from that reserve that will be cancelled. The working capital will be reduced from $1,234,812 to $434,812 with the near-$800,000 of funding the municipality just received from the provincial government under the Investing In Ontario Act be allocated for use on the construction of the Huron East Health Centre. The withdrawal from the Brussels water reserve will be reduced from $101,116 down to $75,000 because of a project coming in under budgetand a withdrawal scheduled from the Seaforth reserve, in the amount of$125,000 will also be deleted.THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2008. PAGE 37. At its Dec. 16 meeting, Huron East council decided to proceed to the second stage of the Egmondville sewer study with BM Ross and Associates. With 204 surveys of Egmondville residents returned to the Huron East office 68 per cent of total taxpayers, the results were 117 yes votes for sewers, 58 per cent as opposed to 87 no votes, 42 per cent. *** Council approved $696,920.99 in accounts payable. *** Huron County planners Carol Leeming and Cindy Fisher presented their proposed revision to the municipality’s official plan. This amendment would see the plan changed to enable severances from farmland on residences 35 years or older. However, the proposed 35 year timeline was changed by council immediately to 25 years to reflect council’s earlier discussion on the matter. The amendment will be further considered in the new year. *** Council approved $5,937.73 in tax write-offs and two livestock claims to John Klaver and Les Falconer that have now been filed into the county. Huron East council hears year-to-date numbers Let the holiday spirit light up your home this Christmas season. Paul, Karen, Amy, Levi, Sean, Ellen, Sarah & Rachel Thank you for your patronage! PAUL COOK ELECTRIC 519-357-1537 AR renovating Albert Roetcisoender & family Brussels 519-887-9752 Wishing your and your family an abundance of glad tidings at this special time of year. Merry Christmas From everyone at the Schimanski Family Funeral Home Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year from Frank, Jennie & Family SCHIMANSKI FAMILY FUNERAL HOME We’d like to join you and your family, in singing His praises, as we share the spirit of this holy season. BORRMANN'S GARAGE Cty. Rd. 12 (near Diesel Car Diner) RR #1 Bluevale 519-335-3857 By Shawn LoughlinThe Citizen Huron East council briefs Council proceeds with study Talk to us instead. 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