HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-12-24, Page 35THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2008. PAGE 35.Continued from page 34held for Ina on Sunday at theEgmondville United Churchfollowing the Sunday service. PastorSteve Hildebrand called Ina’sattention to the choir loft, whereseated were all of her family. Sons Larry, Jim, Dan and Bill and their family members had secretly arrived to surprise her. The congregation was invited to enjoy birthday cake with them. Celebrating birthdays this past week were Geoff Dalton, Marjory Humphries, Jeff Lewington, Glenn Mader, David Pethick, Jean Bewley, Monique Baan, John W. Brown, Pearl McCallum, Clayton Fraser and Alice Searle. Congratulations to John and Julie Harrison on the birth of a newgrandson. Proud parents of Kadenare Josh and Katie Wilson, Toronto.The Walton Hall was a busy placeon the weekend with two familyChristmas parties being held. OnSaturday the Heibein family gathered for a noon get-together, gifts and meal. The family of Lloyd and Vi Heibein of Listowel includes Janet and Doug Mitchell, Walton; Wendy and girls of Harrow, Jeff and Dawn, Brussels, and Gary and Cheryl Souch and family. Doug and Janet’s family includes Mandy of Niagara Falls, Rob and Tammy and Abigail, of New Hamburg and Jamie. Abigail is the newest member of the family, born in July. she is Lloyd and Vi’s first great-grandchild and this is of course her first Christmas. The second Christmas was the Flood family of Walton on Sunday. Hosting were Calvin and Dianne Flood and boys. The family also gathered at noon for their meal, but because of the weather, they cut their afternoon short. They did have time to enjoy the meal, a short visit, exchange of gifts and of course a visit by Santa.Santa had to cut his visit short too,also because of the weather.Family members able to attendincluded Janet and Gary Caesar,Dungannon, Jason Caesar andfamily, Lisa Caesar and girls, Ripley,Verna Humphrey and girls,Lucknow. Everyone got home safelythrough the storm. The morning started early at Duff’s United Church as breakfast was served at 8 a.m. It was a chance to meet with Rev. Sandra Yule and say goodbye as she prepares to leave the Walton-Bluevale pastoral charge at the end of the year. She is moving to Kanata and has accepted a charge in the Ottawa area. Over 60 members of the congregation were greeted by the strains of choral music provided by Duff’s band. Playing for this special Sunday were Glenda Morrison, Marie McGavin, Marjory Huether, Phyllis Mitchell, Jamie Mitchell, Pearl McCallum, Marion Godkin and Keith Wilbee. The Advent candle of love service was read by Adam and Emma Baan and the candle of love was lit by Monique Baan. The children gathered at the front as Rev. Sandra asked if they knew what the meaning of communion was. She explained that the bread symbolizes the body of Christ and the wine is the blood of Christ. Jesus shared his last meal with his friends, and as Christians share in the service of communion, they share with their friends and church family, the body and blood of Christ, as one. Gloria Wilbee sang Rev. Sandra’s favourite song Ava Maria. Communion was served by Monique and Ryan Baan and Suzanne and Michelle Studhalter. The choir sang a song, It’s Still the Greatest Story Ever Told. The offering was collected by Ron McCallum and Lorne Glanville. Prior to the choral amen, chair of Duff’s board, Karen Hoegy, came to the front to make a presentation to Rev. Sandra. She thanked her for her guidance and leadership in her service to our congregation. Karen presented a drawing of Duff’s United Church and manse done by congregation member Elise Ringgenberg. Rev. Sandra thanked the congregation and remarked that the picture is made even more wonderful because of her personally knowing the congregation member whose talent will bring to mind her time here. Rev. Sandra will make her parting message next Sunday. The Christmas Eve service is at 7 p.m. All are invited to attend this family service celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. A chairperson is needed for Duff’s committee. Contact Karen Hoegy if interested. Volunteers are also needed for pastoral visiting. The food bank will still need donations following the Christmas season, so remember the need for others continues on. Merry Christmas to all and remember the reason for the season. Party in Egmondville for birthday girl Duff’s bids farewell to Rev. Sandra Yule Blyth 519-523-4757 Casey Boven and family Merry Christmas to You and Yours from Chauncey's Hairstyling, Suntanning 211 Dinsley Street, Blyth Catch The Cougar Lingerie Goderich Suncoast Mall Looking forward to seeing you in 2009! Established in 1982. “When they saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.” Matthew 2:10 Wishing you all the very best gifts of the season. I appreciate your patronage and thank you for your kindness and support this past year. 519-527-0761 Bert & Carol Reinink & family 43079 Hullett-McKillop Rd. R.R. # 4 Walton And Landscaping At this blessed time of year we’d like to wish our customers and friends a joyous Christmas season. We thank you for your patronage and look forward to seeing you in 2009. We wish all our customers and friends a very happy holiday season and all the very best in the coming year. 1 mile east of Londesborough on County Rd. 15 Phone 519-523-4742 ~ 1-877-619-7877 George, Matt & Staff M.G.M. Townsend Tire And we’d like to say thanks for helping to keep us on a roll! With best wishes for a merry season. 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