HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-12-18, Page 18PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2008. Good friends The kindergarten class at East Wawanosh Public School entertained at the annual Christmas concert, Dec. 9. From left are reindeer, Emma Koehler, Simon Johnston and Eden Goodall. (Bonnie Gropp photo) Continued from page 16 Lore and I started collecting Christmas books, one each year, from money given to us by parish- ioners that I found a history of the true story about St. Nicholas. Now each Dec. 6, I remember Nicholas as the saint who made a difference in the lives of many. Today, there may be many who are using him for their own commercial gains, but it does not take away from the fact that he changed the world around him with the help of his maker. So, too, we are called to look beyond all the frills and wrappings of this season to find the deeper meaning of Christmas. Next time someone says, “there is too much Santa Claus in Christmas,” we should encourage them to take a deeper look at St. Nicholas. My family and I wish you and your family the true meaning of Christmas so that its beauty and pur- pose will change the world. May your New Year continue with all the joy and peace that you experience this Christmas. Deer me It’s never Christmas without a reindeer and the kindergarten classes of East Wawanosh Public School delighted the audience at their annual Christmas concert with their performance of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and When Santa Got Stuck in the Chimney. From left: Amy Caldwell, Troy Coultes and Coye Edgar. (Bonnie Gropp photo) AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. 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