HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-12-18, Page 8SportsPAGE 8. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2008.The Saugeen Maitland Bantam Lightning was on the road visiting the Brantford Ice Cats on Friday, Dec. 5 and the Bluewater Hawks Dec. 6. Against the Ice Cats, the girls were sluggish through the first two periods, with a single goal scored by Marcie Landman. Down 2-1 going into the third period, the Lightning finally showed some spark offensively, starting with a nice rush by Kelly Garrow to tie it up. This was followed by a hard drive to the net and goal by Abbey Gibson and an empty netter by Laura Irwin to secure the 4-2 win. Assists were provided by Brooklyn Irwin with three, Vanessa Armstrong, Laura Irwin, Taylor Gilkinson, Kelly Gribbons and Landman. On Saturday, the Lightning would not be intimidated by a powerful Bluewater Hawks team. This team has been dominating the division and had a record of 11-0-0, with 83 goals for and only four goals against going into this game. The Hawks were quick off the whistle and scored 12 seconds into the first period on a nice passing play. The Lightning picked it up but could not hold the Hawks back, as they scored four more times. The Lightning picked it up but could not hold the Hawks back, as they scored four more times. The Lightning scored a couple of their own, for a final score of 5-2. Lightning goalscorers were Armstrong and Irwin with assists from Caroline McDowell and Carly Smith. Lightning was in the Markham- Stouffville Stars Bantam Tournament on the weekend and came home with a record of 2-2. In the first game against Gloucester-Cumberland, the final score was 5-2 for the Lightning, with a hattrick scored by Laura Irwin and two goals by McDowell. Assists were credited to Marcie Landman with two, Sara Gossell, Hannah Davidson, Armstrong and Brooklyn Irwin. The Lightning came up against a strong Whitby team in the second game. Whitby dominated and came out ahead by 6-0. In the third game, the Lightning overtook Peterborough 4-2 with goals scored by Nicole Marriage with two, Davidson and Laura Irwin. Davidson with two, Gossel and Gilkinson earned the assists. In the final game against Willowdale, the girls were sent home with a 3-0 loss. The Lightning is next in action on Saturday against Clearwater in Howick. There was lots of hockey action for the Brussels Atom Reps in the last two weeks. They hosted Listowel on Dec. 3. The team played well together, stopping many could-be goals. However, it was a 6-1 loss of Brussels. The lone Brussels goal was scored by Wyatt Machan, assisted by Delayna Smith. The team took 22 shots on net and the goalie had 19 saves. Friday, Dec. 5 saw them in Zurich. The team played extremely well together. Logan Kellington scored the first goal with just 4:24 left on the clock in the first period to take a 1-0 lead. In the second, Machan scored to maintain a 2-0 lead. Zurich squeaked one past goalie Derek Waechter to make it 2-1. In the third Kailey Wheeler netted one, making it 3-1. Zurich fought back to net two more goals, one right after the other, ending the game in a 3-3 tie. Shots on net were 17 and Waechter made 17 saves. Tuesday, Dec. 9 had them travelling to Clifford. In the second period Kellington go an early goal assisted by Dawson Peachey, to take a 1-0 lead. There were many shots on net, at both ends and both goalies made numerous saves. In the third period, Nic Zwep scored with an assist from Dylan McNeil. Shortly after, Connor Bridge scored with a pass from Wheeler and Kellington. With minutes left on the clock Wheeler scored, assisted by Machan to make it 4-0. The next night, still on fire, Brussels faced Goderich AE. Midway through the first period, Machan scored, assisted by Zwep and Austin Johnston. In the third, the pressure was on to make that puck connect again with the inside of the net. Goderich tied it up with 7:16 left on the clock. Then with just 2:25 left to go, Wheeler scored from Zwep to take a 2-1 lead. The game was a hard- fought victory for Brussels. Brussels Atom Reps fall 6-1 In the chase Blyth’s Novice Local League Bulldogs were up against the wall over the weekend with the BCH Icedogs opening the game with a high-scoring first half of the game, jumping out to a large lead over the hometown team and never looking back. (Shawn Loughlin photo) The Blyth PeeWee Dynamite team played against Mildmay Red this weekend. Shane Logtenberg started in net for Blyth. In the first period Blyth kept a lot of the play in the Mildmay end. Logan Forbes started the scoring with a hard shot into the net, with help from linemates Bailey Van Massenhoven and Emily Meier. In his next shift Forbes bounced one off the goal post and Kaitlin Bos was there to slam the rebound into the net. Logtenberg made a couple of good saves in the Dynamite goal to keep Mildmay off the score board. In the second period Van Massenhoven played net for Blyth. Blyth controlled most of the play and coasted to a 2 -0 victory. Bantam Lightning on the road PUBLIC NOTICE Zoning By-law Amendment to Regulate Wind Turbines The Council of the Municipality of Central Huron is intending to consider the passage of a zoning by-law amendment to regulate small-scale and commercial-scale wind turbines at a regularly scheduled meeting of Council. Monday, January 12, 2009, 6:00 p.m. Central Huron – Clinton Town Hall Auditorium 23 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario Information relating to the proposed zoning by-law amendment is available for inspection GXULQJUHJXODURI¿FHKRXUVDWWKH0XQLFLSDOLW\RI&HQWUDO+XURQ0XQLFLSDO2I¿FH$OEHUW 6W&OLQWRQ2QWDULR7HOHSKRQH   PURPOSE AND EFFECT: The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to introduce regulations JRYHUQLQJWKHVLWLQJRIZLQGHQHUJ\IDFLOLWLHV ZLQGWXUELQHV ZLWKLQWKHPXQLFLSDOLW\7KHW\SHV RIIDFLOLWLHVDUHGH¿QHGDQGWKHVHWEDFNVDUHHVWDEOLVKHG6HWEDFNVDUHDOVRHVWDEOLVKHGIRU the construction of sensitive land uses in proximity to wind energy facilities. &RPPHUFLDOVFDOHZLQGHQHUJ\IDFLOLWLHV FDSDFLW\JUHDWHUWKDQN: DUHSHUPLWWHGLQ agricultural zones, subject to a rezoning and site plan control application. Commercial VFDOHZLQGHQHUJ\IDFLOLWLHVDUHUHTXLUHGWREHVHWEDFNDPLQLPXPRIPHWUHVIURP UHFUHDWLRQDOODQGXVHVDQGPHWUHVIURPXUEDQDQGLQVWLWXWLRQDOODQGXVHV6PDOO VFDOHZLQGHQHUJ\IDFLOLWLHV FDSDFLW\RIN:RUOHVV DUHSHUPLWWHGLQWKHDJULFXOWXUDO zones as an accessory use, subject to siting requirements. Small scale wind energy IDFLOLWLHVDUHSHUPLWWHGLQGH¿QHGXUEDQ]RQHV PD[LPXPRIN:LQLQGXVWULDO]RQHV DQGN:LQDOORWKHUXUEDQ]RQHV DVDQDFFHVVRU\XVHVXEMHFWWRVLWLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV This by-law amends the following three zoning by-laws: %\ODZRIWKHIRUPHU7RZQRI&OLQWRQ %\ODZRIWKHIRUPHU7RZQVKLSRI+XOOHWW %\ODZRIWKHIRUPHU7RZQVKLSRI*RGHULFK $OORIWKHVHIRUPHUPXQLFLSDOLWLHVDUHSDUWRIWKH&RUSRUDWLRQRIWKH0XQLFLSDOLW\RI&HQWUDO Huron. Under SubsecƟ on 252(2) of the EducaƟ on Act, school boards are required to make the following fi nancial data available to ratepayers or supporters: 2007 - 2008 Financial Statements Notes to the Financial Statements Auditor’s Report These reports are available for viewing on the Avon Maitland District School Board website at: Publication and Notice of 2007-2008 Financial Statements www.yourschools.ca If you would like a printed copy please call: (519) 527-0111 or 1-800-592-5437 www.yourschools.caCHUCK REID Director of Education JENNY VERSTEEG Chair Dynamite wins 2-0