HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-11-27, Page 27What weather. This past week my
time has been mostly spent in a
vehicle, twice daily driving the bus
and then delivering the Walton mail
while Judy is away on holiday. Wet,
slippery, slushy, pulling snow has
made for some interesting driving.
Then when the roads were getting
in good shape, we were hit again on
Friday. It was a relief to finally pull
into the driveway on Friday evening.
We all know that winter is coming;
so is Christmas in case you have
forgotten; but does it have to come
all at once and with such a
We can report that Maxine Marks
is still in Seaforth hospital and is
progressing well. We can also report
that Elva Brown is in Goderich
Touring the countryside this week
has revealed that there is a lot of corn
still out there. Hundreds of acres are
still to be harvested and if the
weather doesn’t turn around, there
will be corn there until spring. Some
farmers are still spreading manure
and some are trying to get the
plowing done. I guess they can add
snowblowing to the list of things todo.Lloyd Glanville has returned froma trip to the north. He was off tomoose hunt with brothers Les andRoy. They headed to River Valley,north of Sudbury. They saw lots oftracks but unfortunately no moose.The other two men returned homeand left Lloyd to go deer huntingwith Uncle Les on Manitoulin
Island. He reports they managed to
get four deer in their hunt.
I’m busy trying to organize the
Walton Hall Christmas concert set
for Dec. 7. If you have a talent you
would like to share, give me a call
and you can be a part of the show.
If you are tired of getting those
annoying telemarketer calls, you
know there is a number you can call
to get your phone number off the list.
I thought I would pass it on foranyone interested in using it. Call 1-866-580-3625 and enjoy the quiet ofless annoying phone calls.The funeral for Clarence Floodwas held on Wednesday in Mitchellwith many of his Walton friends andneighbours attending. Ourcondolences are extended to hischildren, Maurice, Janet, Verna andCalvin and their families on their
Clarence lived on the 17th line
before moving into the village of
Walton. Working for the railroad
until retiring he began as a section
worker then worked his way up to
being foreman.
The funeral for Clarence was
made special by the poems
composed and read by two of his
grandchildren and with the final
goodbyes, two short blows of a trainwhistle and the playing of the songs,I’ve Been Working on the Railroadand The Little Red Caboose.Maurice Flood and his family havebeen here for an extended few daysfollowing the funeral. They returnedto Calgary on the weekend.This past weekend was the biggestin Canadian football. The Grey Cupgame was in Montreal. The Calgary
Stampeders defeated the Montreal
Attending from the area were Art
and Joan McNaughton. They were to
meet up with brother-in-law Neil
McDonald, Vancouver, and our
nephew Mike Warwick, Calgary,
who were also attending the game.
Our deepest sympathies are
extended to the Stute family on the
loss of Marie Stute. To her husband
Fred and children Freddie, Rob,
Gord and Cindy and their families,
go our condolences.
Fred and Marie lived on the sixth
of Morris for over 40 years and
many will remember Marie as a
dedicated Avon sales representative
for nearly 20 years. Marie also loved
to curl, belonging to the Brussels
ladies curling club, then curling with
the mixed club until a few years ago.
Celebrating birthdays in the last
couple of weeks were Barry Hoegy,
Tristan Riijkhoff, Pat Gillis, Michael
Grobbink, Blaine Marks, Lynne
Godkin, Charlie Glousher, Kristi
Godkin, Derek Hoegy, Shirley Ann
Boven, Sarah Williamson, Carl
McCallum, Valerie Shortreed, Ian
Wilbee, Donna McClure, Linda
McDonald, Linda Gingerich, Craig
Gillis, Jo-Ann McDonald and
Nicholas Zwep.
Happy birthday to all.
Members attending Duff’s United
Church were greeted by Albrecht
and Annelies Ringgenberg.
The United Church Women’s
Christmas meeting will feature guest
speaker Katrin Godkin speaking on
Decorations Naturally. The dinner is
Dec. 3. Call Helen Craig if
While Gift Sunday is Dec. 7. All
donations will go to the Huron
County Christmas Bureau. New
clothing, food, new toys and money
are greatly appreciated.
Abby McGavin is collecting clean
child’s, women’s and men’s coats,
mitts, hats, etc. They can be left in
the church basement by Dec. 1.
They will be delivered to the
homeless in Toronto.
Annual reports are to be in to
Monique Baan by Dec. 21.
The church is still collecting
grocery tapes and empty printer ink
cartridges. They can be left in the
When the turkey supper is held,
there are lots of pots, roasting pans,
dishes and such brought to be used.
Mixups can happen, wrong pans
taken home, and others left at the
church. Check the kitchen and make
sure you have your pans, etc. You
may need that pan for Christmas
Students from Grey Central Public School battled for a
hard-fought win last week against the team from Turnberry
Central Public School. Both teams played hard, but in the
end, Grey prevailed over Turnberry by a score of 25-20.
Mackenzie Atkinson was the volley-master on this day,
serving this one up for his teammates. (Shawn Loughlin photo)
greet at Duff’s
Blyth Lions
Saturday, December 13th
SOCIAL HOUR 6:30 - 7:30
DANCE 9:00 - 1:00
Cost $20.00 a person
Music by The Cowtown Cats
BEV BLAIR 519-523-4964
BRENDA McDONALD 519-523-9404
The Blyth Lions would like to take this opportunity
to wish you a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Proceeds to Community Betterment
We are limiting our seating ~ please book early
Walton Hall Board presents
A Walton Christmas
Community Concert
Sunday, December 7
at 2:00 pm
Walton Hall
Proceeds to Hall improvements
Happy 3rd Birthday
Ava Ansley
Love always: Daddy,
Mommy & Jayden
Lordy, Lordy
Look who’s 40!
Brenda Nesbitt-Carey
November 27
From your family
By Jo-AnnMcDonaldCall 887-6570PEOPLE AROUNDWALTON