HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-11-27, Page 7THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2008. PAGE 7.On Nov. 27 at 7:30 p.m. theOntario Ministry Building in Clinton will be the site of the next Better Business seminar entitled e- Agriculture Workshop – Agri-net or Cyber-culture? Are you looking to boost your productivity and profit in your agriculture business? These informative and interactive business presentations will be on crops/livestock/business and the internet. Presentations of best practices for electronic applications in agriculture will be featured at the workshop. This event will focus on emerging knowledge technology and how the agricultural industry can harness its benefits. Learn how to eliminate distance and time, ask questions of experts in agricultural technology, get tools to help you access data and work more precisely. Featured speakers Todd Crowe, project manager and Peter Gredig, content manager ofwww.Farms.com will be addressing such issues as smart phones, on-line tools, and harvesting intelligence from the web. Greg Stewart, OMAFRA, corn specialist will be addressing crop issues, specific calculators, and available resources. A banking representative will also be addressing such issues as safe on- line banking and the related financial benefits. If interested pre-register by sending an e-mail to infohbc@smallbusinesshuron.ca or by giving the Huron Business Centre a call at 519-527-0305. The cost is $20 per person, pay at the door. Pre-registration is required. This workshop is sponsored through the Huron Small Business Enterprise Centre. Spiked! Jacob McGavin, right, was flying high on behalf of Brussels Public School last week at a volleyball tournament that took place at F.E. Madill Secondary School in Wingham. The boys from Brussels took on Howick Central Public School, losing by a score of 25-21. (Shawn Loughlin photo) Seminar focus onfarming, internet Continued from page 3 Deputy-mayor Jim Nelemans also worried that inflation might make the deposit not enough to cover the cost of moving the home years from now. But councillor Lynn Hoy argued that a mobile home often isn’t that mobile, with some having had the wheels removed and been mounted on a cement foundation. Modular homes are moved to and from the Royal Homes display court at Wingham regularly, he said. Besides, he said, a modular home would look a lot more attractive in the neighbourhood. But Nelemans argued that the decision could open a loophole that would mean more second homes on farms. “What’s to stop me buying 80 head of cattle and saying I need my son on the property to help me,” he said, “then saying there’s no money in cattle and selling them. Then you’ve got two houses on the farm.” Michie said there is one Morris farm property that already has an agreement that if one of the farm homes is not needed, it will be removed. “If it can be lifted, I don’t see anything different from a mobile home,” argued Hoy. Councillor Bill Thompson moved a motion to allow a modular home to be added as a second farm home as long as it had a Canadian Standards Association rating sticker as a modular home and that a deposit for removal of the home was made and an agreement to remove the building was registered on title. In a recorded vote, Thompson, Hoy and mayor Dorothy Kelly supported the motion. It was opposed by Nelemans and Beaven and councillors Paul Gowing and Edna McLellan, leading to a defeat of the motion. According to Michie the Magees still have the right to ask for a planning amendment that included a modular home and have that proposal circulated to their neighbouring property owners. The amendment would be subject to a public meeting at the municipal level before going to the county planning committee. The Magees sat quietly during the meeting and left immediately after the decision but delivered a letter that was later distributed to council. Councillor favours modular 20% OFF Two Locations To Serve You Better 222 Josephine St., Wingham 519-357-3466 120 Inkerman St. E., Listowel 519-291-4920 Limit: one coupon per customer * Valid until December 24th, 2008 any ONE product IN STOCK STOREWIDE • Christmas Gift Ideas • Natural Health & Beauty Products • Environmentally-Friendly Cleaning Products • Quality, Canadian-Made Supplements✃✃ FFiinnaanncciiaall PPllaannnniinngg WWoorrkksshhoopp PPrreesseenntteedd bbyy BBrriiaann MMaacchhaann,, CCFFPP FREE Find out how to take advantage of this financial crisis! Make your savings work as hard as you do! Learn how to guarantee your retirement income! Discover valuable tax strategies to preserve and grow your savings! 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