HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-11-27, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2008. PAGE 3. Spreading it thick Toast is fine, but it’s not as tasty without peanut butter. Four-year-old Marley Fleet enjoyed the Blyth Legion and Auxiliary breakfast at Memorial Hall on Sunday morning. (Vicky Bremner photo) At their Nov. 18 meeting, Morris- Turnberry councillors took a second look at a Turnberry Ward couple’s request to erect a modular home as a second temporary home on their farm, but in the long run their decision was the same as before: no. At their Nov. 4 meeting, councillors declined to support the desire of David and Lynne Magee to build a modular home on their Wingham-area farm as a second residence for the couple’s daughter and her family. The family was needed to work on the farm, the Magees said. Councillors said the Magees could put a double-wide mobile home on the farm but worried about the permanence of a modular home as a second home. At the Nov. 18 meeting, Nancy Michie, administrator clerk- treasurer, explained to council that a new option had been suggested based on policies in Ashfield- Colborne-Wawanosh and the Municipality of Kincardine. The two municipalities register an agreement on title that the owners of a second farm residence will remove it when it is no longer needed for farm help. In Kincardine’s case, they also require a deposit to cover the cost of moving the house in case the owners later say they can’t afford to remove it from their farm. Michie said the Huron Countyplanning department had indicated itcould support a zoning amendment that included such a clause. The Magees had not been told of this possibility, she said. The new proposal split councillors on two sides of the issue. Councillor Mark Beaven said he could appreciate the effort to come up with a compromise solution but “I’m still concerned about the legal precedent”. He noted that a modular home is a building that is meant to be moved one time, and then be in a permanent spot but a mobile home is built to be taken to different locations. Continued on page 7 M-T council nixeshousing alternative Sympathy is extended to the Mason families on the death of a sister and aunt, Mae Cowie of London. Mae will be greatly missed by her family. Sympathy is also extended to Fred Stute and family on the death of his wife Marie. We will miss our monthly visits from Marie as she was this area’s Avon representative. Congratulations to Doug and Joyce Craig who celebrate their wedding anniversary on Nov. 25. BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Greeting at Blyth United Church on Sunday, Nov. 23 were Barb and Terry Richmond. Ushering were Brenda and Lori Brooks, Nicole and Rob Mason. Guest musicians were Audibly Awesome. The United Church Women’s meeting is on Nov. 27. It is a potluck dinner. Joan and Lavern Clark will show their pictures of their trip this summer to Europe. Rev. Gary Clark welcomed everyone to church on this bright sunny morning. The opening praise was musical numbers by Audibly Awesome (Lobb family) consisting of Sweet Bye and Bye, Farther Along and Let the Sun Shine In with the congregation joining in on the chorus. The prayer of approach was followed by the gospel lesson, Matthew 1: 1-17 read by David Onn. The children were asked to come and meet Rev. Clark in the middle aisle. They lined up in a straight row and were asked to yell their names in a bowl Rev. Clark passed to them. He then made the bowl sing by running a mallet around the edge of the bowl. If they listened carefully, he said they may hear their name being sung. Rev. Clark’s message to the adults was, Now Who Do You Belong To? In small towns when people meet someone they have not met before they are usually asked who their mother and father were. Ancestors give knowledge and wisdom. Jacob because of his unfaithfulness had many sleepless nights whereas Ruth, because of her faithful life, was blessed with her family’s support. Walk forward in faith, God will always be there, said Rev. Clark. Blessings should be shared with others and keep faith in God. Audibly Awesome favoured the congregation with more songs, Love Lifted Me Up, Just a Closer Walk with Thee, In the Garden, Why Me Lord and Old Rugged Cross. The final song sung was, I’ll Fly Away with congregation joining in with the chorus. Audibly Awesome sang grace before everyone was invited downstairs for lunch and fellowship. Saturday, Nov. 29 is family fun night, Nov. 30 is the fundraiser for Bikes 4 Humanity. Special guests are Men of Note and Women of Notable. The suggested donation is $10. Township of North Huron Council & Committee Meeting Schedule December 1 Regular Council Meeting 7:30 p.m. - Council Chambers December 2 Public Water Meeting - Blyth 7:00 p.m. - Blyth Community Centre December 3 Public Water Meeting - Wingham 7:00 p.m. - Municipal Office December 8 Committee of the Whole 7:00 p.m. - Council Chambers December 10 Blyth Arena Advisory Committee 7:00 p.m. - Blyth Arena December 10 Wingham Area Fire Board 7:00 p.m. - Wingham Fire Hall December 15 Regular Council Meeting 7:30 p.m. - Council Chambers December 16 North Huron Police Services Board 7:00 p.m. - Police Board Room December 18 Blyth District Fire Board 6:00 p.m. - Blyth Fire Hall PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE NORTH HURON WATER AND SEWER RATE INCREASE The Township of North Huron has undertaken an extensive review of existing water and sewer rates for Township of North Huron customers. The consultant will present the results and proposed water rate increases at the following public meetings: Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at the Blyth Arena Auditorium Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the North Huron Council Chambers The information presented at both meetings will be the same so feel free to attend either evening. For further information, please contact the municipal office at 519-357-3550. ATTENTION: STUDENTS The Blyth Lions Club is participating in the Lions Club International Youth Exchange Program. If you live in the Blyth area, aged 17 to 20 and are interested in being an exchange student, then please contact: Lion Bev Blair 519-523-4964 or any Blyth Lion Deadline December 31, 2008 NEWS FROM BLYTH By Marilyn Craig Call 523-9318 From Marilyn’s Desk Karen Thomas, Aesthetician Gift Certificates Available 480 Turnberry St., Brussels ~ 519-887-6666 AAbboouutt YYoouu AAeesstthheettiiccss Do you suffer from? • Joint Pain •Poor Circulation • Arthritis • Lack of Energy • Mood Swings Let me introduce you to 30 minutes to Rebalance, Restore, Revitalize with an Ion Detox Foot Therapy System. Give the gift of better health and a sense of well-being to yourself or someone you love. We also offer gel nails, manicures, pedicures, waxing, eyebrow and lash tinting. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH HURON TAXES DUE The 2008 Final tax installment for the Township of North Huron is due on Thursday, November 27, 2008. Interest at 1 1/4% per month, or any part thereof will be charged on unpaid accounts as of November 28, 2008 and the first day of each month thereafter. NOTE: Persons who have acquired properties and have not received a tax bill should contact the Municipal Office. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve a taxpayer from responsibility for payment of taxes, nor from penalty for late payment. Please contact the Treasury Department in regards to the various payment options available. Pre-authorized payment sign up forms are available at www.northhuron.ca or at the Town Hall. Donna White Director of Finance ON $5.00 THURSDAYS Drop into either of our offices any Thursday with your word classified (maximum 20 words) and pay only $5.00 + GST (paid in advance). That’s $1.00 off regular rates. The Citizen Stick With the Classifieds. IIIIffff yyyyoooouuuu’’’’rrrreeee sssshhhhooooppppppppiiii nnnngggg ffffoooorrrr ssssoooommmmeeeetttthhhhiiii nnnngggg ssssppppeeeecccciiii aaaallll ,,,,kkkkeeeeeeeepppp llll ooooooookkkkiiii nnnngggg iiii nnnn tttthhhheeee CCCCllll aaaassssssssiiii ffffiiii eeeeddddssss....EEEEvvvveeeerrrryyyy wwwweeeeeeeekkkk,,,,yyyyoooouuuu’’’’llll llll ffffiiii nnnndddd aaaa ggggrrrreeeeaaaatttt sssseeeellll eeeeccccttttiiii oooonnnn ooooffff llll iiii ssssttttiiii nnnnggggssss ffffoooorrrr eeeevvvveeeerrrryyyytttthhhhiiii nnnngggg ffffrrrroooommmm aaaappppaaaarrrrttttmmmmeeeennnnttttssss ffffoooorrrr rrrreeeennnntttt ttttoooo tttthhhhiiii nnnnggggssss ttttoooo bbbbuuuuyyyy aaaannnndddd sssseeeeeeee.... The Citizen By Keith RoulstonThe Citizen