HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-11-20, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2008. PAGE 3.
With renewed funding from the
Community Access Program, Blyth
and Brussels Branches of the Huron
County Library are again offering
free Internet training.
Alexander Ripley has been hired
as a CAP internet access assistant
for Blyth Branch and Erica Murray
has been hired for Brussels Branch
to help people enhance their
computer and internet skills, and
even teach them how to make a web
site, if interested.
“I am pleased that Industry
Canada and the Federal Government
have decided to continue to fund this
important service,” said Beth
Ross, county librarian. “The use of
the internet computers at our
branches continues to grow
every year, and people need to
improve their skills to keep up with
the fast-paced changes of the
In addition to basic computer and
internet skills, the CAP internet
access assistants can teach people
how to participate in online
activities such as blogs, wikis, photo
sharing and other interactive
Internet initiatives.
Training sessions are conducted
on a one-on-one basis, with some
special events taking place as well.
You can learn how to start your own
blog, build your own website,
participate in online live chatting or
anything you might want to learn
about using a computer or searching
the Internet.
The Community Access Program
training began in all of the
Huron County Library branches
in early November 2008 and
will run until the end of March
Interested learners can make an
appointment by calling Blyth
Library at 519-523-4400 or Brussels
Library at 519-887-6448. This
internet training is also available at
all branches of the Huron County
A belated birthday wish to Delores
Souch who celebrated a special
birthday last week.
Also a belated birthday wish to
Rev. Gary Clark who celebrated on
Nov. 10.
Happy birthday to Iris Young who
celebrated her birthday on Nov. 16.
Results of the Nov. 10 euchre are:
high lady, Mae Ritchie, 72; high
man, Evelyn Christensen, 74; ladies’
lone hands, Betty Archambault, five;
men’s lone hands, Dorothy Carter,
four; low lady, Gloria McEwing, 34;
low man, Jean Nethery, 44.
The door prize went to Lawrence
Plaetzer and share the wealth was
divided among Mae Ritchie, Helen
Lee, Edythe Glousher and Jean
The next euchre is Monday, Nov.
24 at 7:30 p.m. in the Legion Hall.
Come out and enjoy the fellowship.
The History Committee of Morris-
Turnberry Public meeting in
Bluevale last Thursday night was
well attended. Thank you to
everyone who attended but don’t
forget to send your stories to the
municipality office or contact one of
the committee members. We want
your stories whether you’re a
resident today or a former resident.BLYTH UNITED CHURCHGreeting at Blyth United Churchon Baptism Sunday, Nov. 16 wereBarb and Terry Richmond. Usheringwere Brenda Brooks, NancyHakkers, Hope Button and RobMason. Guest organist was LyndaMcGregor.The call to worship and the prayer
of approach was followed by the
children coming to the front. Rev.
Clark asked them what they saw in
the baptism font. Nothing was the
answer. Rev. Clark asked the child
holding the pitcher of water to pour
it into the font. He asked them to
think of something special in their
lives, then he asked them to put their
fingers in the water so that their
good things could be passed on to
the children that were to be baptized
that day.
Everyone said a prayer and
returned to their seats.
The parents of the children begin
baptized were asked to come to the
front. The children being baptized
were Casey Lynne Bernard,
daughter of Michael and Rachel
Bernard; Mia Brooke Haggitt,
daughter of Michael and Christa
Haggitt; Aydan Nicole Laing,
daughter of David and Heidi Laing;
Christie Irene Sue Mason, daughter
of Christopher Mason and Bobbi Jo
Gibs; Abigail Violet Mitchell,
daughter of Robert Mitchell and
Tammy Root and Taylor John
Wharton, son of Andrew and Kelly
Sadie Chalmers sang a solo, The
There was one transfer of
membership, Mildred McAdam wasasked to come forward.The children were asked to comeback to the front to sing the hymn,All I Really Need. They wentdownstairs for their time offellowship.The Gospel, Matthew 25: 14-30,was read by Emily Phillips. The first verse of Precious Lord
Take My Hand was sung.
Rev. Clark’s message to the adults
was What They Didn’t Want to Hear.
He started his message by telling the
story of Ruby and Rose, twins
conjoined at the head. Doctors were
unable to separate them, so they
grew up the way they were.
We are all connected to one
another even though some of us
think otherwise, said Rev. Clark.
God makes people those are given
what they need. God is pleased if
people use their given talents to their
fullest ability.
If everyone buried their talents the
world would not grow and progress.
They know there will be someone
there to pick them up when they fail
and that they will be there to pick
someone else up if they should fail.
The hymn, Called by Earth and
Sky was sung, followed by the
offering and hymn, The Fruit of All
Creation and prayer.The choir favoured thecongregation with an anthem,Because He Lives.Everyone was invited downstairsto have birthday cake with theSunday school for the Novemberbirthdays.
returns Whoops!
FFiinnaanncciiaall PPllaannnniinngg WWoorrkksshhoopp
PPrreesseenntteedd bbyy BBrriiaann MMaacchhaann,, CCFFPP
Find out how to take advantage of this financial crisis!
Make your savings work as hard as you do!
Learn how to guarantee your retirement income!
Discover valuable tax strategies to preserve and grow
your savings!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
2:00 pm & 4:00 pm
Blyth Legion Hall
Reserve Your Seat Today!
Tel: 416-575-9793
Email: cfp@machan.ca
Refreshments will be served Schedule a private consultation
Bradley Hill, son of Don and
Marleen, graduated October
3, 2008 from Fanshawe
College, London, Ontario with
a Mechanical Millwright
diploma. Brad is currently
working on his apprenticeship.
Way to go Brad. We are all
very proud of you!
Love, Mom and Dad, Heather
and Jasmen.
The Township of North Huron has undertaken an extensive review of existing
water and sewer rates for Township of North Huron customers. The
consultant will present the results and proposed water rate increases at the
following public meetings:
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
at the Blyth Arena Auditorium
Wednesday, December 3, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
in the North Huron Council Chambers
The information presented at both meetings will be the same so feel free to
attend either evening. For further information, please contact the municipal
office at 519-357-3550.
The 2008 Final tax installment for
the Township of North Huron is
due on Thursday, November 27,
2008. Interest at 1 1/4% per
month, or any part thereof will be
charged on unpaid accounts as
of November 28, 2008 and the
first day of each month thereafter.
NOTE: Persons who have
acquired properties and have not
received a tax bill should contact
the Municipal Office. Failure to
receive a tax bill does not relieve
a taxpayer from responsibility for
payment of taxes, nor from
penalty for late payment.
Please contact the Treasury
Department in regards to the
various payment options
available. Pre-authorized
payment sign up forms are
available at www.northhuron.ca
or at the Town Hall.
Donna White
Director of Finance
By MarilynCraigCall 523-9318From Marilyn’s Desk
Turning it on
North Huron reeve Neil Vincent had the honour of pulling
the switch to light up Blyth for the holiday season at the
ceremony in Memorial Hall courtyard on Saturday evening.
The weather was less than co-operative but it couldn’t
dampen the spirit of those in attendance. (Vicky Bremner photo)
A slip of the fingers put the wrong
number to the Blyth Legion last
The report from Mary Lou
Stewart published in last week’s
Citizen should have read “The
November meeting of the Royal
Canadian Legion Branch 420 was
held on Nov. 4.”
We apologize for the error.
Drop into either of our offices any
Thursday with your word classified
(maximum 20 words) and pay only
$5.00 + GST (paid in advance).
That’s $1.00 off regular rates.
The Citizen