HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-10-30, Page 19THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2008. PAGE 19. Recognition F.E. Madill Secondary School held its commencement ceremonies on Friday night. Among the local recipients were, back row, from left: Kayla Bishop, who received the George Menzies Endowment Fund; Sophie Jefferson, recipient of the ABSC Award; Laurian Topp, Oldfield Memorial Arts Scholarship; Shane Gibson, Brussels Community Development Trust Scholarship. Front: Jenny MacDonald, Morris Ward Graduate Award, and J.D. Shiell, Garniss Family Award. (Vicky Bremner photo) EMPLOYMENT OPPS. A FREE phone connection! Cheap Telephone reconnect with long dis- tance and internet options. Great rates and service - call today 1-877-336- 2274. Phone Factory. www.phone factory.ca. Sign up and save! ARE YOU LAID OFF? Government Funding Available to obtain your AZ or Heavy Equipment Certification. Call Ontario Truck Driving School Today Toll-Free 1-800-799-JOBS (5627), www.otds.com. 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A third recipient was Rob Marriott of Whitechurch. (Photo submitted) BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED