HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-10-30, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2008. PAGE 3. Don’t forget the public information meeting for the Morris- Turnberry History Committee on Thursday, Nov. 13. Come out and see what the committee is looking for in stories and pictures of Morris and Turnberry through the years. If you have a connection with Morris- Turnberry please come out and tell your story. We have two dinners coming up in the next week. Sunday, Nov. 2 Trinity Anglican Church is holding its annual beef dinner at Blyth Memorial Hall from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Adults are $12 and children under six are $6. Come out and enjoy the food and fellowship. On Saturday, Nov. 8 the stewards of Blyth United Church are holding their annual roast beef supper in thechurch assembly hall from 4:30 p.m.to 7 p.m. Adults are $12, children six- 12 are $6. Come out and enjoy thefood and fun.Nov. 2 Audibly Awesome will beguests at Blyth United Churchmorning service at 11 a.m.BLYTH UNITED CHURCHGreeting at Blyth United Churchon Anniversary Sunday, Oct. 26 were Joann MacDonald and Randy Fraser. Ushering were Joann MacDonald, Cliff Snell, Rob Mason and Terry Richmond. Guest organist was Lynda McGregor. The United Church Women will be making turkey pies Nov. 12 and beef pies on Nov. 19. This will be the last chance for pies until after the new year. As of Nov. 1 the meat pies will be $2.50 each. The UCW meeting on Nov. 27 will be a potluck dinner. Joan and Lavern Clark will show their pictures of their trip this summer to Europe. The choir favoured the congregation with the anthem, Nothing is Impossible. The Call to Worship and the Prayer of Approach were followed by the Gospel lesson from Luke 15: 11-32. The children were asked tocome to the front and Rev. GaryClark explained the scripture to themof the Prodigal Son, telling them thateven if they do something wrongtheir parents and God still love them.The song, All I Really Need wassung. The children went downstairsfor their time of fellowship.The second scripture lesson Luke 15: 1-7, was followed by the singing of the hymn, Tell Me The Stories of Jesus. Rev. Clark’s message to the adults was, Our Family History Includes Us Today. The tax collectors were hated because they charged people unfairly and were thieves. The Pharisees and scribes were upset with Jesus for talking to the sinners. Jesus tells them the parable of the lost sheep and the Prodigal Son. The son takes his inheritance and spends it all. The only job he can find is feeding the hogs for someone. He is very hungry and decides to go home and ask his father for a job. Instead of being angry at his son, the father welcomed him with open arms.This is the same with God, saidRev. Clark. If we do somethingwrong God still loves us and caresfor us. Cheryl Cronin and Avon Corneilfavoured the congregation with aduet, Whispering Hope.Sunday evening, Oct. 26 was thecovenanting service for Rev. Clark.Those taking part included Flo Cartwright, chair of the Huron Perth Presbytery. Gwen Nichol- MacDonald spoke of the achievements of Blyth United and of Rev. Clark as they have been in training at the same time. MacKenzie Chalmers danced her impression of The Lord’s Prayer. The choir favoured the congregation with an anthem. The Elements were presented to Rev. Clark by members of the congregation. Sadie Chalmers sang a solo with everyone joining in the chorus. Everyone was invited downstairs for lunch and fellowship. Door-to-door It was apple day in the Blyth area as local Scouting groups carried on their annual fundraiser Saturday morning. 12-15 youngsters from Beavers to Venturers hit the streets. Ella Ives purchases a shiny apple from Beaver Grace Caldwell. (Vicky Bremner photo) TOWNSHIP OF NORTH HURON BLYTH WARD NOTICE ALL NIGHT STREET PARKING Due to municipal snow removal operations, the parking of cars on Blyth streets and municipal parking lots during the winter months (November 1 to May 1) will be strictly prohibited. All vehicles must be removed from Blyth streets and roadways of the municipality, between the hours of 2:00 am and 7:00 am. Violators will be prosecuted or will be required to bear the cost of having their vehicle towed away. The owner of any such parked vehicle will be liable for any damage to the said vehicle or to snowplow equipment. and Section 181 of the Highway Traffic Act states: “No person shall deposit snow or ice on a roadway without permission in writing so to do from the Ministry or the road authority responsible for the maintenance of the road.” The fine for violation of Section 181 is $110.00. Kriss Snell, Clerk Car Oiling at Lee's Service Centre Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 1 pm - 8 pm; Fri. 1 pm - 6 pm; Sat. 8 am - 12 noon (Weather permitting) 348 Dinsley St. E., Blyth 519-523-9151 We use Hot, Acid Free, New Oil CARS & LIGHT TRUCKS Trunk Lid Inner Fenders Doors & Door Panels Dog LegsUnderside Inner Fenders Hood New Winter Hours beginning November 3 Monday - Thursday ~ 6:30- 4:00 Friday & Saturday ~ 6:30 - 8:00 Sunday ~ 6:30 - 2:00 Corner of King & Queen Streets, Blyth 519-523-9590 By MarilynCraigCall 523-9318From Marilyn’s Desk NEWS FROM BLYTH Annual Fall Supper Saturday, November 8 4:30 - 7:00 pm Blyth United Church Adults: $12.00, children (6-12) $6.00, under 6 free Tickets available from any steward or call Brenda 519-523-4503, Rob 519-523-9157 or the church 519-523-4224. Sunday, November 2 Blyth Memorial Community Hall 4:30 pm ~ 6:30 pm Adults: $12 Children: (6-12) $6 Children 5 and under: FREE Roast Beef Supper Sponsored by Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth Tickets available by calling Olwen Richmond at 519-523-9564