HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-10-23, Page 2PAGE 2. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2008.Brussels United Church Women met at Maple Villa on Oct. 7 with 11 members present. Contact person Nelva Scott opened the meeting with the UCW Purpose. She led with a call to worship. Isabelle Wheeler read the scripture, followed by the hymn Jesus Love Me. Rene Richmond gave a report on church activities from the board of stewards meeting, Lions dinner on Oct. 14 and roast beef supper on Oct. 19. The stewards are planning a Haunted House Family event at the church Oct. 23, 24 and 25. The UCW fall rally is in Clinton on Oct. 21. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Joan Bernard. Mrs. Wheeler gave the financial report. Mrs. Richmond then spoke on her trip to Austria, Germany and the World Plowing Match. The next meeting will be Nov. 6 at Maple Villa. Mrs. Scott closed with a new UCW prayer. Down on main street Visitors and residents alike got some information on Brussels historic downtown on a tour led by architect John Rutledge as part of Doors Open Haunted Huron this past weekend. (Vicky Bremner photo) NEWS FROM BRUSSELS TThhee 55RR’’ss CCoommmmuunniittyy TThhrriifftt SShhoopp 17th Annual Meeting Thursday, November 6, 2008 BBRRUUSSSSEELLSS UUNNIITTEEDD CCHHUURRCCHH 77::3300 BBuussiinneessss MMeeeettiinngg PPoottlluucckk ssuuppppeerr aatt 66::3300 Agenda: • Report of activities of 5R’s financial statement and report of auditors • Appointment of auditors for current year • Election of directors • Revision of Bylaws • Transaction of any business either special or general, pertinent to the membership Only paid members are eligible to vote Thank you to our members and patrons for another year in business Everyone is welcome at this meeting Brussels Haunted Church Beware & Be Scared!! United Church in Brussels one block from downtown towards river WED., THURS., FRI., OCT. 22, 23, 24 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm & SAT. OCT. 25 1:00 pm - 4 pm WARNING SOME SCENES ARE VERY SCARY For small children ask us about our friendly tour. Contact info: Charles Corbett 519-887-8013 or 519-887-6598 Halloween Dance Brussels, Morris & Grey Community Centre Saturday, October 25 9 pm to 1 am Live band ~ Monkey Finger Tickets $15.00/couple at the door Purposeopensmeeting October is in her glory – sun, rain, wind, frost and even a few wee white things. On the days that the sun shines and the temperature warms, it feels like a gift received – a whole beautiful day to enjoy. The diversity of the changing seasons has got to be one of the best things about Huron County. The college and university crew are getting into their new routines – new places, new lessons, new people, new spaces all in the name of growing up and becoming the person you want to become. The high school crew from F.E. Madill will be celebrating on Friday night, each one returning to see friends and be recognized for the role they have played in the school life in the past years. Hard work and team spirit, loyalty and enthusiasm, friendship and caring, as well as the effort it takes to pass out of high school, will all be celebrated with former classmates. Well done all. With the nice weather on the weekend the leaves were being moved about with glee in our neighbourhood. By the bag, row or truckload, the leaves were off to places unknown. The fall season is now becoming one that is getting decorated. It’s a nice letdown from all the colours of summer to see the bales and vines, lights and flowers and pumpkins making a little spot of beauty on many lawns and porches. Don’t forget to go to the United Church this week – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evening 7 - 10 p.m. and again on Saturday afternoon. The thrill of Halloween is there, and it’s ready to celebrate the strangeness of Halloween. Lots of props and effort are being made to give you a wee jolt. So don’t be afraid, come along. If all goes well candy apples and carmel corn will be available for added tooth decay. Enjoy the week. Bye now, Betty G.W. By Betty Graber Watson Call 887-6236 887-9231 A NOTE FROM BETTY By Jasmin Roth On Saturday, Oct. 4, the Grey Twp. 4-H club started up again with a new Club called, Home for the Holidays. The leader, Tracey Swart welcomed two new people to the club. This meeting was about how to set up this club and what would be done at each meeting. After a snack of juice and cookies the club name Grey Twp. 4-H Christmas Crew, was chosen. It was a sunny day when the 4-H Christmas Crew got together and got busy on Saturday, Oct. 18. They built Christmas trees out of grapevine and tomato cages. They worked in groups because it takes a lot of time, hard work, hands and especially grapevine. These projects are going to be donated to Cranbrook Hall. Christmas Crew meets Brussels Legion Craft Show and Sale Saturday, November 1 10:00 - 4:00 and Sunday, November 2 12 noon - 4:00 Bake table, crafts, preserves, knitting and more! BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED