HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-09-18, Page 13SENIORS APARTMENT FOR rent in Blyth, two bedrooms, appliances, heat, hydro, laundry and parking included. $695/month. Quiet area, 183 Drummond St. Call 519-524-7517. 37-2 -------------------------------------------- TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent on Turnberry St. in Brussels, available October 1, $400 per month plus heat and hydro. Call 519-887- 6058, leave message. 36-tfn -------------------------------------------- TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT in Blyth, $440 plus utilities. Phone 519-523-9696. 36-2p -------------------------------------------- ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent in Blyth, available Oct. 1. Phone 519-523-9500. 34-tfn TONY MCQUAIL, NDP CAM- paign Office Open, 54 King Street, Clinton. www.tonymcquail.ca 519- 482-1428, 1-866-743-7474, e-mail: info@tonymcquail.ca Volunteers welcome! 37-2 BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Come in and browse through our selection of books at The Citizen, 404 Queen St., Blyth, 519-523-4792 or 541 Turnberry St., Brussels, 519- 887-9114. tfn -------------------------------------------- REPRINTS OF PHOTOS taken by Citizen photographers are available to purchase. Many in colour. 4x6 – $4.00, 5x7 – $5.00, 8x10 – $8.00. Phone 519-523-4792 or 519-887-9114 to order. tfn HAGGITT. Mike and Christa are thrilled to announce the arrival of their first child Mia Brooke. She was born August 30, 2008 at 2:45 p.m. She weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz. Mia is the granddaughter of Gord and Susan Haggitt, Christine Workman and Brad Knight and Robert Smith.37-1 GLANVILLE. You did it! Surprise party again! Thank you to my family: Lloyd, Sharon, Teresa, Lisa and families and the Glanville and Westlake gang for a real surprise 65th birthday and retirement party at Winthrop ball park. Also thanks to friends and neighbours who came on a wonderful day. Thank you for all gifts, cards, greetings and for food and BBQ meat prepared by Roy and Karlene. It was greatly appreciated. – Mabel Glanville. 37-1 -------------------------------------------- MACLEAN/LOEWEN. Extra special thank you to Nancy Jardin, Linda Bird and Krista Melon for putting on the lovely bridal shower at the Belgrave Women’s Institute Hall. Thank you to the people for the shower gifts. They are all very greatly appreciated. – Marilyn MacLean and Ben Loewen. 37-1p -------------------------------------------- HAGGITT. Thank you to Dr. Hay, Dr. McNaught and the O.B. nurses of Stratford and Clinton Hospital for their care during our stay. A special thanks to Daddy for all your love and support. Thanks also to our family and friends for your support during our first week at home. – Christa and Mia. 37-1 -------------------------------------------- WORKMAN. The family of the late Gordon Workman wishes to express their deepest and most sincere thank you to relatives, friends and neighbours for the beautiful flowers, the cards of condolence, the donations in Gordon’s memory and for the food sent to our homes. Thank you Rev. Sandra Cable for the lovely service and to the United Church ladies for the lunch after the service. Thank you to Brussels Legion Branch 218 for the Monday evening service. Thank you to the Schimanski Family Funeral Home for the support and guidance we received. Words can never express our thanks to the staff of Huronlea for the kindness, compassion and caring given to Gordon and to our family during his time there and during his passing. Thank you. Thank you to the grandchildren for the funny and poignant stories you shared with us about your grandfather, he would have been so overwhelmed by your sentiments. – Isabel Workman, Bonnie and John Pennington, Brian and Joanne Workman, Donna and John Prtenjaca and Jacquie and Paul Gowing and families. 37-1 CAMPBELL. Thank you to all the members of Melville Presbyterian Church in Brussels and Knox Presbyterian Church in Belgrave for their support over the years and the wonderful “send off” for my retirement. It was also a pleasure to welcome so many from the community and your caring and best wishes were most appreciated. I have been truly blessed in my time in Belgrave and Brussels and I look forward to being part of these wonderful communities in the future. Again, thank you. – Cathrine Campbell. 37-1p BABYSITTER IN AUBURN HAS openings, all ages welcome. Fun crafts and activities. Healthy snacks and meals. Flexible hours. References available. Receipts given. Call Stephanie at 519-526- 1085. 36-8 ROAST PORK SUPPER, Londesborough United Church at Londesborough Hall, Saturday, Sept. 27, 5 - 7 p.m. Adults: $12, 6-12 $6, under 5 - free. Tickets: 519-482- 7585, 519-482-9812, 519-527-0349, 519-523-9021. 35-37-38p -------------------------------------------- MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN Church, Harvest Supper Barbecue, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. October 5. Adults $12, 12 and under $6, 5 and under free. For tickets call 519-887-6162 or 519-887-2664. 37-3b -------------------------------------------- ROAST BEEF DINNER AT THE Walton Hall on Sunday, September 28, served from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. Adults $10, children $5, preschool free. 37-2 -------------------------------------------- COMMUNITY EUCHRE PARTY, September 24, Blyth Legion Hall at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free with lunch provided. 37-1 -------------------------------------------- COME OUT TO GREY CENTRAL for a firefighters’ breakfast on Sunday, Oct. 5, 8 a.m. - noon. Everyone welcome. Proceeds to playground equipment. 37-3 -------------------------------------------- THE BM&G DIABETIC MEETING will be held Sept. 24 at 7:30 p.m. at Huronlea. Speaker Rebecca Blaine will explain the role of the dietitian in the Huron County Health Team and a new program coming to Brussels, “Wellness for Seniors”. Everyone welcome. For information call 519-887-6691. 37-1 -------------------------------------------- HEAR THE GODERICH Harbouraire Men’s Choir at St. John’s Anglican Church, Brussels, Sunday, Oct. 5, 7:30 p.m. Tickets $5, available from church members or at McCutcheon Motors. 37-3p -------------------------------------------- ADAMS – SHEILA IS 60. RALPH will be 65 and retire in October. Come help us celebrate on Saturday, Sept. 20 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Atwood United Church. Best wishes only. 36-2 THE COUNTDOWN CLUB IS starting again at Fellowship Bible Chapel in Londesborough. This children’s program is Thursday night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. starting September 18 and is for children SK to Grade 6. For more info call Glen and Elaine Steinson 519-482-5218. 36-2 -------------------------------------------- CPH AUXILIARY’S PENNY SALE, Anglican Parish Hall, Clinton, September 18-27. Open daily Monday to Thursday, 10-6; Fridays 10-9; Saturday, Sept. 20, 9-6; Saturday, Sept. 27 (Draw Day), 9- 12; Draws 12:30. 36-3 -------------------------------------------- CIDERFEST – SEPTEMBER 28, Van Egmond House, Egmondville, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.. Turkey pies, ropemaking, flea market, rug braiding, tea cup reading, Seaforth Girls Marching Band, face painting. Adults $2, children $1, preschool free. 36-3 CASH CROP LAND WANTED TO rent or sharecrop. Competitive rates. Good stewardship. Call Peter Heinrich, 519-523-4461. 35-4 TRUCK DRIVER WANTED FOR swine breeding stock delivery with truck and trailer. An AZ licence will be part of the requirement over time. Includes animal care and gilt breeding every third weekend. This position also includes truck-trailer trip readiness. Part-time position. Fax résumé to Vista Villa Genetics 519-345-9934 or e-mail robinsons@vistavillagenetics.com For additional information, please call Brent at 519-345-2317. 36-2 --------------------------------------------- TERRY SPROUL CONSTRUCTION requires one residential framer and one labourer. Must have some experience, 1 - 5 years and be physically fit, heavy lifting involved. Some out of town. Must have valid transportation. Phone 519-887-6185 after 7 p.m. or fax résumé anytime 519-887-6943. Previous applicants need not apply. 23-tfn THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2008. PAGE 13. Classified Advertisements – RRAATTEESS –20 words or less only $6.00. Additional words 20¢ each. 50¢ will be deducted if ad is paid in advance DEADLINE 2 p.m. Monday in Brussels 4 p.m. Monday in Blyth Phone 519-523-4792 or 519-887-9114 Articles for sale Cards of thanks Cards of thanks Coming events Coming events Coming events Farmland ccommodation for rentA BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED Auction sales Announcements Richard Lobb Auction Calendar Clinton 519-482-7898 SAT., SEPT. 27 AT 10:30 AM: Annual Auction Sale - snowplow trucks, industrial loaders, backhoe, pickup trucks, ambulances, street sweepers, JD diesel front mount riding mower, one ton trucks, snowblower, pole trailer, many related items. See www.huronhighways.blogspot.com for full updated listing and colour pictures and terms and conditions of sale or call Walter Johnston 519-526-7231. See www.lobbauction.on.ca SAT., OCT. 4 AT 10:00 AM: Threshing machine, old cars, old tractors and machinery, 1967 Pontiac convertible (good one) for Orrin Baird 1 1/4 miles north of Brucefield then 1 mile west on Roman Rd. Farm #39645 519-233-7551. www.lobbauction.on.ca Births Childcare Huronway Stables Open House September 20 12 noon to 4:00 pm 84483 McNaught Line Come and see our 2008 Foal Crop and preview other selections for the Specialty Quarter Horse Sale at Carson’s Sept. 27th. Call for more information 519-887-6181 days Enjoy lunch on us! ~2008~ NORTH AMERICA'S LARGEST Friday Oct. 3, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday Oct. 4, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday Oct. 5, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. ADMISSION: $12.00 3-DAY PASS $25.00 Children 12 and under FREE when accompanied by an adult PARKING INCLUDED FAIR GROUNDS FEATURING: • SEMINARS • OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES • DEMONSTRATIONS • WOODEN CRAFTS • WOODWORKING • MACHINERY & TOOLS UPPER CANADA WOODWORKING CHAMPIONSHIP! THE WOODSTOCK WOOD SHOW P.O. Box 1690, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 0A9 Phone: (519) 539-7772 or (519) 423-6722 Fax: (519) 539-1710 or (519) 423-6802 www.woodstockwoodshow.ca Belgrave Kinsmen Saturday, October 11th Meal starts after 6 pm Age of majority Licensed event Oktoberfest attire optional Bring your own stein This will be a fundraiser for a new arena floor and boards. Help wanted Please Recycle This Newspaper BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED Check out The Citizen's WEBSITE at www.northhuron.on.ca