The Citizen, 2008-09-11, Page 14Total receipts for Brussels
Livestock for the week ending Sept.
5 were 2,567 head of cattle, 691
lambs and goats.
On Tuesday fed steers and heifers
sold $1 to $2 higher on a good active
trade. Choice steers and heifers sold
$96 to $99 with sales to $110.
Second cut sold $93 to $96. Cows
sold on a steady market. On
Thursday veal sold on a strong
steady market. Lambs sold $10 to
$20 higher. Sheep and golds sold on
a steady trade. On Friday calves
were down $2 and yearlings sold
under pressure.
There were 235 steers on offer. M-
R Farms of Exeter, consigned twelve
steers averaging 1,356 lbs. selling
for an average of $95.78 with one x-
cross bred steer weighing 1,450 lbs.
selling to Norwich Packers for $110.
Ronjac Farms of Grand Valley,
consigned thirty-two steers
averaging 1,517 lbs. selling for an
average of $96.36 with one blonde
steer weighing 1,515 lbs. selling to
Dominion Meat Packers for
$100.50. Leonard Black of Proton
Station, consigned twenty-five steers
averaging 1,458 lbs. selling for an
average of $98.14 with ten cross-
bred steers averaging 1,515 lbs.
selling to Dominion Meat Packers
for $99.50. Brian Jebb of
Cookstown, consigned ten steers
averaging 1,589 lbs. selling for an
average of $96.65 with two charolais
steers averaging 1,588 lbs. selling
for $99.50.
Schmidtbrook Farms of
Woodstock, consigned thirteen
steers averaging 1,595 lbs. selling
for an average of $95.54 with two
limousin steers averaging 1,598 lbs.
selling to Dominion Meat Packers
for $99.25. Chris Smith of Brussels,
consigned seventeen steers
averaging 1,552 lbs. selling for an
average of $95.47 with one limousin
steer weighing 1,550 lbs. selling to
Dominion Meat Packers for $99.
Don Cronin of Dublin, consigned
four steers averaging 1,211 lbs.
selling for an average of $96.37 with
one black steer weighing 1,460 lbs.
selling to Dominion Meat Packers
for $98.75. Aden Brubacher of
Listowel, consigned six steers
averaging 1,503 lbs. selling for an
average of $95.63 with two cross-
bred steers averaging 1,483 lbs.
selling to Holly Park Meat Packers
for $97.50. Dale Weppler of Ayton,
consigned eight steers averaging
1,332 lbs. selling for an average of
$93.73 with three blonde steers
averaging 1,393 lbs. selling for $97.
Libero Franco of Grand Valley,
consigned ten steers averaging 1,124
lbs. selling for an average of $92.40
with eight charolais steers averaging
1,154 lbs. selling for $94.
There were 157 heifers on offer.
Jim Thompson of Ailsa Craig,
consigned twenty-five heifers
averaging 1,376 lbs. selling for an
average of $96.76 with one black
heifer weighing 1,255 lbs. selling to
Dominion Meat Packers for $101.
Murray Robert Taylor of Hensall,
consigned three heifers averaging
1,230 lbs. selling for an average of
$98.43 with one limousin heifer
weighing 1,245 lbs. selling to
Dominion Meat Packers for $99. Bill
Frank of Listowel, consigned eight
heifers averaging 1,308 lbs. selling
for an average of $97.80 with one
limousin heifer weighing 1,282 lbs.
selling to Dominion Meat Packers
for $99. K & A Farms of Wroxeter,
consigned five heifers averaging
1,141 lbs. selling for an average of
$95.89 with three mixed heifers
averaging 1,138 lbs. selling to
Norwich Meat Packers for $98.
Arthur and George Hinz of
Monkton, consigned five blonde
heifers averaging 1,334 lbs. selling
for an average of $95.87 with one
blonde heifer weighing 1,355 lbs.
selling for $97.75. Connell Farms of
Palmerston, consigned forty-two
heifers averaging 1,269 lbs. selling
for an average of $96.14 with nine
red heifers averaging 1,227 lbs.
selling for $97. Roy McCulloch of
Allenford, consigned three heifers
averaging 1,417 lbs. selling for an
average of $95.58 with two mixed
heifers averaging 1,265 lbs. selling
for $97. Burton Hayes of
Kincardine, consigned five heifers
averaging 1,179 lbs. selling for an
average of $88.42 with four black
heifers averaging 1,153 lbs. selling
for $95.50. David Bowles of
Brussels, consigned five heifers
averaging 1,330 lbs. selling for an
average of $94.91 with four cross-
bred heifers averaging 1,355 lbs.
selling for $95.
There were 159 cows on offer.
Beef cows sold $50 to $60 with sales
to $68.50; D1 and D2, $38 to $50;
D3, $28 to $38. Hilda Veenstra of
Clinton, consigned two cows
averaging, 1480 lbs. selling on an
average of $66.02 with one holstein
cow weighing 1,330 lbs. selling for
$68.50. Wayne Phillips of Lucknow,
consigned two charolais cows
averaging 1,798 lbs. selling for an
average of $64.62 with one charolais
AgricultureBrussels Livestock reportFed steers, heifers sell higher PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2008.
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Fed Cattle, Bulls & Cows
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4-H Show & Sale
Mon., Oct. 20, Nov. 10 & 24 - 10 am
Vaccinated Calves & Yearlings
Sat., Nov. 1 - 11 am
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- cows need to be here by 9 am
Fri., Oct. 31 - 1:00 pm
Hereford Sale
Fri., Nov. 14 - 1:00 pm
Angus Sale
Thurs. Dec. 4, 11, 18 - 11:30 am
Christmas Lamb & Goat Sale
Continued on page 7