HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-06-19, Page 14On June 9, the eight members ofthe Walkerburn Club met at thehome of Dorothy Schneider.Deanna Snell opened the meetingwith readings, ChiropractorFairytale and My Dad’s Faster,followed by prayer.Betty Archambault read theminutes of the last meeting. The rollcall was answered with householdremedies. Ila Cunningham gave thetreasurer’s report.The club will be making donations to Ball’s Cemetery and Hope Chapel Cemetery. Deanna Snell and Ila Cunningham had attended the sneak preview for the Quilts for Cancer in Stratford and Deanna gave a report. The September meeting will be Sept. 15 at the home of Betty Archambault. Bernice Norman will provide the lunch and Dorothy Schneider will provide the program. Further plans were made for a 60thanniversary celebration.There is a community picnic to beheld on June 22 at 1 p.m. atManchester Riverside Park, Auburn.Everyone is to bring food forpotluck, as well as drinks and their own dishes. Present and past members of the community are invited. Quilt blocks were handed in and some members selected material to make more. Eileen McClinchey told of a river cruise on the Grand that they had taken on Saturday. It sounded like a very interesting time. Dorothy served a delicious lunch and a social time was held. PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2008. On Monday evening, June 9 there was a garden tour at Klaus and Rhea Seeger’s home. Their grounds are amazing. Lunch was provided. At Knox United Church on Father’s Day Sunday, June 15 the message was entitled Fatherhood is About Caring. Ian O’Neill shared his ministry with the congregation. The scripture readings were Genesis 1: 26 – Genesis 2: 4 and 1 John 3: 1-3. A Huron Chapel Evangelical, Pastor Dave Wood’s message was A Father’s Thoughts. The congregation was encouraged to live the life that God intended. The scripture was Jeremiah 29: 11. Close one Tow truck operator Bill Burkholder was called out to pick up a vehicle following a collision at Baseline Road and Londesboro Road. The car was totalled, but the driver fortunately escaped injury. (Vicky Bremner photo) D. Schneider hosts Walkerburn BUSINESS OPPS. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO OWN YOUR OWN PET FOOD BUSINESS, turnkey for under $10K. For more infor- mation Call Julie Mutch Toll-Free 1-877- 738-3287 Ext. 217 or (604) 518-7706, www.ripleesranch.com. DISCOVER YOUR FUTURE, Join Canada's only mobile fleet rust control franchise. Low investment, no royalties, exceptional earning power, full training & support. Toll-Free 1-866-787-8645 or 905-667-8595, www.profleetcare.com. GREAT CLIPS FOR HAIR - #1 haircare brand and top 20 franchise company. Recession-resistant, manager-run, cash business. 2,700+ salons in North America. www.greatclipsfranchise.ca or 1-800-947-1143. LOW INVESTMENT / HIGH RETURN. Part-time/Full-time. 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