HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-06-19, Page 3THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 2008. PAGE 3. Blyth Farmers’ Market will open for its fifth season, Saturday afternoon. The market is held on Dinsley Street West and will run from 1-4:30 p.m. each Saturday until Sept. 6. For the second year the market there will be one booth dedicated to fundraising for local community groups. Featured Saturday will be the Londesborough United Church. As well, to encourage young entrepreneurs, the market association will donate one free booth per week to a young entrepreneur 18 or younger. The market grew out of a successful one-day experiment in August 2003. Favourite vendors of regular market shoppers including Noah Stutzman (vegetables and baking) and Steele Wool Farms (lamb and woolen products) will be back for the season. The market is still seeking new vendors and anyone interested can call Keith Roulston at 523-4792 (days) or 523-9636 (evenings and weekends). Gwen Papple is a patient in Wingham hospital. We hope she will soon be home. Adeline Campbell is a patient in Victoria hospital, London where she underwent surgery and is doing well. We hope she will soon be home. Bill Campbell is recovering at home after knee surgery. A belated happy birthday to Carson Bromley of Belgrave who celebrated June 11. John Wesselink celebrated his birthday on June 14. Happy birthday to Karen Glousher and to Jim Taylor who celebrate on June 20. Happy birthday to Bodie Craig who will celebrate on June 22 and to Quinton Hakkers who will celebrate on June 24. Happy birthday to Jim Mason who will celebrate his 80th birthday. Blyth Swinging Seniors will meet Wednesday, June 25 at the Anglican Church Hall for a potluck lunch at noon. This is the last meeting until September. Come out and enjoy the fun and fellowship. Ninety members of the Mason family gathered together on Sunday, June 15 for their annual reunion at the Belgrave Kinsmen Park. One of the highlights of the day was to help Jim Mason celebrate his 80th birthday. BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Greeting at Blyth United Church on Sunday, June 15 were Joann MacDonald and Randy Fraser. Ushering were David Onn and Randy Fraser. Amanda Swartzentruber was pianist. Guest speaker was Bruce Whitmore. Flowers at the front were placed in memory of fathers by their families. The first hymn was, Come, Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love. The children’s hymn was This is God’s Wondrous World. The children’s story was about a little boy who rode his bicycle down the path from the house to the orchard. One day his mother and father were making a rock garden and left a rock in the middle of the path. The little boy didn’t know how he was going to get around it. His father came along and together they rolled the stone to where his parents were making the rock garden. Mr. Whitmore read a poem about fathers. Everyone sang The Lord’s Prayer. The choir anthem was How Great Thou Art. The scripture reading was from Luke 15: 11-24. The hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness was sung. Mr. Whitmore’s message to the adults was God’s Stand-In. He told the story of a teacher asking the children if they knew what God’s first name was. One little boy piped up and said Art. The teacher asked how he came up with that. The little boy replied, “Our Father who Art.” Mr. Whitmore told the story of the prodigal son returning to his father. God is like that father always willing to take people back. God gives unconditional love. Ann Landers said it best, he said, When young dads can do anything. With teens, Dad doesn’t know so much but when people get older again their dad becomes very wise. Day of discovery About 55 4-H members, between the ages of 10 and 12, from clubs in Grey, Bruce, Huron and Perth Counties attended the Ontario Cattlemen’s Association-sponsored Discovery Days at the Blyth Community Centre on Saturday. Activities included a tug-of-war, a cart ride through the grounds on a miniature horse-drawn cart and some parachute play. The topic of the day was the wild west, so attendees were encouraged to dress up in their best western clothes. They were also given t-shirts, which they decorated along with cowboy hats and bandannas. There were also western-themed activities, such as line dancing. (Vicky Bremner photo) CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF NORTH HURON TAXES DUE The 2nd tax installment for the Township of North Huron is due on Friday, June 27, 2008. Interest at 1 1/4% per month, or any part thereof will be charged on unpaid accounts as of June 28, 2008 and the first day of each month thereafter. NOTE: Persons who have acquired properties and have not received a tax bill should contact the Municipal Office. Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve a taxpayer from responsibility for payment of taxes, nor from penalty for late payment. Please contact the Treasury Department in regards to the various payment options available. Pre-authorized payment sign up forms are available at www.northhuron.ca or at the Town Hall. Donna White Director of Finance By MarilynCraigCall 523-9318From Marilyn’s Desk NEWS FROM BLYTH BBllyytthh AArreeaa FFaarrmmeerrss'' MMaarrkkeett Every Saturday 1:00 - 4:30 pm until September 6 Fresh fruits & vegetables, home baking, jams, jellies, pickles, maple syrup, meat products Corner of Queen & Dinsley Streets Vendors wanted call 519-523-4792 or 519-523-9636 Hurry in while selection & quality are excellent! Jack & Sylvia Nonkes RR #1 Auburn 83189 Scott Line 519-523-9456 Open Mon.-Wed. 9 to 6; Thurs. - Sat. 9 to 8; Closed Sundays Come buy direct from the grower Annuals ~ flats of 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . $999 10" Hanging Baskets . . . . . . . . . 3/$3500 All our 4" potted geraniums, begonias, etc. on sale Farmers’ Market returns Stick With the Classifieds. IIIIffff yyyyoooouuuu’’’’rrrreeee sssshhhhooooppppppppiiii nnnngggg ffffoooorrrr ssssoooommmmeeeetttthhhhiiii nnnngggg ssssppppeeeecccciiii aaaallll ,,,,kkkkeeeeeeeepppp llll ooooooookkkkiiii nnnngggg iiii nnnn tttthhhheeee CCCCllll aaaassssssssiiii ffffiiii eeeeddddssss....EEEEvvvveeeerrrryyyy wwwweeeeeeeekkkk,,,,yyyyoooouuuu’’’’llll llll ffffiiii nnnndddd aaaa ggggrrrreeeeaaaatttt sssseeeellll eeeeccccttttiiii oooonnnn ooooffff llll iiii ssssttttiiii nnnnggggssss ffffoooorrrr eeeevvvveeeerrrryyyytttthhhhiiii nnnngggg ffffrrrroooommmm aaaappppaaaarrrrttttmmmmeeeennnnttttssss ffffoooorrrr rrrreeeennnntttt ttttoooo tttthhhhiiii nnnnggggssss ttttoooo bbbbuuuuyyyy aaaannnndddd sssseeeeeeee.... The Citizen BUY? SELL? TRY CLASSIFIED