HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-03-27, Page 18Hoping everyone had a happy Easter and had a chance to get together with family. Some gathered on Good Friday, like Marilyn McDonald’s family, some on Saturday like the Ian Wilbee family which includ- ed Kevin and Mark Wilbee from Ottawa. Many gathered on Easter Sunday like the Lavern Godkin family and the Murray Dennis family. My family gathered at my mother’s home in Mitchell Sundayand we brought her out of thehospital for the afternoon anddinner. After seven weeks inhospital, seeing home was nice andhaving home-cooked food wasgreat.George Langlois is still a patientin Stratford. He and my mom havemet and she visits him often. Heseems to think I’m just like my mom! George was out for Easter dinner on Saturday in Stratford, then again on Sunday in Clinton at his daughter Susan’s. Keep up the good work George! Anna Cunningham is going to have respite care at Caressant Care in Listowel, then she too will hopefully be home. I believe Leona Snyder is still in Seaforth hospital but Jean David- son was suppose to be getting home. We hope both ladies are doingwell.The B-W Trailblazers had theiryear-end meeting and meal at theWalton Hall on Wednesday evening.There were nearly 40 in attendanceto enjoy the roast beef dinnerprovided by the group of hall boardwomen: Judy Lee, Judy Emmrich,Barb Durrell and Jo-AnnMcDonald. Nick Durrell helped with set up and dishes. The ladies of Duff’s United Church were also busy cooking this week. They served a roast beef dinner in Seaforth at the Agriplex for nearly 50. An agricultural forum arranged by Huron East Mayor Joe Seili was for discus- sion on farming issues, commodities and solutions for Huron County. Special guests included the federal agricultural critic Wayne Ester, as well as MP Paul Steckle, Greg McClinchey and Joe Seili.Congratulations to Larry andCarol Blake who celebrated their40th wedding anniversary on theweekend. They used to live on theWalton Road and now live inWinthrop.Celebrating a special birthdaywas Elliott Hackwell on theweekend. He was the dinner guestof Howard and Audrey Hack- well for his 80th birthday celebration. Also in attendance were Dean and Kelly Hackwell and Pamela Hackwell. Happy birthday Elliott. Celebrating birthdays this past week were John Gillis, Kennedy Ann Huether, Cathy Regele, Brandi Williamson, Randy Linton, Dave Watson, Kerissa Eckert, John Van Vliet, Ashley Hoegy, Ken Dalton, Andrea Gingerich, Becky Laverty, Ben Finlayson and Janet Bachert. PAGE 18. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2008. Greeting at Duff’s United Church Easter service was Judy Emmrich. Organist Glenda Morrison was joined by Marie McGavin at the piano for the opening introit. A duet entitled Once Upon a Tree was sung by Patty Banks and Gloria Wilbee. Ryan Baan presented the minute for missions entitled Getting to Know How Others See Us. It was a true story about a white man in a Chinese church who was later recognized on the street, not as a white man, but as a Christian. It was a story that points out that it is not about how we look but how we act that matters. Rev. Sandra Yule invited the children to tell if the Easter bunny had been at their homes and what they received. Clothes, toys and candy were popular answers. Rev. Sandra said the Easter bunny had left a few treats at her house too, with a note saying she should share them with the children of Duff’s United Church, which she did. The members of the communi- cants class assisted Rev. Sandra with communion. The choir presented an uplifting anthem entitled Hallelujah, We Shall Rise. Rev. Sandra’s reflection was entitled The Risen Christ. As the story of Easter Sunday is taken from the scriptures and Jesus is not found in the tomb, we are told that Jesus is not among the dead but can be found among the living. As it was then it is now, that Jesus is here today, with us, guiding us. We are to remember that God is with us and gives us the strength to get through difficult times and for us to face the future. The story of Easter is a story of Hope, and that each day brings a renewal of life and a promise of hope. We are an Easter people. The offering was collected by John Gillis and Neil McGavin. The United Church Women’s meeting next week will feature guest speaker, Shirley Koch from Riverside Nursery. Her topic is hostas. It is also toonies for friend- ship month. Please bring a friend. Family activity night is this Saturday night and the group will be bowling in Seaforth. Bowling begins at 7 p.m. Put your thinking caps on for the peel, paint and plaster live and silent auction that is being held on April 12. Donated items are to be brought to the church by this weekend or the list of perishable items (baking), or donations of services, meals, cottages, lawn cutting, cleaning, dinner parties, desserts, tickets or whatever your talent is, so the preparation work can be done. Proceeds from the auction will be going towards the fixing and painting of the sanctuary walls. The foodbanks of the area are in need of donations to help those in need. They suggest lunch box items such as granola bars, fruit and pudding cups, juice boxes, cheese and crackers, as well as oatmeal, dry cereal, juice, ketchup, soups, pastas and sauce. Any non-perishable items are welcome. NEWS FROM WALTON By Jo-AnnMcDonaldCall 887-6570PEOPLE AROUNDWALTON Duff’s minister’s home a stop for Easter Bunny The Walton Women’s Institute met at the home of Ruth Axtman on Wednesday afternoon. The half dozen women covered their usual business including granting a donation to the Brussels Agricultural Society. They also discussed the upcoming year and installation in April. They saw slides of Ruth and husband Jim’s trip to South America. They were away 28 days and had guided tours of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Peru. It was a very interesting trip and slides. The ladies enjoyed home- made hot-cross buns for lunch provided by Ruth and Marion Godkin. R. Axtmann hosts Walton WI Submitted by Kim Hammermueller Grey Central Public School is rising to the challenge that author Chris Robertson gave the students in his presentation To the Top when he visited the school on Tuesday, March 18. Chris Robertson asked every student what they could do to make Canada a better place as well as their school a better place. The students are embarking on a fantastic read-a-thon to meet his challenge. They were encouraged to read a minimum of 20 minutes per day for 14 days starting March 20 until April 2. The students will also be collecting pledges. The money raised will be split between the students taking home books they pick out and putting books in the library and individual classrooms. The students of Grey are hoping to meet their goals of reading 60,000 minutes and a total of $4,000 in pledges. Grey Central PS news Students rise to the challenge It looks as if the county budget will increase by five per cent. County councillors approved the recommendation at committee of the whole last week with final approval to be made at the April county council meeting. Warden John Bezaire of Central Huron said the final figure came down to a grant and how much would come out of reserves. How much of the Municipal Infrastructure Investment Initiative (MIII), the county receives should be known by the end of the month, said Bezaire. “We were looking at over $4 million from reserves, but if the grant comes in it will be $3 million.” Taking out $1.8 million for the Gorrie bridge construction from this year’s budget helped to bring the increase to five per cent, said Bezaire. County council to consider 5% increase for 2008 By Bonnie Gropp The Citizen NOTICE TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL HURON Interim Tax Bills first installment is due March 31st, 2008. If you wish to use the monthly pre-authorized payment plan, please contact the Municipal Office prior to December 31st, 2008 for the 2009 taxation year. PUBLIC NOTICE Re: 2008 COUNTY OF HURON BUDGET The 2008 County of Huron Budget will be presented for deliberation at Huron County Council on Wednesday, April 2, 2008 at 9:00 a.m., Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. Barbara A. Leamen County Clerk The Corporation of the County of Huron 1 Court House Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 (519) 524-8394 "BABY AND I PROGRAM" CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL April 2008, 10:00 - 11:30 CONFERENCE ROOM 2nd Floor WHEN ATTENDING FOR THE FIRST TIME PLEASE REGISTER IN ADMITTING PROGRAM TOPICS: Wednesday, April 2 - Doula Services “Their Role” Speaker - Melanie Siebert (Certified Labour Doula) Wednesday, April 9 - Pets & Your Newborn Wednesday, April 16 - CANCELLED Wednesday, April 23 - Romance After Baby Wednesday, April 30 - Baby Sense Speaker - Pat Knutson (Speech Pathologist) For more info call Veronica Farquhar - 519-482-3440 Ext. 6304