HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2008-03-27, Page 14Continued from page 9Leona Armstrong made a motion todonate $25 for the cause.A $50 donation will be made tothe family who had a fire in Waltonlast week.A meeting will be held on March28 at 10 a.m. at Leona Armstrong’s to organize next year’s agenda. Convenor’s Lucy Hesse andBonnie Lindsay spoke on preparingan emergency kit. Membersdiscussed what they thought shouldbe put into it. Items such as water,candles, matches, flashlights andblankets were answered. Mrs. Hesse said there should also be medications, extension cord, energy bars, canned food, manualcan opener, crank radio, whistle,garbage bags, barbecue or campstove, toilet paper and first aid kit.Change the medications, etc. at leastevery six months. Also keep this kitin a closet near an exit door since itmight not be possible to get to the basement if it were flooded. Remember to include 2L of waterfor each person per day for drinking,cooking and basic cleaning forhygiene. Supplies for at least 72hours should be in this kit. Havemembers know where they shouldmeet if a disaster should occur.Following their talk, the convenors passed out emergency kit books. Mrs. Hesse conducted a surpriseauction.Happy Birthday was sung to LucyHesse and Bonnie Lindsay. BonnieLindsay won a plant for having thebirthday closest to St. Patrick’s Day.The next month’s meeting will bepotluck at noon on April 9 in the Brussels Library. PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2008.Majestic WI learns about emergency preparedness A-Z DRIVERS WANTED 8 AZ DRIVERS NEEDED NOW! Due to an increase in Maritime Freight, we need Ontario based drivers to do Weekly Eastern Canada runs. Must have 2 years experience and be U.S.Qualified. We also have a limited number of Ontario to BC TEAM trucks available. Call 7 days per week Toll- Free 1-888-213-3375 ext.6. www.transportjobs.net. AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. 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